Linear Propagation and Absorption of Ion Bernstein Waves in Toroidal Geometry

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Linear propagation and absorption of ion Bernstein waves

in toroidal geometry
Alessandro Cardinali and Francesco Romanelli
Associazione EURA TOMENEA sulla Fusione, Centro Ricer&e Energia Frascati, C. P. 65, ooO44 Frascati,
Rome, Italy
(Received3 1 May 1991; accepted23 October 1991)
The ion Bernstein wave (IBW) propagation is investigatedin toroidal geometry with
particular regard for the absorption mechanismof the power along the trajectory which shows
a strong dependenceon the value of the poloidal angle at the antenna.A large power fraction
launchedby poloidally wide antennasturns out to be absorbedin the very edgeof the plasma
by electron Landau damping and no penetration of the wave up to the plasma core is allowed
exceptfor rays starting at poloidal anglesvery close to the horizontal plane. This result could
provide an explanation for the absenceof efficient core heating in some of the IBW heating

I. INTRODUCTION rameters is discussed.In Sec. IV, an analysis of the power

Central ion heating by directly launched or mode-con- deposited into the plasma as a function of the plasma and
verted ion Bernstein waves (IBW) has been extensivelyin- antenna parameters is given for several tokamak experi-
vestigatedin the last years and experiments at low power ments. Finally, Sec.V contains a summary of the results and
level ( 100-500 kW) have been successfullycarried out on the conclusions.
Alcator-C”-3 and PLp,’ tokamaks. On the contrary, the
DIII-D6 experimentsat higher power level ( 1 MW) have II. THE DISPERSION RELATION AND THE RAY
shown a peripheralabsorption of the waveand no significant EQUATIONS
central ion heating has been observed.Nonlinear theories
based on the onset of parametric decay instabilities have The full hot electrostatic dispersion relation accounts
beeninvoked for explaining such an unsuccessfulresult.6 In for Landau resonancesand finite Larmor radius effectsand
this paper,we analyzethe linear propagationand absorption it is given by the following expression:
of the IBW in a realistic tokamak plasma equilibrium. It is 2.3 2
shown that the effects of the toroidal geometry and of the 1 -l-2, --=-8,l,bi,W”“[ 1 + XoaZ(XnaI] = 0,
initial conditions (the poloidal launching angle) on the ab- k 2v2
th (I

sorption of the ray are important in order to properly de- (1)

scribe the IBW absorption in tokamaks. In toroidal geome-

try, the parallel wave vector is no longer a constantof motion where Z is the Fried-Conte function of argument
becauseof the dependenceon the poloidal angleof the equi- X = (u - n&a Vk,, u,,,a t I,, is the modilied Besselfunc-
librium magneticfield and the absorption of the wave can be ti”o”nof argument /1, = k : & a /an&, k, and k,\ are, respec-
affected,inducing a more peripheral absorption and lower- tively, the perpendicular and the parallel refraction index,
ing the rate of power depositedinto the central region of the wpa and a,, are the plasma and the cyclotron frequencies,
plasma. Similar results have been previously obtained by vtha is the thermal velocity, and cr labels the species.
Koch et 01.~and Ono et aL8 who noticed the role of the In order to solvethe ray equationsin toroidal geometry,
antennalocation in the wave absorption. it is convenient to define an appropriate ordering scheme,
Such a phenomenon can be easily understood on the The condition for the presenceof the Nth cyclotron reso-
basisof the solution of the ray-tracing equationsin toroidal nanceinside the plasma requires
systems,which is obtained in the presentpaper by using an (CO- NS1~i)/UZO(E), (2)
asymptotic form of the Hamiltonian (the Hermitian part of where E = a/R, is the inverseaspectratio, with a(& ) being
the electrostatic dispersion relation), derived by using an the minor (major) radius of the torus. Near the cyclotron
appropriateordering in the inverseaspectratio. A numerical resonance,the absorption is significant for n > 1 as far as
codethat solvesthe ray-tracing equationsusing the full elec- k,p, > 1, with pi being the ion Larmor radius, becausethe
trostatic dispersion relation has been also set up and a de- function I, is slowly decreasing for large k,p,
tailed analysisof the absorption of the ray as function of the [lnz(k,pi)-‘], while in the opposite limit k,p, 4 1,
plasma and antenna parametershas been given allowing a Z, z (k,p, ) “g 1, and the contribution of the resonanceis
comparisonwith the experimentalresults. small. Therefore we assume
The plan of the paper is the following. In Sec. II, the
Hamiltonian and the ray-tracing equations are written and k,p,dvzo(E-‘). (3)
solvedin the asymptotic limit. In Sec.III, the absorption of For the sakeof simplicity, we assumethat only theN th reso-
the ray is evaluated and the dependenceon the plasma pa- nanceis presentin the plasma.Whereasin Eq. ( I ), the elec-

