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Medley of One-Shots~

“We should just go out.”

“Definite not!”
For the first time this sophomore year, Jin Song wasn't here with the other
two members of JinRinBo. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bo thought he
might as well asked that question casually to Rin. As expected though, Rin refused
a little too quickly.
“We act like a couple anyways, Hamada-sama,” said Bo with a grin.
Rin glared at him. “You asked me this last year and I already told you I'm not
dating until I get into medical school.”
“Oh really.”
“Yes, really.”
“Is that your excuse until Jin decides to ask you out?”
Flushing bright red, Rin cried, “No! Definitely not!” Rin sighed. “Jin and I are
childhood friends. There's nothing going on between us.”
“Then, why is other Jin protective of you?” asked Bo curiously.
“How should I know?”
“Your youth is wasted at this rate, Hamada-sama,” said Bo, shaking his
“No, it's not,” said Rin, picking up a book and hiding her face. “I'm studying
for my future. I don't need any distractions.”
“It's still a shame,” said Bo. “So many guys like you.”
“Like who?”
Over at the usual bench outside the library, the four members of the Killers
were eating junk food and discussing last night's basketball game. Cory checked
his time many times with a nervous look on his face. His best friend and leader of
the Killers Kristian noticed and demanded what was going on.
“It's nothing,” said Cory, plopping a potato chip into his mouth.
“Yeah, right,” said Kristian, lifting a brow. “I've known you since forever.
You're definitely hiding something.”
“Am not!”
“Cory wants break to end,” said Joseph Cruz in a sing-sang voice.
“Eh? Why the hell would he want break to end?” asked Kristian, apalled.
“So he can go to English,” said Joseph Cruz carelessly.
“English sucks,” said Kristian.
“It does suck!” cried Cory in agreement.
“Not when you're working in groups,” said Joseph Cruz.
“In groups?” asked Kristian, confused.
Cory sighed. “Joseph Cruz, stop it.”
“I find it cute!” said Joseph Cruz.
“No, it's not!” said Cory, arguing.
“What's cute?” asked Kristian, feeling left out.
“Don't say it,” said Cory in a threatening voice.
Joseph Cruz smiled cruelly. “He's partners with Rin Hamada.”
“Damn you,” said Cory under his breath.
“You like her or something?” asked Kristian, suddenly bored at this topic.
“No,” said Cory quickly.
“Yes,” said Joseph Cruz, laughing. “It's obvious.”
“And you like Bailey Bambridge so shut up,” said Cory, upset.
Joseph Cruz gasped. “Hey!”
“I can understand Bailey Bambridge, but,” said Kristian, frowning. “Why Rin
“I don't like her!” said Cory, denying everything.
“There's nothing wrong with Rin Hamada,” said Joseph Cruz. “She's
Gary grumbled something in agreement as Cory continued to blush further.
“Interesting,” said Kristian, getting up.
“What are you doing?” asked Cory defensively.
“I'll tell Rin Hamada you like her,” said Kristian with a smirk. “Then, you can
be rejected properly and I don't have to deal with this childish crush.”
“No!” said Cory, grabbing a hold of Kristian's arm.
“That's cruel, Kristian!” cried Joseph Cruz. “He'd be rejected for sure!”
“No!” said Cory, being dragged along with Kristian. “This is why I don't want
you to know! You'd ruin everything for me!”
“Why?” asked Kristian, still walking.
“She hates you,” said Cory mercilessly. “I can't even like her correctly
because she knows I'm your best friend.”
Kristian threw Cory a glance and asked slowly, “Rin Hamada hates me?”
“She told you to die the other day, didn't she?” asked Joseph Cruz, hopping
alongside the other two boys.
“Oh, that,” said Kristian, remembering.
“See,” said Cory, bursting into tears. “Don't tell her. She'll hate me for sure.”
“No, you got it all wrong,” said Kristian, laughing at Cory. “She doesn't hate
“She's flirting with me,” said Kristian casually, shrugging.
Cory released Kristian's arm. “No, Rin Hamada's not like that.”
“Like what? A flirt?” asked Kristian, stopping now.
Cory nodded fiercely. “Rin Hamada is a hardworker, not a flirt.”
“You can be both a hardworker and a flirt,” said Kristian, annoyed.
“But not Rin Hamada,” said Cory firmly.
“What do you think, Joseph Cruz?” asked Kristian, ignoring Cory.
Joseph Cruz blinked. “Hm, you're both right.” Kristian continued on his way
now until both Cory and Joseph Cruz latched onto him. “Rin Hamada is not a flirt.
It's probably all part of our leader's imagination since he's so egotistic.” Kristian
grumbled some curse words while Cory brightened up, until Joseph Cruz added,
“But honestly, Cory, I don't think Rin Hamada necessarily dislikes our leader.”
“I don't know about that,” said Cory, sighing. “She complains about him a
lot to me.”
“Does she?” asked Kristian, interested.
Cory glared. “You should treat her better.”
“No,” said Kristian, a bit too fast.
“Why?” cried Cory.
“Because she's a freaking nerd,” said Kristian. “It pisses me off that the only
other Japanese in this school is the complete opposite of me.” Kristian laughed.
“Just another conformist.”
“That's not a good reason to pick on her!” said Cory, upset.
“She complains because she likes it,” said Kristian in a matter-of-fact voice.
“Girls like to make themselves the victim,” said Kristian, pulling his arms out
of the other two boys' grips easily. “Rin Hamada's like that, too. I bet,” Kristian
smirked cruelly at Cory. “If I ask her out right now, she won't be so quick to say no
despite how much she wants me to die.”
Cory shook his head. “Impossible.”
“You two want to bet on this one?” asked Kristian to Gary and Joseph Cruz.
“I'll bet that she'll think about it!” said Joseph Cruz, nodding.
Gary said something, in which Cory understood and demanded, “Why are
you taking Kristian's side?”
“Just give up on her, Cory,” said Kristian, walking the opposite way of where
Rin was at. “She never complains or even talks about you so you don't matter.”
“I hate him,” said Cory after Kristian left.
Joseph Cruz grinned. “Our leader knows how to ruin your good mood.”
“I know,” said Cory in agreement.
“But,” said Joseph Cruz, sitting back down. “He's right. Besides,” Joseph
Cruz had sparkles in his eyes. “I'm betting against Gary that she'll give in to Bo
eventually! Go Bo! You can do it!”
Gary shook his head and said something, in which Cory replied, “If you're
betting on Jin Song, I really should give up. I am no match for those two.”
The other two boys went on to comfort Cory as he learned what it meant to
be in love with Rin Hamada during sophomore year. Meanwhile, Kristian used the
last few minutes of his break to play the piano in the band room.


