S03C01 5.5 Teorema Fundamental Del Cálculo

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5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 411

of practice was given approximately by the following table Answers to Matched Problems
1. (A) ∆x = 0.5:
x 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 f(x)

N′1x2 29 26 23 21 19 17 15 10

Use left and right sums over three equal subintervals to ap-
proximate the area under the graph of N′1x2 from x = 6 to 5
y 5 f(x)
x = 12. Calculate an error bound for this estimate.
78. Learning. For the data in Problem 77, use left and right x
0 1 2 3 4
sums over three equal subintervals to approximate the area
under the graph of N′1x2 from x = 0 to x = 6. Replace the (B) L 4 = 12.625, R4 = 10.625; error for L 4 and R4 = 2
question marks with values of L 3 and R3 as appropriate: (C) n Ú 16 for L n and Rn
6 2. S3 = 46
? … N′1x2 dx … ?
3. (A) - 2.33 (B) 5.04 (C) 10.67
4. (A) 38 (B) 16 (C) - 6
(D) 0 (E) 108

5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

■ Introduction to the Fundamental The definite integral of a function f on an interval [a, b] is a number, the area (if
Theorem f1x2 7 0) between the graph of f and the x axis from x = a to x = b. The indefinite
■ Evaluating Definite Integrals integral of a function is a family of antiderivatives. In this section, we explain the
connection between these two integrals, a connection made precise by the fundamen-
■ Recognizing a Definite Integral: tal theorem of calculus.
Average Value
Introduction to the Fundamental Theorem
Suppose that the daily cost function for a small manufacturing firm is given (in dol-
C(x) 5 180x 1 200 lars) by
C1x2 = 180x + 200 0 … x … 20
Then the marginal cost function is given (in dollars per unit) by
C(10) 2 C(5) 5 900 C′1x2 = 180
What is the change in cost as production is increased from x = 5 units to x = 10
x units? That change is equal to
0 5 10 15 20

C1102 - C152 = 1180 # 10 + 2002 - 1180 # 5 + 2002

= 180110 - 52
200 C9(x) 5 180 = $900
150 Notice that 180110 - 52 is equal to the area between the graph of C′1x2 and the x
axis from x = 5 to x = 10. Therefore,
Area 5 180(10 2 5) 10

5 900
50 C1102 - C152 = 180 dx
0 5 10 15 20 In other words, the change in cost from x = 5 to x = 10 is equal to the area between
Figure 1 the marginal cost function and the x axis from x = 5 to x = 10 (see Fig. 1).
412 CHAPTER 5 Integration

Consider the formula for the slope of a line:
y2 - y1
m =
x2 - x1

Multiplying both sides of this equation by x2 - x1 gives

y2 - y1 = m1x2 - x1 2
The right-hand side, m1x2 - x1 2, is equal to the area of a rectangle of height m
and width x2 - x1. So the change in y coordinates is equal to the area under the
constant function with value m from x = x1 to x = x2.

EXAMPLE 1 Change in Cost vs Area under Marginal Cost The daily cost function for a com-
pany (in dollars) is given by
C1x2 = - 5x 2 + 210x + 400 0 … x … 20
(A) Graph C1x2 for 0 … x … 20, calculate the change in cost from x = 5 to
x = 10, and indicate that change in cost on the graph.
(B) Graph the marginal cost function C′1x2 for 0 … x … 20, and use geomet-
ric formulas (see the references at the back of the book) to calculate the area
between C′1x2 and the x axis from x = 5 to x = 10.
(C) Compare the results of the calculations in parts (A) and (B).
(A) C1102 - C152 = 2,000 - 1,325 = 675, and this change in cost is indicated
in Figure 2A.

