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Why is Bali Famous for Tourism Object?

Indonesia is a large country with many islands.but, One of the famous tourism spots in Indonesia
is Bali island. Bali lays at the part east of Java. Do you know why Bali island is so famous?

There are so many reasons to come to this Island of the Gods. Bali is the best choice to visit. Bali
has beautiful landscape dominated with green luxurious terrace fields. More over Bali give
fantastic view; beautiful sunrise in Sanur and also beautiful sunset in Kuta beach, Beside the
beaches are the mountains and hills.

Beside the beautiful beach and mountains, domestic and foreign tourists also enjoy the balinese
local genius arts such as; dances, temples,and handicrafts. Most of these objects are amazing.

Like many other tourism objects, Bali also provide souvenir center which they can take home.
Most balinese people are artists. They spend their time to apply skill and imagination through
painting, carving, dancing.

What makes them more attractive is their warm welcome to tourist. Most Balinese speak English
well and also other languages. So, for the English speaking tourist, coming to this place will have
a minimum communication problem. That is why many people from all over the world come to



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