Even though the workload was heavier in high school than in junior high, I
was enjoying my time here so far. Freshman year wasn't as bad as everyone
claimed it to be. I had a hard time making friends at first, but then, I began joining
and chatting with random groups for different occasions. Thanks to this, I often
popped up in a certain group of friends when they least expected. They never saw
me coming. I liked being a wanderer, though.
If there was one consistency at all in who I talked to on a regular school day,
there was only Mandy. Despite not knowing Mandy for very long, I considered her
my best friend at this school. Mandy never said anything otherwise so I always
assumed I was also hers. Every morning, I would hang out at her locker and she
would just sit there with her book open. We would sit next to each other on the
second floor of the main building and talk about school.
“Good morning, Mandy.”
On that particular morning, the boy who owned the locker next to Mandy's
greeted her. Before, they wouldn't say anything to each other. Then again, it had
only been a couple of weeks into the school year. They probably didn't know each
other until recently.
“Happy Monday, Shawn.”
Underneath her thick red frames and white beanie, Mandy was reading Les
Miserables. She didn't look up from her book when she spoke to him. I was used to
it though. Mandy was like this. But did Shawn know that? Judging by how busy he
was with stuffing his locker with books, he didn't seem to mind.
“I'm guessing you like Mondays, Mandy?”
“Where did you get that from?”
“From your greeting.”
Mandy closed her book and elevated her eyes up at him.
“Should I just say 'happy every day' then? Isn't it more enjoyable to be
happy every day of the week?”
“Hm. Yeah.”
“Happy Every Day, then.”
“You, too.”
I patiently waited until he left with a lighter backpack before I attacked
Mandy. They seemed to be on good terms from that quick exchange.
“You know him know him?”
“We're in the same history class.”
“You should introduce me to him!”
“He's cute.”
“Do you like him?”
“I don't know.”
Mandy paused and thought about it for a few seconds. Soon enough, she
smiled gently and agreed to introduce me to him at the next opportunity. I looked
forward to it. It had been a long time since I thought someone was that cute. Sure,
there were a couple of hot boys in my class, but they seemed unreachable. I could
never think of something to start a conversation with them. However, I felt braver
with Shawn since I had Mandy by my side.
The following day, I was so excited I came to school slightly earlier than
usual. I sat in my usual spot and pretended to be busy by staring at my math
book. Soon enough, Mandy arrived and emptied the usual books in her locker. She
tidied up her locker for a bit when I spotted Shawn coming from far away. I
blushed and wondered if he would notice that I arranged my hair in a cuter
“Happy Tuesday, Mandy.”
“Happy Tuesday to you, too.”
He laughed. “I used that greeting on my friend yesterday and he thought I
was weird.”
“Is it weird?”
“No, I like it.”
“Who is it? If I say the same thing to him, he won't think you're weird
“You don't have to do that.”
Closing her locker, Mandy glanced down in my direction and noticed that I
was slightly blushing. She must have noticed and knew what I wanted because
she returned her attention to Shawn once more.
“You should greet Joan, too. It's not very nice to ignore her.”
“Oh, I didn't know she was your friend.”
“Hi. Sorry. I don't stand out very much next to Mandy.”
Shawn smiled gently at me. “Don't say that. Good morning, Joan.”
“Good morning.”
“Are you a freshman?”
“Yes, I am.”
He nodded and glanced at Mandy. “Sorry about not noticing, Mandy.”
“Am I the one who you should be apologizing to?”
“You're right. Sorry about my bad manners.”
I flushed and placed my hands up in defense. “No, it's okay! I'm used to it!”
Somehow, that was the last thing I said to him because he shifted his
attention back to his locker and soon, he left the area, probably looking forward to
the rest of the day. I wondered right then and there what I should do for him to
notice me.
The first thing that came to mind was to come to Mandy's locker during my
other breaks to see if he stopped by any other time of the day. If he asked, I could
just use the excuse of meeting up with Mandy to talk to him again. I wanted to
leave him a stronger impression than I did during that introduction. After all, I said
really nothing worth remembering. Unfortunately though, I didn't manage to catch
him for the rest of the day at that locker. Mandy wasn't there either.
The next thing, I found them together in front of my locker, holding hands.
At first, I felt awful since they kept it a secret from me, but then, I just felt happy
for them. There was nothing I could do anyways. Boys were attracted to her. And
knowing Mandy, if I were to demand why she hadn't told me, she would just
dismiss it as me being childish again. After all, Mandy knew her love life was none
of my business.
A few days after Mandy and Shawn started going out, I finally brought up
the topic.
“You must like Shawn a lot.”
Mandy was preoccupied with another book. “Not really.”
“Eh? But-”
“I'm not interested in boys.”
It took me a moment to react.
“You're so cool, Mandy! I wish I can be as cool as you!”
“I'm not trying to be cool.”
“But you are so very cool.”
With a distant look on her face, Mandy closed her book and released a
heavy sigh.
“Don't be so easy to please, Joan.”
Mandy smiled. “Never settle for anything; always strive for better. That's my
Yup. She was the coolest person I know. If she were a guy, I would date her.
“When a better guy comes along, can you leave Shawn to me then?”
“But Mandy!”
Suddenly, Mandy patted me on the head and said something I could never
“When a better guy comes along, fight harder for him.”
I beamed. “I know that's your form of encouragement for me.” I nearly cried
in happiness. “Thanks Mandy.”
Maybe it was her charm, but my best friend Mandy was popular with both
boys and girls and all she ever wanted to do was sit there and read her literature.


“That lonely bitch should mind her own business.”

Eulalia's eyes widened at the sight of the pink umbrella. That was rare. She
had never seen that umbrella before. And it was beautiful.
“Don't lose it,” said Eulalia's father, handing her the umbrella. “Or else that
fucking woman will get on my case for the rest of the year.”
Without another word to her, her father went straight to the couch and
watched television. It was Monday morning and it was raining... hard. Eulalia
observed the umbrella in her hands. Every day, she had to walk to school by
herself. Their neighbor Ms. Smith must have realized this and offered this umbrella
for her sake. Her father was right; Ms. Smith should really mind her own business.
Besides, Eulalia was not afraid of the rain. She was probably immune from all
sorts of sickness by now. Her body was used to germs. A little rain wouldn't hurt.
After Eulalia left the umbrella behind, she tied up her hair into twintails
before she left her house and into the pouring rain. Eulalia walked all by herself
for fifteen minutes in the rain before she entered her classroom and sat down.
Everyone stared at her, including her teacher who gaped at the little girl soaking
from top to bottom. In a matter of minutes, Eulalia was sent to the principal's
While Eulalia dried herself there, Principal Martiniez shook his head after
checking through her records, though he already memorized it by now.
“You're the biggest troublemaker this school has ever seen,” he said. “Your
attendance is horrible. You refuse to do your homework. Your parents never attend
any mandatory parent conferences. We have to hunt your family down every time
we need some permission slip signed. And today, you disturb all your classmates
by coming to class late and wet. What am I going to do with you, Eulalia?”
“Nothing,” Eulalia said. “No one forces you to do anything.”
“There you go again. It's my job as your principal to look after you.”
“If neither of us say anything,” Eulalia continued. “No one will know.”
The principal sighed. “Why don't you try to be friendlier? You can make
“Friendlier?” asked Eulalia, confused. “I don't understand.”
“Play nice and talk to girls your age.”
Eulalia frowned. “I can only be myself. I don't know how to be anyone else.”
“That doesn't matter.”
“What is the point of making friends who don't like me for me?”
Mr Martinez was tired of arguing with Eulalia so he sent her home early to
“think about her actions”. The conversation always went in this direction and he
had no idea how to resolve it. More than once, Mr. Martinez wanted to offer to
take her away from her father. She refused immediately and said she cared little
for the sympathy of someone like him. It was always turned on this way. Mr
Martinez wanted to help Eulalia, but Eulalia had no intention of needing help. She
was perfectly content with her situation. How was he supposed to do anything
when the victim of abuse was fine with it?
Back at home, Eulalia grabbed the umbrella and ran away from the room
before her father could do anything to her. She knocked on the door of her
neighbor. Ms. Smith lived alone with three cats. Eulalia knew nothing about her
except that she loved her cats very much. Once Ms. Smith caught sight of a
soaked Eulalia in front of her door, the woman invited her in. Eulalia entered, but
had no intention of staying for long.
“Thank you very much,” said Eulalia, placing the umbrella down. “But I don't
need it.”
“You'll catch a cold!” Ms. Smith cried.
“Please do not burden me with your kindness like this.”
Ms. Smith widened her eyes at Eulalia's words, but she managed to ask in a
whisper, “Why didn't you use it?”
“Because I didn't want to lose it.”
Eulalia went on a walk in the rain that day. She had no intention of returning
home until her father was asleep. There was no way he would not punish her for
being sent home early again. Eulalia disliked the pain so she would rather endure
the rain instead. Everywhere she went, everyone in their jackets and umbrellas
gave her strange looks. A couple of people offered to help her but she simply
ignored them. Eulalia sat down and sighed. Why do people always insist in helping
her? If she needed help, she would ask. Everyone around here was so nosy and
should mind their own business.
“Always forcing their beliefs on what is moral and immoral upon me...”
At around midnight, Eulalia returned to her apartment. She hadn't eaten
anything all day and wanted more than anything to go inside and eat something.
However, she noticed that the lights were still on. Her old man was still awake.
Since Eulalia had no choice, she knocked on Ms Smith's door to ask for
something to eat. Thank God her neighbor was still awake at this time. The
woman was more than happy to give Eulalia some oatmeal. Actually, she was
probably happy at the fact Eulalia would ask her for help at all.
“You're such a selfless child,” she commented. “This is the first time you
ever asked me for help.”
Eulalia picked up her head. “I'm not selfless. Do not project your views onto
Ms Smith frowned. “Then, why don't you ask for help more often?”
“I don't need such ill-placed kindness.”
“The kinder you are to me, the more my old man hates me.”
“Oh my God.”
Eulalia finished her food. “Everyone only think of themselves. They wear a
mask and act like good people. This pitiful girl doesn't have an umbrella. Let's
lend her my umbrella. I'm doing such a great deed.” Eulalia paused and got up.
“And instead, I am the one who gets beat up if I lose the umbrella.”
“You shouldn't live with that man.”
“Thank you for the food,” Eulalia said and bowed low. “I won't say anything
to my old man about you feeding me if you don't ever suggest taking me away.”
By the time Eulalia returned to her apartment, her father already went to
sleep. Eulalia wondered how long she could escape his brutality at this rate.
Maybe it would be easier if she had returned home on time and get this over with.
As Eulalia sat on the floor, she thought about all these people offering to
take her away from her father. She wondered why she didn't take them up on
their offer. She had no strong attachment toward her father. She couldn't care less
if he died of hunger or alchohol poisoning. Actually, she would be happier if she
lived away from her father.
But at the same time, she trusted these other people even less. Eulalia
knew what to expect from her father. She could read his mood and endure his
beatings. He would never change. He would always treat her the same way. With
a new parent, she would have to expect the unexpected and learned new habits.
And frankly, Eulalia preferred her father's predictable abuse over that of a
If one day she wished to escape her old man once and for all, Eulalia must
find someone she could trust both her feelings and life with. Most importantly,
they must understand her and not force their pretentious kindness on her. That
was all she ever wanted.


