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SECTION 1: e-Business Suite Essentials

1. Logging In to Oracle Applications, Creating Favorites, Navigating

Through Responsibilities and Menus, Closing a Form, Logging Out of
Oracle Applications

(A) Logging In to Oracle Applications

1. Open the URL given by the Instructor in Internet Explorer or Netscape.

2. Use the following information to log in:

Username: XXXXX

Password: XXXXX

(B) Login

Section I: Creating Favorites

3. Enter a function:

Responsibility: Inventory, Vision Operations (USA)

Function Prompt: Receipts

Favorite: XX_Receipts

Section II: Logging In to Forms-Based Interface

4. Navigating through responsibilities and menus:

On the PHP, click the Assets, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility to find the different
menus available such as Financial Information, Transaction History, and Accounting
Events under this responsibility.

Click the Financial Information link under Inquiry to open up a form.

Go through the different fields such as Asset Number, Description, Tag, Asset Key, and
Book in this form.

On the PHP, click the Cash Management, Vision Operations (USA) to find the different
menus available under this responsibility.

Click the Bank Balances link to open a Web page.

Go through the different fields such as Balance Date, Name, Type, and Account Number
on this Web page.

Close the Web page.

5. Closing a form:

On the PHP, click Cash Management, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility.

Open the Reconcile Bank Statements form.

Use menu to close form.

6. Logging out of Oracle Applications:

Exit R12 Forms Interface.

Log out of the PHP.

2. Retrieving and Deleting a Record

(A) Logging In to Oracle Applications

1. Log in to Oracle Applications:

Username: XXXXX

Password: XXXXX

(B) Login

2. On the PHP, click the Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)

3. Click Sales Orders link under Orders, Returns.

Retrieving a Record

4. Show how a record can be retrieved using the keyboard and menu functions.

Using Keyboard Keys

Press [F11].

Enter the customer name A. C. Networks in the Customer field.

Press [Ctrl], [F11] keys together.

The sales orders records created for this customer is retrieved.

Use the up-arrow and down-arrow buttons to show how the record changes.

Using Menu Functions

Keep cursor in the Order Number field and press [F6].

(M) View > Query By Example > Enter

Enter the Customer name A. C. Networks in the Customer field.

(M) View > Query By Example > Run

The sales order record is retrieved.

Note: Also show how a record can be retrieved using the Find Icon.

Deleting a Record
Click (T) Line Items.

Place cursor over line 2.1.

(M) Edit > Delete

(I) Save

Close the form.

Open the Sales Order and show that the Item AS54888 is not available any more.

Note: Inform that most of the records cannot be deleted in this way, but have to give an
end date for the same not to be used after that end date.
3. Running a Single Request Report

(A) Logging In to Oracle Applications

Username: XXXXX

Password: XXXXX

(B) Login

Run a Single Request Report

1. Use Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility.

2. Navigate to the submit request form (N) Reports, Requests > Run Reports.

3. Choose the default Single Request and click OK.

4. Select Orders Summary Report from the LOV.

5. Choose the default Operating Unit: Vision Operations.

6. In the parameters window, choose the default and click OK.

7. Click Submit.

8. Note the Request ID and click No on the decision screen.

9. View the above request using (M) View > Requests.

10. Choose the default All my requests.

11. Click Find.

12. Click View Output to find the Orders Summary report.

4. Defining / Creating an Item
Defining / Creating an Item

1. Responsibility = Inventory, Vision Operations (USA)

2. Navigate to the Master Item Window.

(N) Items > Master Items

Organization = M1- Seattle Manufacturing

3. Create a new item by entering the following information.

Item = XX_Item

Description = XX_Item

Template = Finished Goods

4. Save the record.

5. Close the Form.

Using XX_Item in Order Management

6. Switch responsibility to Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA).

7. (N) Orders, Returns > Sales Order

8. Enter the following information:

Order Type = Mixed

Ordered Item = XX_Item

9. Close the Form without saving.

5. Creating a Supplier in Payables and Accessing from Purchasing

1. Responsibility = Payables, Vision Operations (USA)

2. (N) Suppliers > Entry

3. (B) Create Supplier

4. Enter the following information:

Supplier Type = Select the default “Standard Supplier” check box

Organization Name: XX_Supplier

Search for the Country of Origin: United States

Select Option Button: Country Name = United States, Country Code = US

(B) Select

(B) Apply

Note down the Supplier number: ______________

Note down the Registry Number: _____________

Enter Site Name = XX_Suppliers

Enter Operating Unit = Vision Operations, (B) Go

(B) Save

(T) Key Purchasing Setups

Click Address Book Link (Top left) drop-down values

(B) Create

5. Enter the following information (for Address):

Country: Accept Default (United States)

