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The objective of this experiment is to become familiar with some of the electrical instruments, to learn
how to make basic electrical measurement and to gain experience by wiring a simple electrical circuit.
This experiment will give us a better understanding of Ohm’s law and the relationship between
current and voltage.


From this experiment, we will learn how to read the resistor colour code to get the nominal values of
the resistance and check their tolerance with their measured values. Then we will examine the
characteristics of DC voltage sources by plotting a graph of output voltage as a function of current and
will find out the behaviour of the voltage source. At last, we will find out the resistance of the
voltmeter and the effects of it in the circuit when we take a measurement.

To properly understand this experiment, it is necessary to know the basic theory of Ohm’s law.

Ohm's Law states that the current through two points on a conductor is directly proportional to the
potential difference across the two points and inversely proportional to the resistance between them.


V is the voltage drop of the resistor, measured in Volts (V).

I is the electrical current flowing through the resistor, measured in Amperes (A)

R is the resistance of the resistor, measured in Ohms (Ω)

Part 1 Resistance measurement

To measure the resistance value, the DMM is set to the ohms range and measure the resistance of all 8
resistors in the circuit and calculated nominal values of all resistors by using colour codes and
compare the tolerance of each resistors.

1.1 Result

The following table is the record of all measured resistance value along with the nominal
values and the tolerance of each resistor.

Measured Coded Tolerance

Resistance Resistance
Ra 3360 KΩ 3300KΩ 1%
Rb 984 KΩ 1000KΩ 1%
Rc 217KΩ 220KΩ 1%
Rd . 996KΩ 1KΩ 1%
R1 .267 KΩ .27KΩ 1%
R2 .676KΩ .67KΩ 1%
R3 1.492KΩ 1.5KΩ 1%
R4 3.88KΩ 3.9KΩ 1%

Comments and observations

From this experiment, we can see that the tolerance of each resistor is only 1% that means the
resistors own resistive value is almost very close to the measured value which is practical.
Part2 DC Voltage Sources

In this section, power is supplied from the powered project board and the output voltage is measured
relative to the 0V (or ground) terminal. In this circuit, it can be seen that output voltage Vo depends on
the current Io according to the relationship


2.1 Result

Below table is the record of the reading Vo when connect the power supply voltage Vs is as
close to10.0V.

Rs Vs Vo (Vo = -IoRs + Vs )

4 0 10 10.01
3 0 10 10.03
2 0 10 10.02
1 0 10 10.01


Since there are no resistance in this circuit (Rs = 0) that’s why no voltage drop. So, when
measured Vo, we found that this is the value of Vs.

Observation and comments

From this experiment, according to the Ohm’s law, we can observe that when there will be no
resistance in the circuit there will be current flow and there will be no voltage drop and that’s
why the value of Vo is the value of power supply voltage Vs.
2.2 Result

Circuit as shown below by connecting the power supply 10V across the ends of one of the
resistors RL and calculate the current Io through the resistor by Ohm’s law.

Below table is the record of RL, oo and Vo by using the Ohm’s law.


From this table, we can see that if the resistance is very high the current flow through that
resister will be low.

Comment and observation

According to the Ohm’s law, we can justify that the current flow is inversely proportional to
the resistance.
2.3 Result

Based on the table 2.2, below graph is the plot of Vo as the function of Io


From this graph, the voltage source remains same while the current Io is increasing because
Rs = 0 and the voltage source is an ideal.

Comment and Observations

Here, the voltage source behaves as an ideal voltage source because it maintains the same
voltage source no matter what current is drawn from the source or what current flows into the

2.4 In this section we connect the circuit as shown below:


Below table is the record for Rs +RL , Vs, Vo and Io

RL Rs + RL Vo Io = Vs/( Rs + RL)
(here Rs = 1 MΩ) (here Vs = 10 V )
4 3.9 4.9 8.02 2.04
3 1.5 2.5 6.04 4
2 .67 1.67 4.07 5.96
1 .27 2.13 7.87

Based on the table 2.4, below graph is the plot of Vo as the function of Io


From this graph, we can see that when we add extra resistance Rs in series with RL the voltage
drop Vo becomes smaller along with the increase of current Io.

Comment and Observations

Here, the voltage source behaves as non-ideal source because it varies with current. As more
and more current is drawn from the voltage source with a bigger load, its voltage will drop

2.5 From the slope and intercept of the graph of 2.4 we can find Io when Vo = 0 and the Io is 10 mA.
Part 3 Instrument Loading Effects

In this part, we will find out the large resistance Rv value of the voltmeter so that it does not load the
circuit while taking a measurement. Here we connect the circuit as shown below

3.1 Result

By using the ohm’s law, we can write the equation for the above circuit—

, so

By using DMM, we can measure V0, Vs and Rs. Then we can calculate Rv by using above
equation —

Vo = 7.56 V

Vs = 10.0 V so, Rv = 10.41MΩ

Rs = 3.36 MΩ


Since Vo is not closer to ½ Vs, that’s why Rv is not the accurate value but it is very close and
very large resistance.

Comments and observations

Since the voltmeter has very large resistance, it does not load the circuit when we take a





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