Conrad panted in front of Kenny, who looked like he wanted to escape.
“Help me!”
Conrad pushed a piece of paper into Kenny's face. Kenny scowled and
accepted the piece of paper. Like he thought, Conrad hadn't even started on his
homework yet and it was due soon. Once again, Conrad waited until the last
“No,” Kenny said. “Do it yourself.”
“Please, Kenny!”
“It's homework. You're supposed to do it at home.”
“But the game!”
Kenny glared underneath his heavy black rims. “Not my fault.”
“Come on, Kenny,” Conrad begged. “It's the playoffs!”
“I watched it, too,” said Kenny. “And I finished my homework.”
“You're fast and smart.”
“You're just lazy.”
Conrad gasped. “So, you don't deny it.”
“Deny what?”
“That you're fast and smart.”
Kenny grinned evilly. “I am.”
“Then,” said Conrad, sitting down next to Kenny. “Explain the problems to
“You never get it when I explain them to you.”
“You talk too fast and you expect me to know everything.”
Kenny sighed. “Just copy my homework, then.”
“Really?” cried Conrad, brightening up.
“Yeah,” said Kenny, holding out his hand. “Two bucks please.”
“Two bucks?! That's a ripoff!”
“Three bucks now.”
“You can't do that!”
Without warning, Kenny found himself laying flat on the bench with a girl
sitting on top of him. She glared at him intensely. Kenny showed no reaction and
kept his cool face on. Conrad was so scared that he automatically backed a few
feet away.
“Help Conrad this instant,” Betsy demanded.
“No,” said Kenny coldly. “He's stupid.”
“He will be benched again!”
“Let him be benched. He deserves it.”
“Carmen will cry and keep him company all recess,” said Betsy, narrowing
her eyes dangerously at Kenny. Conrad nodded in agreement. “We can't waste our
time babysitting Conrad! I want to play kickball!”
“The fate of our next recess is in your hands, oh great one,” said Conrad to
Kenny got up and knocked Betsy over. “Fine.”
“Yay,” said Betsy.
“For Carmen,” said Kenny quickly.
Betsy pouted. “It's never for me.”
Kenny smacked Betsy on the head with a ruler, in which she gasped and
punched him. Conrad eventually intervened and broke them up.
“You ate my lunch yesterday,” said Kenny angrily. “Never do anything for
you, my ass.”
“Oh God,” Conrad cried. “You made Kenny curse!”
“Cursing is bad for you, Kenny!” Betsy joined. “It doesn't suit you at all!”
Kenny was annoyed now. “Ass is another word for butt.” The other two
giggled. Kenny had no idea why he was with these immature kids. “Or should I say
that it's something you don't have?”
Betsy checked her behind and cried, “That's mean! You're mean! MEANIE!”
“Yes,” said Kenny, sitting down. “I am the mean one here.”
“This is why I don't ever want to get married,” said Betsy, crying and
hugging Conrad in comfort. “Because Kenny hates me!”
“I'll marry you, Betsy,” said Conrad in comfort.
“Thanks, Conrad.”
“You do that, Conrad,” Kenny said. “Save me the trouble of rejecting her.”
“You big, fat meanie!” Betsy kicked Kenny.
“Wait,” said Conrad, gaping. “What about my homework?”
“Just copy mine!” Kenny said immediately.
“Oh, okay!”
“Remember to make it obvious it's your work.”
Conrad grinned. “I will purposely put a couple of wrong answers.”
“That's better,” said Kenny, relieved. Kenny glanced at the angry Betsy. “I'm
not marrying you. Find a new dream to work.”
“I don't want to marry you anyways,” Betsy said stubbornly. She was
pouting to herself. “I'll marry William instead.”
“That's kind of nasty,” said Kenny.
“You're kind of nasty.”
“When I say dream,” said Kenny calmly. “I mean a job.”
“I'll be a waitress,” said Betsy.
“Talk about low expectations.”
“What about you, Mr Smarty-Pants?” asked Betsy, glaring.
“A scientist,” said Kenny without hesitation. “Or a doctor.”
“How boring,” Betsy faked a yawn.
“I want to be a basketball player,” Conrad joined in.
“That's impossible,” said Kenny.
“You're impossible to deal with,” said Betsy.
“Why?” cried Conrad. “I know everything about basketball!”
“Because,” said Kenny, sighing. “Getting in the NBA is hard.”
“I'll take my chances.”
“I play basketball better than you,” Kenny reminded.
“That's because you're better than everyone at everything,” Betsy argued.
“You play basketball better than him,” said Kenny to Betsy.
Betsy flung her blonde hair over her shoulders. “True.”
“Just practice more, Conrad,” said Kenny, shrugging.
“Yeah,” said Conrad with a nod. “I'll practice hard from now on.”
“What about Carmen?” asked Kenny curiously.
Betsy lowered her eyes suddenly. “She told me she might leave Jordan
“What?” cried the two boys in unison.
“If she wants to become an actress, she has to move to Hollywood.”
“That's bull,” Conrad said. “She can be an actress here.”
“You speak nonsense,” said Kenny to Conrad. “There's nothing here.”
“But,” Conrad frowned. “We're here.”
“If I want to become a doctor, I have to leave here too,” said Kenny.
“But that's you,” said Conrad. “This is Carmen we're talking about.”
“Do you think she'll come and visit?” asked Betsy sadly.
“No,” said Kenny instantly.
Betsy punched him and cried, “You answer way too fast!”
“It's true,” said Kenny. “Once she becomes a star, she won't remember us.”
“Stop being realistic,” said Conrad, shaking his head.
“Rather than getting mad at me,” said Kenny slowly. “Shouldn't you guys be
happy for her? She'll accomplish nothing by staying here. If she moves, she might
succeed.” Both Betsy and Conrad looked down now. “I don't know. I want the best
for Carmen.”
“But,” Betsy started tearing up. “I love her!”
After that exclamation, Betsy ran away. Conrad tried to stop her, but Kenny
stopped him and reminded him about finishing up his math homework instead.
Conrad watched hopelessly as Betsy ran off crying.
“I thought she loved you,” said Conrad, frowning.
“No,” said Kenny coldly. “Betsy loves Carmen the most.”
“Yeah, you're right.”
“She's just throwing a tauntrum,” said Kenny. “Leave her alone.”
“Do you think Carmen will actually leave us?” asked Conrad softly.
Kenny shrugged. “She'll leave us eventually.”
“If you're serious about your dreams, you will leave one day too,” Kenny
reminded. Conrad looked depressed now. “I'll leave, too. My mom wants that of
me anyways.”
“But then,” Conrad said sadly. “Betsy will be lonely.”
“Be a man and take her away,” Kenny smirked.
“I only said that to comfort her,” Conrad said defensively. “Betsy's too
“She would never leave this town anyways,” Kenny said. “Even if all of us
leave one day, Betsy will always stay here. She'll become a waitress and marry
one of the farmers and have three kids.” Conrad sniffed at the thought. “She
won't be lonely.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“About math homework...”
Kenny held his hand out. “Four dollars please.”