3000 C(x) 5 25x 2 1 210x 1 400

C(10) 2 C(5) 5 675

5 10 15 20

Figure 2A
(B) C′1x2 = - 10x + 210, so the area between C′1x2 and the x axis from x = 5
to x = 10 (see Fig. 2B) is the area of a trapezoid (geometric formulas are given
in the references at the back of the book):

C′152 + C′1102 160 + 110

Area = 110 - 52 = 152 = 675
2 2

200 C9(x) 5 210x 1 210
150 Area 5 675
0 5 10 15 20

Figure 2B
SECTION 5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 413

(C) The change in cost from x = 5 to x = 10 is equal to the area between the mar-
ginal cost function and the x axis from x = 5 to x = 10.

Matched Problem 1 Repeat Example 1 for the daily cost function

C1x2 = - 7.5x2 + 305x + 625

The connection illustrated in Example 1, between the change in a function from

x = a to x = b and the area under the derivative of the function, provides the link
between antiderivatives (or indefinite integrals) and the definite integral. This link is
known as the fundamental theorem of calculus. (See Problems 67 and 68 in Exercises
5.5 for an outline of its proof.)

THEOREM 1 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

If f is a continuous function on [a, b], and F is any antiderivative of f, then

f1x2 dx = F1b2 - F1a2

Because a definite integral is the limit of Riemann sums, we expect that it would
be difficult to calculate definite integrals exactly. The fundamental theorem,
however, gives us an easy method for evaluating definite integrals, provided
that we can find an antiderivative F1x2 of f1x2: Simply calculate the difference
F1b2 - F1a2. But what if we are unable to find an antiderivative of f1x2? In
that case, we must resort to left sums, right sums, or other approximation meth-
ods to approximate the definite integral. However, it is often useful to remember
that such an approximation is also an estimate of the change F1b2 - F1a2.

Evaluating Definite Integrals

By the fundamental theorem, we can evaluate 1a f1x2 dx easily and exactly when-

ever we can find an antiderivative F1x2 of f1x2. We simply calculate the difference
F1b2 - F1a2. If G1x2 is another antiderivative of f1x2, then G1x2 = F1x2 + C
for some constant C. So

G1b2 - G1a2 = F1b2 + C - 3F1a2 + C4

= F1b2 - F1a2
In other words:
Any antiderivative of f 1x 2 can be used in the fundamental theorem. One
generally chooses the simplest antiderivative by letting C 0, since any
other value of C will drop out in computing the difference F 1b 2 F1a 2 .
Now you know why we studied techniques of indefinite integration before this
section—so that we would have methods of finding antiderivatives of large classes of
elementary functions for use with the fundamental theorem.
In evaluating definite integrals by the fundamental theorem, it is convenient to
use the notation F1x2 ba, which represents the change in F1x2 from x = a to x = b,
as an intermediate step in the calculation. This technique is illustrated in the follow-
ing examples.
414 CHAPTER 5 Integration

EXAMPLE 2 Evaluating Definite Integrals Evaluate a2x + 3ex - b dx.
SOLUTION We begin by finding an antiderivative F1x2 of f1x2 = 2x + 3ex - x .

F1x2 = a 2x + 3ex - b dx

L L Lx
= 2 x dx + 3 exdx - 4 dx
= 2 + 3ex - 4 ln x + C Let C = 0
= x2 + 3ex - 4 ln x
We then use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to get

a2x + 3ex - b dx = F122 - F112 ≈ 23.39 - 9.15 = 14.24.

Matched Problem 2 Evaluate a4x - 2ex + b dx.

The evaluation of a definite integral is a two-step process: First, find an antide-

rivative. Then find the change in that antiderivative. If substitution techniques are
required to find the antiderivative, there are two different ways to proceed. The next
example illustrates both methods.

EXAMPLE 3 Definite Integrals and Substitution Techniques Evaluate


2 dx
x + 10

SOLUTION We solve this problem using substitution in two different ways.

Method 1. Use substitution in an indefinite integral to find an antiderivative as a

function of x. Then evaluate the definite integral.

x 1 1 Substitute u = x2 + 10
2 dx = 2 2x dx
x + 10 2 x + 10 and du = 2x dx.