504 Phys. Fluids B 4 (3), March 1992 0899-8221/92/030504-08$04.00 @ 1992 American Institute of Physics 504

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trons behaveas a cold fluid, the ion contribution can be split n, = const, (10)
into a resonant (n = N) and a nonresonant (n#N) part. where k r z k, is calculated directly from the dispersion rela-
Upon expanding the resonantand nonresonantion contribu- tion equation (4), the constants L, , L,, L, are given by
tion for large values of xni, the following simplified disper-
sion relation for the IBW branch is obtained:
= 0, (4)
r”‘k,pi (W - Nfl,i) (11)
where the first term is the vacuum contribution, the second
term is the electron response that has been retained, al- Ro
L, =-.
though formally small, because,as it will be shown later, it GT”‘p,
accountsfor the variation of the poloidal angle, and the third
term accounts for the ion response. Moreover, x is the distance in the radial variable from the
This analytical form of the ion Bernstein dispersionrela- harmonic resonancepoint normalized to the plasma radius.
tion has been compared to that full electrostatic equation In deriving Eqs. (7)-(9), the approximations 841 and
( 1)) which has been numerically solved in the complex do- m, S n,q have beenmade, which can be aposteriorijustified.
main of the perpendicular wave number and in slab geome- The second approximation yields k,, zm,/R,q and
k, z m,/r. For the sakeof simplicity, we have also assumed
try. For typical plasma parameters, we have found good
agreement except in the extreme periphery of the plasma that the resonant layer is located at the magnetic axis.
where the condition k,pi % 1 breaks down. In this part of the From Eqs. (7) and (9), a second-order differential
plasma where k,pi < 1, the ions can be treated as a cold fluid equation for 8 can be deduced:
and the dispersion relation turns out to be that of the lower- d28 + de
- =+Jfe=o, (12)
hybrid wave (LHW) : dx2 X2

1 - mif3$/m,ti2 where
k: + k; =O. (5) l/2
1 + o;/n:~ - w;Jo2 y= (L,L,)LL Mi
k&l. (13)
In the transition region [ k,p, = O( 1) 1, where the cold low- 7~“~ ( m e )
er-hybrid resonanceis localized, the LHW transforms in the As Y>>1, the variation of 0 along x is faster than the equilibri-
warm IBW, which propagatesup to the ion harmonic reso- um profile variation and, upon assuming constant V, Eq.
nance.’ Such a transition region is typically very sharp and ( 12) can be analytically solved yielding
its effect can be replaced by a discontinuity in the ray mo- =A, cos(Ylnx) +A, sin(Ylnx).
etx) (14)
mentum at the transition layer.
The dispersion relation equation (4) has been usedas a Upon using Eqs. (8) and (9)) we now obtain the solution for
Hamiltonian for the integration of the ray-tracing equations. m, and 4:
Upon introducing the usual polar coordinate (r,O,$) and the m,(x) =meo +Bo sin(Ylnx) -B, cos(Ylnx) +B,,
canonically associatedwave numbers (k,,m,,n, ), the paral- (15)
lel and perpendicular components of the wave vector k are 4(x) = 4. + de - e, 1. (16)
related to the toroidal wave numbers by the following equa-
tions: The four arbitrary constants A,, A 1, B, , B, are obtained by
asymptotically matching the solutions of Eqs. ( 14) and ( 15)
& me 4 n, with the solutions obtained in the limit m, <qn,
k,, =BT+BR -(z+s),
(k,, zn,/R -kkllo and k, z - k,,, r/R,q). In this limit, in
fact, the ray equations can be written as
k, +T-++ -(T-s), (6)
k: =k:+k;,
where B,, B, are the poloidal and toroidal component of the dm,
-= -- Roe (18)
magnetic field obtained in the limit of circular and concen- dx %-““p,x
tric magnetic surfaces,R = R, + r cos 8, and q is the safety and the following solutions for 8 and mg are easily obtained:
The equations of the geometric optics can be written as e(x) = eo - (mi/me) (p,kllo/r”2qN2)ln x,
de aH /am,
-= = -L, m,, (7)
dx dH /Jk, X

