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Riou (ole. @ a (OTT ea CS JIALL Pian eke ee OL OXFORD SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE SPORT OF KINGS Detectives mst ts, her, and semenber retin “They must be interes ithe wether, peopl’ shor fowers na woman's hat box of matcensn a a's pocket They aust aden people they ma kno Shout dogs, and sheep and bores, They mast eve enw abo Koreans the Set king When Silver Ble, a famovs rcehonc, dapper, Sherlock Hes and Dr Watson go dawn hie Dartmoor tables, Silber Mls the favour for & Ii ace in weeks ine, an! ht onc, Me Rs Doping wo wi ecru i, me ind his horse There is also dead mai the eae ~ John Stray, Ser Bae’ einer Hi ee fou he hal In the md mot fr from the able. And lspesior (Gregor nsdn of he ile But he ard Mr Ron ae ting the wrong as tothe question So, says Sheik Holmes what dl happen a the sxe on Monday might? Aint a imporant, what Sida happen SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE SPORT OF KINGS Detectives mst ts, her, and semenber retin “They must be interes ithe wether, peopl’ shor fowers na woman's hat box of matcensn a a's pocket They aust aden people they ma kno Shout dogs, and sheep and bores, They mast eve enw abo Koreans the Set king When Silver Ble, a famovs rcehonc, dapper, Sherlock Hes and Dr Watson go dawn hie Dartmoor tables, Silber Mls the favour for & Ii ace in weeks ine, an! ht onc, Me Rs Doping wo wi ecru i, me ind his horse There is also dead mai the eae ~ John Stray, Ser Bae’ einer Hi ee fou he hal In the md mot fr from the able. And lspesior (Gregor nsdn of he ile But he ard Mr Ron ae ting the wrong as tothe question So, says Sheik Holmes what dl happen a the sxe on Monday might? Aint a imporant, what Sida happen ~ tine & Mystery Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings Ser rife Bt Famer Er Te Aerie tr Jer tad Cie inky Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings OXFORD sores Ata marl Nope ret CONTENTS. 1 Abort al Ser are 2 Mond ight a Rng Py 1 Jot Stor pxkts 4 Looking fora hoe 5 Adayache race 6 Hotes athe anew ‘cri iisBefore Reading ctv: While Reading ctv: Aer Reading a ' Ahorse called Silver Blaze “1 mse go down thers, Watson. Imus, said Sherlock Holmes a he breakfast able on Thursday morning “Go? Go where? Lashed, To Dartmoor 10 Kin’ Plan" ‘Ah! So thacs it” | std. “Well, everybody in the ‘country is talking about the case at King’s Plana" always know when Holmes is incest in a case. He reads al the newspapers he walks up and dowa, up and down the room, and does nor speak for hours, He did ll those things yesterday. He didnot answer any of my questions, but knew that it was the mystery at ings Pyand, ‘The movning newspapers were on the breakfast table ‘Wehat is happening at King’s Pyland? Whereis Silver ‘lar? they asked. “Who killed Jobin Straker? What are the police doing? Can they find the horse before the big, race next week? Silver Blaze was a famous racehorse, and Joba Seaker ‘washis rane One ofthe biggest horse races ofthe yeat the Wessex Cup—was next Weck, and Siler Blaze was the favourite ta win, But on Monday night at King’s Sherlock Hotes and the Sport of Kinas Abore called ver Blase Pylend two things happened. Someone killed John Sraker, and Silver Blaze disappear, was inerestd in this cae too, "Do you mes! my el, Ince" Lasked, I would very much like o come with you, "My dear Watson’ sid Holes, ‘of course you must come with me, We ean catch the ewelve clock from Paddgron, and alk about the ease the tai Two hours later we wore on the tain ro Tavistock, We ead all he midday newspapers, bu chete as nothing sew in them, "So, Watson, what do you thik about this cae? ‘Well, the newspapers say “Ah, yes. The neespapers understand nothing, One bay they say one thing, the mexe day they say another, But ‘we must Took at the case more carefully. Whar did happen on Monday night st Kings yn? And what did ot happen? That's an impoream question 00. “Do the police have any answers? Tasked "No, said Holmes. ‘On Wesneaday leters, Onc was from Mr Ros, the owner of the horse, ing hha evo and the other was from the Dartmoor police ~ an Inspector Gregory, The ask fr my help.” ‘Wednesday morning” I cried “But this is Thursday morning. Why dint you go down yesterday? tec twas an easy case. You cin’ hidew famous Shere Holmes and te Sport of Kings hots fo Dartmoor? There reno buklinss, no es. Buc was ong | thought, Where cxn you hide s horse on wrong, Watson, The cave ie now ewo days old, and nobody can find the horse ~o Sraker'ller. Sa here we aon the tes to Tavistock” “And war do you think shou i aU si ‘Well, Watson, ks lok atthe cas, Fast we have a racehorse, Silver Blaze —oaly fie years ld br already 2 winner in many big races His owner, Mr Ross, isa and rich, The racegoces ate happy 00. Silver Blaze neatly always wins his races, and so people happy mar pat bighew him co win, And when the favourite wins the