“This better be important,” said Francis, sitting down across the kitchen
table from Melissa. Melissa was stirring her honey tea. “I have an appointment
“I'm pregnant,” said Melissa, yawning loudly afterwards.
“Congrats. Who's the lucky guy?”
Francis took a minute to . “...Fuck.”
“I'll get you some coffee,” said Melissa, getting up.
“Are you sure?” asked Francis after her.
“Yeah. You knocked me up.”
“I need a smoke,” said Francis.
“Quit smoking,” said Melissa angrily. “It's bad for our baby.”
“What?! You're keeping it?!”
“Fuck yes,” said Melissa, returning with Starbucks coffee. Francis accepted
quickly. “Ever since KT got married, I need to fill this empty void somehow.”
“Adopt a little brother or something! Don't fucking drag me into this shit!”
“Take responsibility! It's your fault!”
Francis took a quick sip of coffee. “I always knew you were this type of
woman... dragging me into this with you... scheming for that wedding ring...”
“I have no intention of marrying you,” said Melissa, laughing out loud.
“If I'm such bad husband material,” said Francis. “Imagine what kind of
father I'll be.”
“Imagine what kind of mother I'd be!” cried Melissa, flicking him off.
Francis laughed out loud. “Well, this is fucked up.”
“It is.”
“Why are we doing this again?”
Melissa lowered her voice. “Because Jamie can't have kids.”
Suddenly, Francis became serious as well, “Oh, yeah. That sucks balls.”
“And you know what happened to Michie...”
“And Jenny doesn't give a fuck about her family anymore.”
“Yeah. She's a lost cause.”
Melissa shook her head. “I'm supposed to be the bad kid. Why am I the only
one thinking of my mother now?”
“Motherly instincts?”
“Fuck that shit.”
“That's so like you, Mel,” Francis laughed.
“Anyways,” said Melissa, quieting down and stirring her tea still. “If my
mother wishes to see any grandchildren at all, it's up to me.”
“Interesting,” said Francis. “You want to make up with her? After all these
“Yeah. You can say that.”
“Good luck.”
“That's uncharacteristically sweet of you,” said Melissa in surprise.
“Get your mom to raise the baby,” said Francis with an innocent smile.
Melissa glared at you. “I almost thought you were a decent human being.”
“Baby,” said Francis, shaking his head. “Never make that mistake twice.”
“I should have married Nick.”
“You can still marry Nick.”
“You don't care?”
Francis glanced away. “Nick would make a better father than I'll ever be.”
“So,” said Melissa, smirking. “You do care?”
“Right now,” said Francis, finishing his coffee. “I want to smoke.”
“Go outside and smoke then, you dumb piece of shit.”
Since Melissa said that in a playful voice, Francis laughed, “It's thanks to
people like us who suck at life that bring up kids who also suck at life.” Melissa
laughed at his words. Somehow, this was the first time they felt close to each
other in a while. “But honestly, I can say that if we somehow manage to pull this
off, let's never let the kid smoke or drink.”
“Or do drugs,” said Melissa.
“Or drink too much coffee.”
“Or womanize.”
Francis lifted a brow at Melissa. “There's nothing wrong with that... if it turns
out to be a boy.”
“Well, I don't like it,” said Melissa frankly.
“It better be a boy,” said Francis, throwing his head back. “I can't stand
seeing a tiny version of you. It'll be the death of me.” Francis gaped at Melissa
changing into fangirl mode. “Bitch, are you okay?”
“It must be a boy!”
“He'll look like KT for sure.”
Francis kicked the leg of the table. “Fuck. I want a girl now.”
“Too bad,” said Melissa, sticking out her tongue. “I'll name him Kristian.”
“Why Kristian?” asked Francis curiously.
“That's the name my mom wanted to give Jenny,” said Melissa with a soft
look on her face. Francis was a bit taken aback. “My mom was so sure about that
name too.”
“If it's a girl,” said Francis. “Then we'll name her Kristina.”
“Wow, talk about lazy.”
“That's me all right.”
Melissa beamed. “I'll take a break from the military for a while, then. Should
I move in with KT or my mom? Or,” Melissa smirked again. “Nick?”
“You can stay here,” said Francis decisively. “I'll take care of everything.”
“That's sweet of you.”
“I'm not doing this for you,” said Francis suddenly. “I'm doing it for Nick.”
“Whatever,” said Melissa, amused. “I'm just surprised you're taking
“What's done is done,” said Francis smoothly. “I'd never imagine settling
down myself, but if I ever do,” Francis gave Melissa a friendly expression. “I'm
glad it's with you, Mel. You're never boring.”
“Good,” said Melissa gleefully. “Cause he's taking my name.”
“Who's 'he'?”
Francis gaped. “Hey. That's not fucking fair.”
“We're not married,” said Melissa, amused. “So my baby, my surname.”
“I'll raise him to like me better, then,” said Francis bitterly. “As revenge.”
“What big talk from such a loser. Let's bet on it, then.”
“Sure,” said Francis in a carefree way. “Let's bet on something big.”
As usual, Melissa and Francis acted competitively toward one another, even
when it came to raising their soon-to-be child. Little did either of them know, their
future son would be the reason why they decided to stick together from then on.