dH /dn, where 0, and m,, are the poloidal angle and wave number at
d4 -L22, (8) the antenna mouth.
dx = aH/ak, = X
If the lower-hybrid resonance layer is present in the
-= -- JH /ae =L$, plasma at low density, 0, and me0 are the values of the poloi-
dx aH /ak, X da1angle and wave number at the resonancepoint, obtained

505 Phys.Fluids8, Vol. 4, No. 3, March 1992 A. Cardinaliand F. Romanelli 505

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by integrating the ray equationsin the lower-hybrid frequen- typical of the DIII-D tokamak, which are n( 0) = 4.5 X lOI
cy domain. lo The ray equations in this limit are cmm3, T, (0) = 1.5 keV, ri (0) = 800 eV, the central den-
sity and temperatures, n(a) = 3X IO’O cme3,
T,(a) = I; (a) = 7 eV the density and temperatures at the
edge, with parabolic and parabolic square profiles, respec-
tively, for density and temperatures, E = a/R, = 0.38,
1, = 1,4 MA, and B, = 1.8 T. All of these quantities show
an oscillating behavior, in particular, 0 and 4 remain very
wherex is the radial variable normalized to the plasma radi- small everywheredemonstrating that the field is well local-
US,O,~(X)=w,i(0)[n(x)/n(O)]“2,wherewPi(O)istheion ized in front of the antenna. The behavior of n,[, when
plasmafrequency at the plasma center, and n(x) is the den- 8, = s”(dashed) and 0, = lo” (solid), shows an oscillating
sity. variation with the amplitude included between - nllo and
At the lower-hybrid resonancepoint xLH, the rhs of nljO,the value of nil at the antenna.Theseresults are obtained
both Eqs. (21) and (22) is singular becausew=:wPi(x,, ), by running the numerical ray tracing code and they agree
but it is an integrable singularity that gives the following very well with the analytical results.
result for 6 and mg :

2(rLH - a)
8,(x,,) =e,(o) + “i
x ,~~a~~in(~~~~“‘“‘“’
The absorption properties related to the propagation of
(23) the IBW are accountedfor by the anti-Hermitian part of the
dielectric function, which is essentially given by the imagi-
mi 2kllorLH(rLH - aI2 nary part of the 2 function. Considering that the ion species
m30 (XLH) = mBo (0) - - 2 are mainly involved in the linear absorption near the N th
harmonic and using the above defined ordering, we obtain
the following damping rate:
x [ (:y - [arcsin(~)“‘] (24) ki”‘=
- Lxexp - ( @iOzci r. (27)
P’ Ikll t
where rLH, nLH , nwg are the radius and the density at the Upon defining v = ,f,”k irn dr, where r is the distance from
lower-hybrid (LH) resonancelayer and at the waveguide the N th resonance,in slab geometry we have
(wg), respectively. In obtaining Eqs. (23) and (24), we
havetaken an exponential density profile and kept the safety
factor constant. Upon asymptotically matching Eqs. (14)
and (15) forx=: 1 with Eqs. (19) and (20), we can deduce ?7-‘j2R Nr
the valuesof the arbitrary constants, which are =Lerfc - , (281
2Pi ( kllPi& >
A, = so,
where in obtaining Eq. (29) we have usedthe approximation
A, = - (mi/m,)“2(pi/N)t pi = const.
B. = (mi/m,)“2(RoNq/pi)80, (25) The fraction of transmitted power at any radius in the
plasma is P( r)/Po = exp ( - 2~). On the resonancer = 0,
B, = - Rot&o.
we have ~ZZRo/pi $1, and the power will be completely ab-
By using the first of Eqs. (6) together with Eq. ( 15), the sorbedwithin the resonantlayer. This result is correct in the
solution for the parallel wave number is obtained: case of constant k,,. In toroidal geometry, k,, is no longer
constant and the quantity v must be calculated using, now,
k,,(xl = Eq. (26) for the parallel wave number. The result on the
resonancepoint r = 0 is 7 z R, #2/vpi. The value of 9 de-
+ kilo cos(vlnx), (26) duced in this casediffers from the previous (at constant k,, )
which turns out to be an oscillating function of the radius, by a factor Y, which accounts for the oscillations of k, in-
with the frequency of the oscillations increasing as the har- duced by the variation of k,, , but the resulting value of v is
monic resonanceis approached. From Eq. (26), it follows typically still larger than unity. In Fig. 2, the quantity
that the starting poloidal angle of the ray, or alternatively, n:” = (k :“c/w) vs r/a is plotted for DIII-D plasmaparam-
the poloidal angle at the lower-hybrid resonancelayer is a eters. The above calculation is related to the absorption
crucial parameter for the behavior of the parallel wave num- properties of the ion component of the plasma, which is
ber. In fact, the amplitude of the “sinus” function in Eq. mainly involved only in the vicinity of the consideredhar-
(26) is a very large quantity and also, for small launching monic resonance.
angles 0,, the magnitude of k,, can be large with conse- Owing to the strong variation of k,, along the ray also,
quenceson the linear absorption of the ray. In Figs. 1(a)- the electron component of the plasma can absorb the wave ’
1(d), we show a plot of @,d,m,, and n,\ (k,, c/o), respective- via electron Landau damping (ELD) at somepoint into the
ly, as a function of the radius r/a for plasma parameters plasma. Electron absorption becomessignificant if