2L u
1 1
= du
= 2 ln u + C Plug in u = x2 + 10.
= 2 ln1x 2 + 102 + C Since u = x2 + 10 7 0

We choose C = 0 and use the antiderivative 12 ln1x 2 + 102 to evaluate the definite
5 5

L0 x + 10
x 1 2
2 dx = ln1x + 102 `
2 0
1 1
= 2 ln 35 - 2 ln 10 ≈ 0.626
SECTION 5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 415

Method 2. Substitute directly into the definite integral, changing both the variable
of integration and the limits of integration. In the definite integral

2 dx
x + 10
the upper limit is x = 5 and the lower limit is x = 0. When we make the substitu-
tion u = x2 + 10 in this definite integral, we must change the limits of integration
to the corresponding values of u:
x = 5 implies u = 52 + 10 = 35 New upper limit
x = 0 implies u = 02 + 10 = 10 New lower limit

We have
5 5

L0 x + 10 2 L0 x + 10
x 1 1
dx = 2
2x dx


2 L10 u
1 1
= du

= a ln u ` b
2 10

= 12 1ln 35 - ln 102 ≈ 0.626

Matched Problem 3 Use both methods described in Example 3 to evaluate


L0 2x + 4

EXAMPLE 4 Definite Integrals and Substitution Use method 2 described in Example 3 to


25 - t dt

SOLUTION If u = 5 - t, then du = - dt, and

t = 1 implies u = 5 - 1 = 4 New upper limit

t = -4 implies u = 5 - 1 - 42 = 9 New lower limit

Notice that the lower limit for u is larger than the upper limit. Be careful not to re-
verse these two values when substituting into the definite integral:
1 1

L-4 L-4
25 - t dt = - 25 - t 1 - dt2

= - 2u du

= - u1>2 du

u3>2 4
= -a 3 ` b
2 9

= - 3 23 142 3>2 - 23 192 3>2 4

= - 3 16
3 -
3 4 = 38
3 ≈ 12.667
416 CHAPTER 5 Integration

Matched Problem 4 Use method 2 described in Example 3 to evaluate


L2 26 - t

EXAMPLE 5 Change in Profit A company manufactures x HDTVs per month. The monthly
marginal profit (in dollars) is given by
P′1x2 = 165 - 0.1x 0 … x … 4,000
The company is currently manufacturing 1,500 HDTVs per month but is planning
to increase production. Find the change in the monthly profit if monthly production
is increased to 1,600 HDTVs.

P11,6002 - P11,5002 = 1165 - 0.1x2 dx

= 1 165x - 0.05x2 2 0 1,600


= 3 16511,6002 - 0.0511,6002 2 4
- 3 16511,5002 - 0.0511,5002 2 4
= 136,000 - 135,000
= 1,000
Increasing monthly production from 1,500 units to 1,600 units will increase the
monthly profit by $1,000.

Matched Problem 5 Repeat Example 5 if

P′1x2 = 300 - 0.2x 0 … x … 3,000
and monthly production is increased from 1,400 to 1,500 HDTVs.

EXAMPLE 6 Useful Life An amusement company maintains records for each video game
installed in an arcade. Suppose that C1t2 and R1t2 represent the total accumulated
costs and revenues (in thousands of dollars), respectively, t years after a particular
game has been installed. Suppose also that
C′1t2 = 2 R′1t2 = 9e-0.5t
The value of t for which C′1t2 = R′1t2 is called the useful life of the game.
(A) Find the useful life of the game, to the nearest year.
(B) Find the total profit accumulated during the useful life of the game.