race, lat af peuple make money on ther bers. But what happens when the favourite doesn’ win, Watson Whar then®™ A Tot of people lose their money, of course’ sid “And people with big bts on a different hore can make rich more mney, when that other horse wis. ‘Right, Warton! So perhaps some people are very Inecested in Saver Biase not running inthe Wessex Cop. (Of course, Me Ross and his teaver, John Steaker, know tha, and they watch the horse very caeflly. “Now, e's look at the people and the place. The teuines, John Staker ~a good man and wonderful with horses worked fo Me Ros for twelve yeas. There ate four horser in the eesining tables, and thece boys Aare called Sirer Blaze Thee fur brie ean table, Sod te by ka for sen ‘Sherlock Holes and te Sport of Kas working for Straker. One of them sits wp al night with ‘the horses, and the other feo slep i a room over the stables, We know nothing had about any ofthe boys. ‘Seraker has a wife, no children, ad lies ~ T mean, lived — ina house abour swo hundred metres fom the stables, The cown of Tavistock it two klometes tothe west, and about wa kilomesres 20 the east there is Capleton, another erining stables. ‘The owner there i Lord Backoster, andthe eine Silas Brown, Peete js the ills of Dartmoor. istened carefully. L wanted remember ical] because other hoes Holmes does neti o say anychingewice. ‘Now; he sad, ‘what happened on Monday nigh? “Thete papers came with lnpeczor Gregory’s lever. The bes things fr you to read them, Warson, Then tell me what you think 1 rook the paper from him and began to ead Monday night at King's Pyland Notes by Inspector Gregory, aher talking to Eth Boer, Nod Munter, Mrs John Staker, and Mr Fiery Simpson (On Moncey evening Stroke locked the etebioe at rine Fock, ho usual time, Two ofthe hoys then walled up to the trainer's house for thee anne, bat the thir boy, Ned Hunter, syed nthe stabs to watch ts hore. At five past ine, the Strakers’ servant,» Gil called Eaith ate, cated Nad Hunter's dinner down to the stables The dinner tha ight was @ hot moat eurey- sith was reary athe tables when @ man eallec out te hee. Ho come up to hee, and sho aw a tall man in a 410 sult and ahat, and eed and back scart Me carioda big walking tek, and Edt fet fraid of him. “wince ae Phe man asked. "What Is this pace?” “Tie ie King’s Pyland traning stable she sad “Good said tho man. Mow, a tab boy loops hore ‘every might is that right? And think you're taking his dinner t2 him now’ He took an anvalope out of hie poche. Please give the boy this, and you can have some ‘money for 9 beautiful new dros Sherlock Holmes and he Sport of Kings sit di not take the envelope, She ran past the man to the stables and up to a small open window. She stays put the boy's dinner through this window, and Ned Huntersnas tere, ready to ae “Oh Ned! Eclth cried, but before she could eay any ‘mere, he stranger came un behind her. 8 Monday might a Ki’ Py ‘Goad evening, he seid tough the window to the boy. Ianto talkte you. ‘Who ere you? What de you want” Nes Huntar sad “want © make You rich, by, the stranger said "You help ma, gna nlp you. You Neve two hore in forthe ‘Wessex Cup ~ Silver Blue and Bayard. | heer that Bayard ie the better horse, an that you sable boys ore puting "Tem not saying anything cried Ned Hunter. "We don’t talk about our horses at King's Pyland, so get out! om got the dog now” [Nod ran arose tho taba to get the dog, and Edith bogen ta run back to the ous. Bush ookad back ater abou thity mete and athe man athe il window ‘with his head and one arm inside the room, Edith ran on, and a minute ater, Ned eame out of the building and locked the door behind him. He ran all round ha stables with he dog. but the man was gone Nea Hunter tld the trainer snd the other oye stout the evanger, but no ona saw hin again ‘Te next thing happened atone o'clock in the morning wan Jon Stoker got out of be, "What's the mater? said his wife. "Where are you o0ina?” “To the stables.’ Straker said cant ston thinking bout that stranger. |jurt want to havea look around Stern Holmes andthe Sport of Kings ‘But 8 raining Wait uni he rin stop, sho see, "No, no’ Straka ead," want fe yo now. He let the house anc Mrs Strakar went back sleep. [A sven inthe mening she woke up, but her husband wae net there. She quickly got up called the servant Edith, end they ron down tothe stables They found tha stables unlocked, Stoker was not ‘hero, and iid, on # cha, Nad Hunter slept tke 2 dena ran, SiN Blaze wae gone, and his stablo door was ‘pan. They elle he ner ta Boys fom the rom over the stables. They wore good sleepers and heard nothing Int night Nobody could wake Ned Hunter 0 the two women enc the boys rn out a look forthe Wainer and tha hose Five hundred mets from te ates, they saw Stekers cont on 2 mal tree Down the il justp9st he tc, they fund to trainer. He woe doo. ‘Toote wae long cut in his leg, and his heed was broken in three