506 Phys. Fluids B, Vol. 4, No. 3, March 1992 A. Cardinali and F. Romanelli 506

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40 r
0C-W - :

FIG. 1. Solution of the ray equations for

plasma parameterstypical of the DIII-D to-
kamak: n(O) =4.5x10'" -3
T,(O) = 1.5 keV, Ti(0) = *,““,v:
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 n(a) =3X10” cm-), T,(a) = T,(a) =7
r/a r/a
eV with parabolic and parabolic squarepro-
files, respectively, for density and tempera-
tures, Z, = 1.39 MA and B0 = 1.72 T, (a)
me (d
0, (b) 4, (cl m,,and (cl) nil = (k,,c/~) asa
function of the radius r/a. The value of n,, at
the antenna is equal to zero, and 0, = 5
(dashed) and 19,= lo” (solid). The dotted
line corresponds to the absorption by elec-
0 tron Landau damping.


0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
r/a r/a

@lk,l %h e < aELD 9 (29)

ny where aELDis a numerical factor ( 3 < aELD < 5). Consider-
ing now Eq. (26) for k,, , we can distinguish the following
0.06 limiting cases.If the poloidal angleof injection 8, is zero or
such that
(me/mi)“2(NB,/pi) <k/lo (30)
0,44.3x 10-27’f’2(keV)n,,o, (31)
the oscillation of k,, is dominated by the cosine. The k,,,
valuesgeneratedby the antennaare typically too low and do
not satisfy Eq. (29). We can conclude that, in this case,the
waves are not damped by the electrons. If the power spec-
d L! trum of the antenna is centered on values of k,,, z-0 and
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 19,#O or the reverseinequality holds, the oscillation of k,, is
r/a dominated by the sine function in Eq. (26). At the points
where sin( y In X) = + 1, the maximum power absorption
for the electrons is located. At thesepoints, we have
FIG. 2. The quantity n :” (k :“c/w) vs r/u for the DIII-D plasma param-
eters of Fig. 1. (32)