(A) R′1t2 = C′1t2

y 5 R9(t) 9e-0.5t = 2
e-0.5t = 9 Convert to equivalent logarithmic form.

y 5 C9(t) - 0.5t = ln 29
t = - 2 ln 29 ≈ 3 years
0 3 5 Thus, the game has a useful life of 3 years. This is illustrated graphically in
Figure 3 Useful life Figure 3.
SECTION 5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 417

(B) The total profit accumulated during the useful life of the game is

P132 - P102 = P′1t2 dt

= 3R′1t2 - C′1t24 dt

L0 L
1 ax
= 19e-0.5t - 22 dt Recall: eax dx = e + C
9 -0.5t
= a e - 2tb `
-0.5 0

= 1 - 18e-0.5t - 2t2 0 30
= 1 - 18e-1.5 - 62 - 1 - 18e0 - 02
= 12 - 18e -1.5 ≈ 7.984 or $7,984

Matched Problem 6 Repeat Example 6 if C′1t2 = 1 and R′1t2 = 7.5e-0.5t.

EXAMPLE 7 Numerical Integration on a Graphing Calculator Evaluate e dx to three
decimal places.
SOLUTION The integrand e -x does not have an elementary antiderivative, so we
are unable to use the fundamental theorem to evaluate the definite integral. Instead,
we use a numerical integration routine that has been preprogrammed into a graph-
ing calculator. This can be found by pressing the math button on the TI-84 Plus CE.
Such a routine is an approximation algorithm, more powerful than the left-sum and
right-sum methods discussed in Section 5.4. From Figure 4,

e -x dx = 1.629
Figure 4


Matched Problem 7 Evaluate dx to three decimal places.
ln x

Recognizing a Definite Integral: Average Value

Recall that the derivative of a function f was defined in Section 2.4 by

f1x + h2 - f1x2
f = 1x2 = lim
S h 0 h
This form is generally not easy to compute directly but is easy to recognize in certain
practical problems (slope, instantaneous velocity, rates of change, and so on). Once
we know that we are dealing with a derivative, we proceed to try to compute the de-
rivative with the use of derivative formulas and rules.
Similarly, evaluating a definite integral with the use of the definition

f1x2 dx = lim 3 f1c1 2∆x1 + f1c2 2∆x2 + g + f1cn 2 ∆xn 4 (1)
nS ∞

is generally not easy, but the form on the right occurs naturally in many practical
problems. We can use the fundamental theorem to evaluate the definite integral (once
418 CHAPTER 5 Integration

f(x) it is recognized) if an antiderivative can be found; otherwise, we will approximate it

y 5 f(x)
with a rectangle sum. We will now illustrate these points by finding the average value
of a continuous function.
The area, A, of a rectangle with width w and height h is given by A = w * h.
The height of a rectangle is then given by h = wA . For the signed area under a continu-
ous curve f(x) on an interval [a, b], the width of the region is b – a and the (signed)

area of the region is given by f1x2 dx. The height of the rectangle with the same

x 1
a b width and area is then b - a f1x2 dx. (See Fig 5.)
Figure 5

DEFINITION Average Value of a Continuous Function f over [a, b]


b - a La
f1x2 dx

Explore and Discuss 1

We know that the average of a finite number of values a1, a2, c, an is given by

a1 + a2 + g + an
average =
and we know that a Riemann sum uses n rectangles to approximate the (signed) area
under a curve. Explain how the fundamental theorem of calculus gives the formula for
the average value of a continuous function.

EXAMPLE 8 Average Value of a Function Find the average value of f1x2 = x - 3x2 over the
interval 3 - 1, 24.
b 2

b - a La 2 - 1 - 12 L-1
1 1
f1x2 dx = 1x - 3x 2 2 dx

1 x2 2
= a - x3 b ` = - (See Fig 6.)
3 2 -1 2


21 1 2

y 5 22


f(x) 5 x 2 3x 2


Figure 6

Matched Problem 8 Find the average value of g1t2 = 6t2 - 2t over the
interval 3 - 2, 34.
SECTION 5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 419

EXAMPLE 9 Average Price Given the demand function

p = D1x2 = 100e -0.05x
find the average price (in dollars) over the demand interval [40, 60].

b - a La
Average price = D1x2 dx


60 - 40 L40
= 100e-0.05x dx


20 L40
1 ax
= e -0.05x dx Use eax dx = e ,a 0.

5 -0.05x 60
= - e `
0.05 40

= 1001e-2 - e-3 2 ≈ $8.55

Matched Problem 9 Given the supply equation

p = S1x2 = 10e0.05x
find the average price (in dollars) over the supply interval [20, 30].

