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Kitchen and Pastry Practical CER3045 - Standard Recipe Template

Student Name:
Name of Dish: Cream of Pumpkin, Ginger & Honey
Number of Portions: 8-10

Ingredients Unit Grams Litres

Onion (cut into small cubes) 100g

Celery (cut into small cubes) 100g

Carrots (cut into small cubes) 100g

Leeks (cut into small cubes)

Pumpkin(cut into cubes) 700g

Fresh thyme Few sprigs

Butter 100g

Flour 50g

Fresh Ginger (grated/minced) 1 tblspn

Honey 2 tblspn

Olive oil 1 tblspn

Fresh cream (as required)

Vegetable stock/water 2 litres

Bouquet Garni/ Salt & Pepper to season


1. In a large bowl/container, whisk well the honey and olive oil, and add the pumpkin
cubes and some picked thyme, incorporating well all the ingredients.
2. Place the mixture on a sheet or roasting tray and distribute evenly. Roast in a pre-
heated oven at a temp. of 175 °C, until the pumpkin have achieved a glazy roasting
colour and are tender.

Certificate Level Standard Recipe Template

3. In the meantime, cook the rest of prepared vegetables and the grated ginger in the
butter with a lid on the pan, without colour, until soft (sweating). Add the roasted
pumpkin including all the roasting juices. Mix in the flour.
4. Cook over a gentle heat for a few minutes without colouring.
5. Gradually add the hot stock/water and stir to the boil.
6. Add the bouquet garni and simmer for 45-60 minutes, skimming when necessary.
7. Remove the bouquet garni, blend well and pass firmly through a chinois.
8. Return to a clean pan, re-boil, season carefully and correct the consistency.
9. Finish with cream and garnish a with sprig of parsley/ coriander
10. Serve with buttery croûtons on the side.

Serving suggestion


Checked and verified by: _______________________ Date: ______________

Certificate Level Standard Recipe Template

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