507 Phys. Fluids B, Vol. 4, No. 3, March 1992 A. Cardinali and F. Romanelli 507

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and substituting in Eq. (29)) a condition is obtained for sig- IV. NUMERICAL APPLICATIONS TO HEATING
nificant power absorption: EXPERIMENTS
eo>a,;l,(T,/T,)“2~=100(T;/T,)“2. (33) Our analysishas beenapplied to the IBW heating exper-
iment on the DIII-D tokamak in order to explain, within the
Therefore, for poloidal launching angles8, > lo”, a fraction
framework of the linear propagation theory, the anomalous
of the power carried by the ray would be absorbedby the
heating of the plasmaedge.To this aim, we have numerically
electronsvia ELD.
solvedthe ray-tracing equationsby using the dispersionrela-
It is evident that the absorption is localized mainly in the
points where 1k,, 1is maximum, namely for the points where tion equation ( 1) as Hamiltonian and calculated the absorp-
tion rate of the wave along the trajectory. For a correct simu-
x = exp[ - (l/2 + 20~/Y], (34) lation ofthe experimentalresults, we have followed rays that
where Y is consideredconstant and given by Eq. ( 13) and I is start at r = a for different poloidal angles and launched n,,.
a non-negativeinteger. From Eq. ( 13)) YZ=~- ‘, the number In this manner, the finite extension of the antenna and the
of maxima of the oscillation of (k,, 1increasesasQis lowered, power spectrum, mainly centered around n,, = 0, are cor-
as appearsevident in Figs. 3 (a) and 3(b), where the evolu- rectly accountedfor in the power balance.The DIII-D toka-
tion of k,, calculatedwith the numerical codeis shown versus mak uses,for the IBW experiment, an array of two toroidal
x for the samevaluesof the plasma parametersand IP = 1,4 loop-movable,Faraday-shieldedantennasinserted in a large
MA [Fig. 3(a)] and I, =0.7 MA [Fig. 3(b)]. recessedarea located between two midplane ports on the
Consequently,the condition that the first maximum oc- outer wall of the vessel.Two box structures contain the an-
curs for x < 0.5 requires tenna, which consists of a long strip of conductor 16 cm
wide. The frequency chosenis 38 MHz and the total power
coupled to the plasma is 700 kW with a central magnetic
3?/2mil m, N
(35) field g ,, ;r 1.8 T. The second ion cyclotron harmonic of the
hydrogen is placedjust behind the antennafor good coupling
efficiency, while around the magnetic axis, the 3& /2 half-
This condition, for hydrogen and N = 3, requires q > 3.3. harmonic would act for the nonlinear ion heating.12In our
It is important to notice here that the evaluation of the numerical simulation, we have used the following plasma
electron Landau damping, as done before, is related to the target typical of the DIII-D tokamak: n(0) = 4.5 X 1013
propagation of an electrostatic wave describedby the disper- cmN3, T, (0) = 1.5 keV, ri (0) = 800 eV, the central den-
sion relation equation ( 1) . The more generalelectromagnet- sity and temperatures, while n(a) = 3 x 10” cm - 3,
ic dispersionrelation in the ion Bernstein frequency domain, Te(a) = Ti(a) = 7 eV are the density and temperatures at
evenif it doesnot changethe dispersion curve of the propa- the edge, with parabolic and parabolic square profiles for
gating wave, induces a lower damping on the electrons as density and temperatures, respectively, E = a/R, = 0.38,
noticed by Ono. I1 This characteristic of the electromagnetic Ip = lb39 MA, E, = 1.72T.
dispersionrelation makesthe condition on the poloidal angle In Fig. 4, a plot of P/P, versusthe radial position r/a is
equation (23) weaker and the permissible launching angle shown for five starting poloidal angles (So = o”, 5”, lo”, 1Y,
for a good wave propagation could be enlarged. However, 20”) and n,,, = 0. Note that for n,,e = 0, the ray evolution is
for typical DIII-D plasma parameters,this electromagnetic independent of the 8, sign. In the caseof 0, = 15”and Zo”,
effect provides only small corrections. for example, all the power carried by the ray is depositedin

FIG. 3. The evolution of n,, from the nu-

merical code versus r/u for the same values
of the plasma parameters as Fig. 1 and for
ray starting at e, = 0” and (a) 2, = 1.43
MA and (b) ZP= 0.73 MA.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
rla k-la

508 Phys. Fluids B, Vol. 4, No. 3, March 1992 A. Cardinali and F. Romanelli 508

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0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
r/a r/a