Exercises 5.5
W Skills Warm-up Exercises 11. F1x2 = - x2 + 42x + 240
In Problems 1–8, use geometric formulas to find the unsigned area 12. F1x2 = x2 + 30x + 210
between the graph of y = f1x2 and the x axis over the indicated
Evaluate the integrals in Problems 13–32.
interval. (If necessary, see the references at the back of the book.)
5 4

L0 L0
1. f1x2 = 100; 31, 64
13. 7 dx 14. 2x dx
2. f1x2 = -50; 38, 124
3. f1x2 = x + 5; 30, 44 2 3

L0 L0
15. 4x dx 16. 5 dx
4. f1x2 = x - 2; 3 -3, -14
5. f1x2 = 3x; 3 - 4, 44 5 6

L2 L3
6. f1x2 = -10x; 3 -100, 504 17. x2 dx 18. x2 dx

7. f1x2 = 29 - x2; 3 -3, 34 3 3

L1 x L1 x
1 1
8. f1x2 = - 249 - x ; 3 - 7, 74 19. dx 20. 2

A In Problems 9–12, 8 8

L2 L2 x
1 1
(A) Calculate the change in F1x2 from x = 10 to x = 15. 21. 2
dx 22. dx
(B) Graph F′1x2 and use geometric formulas (see the references 3 2

L0 L0
at the back of the book) to calculate the area between the 23. 2ex dx 24. 3ex dx
graph of F ′1x2 and the x axis from x = 10 to x = 15.
(C) Verify that your answers to (A) and (B) are equal, as is guar- 7 8

L5 L3
anteed by the fundamental theorem of calculus. 25. 13x + 22 dx 26. 13x2 - 4x2 dx

9. F1x2 = 3x2 + 160 10. F1x2 = 9x + 120

420 CHAPTER 5 Integration

5 3 1 3

L8 L0 L1
x - 1 x + 2
27. 13x + 22 dx 28. 13x2 - 4x2 dx 59. 2
dx 60. 2
x - 2x + 3 3x + 12x -7
3 4 1 7
e-x - ex ln1t - 52
L-2 L-1 L-1 1e + e 2 L6
29. 14x3 - 6x2 + 10x2 dx 30. 15x4 - 122 dx 61. -x x 2
dx 62. dt
t - 5
3 4 Use a numerical integration routine to evaluate each definite

L3 L4
31. 14x3 - 6x2 + 10x2 8 dx 32. 15x4 - 122 9 dx integral in Problems 63–66 (to three decimal places).
3.5 1

L1.7 L-1
B Evaluate the integrals in Problems 33–48. 63. x ln x dx 64. ex dx

2 3

L1 L1
33. 12x -2 - 32 dx 34. 17 - 81x -4 2 dx 2 3

L-2 L0
65. dx 66. 29 - x2 dx
1 + x2
4 25

L1 L4
35. 32x dx 36. dx 67. The mean value theorem states that if F1x2 is a differen-
tiable function on the interval [a, b], then there exists some
3 1 number c between a and b such that

L2 L0
37. 121x2 - 42 5x dx 38. 321x2 + 12 7x dx
F1b2 - F1a2
F′1c2 =
9 8
b - a

L3 L2
1 1
39. dx 40. dx Explain why the mean value theorem implies that if a car
x - 1 x + 1
averages 60 miles per hour in some 10-minute interval, then
10 75
the car’s instantaneous velocity is 60 miles per hour at least

L-5 L-15
41. e-0.05x dx 42. e-0.02x dx once in that interval.
68. The fundamental theorem of calculus can be proved by show-
e e2
1ln t2 2 ing that, for every positive integer n, there is a Riemann sum

