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1. Consider yourselves as members of a government or non – government organization.
2. Using the assigned human insecurity, make a project proposal to alleviate the problem posed and come
up with a solution.
3. Create a project proposal using the format below.

PROJECT NAME: Agricultural Project: Job Training for Unemployed Residents of Zamboanga City

Most of the economies of the world suffers from the problem of unemployment, including
the Zamboanga City of Philippines. Zamboanga City is the commercial and industrial center of the
Zamboanga Peninsula Region which lies between the Moro Gulf (part of the Celebes Sea) and the
Sulu Sea in the South of the Philippines. It is also known for Asia’s Latin City because of the strong
Hispanic and Latino influence.
The COVID-19 pandemic greatly affected the unemployment rate in Zamboanga City. The
labor force in the region fell by 5.8 percent in April 2020 from that of last year, based on the
preliminary data of the Philippine Statistics Authority IX. Hence the unemployment rate swelled to
23.9 percent from 4.3 percent. Dispossession, economic difficulties, and a variety of other welfare
issues are among the disadvantages that a new citizen faces as an unemployed person.
Uncertainty, pessimism, anxiety, and willingness limitation are also produced
Since our problem is increasing of unemployed people in our city, the solution that we think
to control this problem is to give the people a free training in the field of agriculture since it is the
most common and best way because they can start to plant anything in their own respective yards.
It is the best solution to solve our problem since our city is known for since our City is known to be
rich in agriculture and land resources. With the said training the people who are able to join this will
have a free seeds in order for them to start to plan on their own backyard and it can lead them to a
bigger opportunity in the future if they will continue to plant different variety of vegetables.

Increasing of unemployed people in the Zamboanga City, when the pandemic started.

Give the people a free training in the field of agriculture.
The general purpose of the project is to lessen the unemployed citizen within the
Zamboanga City:

 To promote development of skills in the field of agriculture of the citizen,

 To effectively provide training in the agriculture to meet the labour demand of the
 And, to prevent the poverty that may result from being unemployed

Action Plan:
Action / Phase Target Date Person/s/ Agency/ Department/
Committee Assigned

Solicitation of Funds March 18 – April 20, 2022  TESDA

 Department of Agriculture
 Bureau of Agricultural
 Zamboanga Agri Farm
 Department of Environmental
 Economic Quality
Empowerment Institution

Preparation April 21, 2022- April 27, 2022 Economic Quality

Meeting Assembly of Barangay May 2 ,2022 TESDA
Representative Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Agricultural Statistics,
Zamboanga Agri Farm Products
Actual Training of Barangay

1st batch- 25 barangays a) May 15, 2022 TESDA , Economic Quality

Empowerment Institution
2nd batch – 25 Barangays b) May 16, 2022 TESDA , Economic Quality
Empowerment Institution
3rd batch- 25 Barangays c) May 17, 2022 TESDA, economic Quality
Empowerment Institution
4th batch – 23 Barangays d) May 18 ,2022 TESDA, Economic Quality
Empowerment Institution
Description Quantity Price Total
a. Shovel 60 350 21,000
b. Pick axe 60 500 30,000
c. Hoe 60 500 30,000
d. Hand sickle 60 350 21,000
e. Watering can 60 200 12,000

f. Sprayer 60 2,000 120,000

Total (Equipment) 360 3,900 234,000
Fertilizer 8 sacks 1,100 8,800
Insecticide 4 quart 2,000 8 000
a. Tomatoes 8 sacks - -
b. Squash 8 sacks - -
c. Carrots 8 sacks - -
d. Radish 8 sacks - -
e. Pumpkin 8 sacks - -
f. Egg plant 8 sacks - -
g. Okra 8 sacks - -
h. Petchay 8 sacks - -
i. Kangkong 8 sacks - -
j. Mustasa 8 sacks - -
1.1 Lunch 300 packs 115 34,500
1.2 Snack 300 packs 50 15,000
Total 300,300

Other Resources Needed:

Security forces from PNP of Zamboanga , Automobile Service of each Barangay, Personal Protective
Equipment for Farmers

Ending Statement/Conclusion:

This project is intended to render the needs of Zamboangueños in terms of employment.

People nowadays are suffering from adversity and this project focus on unemployed people at
different barangays in Zamboanga City that is specified to give them certainties apt to provide
their basic daily needs. The amplification of this project derived from the help of our partner
agencies and institutions, and the participation of each barangay for this program. Furthermore,
this project is intended to prevent the elevation of poverty especially in this time of pandemic
which might result for our economic status to aggravate. Hence, the project focus on individuals
that have tribulation in providing their basic daily needs because of being unemployed.
Alongside, giving them the opportunity in this training program will surely help them visualize the
important concept of agriculture and its importance in our daily lives. The effects of an
unemployed deal with dispossession, economic hardship, and several other welfare problems.
Also, uncertainty, pessimism, anxiety and willingness restriction is generated. These are just an
example of tribulation that Zamboangueños are facing today. This project auto-generate the
obstacle that burdens the lives of Zamboangueños by implementing people centered program
for people to participate and act on for the process. Additionally, it is designed to improve the
socio-economic condition of farmers as well as the overall state of the city in terms of providing
the needs of its people especially in this time of pandemic. With the amelioration of other
agencies and institutions this project will greatly sustain our economic deficiencies.

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