Maharashtra Board Class 12 Chemistry February 2018 Previous Year Question Paper

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DAY-Di s EAT Nu MB E RI..______..l---'-1-_,_· I ____.

2018 I II I 28 j I 1100 I J- 255 1 (E)


Time : 3 Hrs. (7 Pages) Max. Marks : 70

(i) All questions are compufso,y
(ii) An.nvers t o the questions o_f'Section - I and Section - II should
be written in the same answer hook.
(iii) Draw neat. labelled diagrams and write balanced chemical
., equations wherever necessary.
(iv) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
(v) Use of' logarithmic tahle is allowed.
(\'i) Answer to eve,y nnv question must he started on o new page,


Q. 1. Select and write the most appropriate answer from the given 171
alternative for each sub-question :

(i) The process in which the value of �U = 0 is -

(a) Adiabatic (b) Isothermal
(c) Isobaric (d) lsochoric
(ii) An ionic crystal lattice has radius ratio of 0·320, its
co-ordination number is -
( a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 6 (d) 8

Page P.T.O.


(iii) In hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell the carbon rods are immersed
in hot aqueous solution of-
(a) KCI
(c) H 2S04

(iv) The chemical formula of willemite is -

(a) ZnS (b) ZnCO 3
(c) ZnO (d) Zn 2Si04

(v) The oxidation state of nitrogen in dinitrogcn trioxide is -

(a) +I (b) +2
(c) +3 (d) +4

(vi) Which of the follo wing 0· 1 M aqueous solutions will exert

highest osmotic pressure?
(a) Al/SO ) (b) Na S04
4 3 2
(c) MgCl (d) KC!
(vii) The half-life period of zero order reaction A➔ product is
given by-

[A]o 0-693
(a) (b)
k k

[A]o 2[Alo
(c) (d)
2k k
Q. 2. Answer any SIX of the following : (121
(i) Derive the relation between elevation of boiling point and
molar mass of solute.
(ii) State third law of thermodynamics. Give 'two' uses.
(iii) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of lead storage battery.
(iv) Ionic solids are hard and brittle. Explain.

Page 2

n oc c u rs in th e f
ollowin g steps -
re act io
(v) A certain
C\O(g.) + O:i_(g.
(i) Cl(g.) + 0 3(g.) -7
Cl(g.) + O:,.(g.
(ii) C\O(g.) + O(g.) -7 elementar y
c lar ity of each of the
e ole
( a) What is th
m u

s teps ?
and w rite the
Id en tify the re action intermediate
for overall reactio n .
chemical equation
e membrane
: (a) S em ipermeabl
(vi) De fi n e
(b) R e fer ence el
on :
act io n of chlorine
(vii) Wha t is th e
(a) cs 2
(b) E cess NH3 van Arke\ m etho d
al eq ations involved in
(viii) Write the che
m u

niu m metal.
for refi n ing zirco
a ny T H R E E of the following
Answer in g:
Q. 3.
ch e m ical equati
ons for the follow
ala nc e
(i) Write b
esium .
reacts w ith ma gn
(a) Phosphor us .
h r b oil e d wit h calcium hy droxide
(b) Flow ers of
pero xide.
one o n hydrogen
( c) Actio n of oz 3 edge
cm- • \f the
ro c ry t l i s 8·54 gram
of i s a
(ii) The den sity
0 and ato mic ma ss i s 56
ll is 2·8 A
l en gth of u n it ce it cell.
1, fi nd the numbe r of atoms in th e un 23
s nu mbe r ~
a ro ' 6·022 x I 0 •
(Given : Av o g d
\A0 =\x\0- cm)
ty a re requ ired .
to produce
of ele ctr c i
far adays i
(iii) How many chlo ride sol ution
fr o m alumin ium
\ 3 gram ofa l u m ini um
Al = 27·0 gram n10l )
nrnss of
(G ive n : Mola r

P.T. 0

_ _:-_:-_-------------
. ...:.----=================----------_I-_-_-_--

(iv) Calculate the internal energy at 298K for the formation of
one mole or ammonia, if the enthalpy change at constant
pressure is -42·0 kJ mor •
1 1
(Given: R = 8·314 J K- mor )