At the sight of Mammon laying spread out across the couch with a music
magazine in hand, Carmen quietly went over and snuck her right hand
underneath his shirt. She ran them along his stomach and then abs until he
tossed her a curious look. Carmen smiled innocently back at him as if she had
done nothing at all.
“What naughty things are you doing, young lady?”
“I'm thinking of visiting my friends next Monday.”
“Have fun,” he said, not caring.
“Not my usual friends,” said Carmen quickly. “My childhood friends.”
Carmen widened her smile. “Like Betsy.”
“Oh, her,” said Mammon, still paying more attention to the magazine more
than Carmen. “You talk about her a lot.”
“I love her,” said Carmen in bold declaration.
Holding back his jealousy, Mammon said casually, “Are you seeing her on
“I hope so.”
“You should be more definite,” he said irritably.
“She hasn't replied to any of my letters in years.”
“She moved on. You should, too.”
Carmen shook her head stubbornly. “I'll see her no matter what.”
“Isn't she from your hometown?” asked Mammon, putting aside the
“That's far away,” said Mammon, frowning. “When are you planning to be
“Hm,” said Carmen thoughtfully. “A year later?”
“What about work?”
“I already got it all settled. I already announced my break.”
Mammon pulled her hand from under his shirt and squeezed it tightly. Then,
he said bitterly, “Why didn't you tell me this?”
“I did!” Carmen insisted. “I told you yesterday!”
“Yesterday was that huge party.”
“It's not my fault I can hold my liquor better than you,” said Carmen,
Mammon pinched her cheek and said, “Not cute.”
After Mammon pulled away his hand, Carmen laid her head on his chest and
said, “I'm really going this Monday, darling.”
“For a year?” he asked, making sure.
“That's the plan.”
Mammon looked away from her. “I'm so cheating on you.”
“Eh?” cried Carmen, lifting her head up immediately. “Why?”
“Because you're a horrible girlfriend.”
Carmen began tearing up. “I'm sorry, darling! I should have told you
sooner!” Carmen shook his arm frantically now. “I found out recently that it was
Betsy's birthday soon and I just had to see her no matter what. I want to invite her
to our wedding, that's why!”
“Why can't you invite her and come back?” asked Mammon, still not looking
at her.
“Because,” said Carmen, upset. “I really want to stay at Jordan Valley for a
year. I want to relive my childhood.”
“You women are needlessly complicated,” said Mammon in dismissal.
“You're going on tour soon anyways,” said Carmen, climbing on top of him
now. “I should be able to do whatever I like before I belong to you forever.”
Mammon laughed in amusement. “A one-year bachelor party for you?”
“Yes! Like that!”
“I should have a one-year bachelor party, too.”
“Are you really going to cheat on me?” asked Carmen in a panicking voice.
“Yes,” said Mammon cruelly, returning his attention to her, “because I will
tell you ahead of time so then, it will lessen the impact when you actually caught
“Or!” cried Carmen, bouncing on top of him. “You're using reverse reverse
psychology on me!”
“What's that?”
“You're telling me you're cheating so then I won't think you're cheating
when you're actually cheating! I caught onto your schemes!”
Mammon pulled her down to share a brief kiss, “You caught me.”
“I'm smarter than you give me credit for,” said Carmen, sighing.
“No, you'll always be my stupid Carmen.”
“Not stupid.”
“Yes,” said Mammon, gripping a handful of her black hair. “You get tricked so
easily all the time.”
“Is that why you're here?” asked Carmen softly, looking down at him
tenderly. “To make sure I don't get tricked?”
“Yeah,” said Mammon immedlately. “Only I can trick you into marrying me.”
Carmen laughed at the thought. “I don't want any other shady character to get
away with something that's mine.”
“Am I your prized possession or something?” asked Carmen playfully.
“Second most,” said Mammon, smirking. “After my music.”
“I saw that coming,” said Carmen, sighing.
“At least my music's locked up safely,” said Mammon, moving his hand to
her neck now. “This one can easily leave and do whatever she likes.”
“Darling,” said Carmen, rubbing her head against his hand. “Tell me
“If you could lock me up, you would, wouldn't you?”
“You know the answer to that,” said Mammon, staring at her intently. “That's
the type of man I am.”
“This ring,” said Carmen, rocking back and forth on him. “Is your way to
bind me forever to you... so I can never escape... so I can stay locked up with
you...” Mammon laughed at how she said those words so casually. “I must be
stupid in thinking that it will do the same to you.”
“See, you are stupid.”
Carmen sobbed. “Betsy, free me from this horrible man.”
“Keep calling, love,” said Mammon, not caring. “Let's see if your great Betsy
can steal you away from me.”
“Stop joking around,” said Carmen, sniffing. “Betsy's a girl.”
“That's why I'm joking around,” said Mammon sternly. “If it were a boy-”
“I don't even want to think of that!”
Mammon laughed out loud. “Scared for him already?”
“Yes,” said Carmen, gaping. “Darling's scary.”
“You're not scared of me though.”
“I'm your possession,” said Carmen, resolved. “I'm accustomed to it.”
“What a lame way to put it.”
“You should do something about your possessive streak though,” said
Carmen in her determined voice. Mammon simply laughed at her. “I'm being
serious here!”
“I'll stop if you stop being so damn innocent.”
Carmen gasped. “But I thought you liked my innocence.”
“I do,” said Mammon casually. “You can say anything and I'll believe you.
You're too damn honest to lie.”
“I don't have to worry about you hiding something from me,” said Mammon,
“You trust me, then?”
Pouting, Carmen pounded her hand into his chest. “Liar. Why else would you
keep saying nasty stories like I'll run away with someone else?”
“Don't get me wrong,” he said, sitting up straight with a serious expression
on his face. “I trust you, not them.”
“I'm not that easy to lead astray...”
“You don't even sound like you believe it yourself.”
Carmen glared at him. “You're acting like this because you believe in
“Excuse me?”
“You are afraid someone will steal me from you like how you steal me from
my ex.”
Mammon was baffled at her statement. “No one can compete against me.”
“Oh really,” said Carmen, not impressed.
“I hate people touching my stuff,” said Mammon, pulling Carmen off him
and heaving himself off the couch. “I'm taking a shower.”
“May I join?” asked Carmen with sparkly eyes.
“Didn't you already shower?” asked Mammon, walking over to the restroom
and taking his shirt off at the same time.
“Yes,” said Carmen, hopping after him.
“I take six minutes by myself,” he said, stopping at the door. Carmen
accidentally bumped right into him. “I take at least thirty minutes with you.”
“I'll be leaving on Monday,” said Carmen, tearing up.
“And whose fault is that?”
“Let me in,” said Carmen, pushing helplessly against the much stronger
Smirking, Mammon stepped aside just in time when Carmen pushed forward
and fell forward. Mammon watched her fall and quickly balance herself before he
closed the door behind him and locked it. They quickly undressed and went in.
Mammon wished he hadn't went in the shower first because Carmen chose to
tackle him from behind.
“Why do you always choose that position?” asked Mammon, turning on the
Mammon chuckled at her shriek because he purposely aimed the cold water
on Carmen. “Oops. You need a hug, Carmen?”
“No!” cried Carmen, hugging him firmly from behind. “You're not turning
“There's nothing to be embarrassed about.”
Carmen flushed red. “But it's bright and I'd rather we stay like this.”
“Always imposing your will upon others...”
“No!” Carmen cried with a shivered lip.
“Women,” said Mammon before he directed the shower head to him instead.
“You can't be that innocent after enduring my kink fetish for months now...”
“Leave me alone,” said Carmen stubbornly.
“What's so great from back there?” asked Mammon, grabbing the shampoo
“I love your tattoo,” said Carmen dreamily. Mammon lifted a brow at her.
Carmen used her right hand to touch the sun tattoo on his back. “It's so
“Since it's in black and white, you can't tell if it's a setting or rising sun.
There are clouds and even a dove...”
“You're overthinking it,” said Mammon quickly, working on his dark hair. “I
told you before. I lived in a bad neighborhood as a kid and I thought getting a
tattoo was cool.” Mammon paused and smirked. “I wanted to get the biggest
design they had to beat those other boys.”
“The sun doesn't mean anything then?” asked Carmen, disappointed.
“Nothing but compensation for a rotten childhood.”
“That's so sad.”
“The dove is you though.”
“I didn't know you back then. I was back in Oregon.”
“No,” Mammon said, amused at her. “I decided that right now.”
“I'm a dove?” asked Carmen with wide eyes.
“Yeah,” said Mammon, shrugging. “Have fun pondering that symbolism for a
“But it's so... tiny.”
“There's only one dove though,” Mammon defended.
Carmen teared up. “But compared to the sun, it's so tiny...”
“What do you want from me? A tatto with your initials on my arm?”
“Yes please!”
She answered that way too fast as Mammon laughed and said, “Fine.”
“If you do the same on your thigh.”
Carmen pouted. “You know I hate needles.”
“And that's how small your love for me is...”
“That's not fair,” said Carmen, crying.
“You're not fair,” said Mammon, sighing. “Always dragging me along on your
wild ideas without my consent...” Before Carmen could reply, Mammon cut her off
and continued, “And then telling me all your important decisions at the last
“That's not true,” said Carmen quickly. “After my agency, you're the first
person I told about my trip home to Oregon.” Carmen glanced away. “I'm
incredibly bad at planning ahead. This is completely last minute, I swear.”
“I know,” he laughed.
Hearing him laugh, Carmen frowned and said, “You're messing with my head
“I get it now.”
Carmen tossed him a long, searching look. “There's no way you'll think any
other man is better for me than you. You said it yourself too- you'll believe
anything I say and you trust me.” Mammon simply scrubbed his arms in silence.
“So, the reason why you keep reminding me to stay with you is your own defense
“A man stole your mom away. The government took your family's property.
Your first composition was plagarized by someone else. Even your first girlfriend
cheated on you.”
“Way to open up past wounds,” he laughed.
“It's no wonder you're so obsessed,” said Carmen, laying her head on his
“I wonder,” Mammon muttered to himself, “whether I've become like this
because they were taken away from me or,” Mammon lifted his head and stared
at the lights, “they were taken away from me because I was so possessive.”
“I wonder what the media will make out of that line,” said Carmen with a
“You,” said Mammon, turning around to attack her. Unfortunately, Carmen
already dashed out of the shower. She somehow managed to help herself to a
tower along the way. Mammon turned off the water and got out too. “That little-”
Within a few minutes, Carmen found herself flat on her stomach on the bed
with Mammon on top of her. He never felt so heavy on top of her before. Maybe it
was because she could feel him punishing her for running away like that since he
was purposely pushing down on her and grabbing a handful of her hair. This was
so like him though. Always hurting and abusing her for fun.
“It hurts,” said Carmen in pain.
“If I find my face on TMZ thanks to your gossiping-”
Carmen growled. “You're on TMZ so much that I don't even need to gossip.”
“Keep talking,” said Mammon, acting calm. “I'll just grab my phone.”
“Are you calling someone?” asked Carmen, glancing up at him.
“No, just taking a couple of naked pictures to leak on the Internet.”
“Eh?! I don't want to be on TMZ like you!”
It was very typical of Carmen to not have a more realistic reaction. Mammon
expected as such though. She had always been predictable in an unpredictable
way. Since he didn't want to make her cry, Mammon lifted himself off her and
adjusted the towel around his waist.
“Like hell I would do that anyways.”
“But you just said-”
“So stupid,” said Mammon, growling. “Use your head, woman.”
“I'm confused,” said Carmen, frowning.
“You're always confused.”
“And you leave me confused.”
“You should learn to figure things out on your own.”
Before she could argue, Mammon walked away and grabbed something
from inside the drawer. Carmen sat up straight on the bed and watched curiously
at him. Finally, he pulled out something shiny and threw it over to her. Carmen
caught it and nearly slipped out of her towel. After she fixed herself, she gasped
at the diamond anklet.
“Early birthday present,” he stated.
“Oh my gosh!”
“Before you get too excited,” said Mammon, observing her fawning over her
new piece of jewelry. “You should know it has the same properties as my concert
“It can track me anywhere?” asked Carmen with wide eyes.
“You're faster than usual for once.”
Suddenly, Carmen laughed. “I get it! It's like all that expensive security
equipment you put in your car.” Mammon lifted a brow since he had no idea she
paid attention to his cars until now. “That way even if someone steals it, you can
get it back.”
“You'll wear it then?”
“Sure,” said Carmen, putting it on already. “It's beautiful.”
“You must wear it at all times,” he said in a serious tone. “It's for safety
“Okay,” said Carmen obediently.
“If not, I'll fly over and force you home myself.”
“I understand!” Carmen said, nodding her head in determination. “I'll keep it
on so you know exactly where I am at all times! It's a great idea, darling!” Right
after, Carmen found herself laying down on the bed with him hovering her. “Yes,
“Don't do anything stupid on your trip.”
“I know.”
“I don't want to lose my investment.”
That was his way of saying he loved her and she replied, “I love you, too.”
With that, Mammon kissed her and the anklet jingled in response.


“Cookie, don't look around.”

