The Youth Vote

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Some people think voting at 16 is an

option for Spain as many demand that
it is a right just as they are able to
drive or have sexual relationships.
However, they do not take into
consideration what a problem this can
be for society.

First of all, a 16-year-old child does

not have the capacity to make
decisions on this scale as it has been
psychologically proven that children
of this age are much more vulnerable.
This would not only cause many of
them to be manipulated by the
ideologies of their families, but it
would also slow down their ability to Furthermore, it is clear that many of
think critically. today's young people are looking for
quick and easy money. Therefore, it
In addition, most of these young
would be a danger to let them vote
people lack of experience and
because of the number of votes that
political knowledge as their priorities
could be bought. This would clearly
at that age are not the politics of our
affect the resolution of the votes,
country but are focused on their
considering it as cheating and generating
evolution as teenagers. This can even
new problems such as a re-election.
pose a danger to the rest of society as
these young people are less risk
Ultimately, young people in need of
expressing their political opinions have
Also, most young people tend to
many other resources to turn to as many
make decisions in the short term and
political programmes and clubs have
are often driven by their impulsivity
been implemented in Spain where they
as they are not afraid of the
are taught how to develop their ideas.
consequences and sometimes do not
even take them into consideration due
In conclusion, voting should not be
to their naivety. In this way, voting
something that should be done without
would cease to be something
knowledge but should take many factors
exclusive and important and would
into consideration as we put at risk the
become something less coherent and
well-being of our country.
accessible to everyone.

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