FIG. 4. Ratio P/P, of the transmitted power versusthe radial position r/a FIG. 6. Absorbed power versusthe radius for - 10”< $ < IO”and n,, = 5
for five starting poloidal angles (6, = o”, 5’, lo”, 15’, 20’) and n,, = 0. The for Alcator-C parameters:a = 12.5cm, R, = 64 cm, B0 = 7.5 T, 1, = 300
plasma parametersare the sameof Fig. 1. KA, n(O) = 1.5X 10” cme3, T,(O) = 1.8 keV, T,(O) = 1 keV,
n(a) = 2.5 X 10” cm - ‘, r, (a) = r, (a) = 50 eV, and parabolic profiles.

the very edgeof the plasma (r/a ~0.9). Only for anglesclose
to 6, =: 0”can the power reach the plasmacore. coupledto the plasma) launchedby the loop antenna ( 4 cm
This behavior can be seen more explicitly in Fig. 5, wide) at 183.6MHz seemsto go directly toward the plasma
where a plot of the radius r/a, where 80% of the launched center without losing its energy at the plasma boundary.
power is absorbed,versusthe injection angle0, for nl10= 0 is Ray-tracing calculations show that, owing to the small po-
shown. The rays that start at angles - 5”< 0, < 5”couple loidal extension of the coupler (in poloidal angle degree
directly to the IBW branch and go to the plasmacenter with- - 10”< 6, < 100)and to the fact that the antenna is very
out peripheral absorptionof the power. For angles[0,/ > Y, close to the plasma boundary (see the Appendix), all the
the power carried by the rays is linearly absorbedat radial rays that start at the antenna surface are able to reach the
positions that increaseby increasing the poloidal angle of center and to depositthe energynonlinearly. In our calcula-
injection. In order to havean estimateof the Q, rangefor this tion, we have found that, for valuesof launched n,, greater
experiment,a simple calculation of the field producedby the than n,, = 5, a fraction of the power will also go to the elec-
loop antennais given in the Appendix. trons via electron Landau damping. In Fig. 6, a plot of the
As noticed in the Introduction, two heating experi- absorbedpower versusthe radius for - lo” < 0, < IO”and
ments, Alcator-C and PLT, have been successfully per- n,, = 5 is shown for the following plasmaparameterstypical
formed. Alcator-C has, for example, exhibited a strong of Alcator-C: minor radius a = 12.5 cm, major radius
amount of ion temperature(AT, ~400 eV) for the nonlinear R, = 64 cm, B,, = 7.5 T, Ip = 300 kA, central density
heating at w = 3&n /2 near the center.The power ( 100kW n(0) = 1.5~ 1014cme3, central temperaturesT,(O) = 1.8
keV and Ti (0) = 1 keV with parabolicprofiles,respectively;
the edge density and temperatures chosen are
n(a) = 2.5 X 10” cm - 3 with the resonantlower-hybrid lay-
er out of the plasma,and T, (a) = Ti (a) = 50 eV. The pow-
er depositednear r/a z 0.2 is essentiallydue to ELD. In Fig.
7, a plot of the radius r/a, which correspondsto the 40% and
80% of power depositedinto the plasma,versus0, is shown
for the sameparametersof Fig. 6. In the rangeof f3, included
between f lo”, the power can reachthe plasmacore without
peripheral absorption.
For the PLT experiment,at w = 3&,/2 the situation is
the sameas Alcator-C. The IBW antennais very compact,
its poloidal dimension is 4 cm, which corresponds to
- 3”< 0, < + 3”. The plasma parametersare a = 39 cm,
R, = 132 cm, B. = 2.5 T, I, = 500 kA, f = 30 MHz,
n(0) = 4.5~ 1013cmm3,n(a) = IO” cme3, the central and
FIG. 5. The radius r/a where 80% of the launched power is absorbedversus the edge density, respectively, with parabolic profile,
the injection angle 6, for n,, = 0. T, (0) = 2 keV, T, (a) = 100 eV, are the central and the

509 Phys. Fluids B, Vol. 4, No. 3, March 1992 A. Cardinali and F. Romanelli 509
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r/a(80% P/PO
Power abs.)