Q. 4. (i) Define: (a) Enthalpy ofatomization (71

(b) bnthalpy of vaporization
(ii) Draw the structure of IF " Write its geometry and the type
of hybridization.
(iii) (a) State Henry's law.
(b) 22·22 gram of urea was d.issolved in 300 grams of
water. Calculate the number of moles of urea and
molality of the urea solution.
(Given: Molar mass of urea = 60 gram mol- 1)
(i) What is the action of carbon on the following metal oxides:
(a) Fe 0 in blast furnace
2 3
(b) ZnO in vertical retort furnace
(ii) Write the molecular and structural formulae of:
(a) Thiosulphuric acid
(b) Oithionous acid
·(iii) The reaction A+ B--? products is first order in each of tJ,e
(a) Ho w do es the rate of reaction c ha nge if the

concentration of A is increased by factor 3?

(b) What is the change in the rate of reaction if the
concentration of A is halved and concentration of
B is doubled?

Page 4

appropriate answer from

the \71
Q. 5. Se lec t and wr ite the most
sub-question :
given alternatives for each
ints is -
(i) A po l ymer used in pa
omex (b) Thiokol
(d) G l yptal
( c)
ondary hydroxy l groups in
(ii) The number of primary and sec
ribo e are -

(a) L
.., (b) 2,3
(d) 3,2
(c) 3. l
ine is-
(iii) The Hgand diethylene triam
(b) bidentate
(a monodentate
(d) tetradentate
( c) tridentate
dibor ane in presence o f alkaline
(iv) Propene on oxidatio n with
hy drogen peroxide gives -
(b) propan-2-o l
(a propan -1-o l
(d) propan-1, 2-diol
(c) ally l al coho l

(v) Baeyer 's reagent is -

(a) acidified potassium dichro
te .
(b) a l kaline potassium dichroma
(c) alka l ine potassium perma
(d) acidified potassium perma
reaction -
(vi) I dentify' A' in the following
Dry tramethylhexane+ 2N aBr.
A+ 2N a ether 2, 2, 5, 5- Te
(a ) 2-Bromo-2-methylbutan
prop ane
(b) l -B romo -2, 2-dimethy l
(c) I -Bromo-3-methy l bu
(d) l-Bromo-2-methy l propan

Page 5

....!---====;;;::::=::::::===== ::::=;=;== ===� == == ===-= - -


(vii) An anti fertility drug is -
(a) Novestrol (b) Histamine
(c) Veranal (d) Equanil

Q. 6. Answer any SIX of the following : r 12 I

(i) Write balanced chemical equatio_ns for the conversion of
Cr o/- to Cr2o/- in acidic medium and Cr 2o/- to
Cro/- in basic medium.
(ii) Explain the geometry of [ Co(NH:d ] on the basis of
(Z of Co = 27)
(iii) Why ethanol has higher boiling point than ethane?
(iv) Write only reactions for the preparation of benzophenone
from benzonitrile.
(v) W hat is the action of p-tolunesulp honylchloride on
ethylamine and diethylamine?
(vi) What are amino acids? Write the correct reaction for
formation of peptide bond between amino acids.
(vii) Define:
( l) Antiseptics
(2) Antioxidants
(viii) Explain only reaction mechanism for alkaline hydrolysis of

Q. 7. Answer any THREE of the following : 19)

(i) Complete and rewrite the balanced chemical equations -
(a) Chlorobenzene 473K. pressure

Page ()
50% KOI I---4 ->
(h) Isohutyraldehyde-----
H--- ?
-ph eny l hyd raz ine -
(c) Butanone + 2, 4 dinitro
benzene sulphonic acid.
(ii) Prepare carbolic acid from
the action of neutral ferric
Write a chemical eq u ation for
chloride on phenol.
uses of nyl on-2--nyl
(iii) Explain the preparation and
from cane � u gar?
(iv) How gl u cose is prepared
lex copper (II) h exac yano
Write the form u la of the comp
ferrate ( 1 I).

Q. 8. W hat is lanthanide contraction?
e contraction.
Explain the ca u se of lanthanid
yle nol a nd aden ine.
Ora\\ the structures of chlorox
thyl am ine distinguished by usi
How are ethylamine and ethyl me
nitrous acid?
rea gents on ethanoic acid?
W hat is the action of the following

(a) Li I H/ H1 0
(b) PC\3,he at
(c) P205, h eat
lowing reaction and rewrite
Identify 'A' and 'B' in the fol
complete reaction:

degradation reaction .
Explain Hoffmann bromarnide
Page 7

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