L1 t Le
ln t
43. dt 44. dt for f on [a, b] that is equal to F1b2 - F1a2. By the mean
value theorem (see Problem 67), within each subinterval
1 1 3xk - 1, xk 4 that belongs to a partition of [a, b], there is some

L0 L0
xe-x dx 46. xex dx
ck such that
F1xk 2 - F1xk - 1 2
1 -1 f1ck 2 = F ′1ck 2 =
xk - xk - 1
L1 L-1
2 2
47. ex dx 48. e-x dx
Multiplying by the denominator xk - xk - 1, we get
In Problems 49–56, f1ck 2 1xk - xk - 1 2 = F1xk 2 - F1xk - 1 2
(A) Find the average value of each function over the indicated Show that the Riemann sum
Sn = a f1ck 2 1xk - xk - 1 2

(B) Use a graphing calculator to graph the function and its av- k=1
erage value over the indicated interval in the same viewing
window. is equal to F1b2 - F1a2.

49. f1x2 = 500 - 50x; 30, 104

50. g1x2 = 2x + 7; 30, 54 Applications
51. f1t2 = 3t - 2t; 3 - 1, 24
69. Cost. A company manufactures mountain bikes. The re-
52. g1t2 = 4t - 3t2; 3 - 2, 24 search department produced the marginal cost function
53. f1x2 = 2 x; 31, 84
54. g1x2 = 1x + 1; 33, 84 C′1x2 = 500 - 0 … x … 900
55. f1x2 = 4e-0.2x; 30, 104 where C′1x2 is in dollars and x is the number of bikes pro-
56. f1x2 = 64e 0.08x
; 30, 104 duced per month. Compute the increase in cost going from
a production level of 300 bikes per month to 900 bikes per
C Evaluate the integrals in Problems 57–62. month. Set up a definite integral and evaluate it.
3 1 70. Cost. Referring to Problem 69, compute the increase in

L2 L0
57. x 22x2 - 3 dx 58. x 23x2 + 2 dx cost going from a production level of 0 bikes per month to
600 bikes per month. Set up a definite integral and evaluate it.
SECTION 5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 421

71. Salvage value. A new piece of industrial equipment will where t is the number of years that the mine has been in
depreciate in value, rapidly at first and then less rapidly as operation. Find the useful life of the mine, to the nearest year.
time goes on. Suppose that the rate (in dollars per year) at What is the total profit accumulated during the useful life of
which the book value of a new milling machine changes is the mine?
given approximately by 77. Average cost. The total cost (in dollars) of manufacturing x
V′1t2 = f1t2 = 5001t - 122 0 … t … 10 auto body frames is C1x2 = 60,000 + 300x.

where V1t2 is the value of the machine after t years. What is (A) Find the average cost per unit if 500 frames are produced.
the total loss in value of the machine in the first 5 years? In [Hint: Recall that C1x2 is the average cost per unit.]
the second 5 years? Set up appropriate integrals and solve. (B) Find the average value of the cost function over the
72. Maintenance costs. Maintenance costs for an apartment interval [0, 500].
house generally increase as the building gets older. From
(C) Discuss the difference between parts (A) and (B).
past records, the rate of increase in maintenance costs (in
dollars per year) for a particular apartment complex is given 78. Average cost. The total cost (in dollars) of printing x dic-
approximately by tionaries is C1x2 = 20,000 + 10x.
M′1x2 = f1x2 = 90x2 + 5,000 (A) Find the average cost per unit if 1,000 dictionaries are
where x is the age of the apartment complex in years and produced.
M1x2 is the total (accumulated) cost of maintenance for x (B) Find the average value of the cost function over the
years. Write a definite integral that will give the total mainte- interval [0, 1,000].
nance costs from the end of the second year to the end of the
seventh year, and evaluate the integral. (C) Discuss the difference between parts (A) and (B).
73. Employee training. A company producing computer com- 79. Sales. The rate at which the total number of sales is chang-
ponents has established that, on the average, a new employee ing is given by S′1t2 where t is the number of months since
can assemble N1t2 components per day after t days of on- the product’s release. What does
the-job training, as indicated in the following table (a new

employee’s productivity usually increases with time on the
S′1t2 dt
job, up to a leveling-off point):

t 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 represent?