FIG. 7. The radius da, which correspondsto 40% and 80% of power de- 0.2
posited into the plasma versus 19,for the same parametersof Fig. 6.

edgeelectrontemperatureswith parabolicsquare profile and 0.8 0.9 1.0
Ti (0) = 1 keV, Ti (a) = 100eV are the central and the edge r/a
ion temperatureswith parabolic squareprofile. In Fig. 8, the
power deposited into the plasma versus r/a for 0, = o”, FIG. 9. Ratio P/P, of the transmitted power versus r/a for the ET-2M
+ I”, & 2”, * 3”,and n,, = 5 is shown.All ofthe power goes experiment: n(0) = 3~ lO”cm-” [n(a) = 2x 10” cm >I, with a para-
to the plasma center without peripheral absorption. bolic density profile, T,(O) = 2”,(O) = 500 eV [T,(a) = c.(a) = 7 eV],
The effectof the poloidal launchingangleon the absorp- with parabolic square temperature profiles, a = 35 cm, R, = 131 cm,
tion of the ray results clear in the JPT-2M13tokamak, which B,, = 1.1 T, I, = 180kA,f= 27 MHz, n,, = 5,q0 = 3, and w = 3&u/2 at
the center.
usesfor the IBW experiment a loop antennainstalled at the
obliqueport of the tokamak with an angleof 0, = 43”to the
horizontal plane. The JPT-2M experiment is characterized
by the following parameters: a = 35 cm, R, = 131 cm, central and the edge electron and ion temperatures with
B,=l.l T, I,=180 kA, f=27 MHz, ql=5, parabolic squareprofiles and w = 3&, /2 at the center.The
n(0) = 3x 10’3cm-3 [n(a) = 2~ 10” cme3], thecentral numerical simulation of the wave absorption for JFT-2M
and the edgedensity, respectively,with a parabolic profile, has shown a strong edgeabsorptionas can be seenin Fig. 9,
T,(O) = Tj(0) = 500 eV [T,(a) = c(a) = 7 eV], the whereP/P, is plotted versusr/a. All of the power is deposit-
ed on the electrons at c’azO.85. This result conlirms the
experimental observation obtained by Langmuir probes,
1.00 which observea suddenincreaseof the edgeelectron tem-
P/PO perature at the onset of the IBW pulse.13
0.96 An analysishasbeenpresentedof the wave propagation
and absorption at the ion Bernstein frequency in tokamak
0.94 plasmas.After choosingan appropriateordering in k,p,, the
ray equationshave beenanalytically solved and the power
0.92 depositedalong the trajectory has beenevaluated.A strong
dependenceof the absorptionon the poloidal angleof injec-
0.90 tion or, in turn, on the poloidal angle at the lower-hybrid
resonancelayer, if present,hasbeenfound. Numerical appli-
cations to present-dayIBW experiments have shown that,
on the DIII-D and JET-2M tokamaks, a strong electron
edgeabsorptioncan occur, while Alcator-C and PLT do not
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
exhibit such a peripheral deposition,in agreementwith the
experimental results. Therefore we can conclude that the
feature of present IBW experimentscan be understoodon
FIG. 8. Power depositedinto the plasma versusr/a for 0, = o”, f l”, f 2”,
+ 3”, and the PLT parameters: a = 39 cm, R, = 132 cm, B, = 2.5 T,
the basisof the linear propagation theory.
I, = 500 kA, f= 30 MHz, n(O) = 4.5~ lOI cm-‘, n(a) = 10” cmb3 Some indications can be provided, on the basis of this
with a parabolic density profile, T,(O) = 2 keV, T,(a) = 100 eV, analysis,in order to avoid edgeelectron absorptionin IBW
r, (0) = 1 keV, r,(a) = 100 eV with a parabolic square temperature pro- experiments. Poloidally narrow antennasare expectedto
file. give better results, but this requirementsets a limitation on

510 Phys. Fluids 8, Vol. 4, No. 3. March 1992 A. Cardinali and F. Romanelli 510

Downloaded 28 Jul 2010 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
the power injected per antenna. Operating at high q (or in where L is the half-height of the current strip of the loop
hydrogen) decreasesthe number of radial oscillations and antenna, x,, is the distance from the antenna, and A is the
the associatedelectron absorption. distance between the strips. In Fig. 10, the angle 0, (the
poloidal extension of the field) versus x,, for the antenna
parametersof DIII-D14 and Alcator-C” is shown. The stars
APPENDIX: THE ANTENNA FIELD indicate the valuesof 0, expectedfor DIII-D and Alcator-C,
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C). We can conclude that, if the plasma is very close to the
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