Address Line 1: #20 (Mandatory)

Address Line 2: 5th Cross

Address Line 3: 5th Street

Address Line 4: Fizzy Road

City: New York

County: New York

State: NY

Postal Code: 10020

Address Name: XX_Supplier_Site (Mandatory)

Language = American English

(B) Continue

Address Purpose: Select the Purchasing and Payment check boxes

(B) Continue

Select the check box besides XX_Supplier and Vision Operations

(B) Apply

6. Click “Quick Update” Link.

7. Accept the default Ship To Location and Bill To Location, FOB, Country of Origin

8. (B) Save

9. Close the window.

10. Switch responsibility to Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA).

Enter a Purchase Order as follows:

11. (N) Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders

12. Enter the following information:

Operating Unit: Select Vision Operations from LOV

Type: Accept Default (Standard Purchase Order)

Supplier: Find the Supplier “XX_Supplier”

Close the form without saving.

Therefore, it is seen that the “Suppliers” entity is shared across applications. It is defined
in one application and accessed in another.

Note: Suppliers are now part of the Trading Community Architecture.

To show how an entity defined in the Forms-Based Interface can be seen in a Self Service

13. Use the Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA) responsibility.

Navigate to the Requisitions Window using (N) Requisitions > Requisitions

Operating Unit: Select Vision Operations from LOV

Type = Select Purchase Requisition from LOV

Description = Test for SSA

(T) Lines

Item = Select AS54999 from the LOV

Quantity = 10

Need-By = Take Current Date +1 Day

Below the Line level, select Supplier = XX_Supplier (created above)

Select Site = XX_Supplier_Address

Select the default values.


Write down the Requisition Number = _______________

Close the Requisitions Form.

6. Creating a Customer in Receivables and Accessing from Order
Management and Inventory

Creating a Customer

Responsibility = Receivables, Vision Operations (USA)

(N) Customers > Customers

Create a new customer.

Enter the following information:

Customer Type = Organization

Organization Name = XX_Customer

Country = United States

Address Line 1 = #250

Address Line 2 = Street # 2

Address Line 3 = Go Meery Road

City = New York

County = New York

State = NY

Postal Code = 10250

Address Description = XX_Customer_Site

Operating Unit = Vision Operations

Bill To = Primary

Apply the changes.

Note down the Registry Number: _____________

Close the window.

Switch responsibility to Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA).

(N) Orders, Returns > Sales Orders

Customer = XX_Customer
Close Form without saving.

Switch responsibility to Inventory, Vision Operations (USA).

(N) Items > Customer Items > Customer Items

Organization = M1 – Seattle Manufacturing

Customer Name = XX_Customer

Close Form without saving.

7. Creating a New Employee and Creating a Resource

Defining an Employee

1. Responsibility = Human Resources, Vision Enterprises

2. Navigate to the Define Person Window.

(N) People > Enter and Maintain

3. Enter the following information:

Last = Samuels

First = XX_James

Gender = Select M or F as appropriate

Action = Create Employment

Person Type = Employee

4. Save your record.

5. Record your employee number __________________.

Creating an Assignment

6. Navigate to the Assignment Window by clicking (B) Assignment.

7. Enter the following information:

a. Organization = Vision Operations

In the Group field, enter as follows:

b. Team = Financials

c. National Bargaining Unit = ALPA

d. Select following:

Job = MGR500.Manager

Position = MM400.Materials Manager

8. Accept the default values.

9. (T) Supervisor
Name = Brown, Ms. Casey

10. Save your record.

11. Accept the default location value.

12. Close all the windows and return to the Navigator page.

Creating a Resource

13. Responsibility = CRM Resource Manager, Vision Enterprises

14. Navigate to the Select Resources to Import Window.

(N) Maintain Resources > Import Resources

15. Select / Enter the following:

Resource Category = Employee

Number = Employee number of Samuels, XX James created above

16. Search for the Employee.

17. Import the details of Employee to create a Resource.

- Select Role = Credit Manager (From LOV)