N1t2 10 51 68 76 81 84 85 80. Advertising. The rate at which the total amount of money
put into an advertising campaign is changing is given by
(A) Find a quadratic regression equation for the data, and A′1t2 where t is the number of days since the campaign
graph it and the data set in the same viewing window. began. What does
(B) Use the regression equation and a numerical integra- 7

tion routine on a graphing calculator to approximate the A′1t2 dt
number of units assembled by a new employee during
the first 100 days on the job. represent?
74. Employee training. Refer to Problem 73. 81. Supply function. Given the supply function

(A) Find a cubic regression equation for the data, and graph p = S1x2 = 101e0.02x - 12
it and the data set in the same viewing window. find the average price (in dollars) over the supply interval
[20, 30].
(B) Use the regression equation and a numerical integra-
tion routine on a graphing calculator to approximate the 82. Demand function. Given the demand function
number of units assembled by a new employee during
the second 60 days on the job. p = D1x2 =
75. Useful life. The total accumulated costs C1t2 and revenues
R1t2 (in thousands of dollars), respectively, for a photocopy- find the average price (in dollars) over the demand interval
ing machine satisfy [400, 600].
1 2 83. Labor costs and learning. A defense contractor is starting
C′1t2 = 11 t and R′1t2 = 5te-t production on a new missile control system. On the basis of
where t is time in years. Find the useful life of the machine, data collected during assembly of the first 16 control systems,
to the nearest year. What is the total profit accumulated dur- the production manager obtained the following function for
ing the useful life of the machine? the rate of labor use:
76. Useful life. The total accumulated costs C1t2 and revenues L′1x2 = 2,400x -1>2
R1t2 (in thousands of dollars), respectively, for a coal mine
satisfy Approximately how many labor-hours will be required to
assemble the 17th through the 25th control units? [Hint: Let
C′1t2 = 3 and R′1t2 = 15e-0.1t a = 16 and b = 25.]
422 CHAPTER 5 Integration

84. Labor costs and learning. If the rate of labor use in over a 2-hour period, what is the average temperature over
Problem 83 is this period?
L′1x2 = 2,000x -1>3 92. Medicine. A drug is injected into the bloodstream of a patient
through her right arm. The drug concentration in the blood-
then approximately how many labor-hours will be required to stream of the left arm t hours after the injection is given by
assemble the 9th through the 27th control units? [Hint: Let
a = 8 and b = 27.] 0.14t
85. Inventory. A store orders 600 units of a product every C1t2 =
t2 + 1
3 months. If the product is steadily depleted to 0 by the end
of each 3 months, the inventory on hand I at any time t during What is the average drug concentration in the bloodstream of
the year is shown in the following figure. What is the average the left arm during the first hour after the injection? During
number of units on hand for a 3-month period? the first 2 hours after the injection?
93. Politics. Public awareness of a mayoral candidate before and
after a successful campaign was approximated by
Inventory (units on hand)

600 5.4t
P1t2 = + 0.2 0 … t … 12
t 2 + 36
where t is time in months after the campaign started and P1t2
is the fraction of the number of people in the city who could
0 3 6 9 12 recall the candidate’s name. What is the average fraction of
Time (months) the number of people who could recall the candidate’s name
during the first 6 months of the campaign? During the first
86. Repeat Problem 85 with an order of 1,200 units every year of the campaign?
4 months. What is the average number of units on hand
for a 4-month period? 94. Population composition. The number of children in a large
city was found to increase and then decrease rather drasti-
87. Oil production. Using production and geological data, the cally. If the number of children (in millions) over a 6-year
management of an oil company estimates that oil will be period was given by
pumped from a producing field at a rate given by
N1t2 = - 14 t2 + t + 4 0 … t … 6
R1t2 = + 5 0 … t … 20 N
t + 1
Number of children