“I think Loni's stalking you again.”
I sighed. Sadly enough, I already knew that. He was always with me,
whether I liked it or not. Right now, my friends and I had finished shopping for
summer clothes and decided to buy some pretzels. All of us, especially me, lived
close to the mall. Since my prodigy of a brother Teddy was busy with his music
career and my parents were busy with work, I had to waste my weekend time with
these girls from school. I never really liked them. They never really liked me. We
hung out because we had nothing better to do on a Saturday afternoon.
“Shouldn't you do something?”
I shook my head. “It's fine.”
“But I hear he's a druggie.”
“It's fine. Really.”
“It can't be good to have a druggie crushing on you.”
Stop pretending to care about me when you don't. I really wanted to say
that to her. I knew with all my heart that none of my friends cared for me. If Loni
were to pull a knife out to attack me, none of them would care. They would run off
with their shopping bags and leave me behind to die. That was how superficial my
friendships were. Funnily enough, out of everyone here, Loni was most likely to die
for me if someone were to assault me.
I accidentally laughed at the thought and they turned to me. I quickly said,
“I'm tired.”
“You should go home.”
“I'll do that. You guys have fun.”
“Bye Cookie.”
Like I expected, none of them offered to walk me home. They just continued
chatting and laughing and eating their damn pretzels. Somehow, it hadn't dawn
on them that my so-called druggie stalker would be following me all the way
home. Actually, now that I was separated from my friends, he would have an
easier time to kidnap me if he so please. This whole situation was very funny.
How like him to talk to me when I was far enough from my friends. Anyways,
I heard him calling, but pretended I didn't hear him for a few seconds. After he
called my name a second time, I stopped and turned around. Loni Cheng was the
same as always. He wore the same dirty shirt and baggy pants. His posture! He
was always slouching with his left hand over his shoulder. And oh, that crooked
smile. That same crooked smile that I knew so well. He was enjoying the sight of
me staring at him.
“I heard you the first time,” I said in an annoyed voice.
He went up to me and asked, “Why did you leave your friends?”
“They're not my friends,” I said under my breath.
“Do you mind?” he pointed at my pretzel.
I offered it to Loni. Instead of taking it, he forced my hand up to his height
and took a bite out of it. Afterwards, he chewed noisily, swallowed, and took
another bite. I just stood there and watched him awkwardly. I wondered if other
people around us thought the two of us were dating or something. Well, actually,
we were, but not consensually. I sort of had to or else he would jump off a building
to his death.
Loni started panting now like a puppy. “I'm thirsty!”
I accidentally giggled, but held myself together. “Duh. It's salty.”
“Kiss me, Coco.”
“It's Cookie,” I corrected. “And I'll get you some water.”
Soon enough, the two of us were sitting opposite from one another with him
gulping down the bottle of water in seconds and me finishing the rest of my
pretzel. I was pleasantly surprised with him today. He seemed to have an easier
time breathing and he wasn't shaking as much as usual. He smelled all right too,
unlike his usual self. How long had it been since he had given up his drugs?
“Do you want me to walk you home?” he asked with that crooked smile.
I shook my head and clasped my hands on top of the table. “No, it's okay.
There's no one else at home anyways.”
“You shouldn't have told me that,” Loni said teasingly.
“I'm stronger than you,” I threatened. “I'll break your arm if you try
“You're no fun, Coco.”
“I'm never any fun,” I said. “That's why you should find yourself a new
Loni eyed me curiously and said softly. “Only you can fulfill me...”
“I'm surprised, Loni,” I said, changing the subject. “You really are making a
huge effort to stay clean.”
“Drugs,” Loni said, allowing the word to hung in the air for a bit. “Only
people with fucked up lives would even try it.” He must have noticed my eyes
widening because he added, “No, more like those fucked in the head would live
their whole lives with it.”
“You said it was for fun,” I reminded.
“It is,” he defended. “But that's just a poor excuse for us... to keep using it.”
“Like Michie once said,” I said slowly, making circles on the table with my
finger. “I am the only one who can help you. That's why I decided,” I gulped, “that
I won't be like the rest of the world and judge you anymore.” I reached out my
hand and held his. “Let's push through together, Loni.”
“You're not ashamed of me?” he asked weakly.
“I am,” I said honestly, shaking slightly. “I'm scared.”
“Of the government?”
Typical Loni. “No. Of people staring at me. Of people staring at us.”
“It must be a drug aftereffect or some shit,” Loni said, scratching the back
of his ear. “I haven't noticed.”
“Lucky,” I moaned.
“I don't really care if you're ashamed of me,” Loni said suddenly. I tilted my
head curiously. “But one day, I want to be someone who Coco wouldn't be
ashamed to be with. I don't want you to be ashamed of us at least.”
I must admit that I was touched by what he said. Then again, Loni always
knew what to say to make me feel awkward and warm at the same time. He might
not make the best boyfriend material. After all, I stayed with him to keep him from
killing himself off. Of course, our relationship would be messed up. But at the end
of the day, somehow I could always depend on him.
“Maybe it's just me,” I said, getting up. “But this game of pretending to be
stalked by you in front of my friends is kind of fun.”
“It's because you have such an excellent stalker.”
“Or lousy friends.”
After Loni agreed with me, we went straight back home where I could rest
against him in front of the television and ate the rest of my chocolate cookies
dipped in the tasty condiment I call mustard. Maybe I should take some lessons
from Loni in the future and be rid of mustard addiction. For now though, I watched
my brother's serious face in front of the camera during his violin solo.


“Oh! Cupcakes!”
“No, Stevie, those are not for you!”
Steven blinked at Rebecca with a mouth full of the blueberry cupcake. Since
there was nothing Rebecca could do now, she watched as he finished the entirety
of the cupcake in his hand. Maybe it was half her fault since she left the cupcakes
all delicious and pretty on top of a plate in the middle of her room.
“These are delicious!” Steven cried in happiness. “You'll make a good wife
one day.”
“Er,” said Rebecca, not knowing what to say.
“Why, thank you,” said Duke, leaving Rebecca's restroom. Steven gaped at
the sight of Duke in regular clothes instead of his uniform. “Though I have no
intention of being a wife.”
“You baked these?” asked Steven in shock.
“That's right,” Duke said with hard eyes.
“They're all right,” Steven corrected his previous compliment.
“They were for my professors,” Duke stated.
“My bad,” said Steven, sitting down on Rebecca's chair. “So... when did this
“I baked them last night.”
“No, I mean, when did you start having an interest in cooking?”
Duke thought about it for a second. “Last week, after our midterms, I
thought I treat myself for once. I passed by a cake shop.” Duke's eyes sparkled at
the memory. “I wanted to go in and try all the cake they have to offer until,” Duke
scowled. “I noticed they only had female customers.”
“Poor Duke,” Steven said teasingly.
“I was in the mood for cake all day,” Duke confessed. “So I went and bought
myself a cookbook instead.”
“Duke asked me for some basics right after,” said Rebecca with a nod. “And
in a week, he's better than me.”
“Wow,” Steven said. “I hate how Duke is good at everything.”
“You're simply not motivated enough,” Duke said to Steven.
“That's true,” said Steven, shrugging.
“No, really,” Rebecca said, frowning and sitting down next to Steven. “Why
are you so good at everything, Duke? I'm jealous, too.”
“I know everything,” Duke said proudly. It was so like him to say something
like that. “Therefore, logically, I am an expert in everything. Besides,” Duke
shrugged. “It doesn't take a genius to know how to cook. You follow the
instructions and add your own flavor to it.”
“Now, you can make your own bonbons,” Rebecca pointed out.
Duke nodded. “Yes, I already studied how to make them.”
“Do you really have to help his ridiculous sweet tooth?” Steven asked
“It's not that,” said Rebecca to Steven. “I support Duke's new hobby. I don't
like how he's always locking himself in his room and studying all day. It's not
“So instead,” Steven said, tilting his head. “You want him to get diabetes.”
“Stevie!” Rebecca cried in outrage.
“That won't happen to me,” said Duke firmly. “I heard from Headmistress
that my father was an excellent baker and my mother an excellent cook and both
of them were perfectly healthy.”
“Look where they are now,” said Steven under his breath. Rebecca smacked
him across the head. “Well, it's true.”
“Duke,” said Rebecca with a sweet smile. “I'm happy for you. Keep it up!”
Duke cracked his knuckles. “I will make my own chocolates for Valentine's
this year.”
Steven and Rebecca gawked at him. “Duke has an interest in girls?!”
“No, women,” said Duke, lifting a brow at them.
“You're only fourteen!” Steven cried.
“Don't be like James!” Rebecca exclaimed.
“Ms. Roupeez likes dark chocolate,” Duke said, standing next to Rebecca's
table in front of the cupcakes. “I'll make her some dark chocolate.”
“I don't even buy Mom chocolates on Valentine's,” Steven said, feeling
awkward. He always felt this way since his mother and Duke looked so alike. His
mother seemed to like Duke, too. “You'll make me look like a bad son!”
“So?” asked Duke, not caring.
Rebecca laughed. “I bet she has a million suitors who give her chocolates.”
“That's true,” said Steven hastily. “She does. It's true.”
“I'll bake her a dark chocolate cake, then,” Duke decided.
“He's not listening,” said Steven, sighing.
“Just leave him alone,” Rebecca said, patting Steven on the shoulder. “At
least, this is better than your twin brother buying chocolate for your rival...”
Steven lifted a brow. “Pandora?”
“Who else?”
“I'll buy you some,” Steven offered.
“It's fine, Stevie,” said Rebecca, defeated. “Chocolates from you don't mean
“That's kind of hurtful.”
“Besides,” Rebecca said sadly. “I already know I will lose to Pandora. She
always gets more chocolate than me every Valentine's Day.”
“She's cuter and more popular,” said Steven. “What do you expect?”
“She mastered the technique of flirting,” Duke said, making it sound like a
new move he learned in training class. Rebecca released a heavy sigh now since
even Duke agreed with Steven. “But do not worry,” Duke reassured Rebecca.
“Popularity is created by humanity's need to show off. It does not have any
application in the real world.”
“That's reassuring,” Rebecca said, not convinced.
“It is what you accomplish with your life that is most important,” Duke said
in the most serious tone Rebecca had ever heard. “Everything else is just a
nuisance human beings come up with.”
Rebecca shook her head at Duke's words. “Well, if I could be more like you,
Duke, I would have done so a long time ago.”
“There is no point in comparing,” said Duke strictly. “Pandora is Pandora. You
are Rebecca Law. Comparing you two is like...” Duke glanced at Steven in pity.
“Comparing Steve and I. It's just not done.”
“Am I Pandora?” asked Steven hopefully.
“It's okay,” said Rebecca, laughing it off. “You don't have to comfort me in
your own way, Duke. I'll make chocolates for Commander Soraki like always.”
“It doesn't make sense,” Steven said. “Valentine's Day is when boys give
girls chocolates, not the other way around.”
“Well, you're not part of the Soraki fanclub, are you?” Rebecca shot back.
“That fanclub is full of nonsense,” said Steven, waving it off.
“Commander Soraki is admirable,” said Duke in awe. “I want to be a
commander like him someday.”
“I thought you've switched profession,” Steven said jokingly.
“I am Duke,” Duke said confidently. “I can become a leading commander
and a famous cook at the same time.” Steven and Rebecca looked at each other
and shook their heads. “If it will help your self-esteem, I will make chocolate for
both of you.”
Before Rebecca could say no, Steven cried, “I want chocolate!”
“Stevie,” said Rebecca, rolling her eyes. “Duke's just pitying you.”
“Yes,” Duke agreed. “I'll make you chocolate just to give it to someone.”
“Duke's so nice,” Steven beamed. “He's looking out for me like always.”
“Never mind,” Rebecca laughed. “Whatever. I don't mind whatever.”
Rebecca went over to Duke and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Can you
make me some chocolate to give to Commander Soraki, too?”
“Sure,” said Duke, writing a list in his planner now. “I'll make you some to
give to James Law.”
Rebecca blushed. “N-No! That won't be necessary!”
“By the way, Duke,” Steven said, recalling something. “There is no way I'm
going home to give that cake you're baking for Mom on Valentine's Day. That
would be so lame.”
“Who said you'll be the one handing it to her?” asked Duke, arching a brow.
Steven's eyes widened in horror. “You're not going to-”
“Yes, I am.”
“But she's my mom!”
“That's... not right!”
While Steven and Duke argued over a slight misunderstanding, Rebecca
wondered when Duke was going to get over his cooking craze. Then again, she
liked the idea of a competent guy like Duke to cook food for her every day. This
whole ordeal might not be so bad after all.


