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One of the most important functions of management is human resource

management and oversight. It is in charge of establishing policies under which
the staff will operate, attracting and recruiting qualified members for the
organization in accordance with federal and state equal opportunity guidelines,
ensuring high staff morale, providing adequate supervision and quality control,
utilizing group dynamics and cooperative approaches in the achievement of
organizational goals, and providing creative ways to avoid such problems as
undue stress and resentment. Managers must also be able to collaborate well
with exclusive representatives and various publics in general. Lastly, employees
should be reviewed on a regular basis in an objective, dependable, and fair
manner so that performance may be improved and meritorious employees can
be duly rewarded.

A supervisor must support and promote activities that will stimulate instructors
and ensure their continued development. He must realize that each teacher is
unique and strive to establish a positive emotional environment in which to
assist the staff.

Such democratic ideals must be supported by the physical education

supervisor. One of the most difficult tasks facing today's physical education
supervisor is to lead in a way that promotes democratic ideals. What works in
one situation may not work in another, therefore he must seek it out. Having
guiding principles such as having successful teaching experience, being
friendly, pleasant, and having the ability to get along with others; sensitive to
the dignity and worth of every parent, teacher, and pupil; aware of the best
ways to learn - among teachers and pupils; aware of the inter-relationships
among subject areas and of possibilities for bringing about desirable
correlations can bring the best result to the school.

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