places. In his ight hard he had # sal ‘cite, with bloed ai over, and in hia left hand he hada rc and back scart Edith Baxter know the scarf a once, and late, so did Ned Hunton. "Ws the etronger® scart” he oid ue. Whon f wort to ‘get te dog, that tanger wot sil at to stable window He put somthing in my moat curry, to make me seep © Monday night et King’s Foland ho at het, hy found tar Hea dead. ‘now hd. Elth saw him, with hie em ehugh the Nod Hurtor was right about his mast curr. Thera wes ‘some of hie inne let, and we found @ let of our in ‘Tha’ why Nod sop ke 2 oad man, nat sbout th hore? We found his racks in the mc Sdrlck Holmer an the Sport of Kings next to Sttoker's dead bocy. But what happened then? Someone it Stator onthe head, ankle Nir, Dis tat person fake the horse away? Did the horge un away? Everybody on Dartmoor looking for Siver Bare, but ‘era is none of hi ‘nen ! bagan work onthe case on Tuesday, we looked forthe stranger He was in Tavstok. and we foune tim sy, His name ie Ftroy Simpson. He ves mossy in London, and makes his monoy atthe races, taking bet Welooked in is betting book, and Youna a umber of big bets ~ five thousand pounds = agvinst the fevoura for so Weasox Cup, ‘Why did you come down to Dartmoor?” 1m atbeting man, Inspector. | need to know sbout the horses forthe Wessex Cup - Silver Blaze, Bayar, and Desborough, the horse at Silas Brown's stains. Hos the second favour fr the ace, you st “Dig you go t0 the King’s Pyland stables late on Monday evening? “es, | did | just wanted to a6k tha stable boys some |qwestions, Ther know the horse batter than anyone “Andis this vour sear” ‘And how did it gat inte the dead man’s Rona, Me ‘Simpson? Can you telus het” Monday nigh at King’s lend “dont now, Inepoetr, I don't know! never ta the rman, ost my scart in the dark wasnt me, lgpactor wasn't mel We asked many more question, but Fstoy Simpson {id nat ohenga le sory, He was ou at King's Pyand that ight, his sult was sill wa for the rain and his Big walking sik could break @ man's head open. But thore were no cuts oa his body. ao where did the blood on Strakerskrife come fram? sng’ me spectra ad Fc Simeon 3 John Straker's pockets “Mn, very ners, Tsai gave the papers back 1 Hlolmes, and he pat them away. o, Watson, what ean vo el me” he ake. 1 thoueht for minute, “This ext on Steaker’s lee Perhaps he did with his oun knife, When something Icy you very hard om the head, and you have a knife in owe hand... ttcam happen, you know “Very goo Watson. And that’s bad news for Fitrroy Simpson ‘Sod Simpson do it do you think Iai ‘ethaps aid Holmes “Let's lake at Simpton pats ‘opium inthe Boy's inner. He goes away and comes back later in he night. He ges into the tables, takes the horse ‘ou, and leaves, But the esi arises a that moment, sect him, and follows him, The ewo men fight, and Simpson breaks Stakes’ head open with his stick: Then Simpson takes the horse but whete? Or did the horse run away? Isic sill out on che moor? And how did Simpson get into the locked stables? 1 don’t know, ‘Watson, 1don’rhnow. We must wait and se” ‘When we arrived at Tavistock sition, two men came Jab Serr’ pockets to meet us. Inspector Gregory was a ell, slow-moving, ‘man with blue eyes, and Me Ross was small and quick He was the iste speak Very pleased 10 see you, Me Holme. The Inspector here fs working hard, but we need help. We must find poor Steak’ ile, ethere any news? asked Holmes, snd T want co find my hore Let's talk othe way the Inspector sid“ ike you bing in che alight. We were soon out of che lite cown and up om the brown il oF the moor. Wereresoomsp on the roe il fhe or. Sherlock Hols an the Sport of Kings Inspector Gregory thoughe that the killer was Fitroy Simpson. "Simpson was oot inthe ain that might. Hs uit vans wet on the Twoeday’ hess. Head a bigs, tnd his scarf was inthe dead man’s hand, Tht looks bad, Me Holos, very bad” limes seed. “You nced more than chat, Inspector. The servant, Edith, spoke of aa envelope. Did Simpson say anything shoot thar?” “Yes he sai it had money in it~ a tem pound ote foe the sable bor. ‘What aboxt this ether esining sles, ac Capleton?” ed Holmes, "Doee Simpson have fiends there 'No, we don’ think #0. We went to Capleton ‘course, Their hore, Desborough it the second favourite far the Wessex Cup and Silas Brown, she ersiner, was ot find with eraker, But we found nothing” ‘When we artived at King’s Pyland Inspector Gregory tok us into the tains howe, “Suaie’s body capes, be said “ar we have here the ching fom his pokes and fom dhe ground next x0 ie body. Would you ike ro see them, Me Flolmes? “very mach’ suid Holmes. ‘We went nt the front room, ar the Inspestor opened a box and pat things on a table, There was a box of ‘natch, smal piece of cand, some money, a atch some papers, and a small tio knife ers packs “This sa strange if Holmes said. He loked atic

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