I wanted to be reborn as a woman.

As I sat in my chair in front of my laptop, I thought about this impossible
dream. If I could change one thing about myself, I would change my gender. I
wanted to be reborn an innocent, pretty girl. I wanted to be... Chelsea.
I would never forget that day. In our English class, we were reading each
other's essays. A lot of the writers in my class had excellent grammar and
sentence structure but their ideas were too strict, too bland. I knew this wasn't a
Creative Writing class but still, couldn't they have been more creative with their
writing? I was bored to death with reading the same essay over and over and
nearly fell asleep multiple times. They did not like my essay either. I knew why
though. Instead of following the prompt of the essay, I began writing creatively,
throwing the idea of a thesis and five-paragraphs essay out the window. I had fun
with my writing and it was all that mattered.
Much to my surprised, when class ended, a single lady approached me.
From her appearance alone, I could tell that she was younger than I. If I had to
guess, she was about seventeen or eighteen. There were some people in this
world whose eyes curved either up or down. Her bright blue-gray colored eyes are
curved downwards so perfectly that they looked like crescent moons. She had
long, orange permed hair that reached her hips. As for her matter of dress, she
wore a simple white t-shirt with a frilly peach-colored skirt. She was right and
totally my type.
“Quinn Darington right?” She chirped.
“Hey there,” I smiled. Smiling was a habit of mine. I couldn't stop in front of
a pretty girl such as she. “How are you, dear?”
“You forgot my name,” She said, beaming. What a cheerful person. “My
name's Theresa Chelsea Alonso!”
“Ah Chelsea,” I said, winking. “What a pretty name.”
“Eh?” She gaped, hugging her purse in front of her chest. “That's my middle
“I believe a middle name is special,” I said, widening my smile. I liked her.
She was a very open person.
“How?” She asked, confused.
“Parents take a long time to pick the perfect first name for their newborn
child,” I explained, keeping my eyes on her white skin and curious eyes. “Children
inherit last names automatically. I believe both first and last names are overrated.
It is the middle name that is special. Some people don't have any while others
have many. The method of picking the middle name is rarely the same. Most
people tend to forget middle names but to me, middle names are something that
no one ever take an effort to change. You may change your first name or last
name depending on marriage and court orders but never your middle name.”
“I never thought of it that way before!” Chelsea laughed.
“I'm sorry to rant on you like that, Chelsea.”
“No problem Quinn! I love to talk! Please talk some more! It makes me very
I chuckled. “So what do you need me for Chelsea dear?”
“I forgot,” Chelsea groaned and hit her head.
At this comment, I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Chelsea was good-
natured and laughed along with me, explaining to me that she had a terrible
memory. What a peculiar girl. On the outside, she seemed like any other girl
except for her extraordinary eyes. And yet, there was something about her...
something very innocent.
“How about I take you out for lunch until you remember?” I suggested.
“Sure,” Chelsea said, checking her purse. “That's a good idea because I
have no idea where my wallet went...”
“Did you forget it?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.
“No...” Chelsea said, sticking her tongue in between her teeth. She was
acting terribly cute to someone she just met. “I had it for sure this morning. I must
have since I bought an orange soda earlier today. Where did it go?”
“It's not like someone stole it,” I said, shrugging.
“Oh!” Chelsea said, widening her eyes. “That might have happened!”
“Oh shit. Really?” I asked, amused.
“A lot of people stole stuff from me back in middle school you see,” Chelsea
went on to explain. I nodded in understanding. “I gave everyone my locker combo
if they asked. By the end of the school year, I lost everything in it.”
“Maybe you shouldn't give out your locker combo like that.”
“But I had to,” Chelsea said, frowning. “My memory was not too bad before
but... I had a hard time remembering my locker combination so I had to ask others
to memorize it for me... I must sound very pathetic to you don't I?”
And yet, she continued to giggle and talk like it was the easiest thing in the
“No, no,” I said, shaking my hands in front of her. “You're very honest. There
are not many honest people in this world.” Like myself. “It's a good quality. Really
“Thank you, Quinn,” Chelsea said, beaming. “I don't know why but I feel
close to you already. Isn't that strange?”
“Maybe it's because we're long lost siblings!”
“Kidding, kidding,” I laughed when I saw the expression on her face. “You
are so gullible, Chelsea.” I continued to laugh to find her confused. “It's cute. You
should keep that quality. How about that lunch?”
“All right then! As long as it's not meat!”
“What's wrong with meat?”
“I'm a vegetarian.”
I gaped at her and placed a hand on my hip. “Oh crap. Me too.”
She was really gullible. It turned out the reason why she approached me
was because I wrote the most amusing essay she ever read. Despite it being
terribly off-topic, she thought I was a very creative writer who had no boundaries.
She was right. I liked thinking outside the box. By the end of lunch that day, we
exchanged phone numbers. We rarely talked again but somehow... on that certain
day a few months later...
During a certain car drive, I saw the caller ID on my cell. It was Chelsea.
Right then, I turned to my best friend Kevin Ty Shiratori or Ty and grinned. “A
cute girl is calling me. Excuse me, Ty.”
The Japanese male wrapped his arms in front of his chest and scowled. He
scowled very often but I was used to it by now. He was a few years younger than
me. Actually, he was the younger brother of a close friend of mine. Somehow, we
became best friends.
“It better not be your annoying girlfriend,” He said. Did I detect jealousy?
“Naw, I dumped her last week,” I replied, winking at him once. Then, I
checked up on Chelsea. “Hey cute stuff. You ring?”
“Quinn, I'm so sorry for calling you! But I don't know who else to turn to!”
“Chelsea,” I said, upset. I glanced at Ty once. He was looking out the
window, not caring. “What's wrong? Did something happen? Speak to me!”
“I... forgot my wallet.”
“The new one?”
“Yes, I left it at home,” Chelsea explained. Her voice was a bit shaky. “I'm
stuck at the water park. You know the one next to the amusement park? Is there
any chance you can drive me home? I'm sorry if you're busy. If you can't, it's fine!
I can call someone else!”
“No, no,” I said, excited. “There's only one tiny problem.”
“What is it Quinn?”
“I'm not the driver,” I said, glancing at Ty. Again, he didn't care much. I
assumed he was trying hard not to eavesdrop on my conversation. “But I'm sure
my friend can drive you home. To tell you the truth, I always wanted to check out
that water park! What a nice opportunity. How about it Chelsea? He's a really nice
“I'm sure all of Quinn's friends are nice.”
“Chelsea, you're making me blush,” I said, laughing. Ty tossed me one
annoyed look. “But yeah, no problem. You know I'll do anything to help you out
Chelsea. What are friends for right? You owe me lunch though.”
“I'll make you tofu chicken for you then!”
“Good girl,” I said, clicking my tongue. “Well then, we'll be there in a sec.
We're on our way there anyway. You're always lucky, aren't you Chelsea? Once
you spot my car, just make your little butt over all right? Love you Chelsea dear.”
“I know that look,” Ty said, eying me. I was trying my best not to smile too
happily at him. He was going to be angry at this. I just knew it. “What do you
“Do me a favor man,” I said, laughing softly.
“Depends on what it is,” Ty said, shifting his eyes.
“My friend is kind of stuck somewhere. Give her a ride home will you?”
“Why should I give your friend a ride home?”
I so saw that coming from a mile away. Ty was not the nicest person around
but he cared a lot about people he was close to. This was Ty for you. I loved him
nevertheless because he was one of the few people that truly cared for my self
“I beg you Ty!”
“Don't beg me. That's scary.”
I leaned closer to him with a priceless smile on my face. “You know Quinn's
Number One rule right?”
Ty sighed. “Never leave a cute girl by herself.”
“That's it! Go pick her up now!”
“You owe me,” Ty growled and glared at me dangerously. “Big time.”
No one saw this coming. I definitely didn't. That evening, while I typed up
my story as usual, I received a certain phone call from Ty. I could hear my ring
tone from a distance away. Who wouldn't pay attention to a ring tone that played
“I'm Too Sexy”? After a bunch of accusations on Ty's part on why I left them alone
together, the big news hit me.
“I thought you were judging girls a bit too harshly, you know man? I want to
prove to you that not all girls are boring. I mean come on. You must be deaf if you
think Chelsea is boring. Agree or no?”
There were a short silence on his end. “She's not boring.”
“She's funny as hell, man,” I laughed. He sounded defeated and that
amused me. “She's not your average girl. She's freaky.” How many girls were that
personal with their life story to a complete stranger on the first day?
“You might think this is funny and everything Quinn, but it's not,” Ty said in
a solemn voice. I sat up straight. “I think I like her you asshole.”
Impossible. “Holy shit! Are you for real Ty?”
Ty did not answer. I knew he was serious. When I finally hung up the phone
on him, I sat back in my chair in awe. My jaw was literally dropped. What have I
done? Ty was never serious about any girl before now, but for a second there, he
sounded dead serious about Chelsea after meeting her once. Hell, I liked her after
I met her once too. How could Ty resist such an innocent, cute girl? He was one of
those types of guys who enjoyed a girl who liked to talk a lot and Chelsea was
exactly like that.
But I was pained by this fact for some reason. I did not know why at first.
Could it be that I have deep, unresolved feelings for Chelsea somehow? I couldn't
grasp the concept completely. All I knew was I stayed up all night thinking about
this. My muse talked things over with me and told me that I couldn't possibly be
that serious about Chelsea after only meeting and talking to her a couple of times.
I was not someone who took anything too seriously unless I put my whole heart
into it.
Maybe I was jealous. I was jealous because Chelsea was everything I wanted
to be. That and maybe I was jealous because of Ty. Hm. I wonder...


