Reed Le6 Salvation

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Bea Denise A.

Loquellano Grade 12 HUMSS B-Mother Most Chaste

Religious Education

1. The human condition in Christianity is centralized on the general idea that man is made
from God’s image and likeness and in such image and likeness, man has to act likewise God
the father to live in love and establish harmonious relationships with our neighbors. The
religious traditions we have participated in and such that have evolved conditions the
responses of human beings in terms of experiences in historical, cultural, and contextual
aspects. We believe that God possesses love and treats us with fairness and so He calls us to
practice it too. As we are created in His image, an esteemed God so powerful and divine, as
mortals, we must understand the divine life and its significance to us knowing that God is
collectively the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit that cooperates fully to the foundation and
continuance of our beliefs and that God is relational, He decides with an intention through
calling us to take part in a mission. In line with this, the human condition imposes the
importance of our behavior and modes of thinking as persons that mold humanity that must
be in line with our purpose and value for love and equality. Christians in the human
condition confirm the beauty and goodness on our life here on earth including our bodies
and our spiritual self wherein it is embedded in us to anticipate the coming of God back on
earth and simultaneously the belief that life will be new and those who are sorely missed
will be raised from the dead to be in communion with God and all of us. This can be
historical as this is taught to us, cultural as we celebrate the Holy Week, and contextual as
this is supported by the Apostle’s Creed in the line,” to judge the living and the dead and His
kingdom will have no end.” The good thing about the human condition in correlation with
experiences allows us to acknowledge that we have been disconnected with God from the
past events in history and culture that has been practiced before that made us learn and
understand deeper morality and that we must act a certain way that is appropriate with God
and our religion.
2. It is in correlation to the human condition according to Kendra G. Hotz, a professor of
theology that we, as Christians, appreciate Jesus Christ as human to restore faith in
humanity for us as the image of God. As discussed that we have 2 types of sin which are the
original sin and the sins we commit from our behavior may it be a moral or a venial form of
sin. While the former is innate to us to sin brought by the historical context of Adam and
Eve, the latter is sadly from our own free will to do sin that sadly causes us to not follow the
law and the commandments God had provided. God has therefore saved me in more ways
than one as because of the original sin I bear, the human condition depicts a broken or not a
good mirror image of God which has penetrated deep unto me and others to suffer
spiritually and the unfortunate events of being a mortal. With this regard, God had saved me
through calling unto me and staying by my side. He may never be physically there and visible
within the feeble mind of a human, but He is there that has guided me through ups and
downs and has heard and fulfilled my prayers at the right time. He had saved me because,
despite our sin, He loves and forgives me and has even sacrificed and died for our sins. He is
indeed the light that grants me and others the salvation to be rekindled in His infinite
goodness. Though I may fall into temptations and selfish worldly desires, He has enlightened
my mind with the privilege to define and know what is right from wrong. Despite the rough
patch in my life, He has shown to me that it is not the end and that there is still better days
coming ahead for me and just as what my grandmother used to say, it is shown when God
still gives us the opportunity and luxury to wake up in the morning with a new day of
another chance at beginning. Even if there are many wrongs in the world, where we develop
mistrust against our fellow brothers and sisters and I, too feel the same way in which I find
there is nothing left in the world but only grievances of the dismantlement of our unity and
mankind, He saves me from knowing that there is always good that emanates within us and
other people. When my faith is wavering, He helps me build it back, and even if I run away
from Him yet, He still calls me and His arms open to receive me and although this is
imaginative, this is real and can be felt when I reflect further and admit that my life is what it
is right now because of Him and the blessings He has showered unto my life and thus, God
heals and saves.

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