where R1t2 is the rate of production (in thousands of barrels

per year) t years after pumping begins. Approximately how

many barrels of oil will the field produce during the first
10 years of production? From the end of the 10th year to the
end of the 20th year of production?
88. Oil production. In Problem 87, if the rate is found to be
0 5
120t Years
R1t2 = 2 + 3 0 … t … 20
t + 1
what was the average number of children in the city over the
then approximately how many barrels of oil will the field
6-year period? [Assume that N = N1t2 is continuous.]
produce during the first 5 years of production? The second
5 years of production?
Answers to Matched Problems
89. Biology. A yeast culture weighing 6 grams is expected
to grow at the rate of W′1t2 = 0.3e0.05t grams per hour at 1. (A) C(x)
a higher controlled temperature. How much will the weight
4000 C(x) 5 27.5x 2 1 305x 1 625
of the culture increase during the first 12 hours of growth?
How much will the weight of the culture increase from the 3000
end of the 12th hour to the end of the 24th hour of growth? C(10) 2 C(5) 5 962.5
90. Medicine. The rate at which the area of a skin wound
is increasing is given (in square centimeters per day) by
A′1t2 = -0.9e-0.1t. The initial wound has an area of 0 5 10 15 20
9 square centimeters. How much will the area change
during the first 5 days? The second 5 days?
91. Temperature. If the temperature in an aquarium (in degrees
Celsius) is given by
C1t2 = t3 - 2t + 10 0 … t … 2
SECTION 5.6 Area Between Curves 423

(B) C9(x) 2. 16 + 2e - 2e3 + 5 ln 3 ≈ - 13.241

3. 2 1ln 6 - ln 42 ≈ 0.203
300 C9(x) 5 215x 1 305 4. 2
Area 5 962.5
200 5. $1,000
6. (A) - 2 ln 15 ≈ 4 yr (B) 11 - 15e-2 ≈ 8.970 or $8,970
7. 8.017
x 8. 13
0 5 10 15 20
9. $35.27
(C) The change in cost from x = 5 to x = 10 is equal to the
area between the marginal cost function and the x axis
from x = 5 to x = 10.

5.6 Area Between Curves

Area Between Two Curves So far we found that the definite integral 1a f 1x 2 d x represents the sum of the
■ b

■ Application: Income Distribution signed areas between the graph of y = f 1x 2 and the x axis from x = a to x = b ,
where the areas above the x axis are counted positively and the areas below the x axis
f(x) are counted negatively (see Fig. 1). In this section, we are interested in using the defi-
nite integral to find the actual area between a curve and the x axis or the actual area
y 5 f(x)
between two curves. These areas are always nonnegative quantities—area measure
is never negative.
Area Between Two Curves
c b
Consider the area bounded by y = f 1x 2 and y = g 1x 2, where f 1x 2 Ú g 1x 2 Ú 0 ,
for a … x … b, as shown in Figure 2.

Area A between area area Areas are from x = a to
Figure 1 f 1x2 dx = - A + B a b = a b - a b x = b above the x axis.
f1x2 and g1x2 under f1x2 under g1x2
b b
Use definite integral
La La
y = f 1x 2 d x - g 1x 2 d x property 4 (Section 5.4).
y 5 f(x)

= 3 f 1x 2 - g 1x 24 d x
y 5 g(x)
b It can be shown that the preceding result does not require f(x) or g(x) to remain
Figure 2
positive over the interval [a, b]. A more general result is stated in the following box:

y THEOREM 1 Area Between Two Curves

y 5 f(x) If f and g are continuous and f 1x 2 Ú g 1x 2 over the interval [a, b], then the
area bounded by y = f 1x 2 and y = g 1x 2 for a … x … b (see Fig. 3) is given
A y 5 g(x)
exactly by
a b

A = 3f 1x 2 - g 1x 24 d x
Figure 3

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