“I-I love you, Milady!” Cal cried, blushing bright red.

Ada blushed bright red and tackled Cal into a hug. “Cal, you are so
After Ada left, Cal said loudly after her, “I was being serious though!”

“I might have feelings for you,” said Alvin, shrugging innocently.

“I am sorry, Alvin,” said Ada with a swift bow. “I am not my dear sister
“No more,” Ada pressed a finger to Alvin's lips. “You must save this for her!”
After Ada left, Alvin pulled his hair and growled, “But I'm not talking about

“I want to protect you forever,” said Dirge, unable to look at Ada in the eyes.
Ada's eyes widened at the cold Dirge. “But what about Lucas?”
“I can't always look out for him.”
“That is true,” Ada sighed. “I shall accept your protection and in return, you
must always stay friends with Lucas.”
After Ada left, Dirge muttered, “Failed confession.”

“How should I put this...” said Russ, blushing.

Ada blinked. “What is it, dear?”
“Never mind...” said Russ, scurrying away.
After Russ left, Ada asked in a confused tone, “What was that all about?”

“I announce my undying love for you, Milady,” said Flaine with open arms.
“Flaine!” said Ada in happiness. “I have been waiting forever to hear that
from you!”
“Really, Milady?” Flaine asked, shocked.
Ada hugged Flaine. “I am so happy you are finally free from your unhealthy
friendship with Lucas!”
“What are you going on about, Milady?”
“I saved you from that horrible man!”
After Ada left, Flaine sighed to himself, “This went horribly wrong...”

“Hi Dan!”
Dan Light flashed a grin and poked Ada's cheek. “I love you!”
“I love you, too!” Ada poked his cheek back.
“Yay!” Ada laughed and then, added, “I am delighted that you are having so
much fun, Dan! Let us try this again in the near future!”
After Ada left, Dan Light laughed to himself and said, “She doesn't take me
seriously at all! Oh poor me!”

“How was my song, Miss Ada?” asked Beau Livingston under his sunglasses.
“I love it,” said Ada in awe. “I love songs about love.”
“I wrote it, thinking about you...”
Ada turned bright red. “Can it be? This song is dedicated to me?”
“Precisely, Miss Ada,” said Beau with a lopsided grin. “I've always been
attracted to you.”
“I do not know what to say,” said Ada, flushing a darker shade of red.
“I would like a definite yes or no.”
Ada shyly played with her hair. “I must admit. You are the closest person
who I consider a real candidate for my heart on this ship. I have always seen you
as the only gallant around here.”
Beau winked. “I can also gallant you, Miss Ada.”
“Oh, you,” said Ada, pushing him arm teasingly.
After Ada left, Beau blinked and frowned, “She didn't give a definite

Kei went up to Ada, “Let's have sex, Milady!”


“Milady, the Captain might break my arm for this,” said Sherman shyly. “But
I have to confess this to you.”
“I understand,” said Ada, placing a hand on Sherman's arm. “It is all right.
Even if Lucas and everyone else judge you, I will not judge you.”
“Judge me?”
“It is about time you come to terms with your feelings for Kei,” said Ada,
It took Sherman a while to fully comprehend what Ada was getting at. Once
he did, immediately, Sherman ran off to beat Kei up with his confession to Ada

“I know this is beyond logic and reason,” said Niels, pretending to be busy
with the engine while Ada was standing there. “I am fully aware that it is beneath
me to expect anything but kindess from you, Milady, but I cannot help but hold
onto this tiny bit of hope.”
“Yes, Niels?” Ada asked curiously.
Nils gulped. “I want you to know that I harbor feelings for you.”
“Oh,” said Ada, looking away. “How do I put this...”
“I am younger and shorter than you,” Niels admitted. He adjusted his belt. “I
am not attractive or even reliable, but I can assure your happiness, Milady.”
“Thanks, Niels, for telling me this,” Ada smiled.
“You're welcome, Milady.”
“Lott loves Ada,” Lott declared.
“Ada loves Lott, too,” Ada said with a wide smile.
“Lott is happy,” Lott smiled back.
“Good Lott!”
After Ada left, Lott watched after her, “Ada so nice...”

“As you may know, Milady,” Scythe said, sitting down next to her at the
dinner table. “I am a man of many words and I have thought of over a million
ways to tell you exactly what I think of you. At last, I have came up with the
perfect confession so please bear with me for another five-”
“Stop staring at my breast, Scythe!”
After Ada kicked Scythe under the table and left without another word,
Scythe wondered what went wrong in the first place.

“Hey, you,” Lucas said, slapping Ada's behind without warning. “I have
something to talk to you about.”
Ada rubbed her butt and glared at him. “What do you want, Captain?”
Not liking the attitude in her voice, Lucas snarled, “Behave yourself.”
“Keep your hands to yourself first,” Ada said, standing up to him.
“This is my ocean. I can put my hands anywhere I want.”
“And this is a woman's world so my authority over yours.”
Ticked off by her sense of superioty, Lucas lifted Ada off her feet and threw
him over her shoulder, “My room. Now.”
“Wait,” said Ada, kicking his back and slamming her fists against his chest.
“What were you trying to say to me?!”

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