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DRUG Chloramphenic ol I.

DRUG CLASS: Antibiotic

INDICATIONS Serious infections for which no other antibiotic is effective
CONTRAINDICATI ADVERSE ONS & CAUTIONS EFFECTS Contraindicated with allergy to ch
loramphenicol CNS: headache, mild depression, mental confusion
INTERACTIONS Increased serum levels and drug effects of warfarin with chloramphe
nico l Decreased hematologic response in iron salts, vitamin B12 with chloramphe
nico l
NURSING CONSIDERATIO NS 1. Culture infection before beginning therapy. 2. Do not
give this drug IM because it is ineffective. 3. Monitor hematologic data carefu
lly, especially with long-term therapy by any route of administration. 4. Reduce
dosage in patients with renal of hepatic disease. 5. Change to another antibiot
ic as soon as possible.
Use cautiously with renal failure, II. THERAPEUTIC Acute infections hepatic fail
ure, GI: nausea, ACTIONS: caused by pregnancy, vomiting, Bacteriostatic Salmonel
la lactation diarrhea effect against typhi susceptible OTHER: fever, bacteria; u
rticaria prevents cell replication III. DOSAGE: 300 mg TIV q 6 hrs ANST (-)
6. Report sore throat, tiredness, unusual bleeding or bruising, pain in the extr
emities and etc.

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