18. Save the created Resource.

19. Find the Resource details.

20. Record your resource number _______________.

21. Close all the windows and return to the Navigator page.
8. Creating a New User

Creating a New User

1. Responsibility = System Administrator

2. Navigate to the Define Users Window.

(N) Security > User > Define

3. Specify User details.

Username = XXEBSTUDENT (where XX is your terminal ID or initials)

Password = XXXXX (Click [Tab], re-enter password to verify)

Person = the employee you created in earlier practice.

4. (T) Direct Responsibilities

5. Add the following responsibilities to your new Username:


Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA)

Payables, Vision Operations (USA)

System Administrator

Inventory, Vision Operations (USA)

Human Resources, Vision Enterprises

CRM Resource Manager, Vision Enterprises

6. Save

7. (M) File > Exit Oracle Applications

8. Log out from the Personal Home page.

Logging in As a New User

9. Log in as a new User.

Password = XXXXXX

Current Password = XXXXX

New Password = XXXXXXX

Re-enter New Password = XXXXXX

9. Entering an Item, Discussing Key and Descriptive Flex fields

Entering a System Item

1. Responsibility: Inventory, Vision Operations (USA)

2. Navigate to the Items window.

(N) Items > Master Items, select M1 - Seattle Manufacturing from the LOV.

3. Enter an item:

Item Description

XXComputer Server High Speed Server

4. Save.

Note: Point out that the Item field is a key flexfield that happens to be defined as one
segment and no validation!

5. (T) Purchasing

Purchased Purchasable

Checked Checked

Note: Point out that the Expense Account is a key flexfield owned by General Ledger.

6. Place the cursor over the Asset Category field.

Major Category


7. Activate list of values in the Minor Category field:

Minor Category

Note: Point out that Assets own the Asset Category Flexfield. This is a two-segment
flexfield, where the second segment is dependent on the first. For example, if you choose
Computer in the first segment, you would not want to see Land when you selected a value
in the second segment.

8. (B) OK

9. Save.

10. (M) Tools > Categories (You may have to press [Ctrl] + [F11] if default categories
are not displayed.)

Category Set


11. Place cursor in the Category field (MISC.MISC defaults, but you will override this).

12. Activate the list of values.

Note: Point out that this is the PO Item Category key flexfield.

13. (B) Combinations

Item Category

14. (B) OK

Item Category Commodity

204 53

15. (B) OK

Note: Point out that the Category field now reflects 204.53 based on the selection made.

16. Save.

17. Close the Category Assignment window.

18. Place cursor in the descriptive flexfield to the right of the description field.

Note: Point out that when the cursor enters a flexfield field, profile options determine
whether or not it automatically opens. Point out that there are several fields in this
descriptive flexfield, they are of different sizes and some have a list of values/validation.

19. Close windows till you are back at the Navigator.

10. Creating Value Sets

Creating a Value Set

1. Responsibility: XXXXXXXXX

2. Navigate to the Value Sets window:

(N) Application > Validation > Set

3. Create the independent value set:

Field Name Value

Value Set Name XXPO Class

Description Major class

List Type List of Values

Security Type Non-Hierarchical Security

Format Char

Max. Size 10

Uppercase Only (A–Z) Check box to be selected

Right Justify and Zero- Check box to be

fill Numbers (001) deselected

Validation Type Independent

4. Save your work.

5. Create the dependent value set:

Field Name Value

Value Set Name XXPO Subclass

Description Sub class

List Type List of Values

Security Type Non-Hierarchical Security

Format Char

Maximum Size 10

Uppercase Only (A–Z) Selected

Right Justify and Zero- Deselected

fill Numbers (001)

Validation Type Dependent

6. (B) Edit information and enter the following information:

Independent Value Set Name: XXPO Class

Value: NONE

Description: None

7. Save
11. Creating a Structure for a Key Flexfield and Adding Value Sets

Querying the Item Categories Structure

1. Responsibility: System Administrator

2. Navigate to the Key Flexfield Segments window:

(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments

3. Query the structure and enter following information:

Application: Inventory

Flexfield Title: Item Categories

Creating a New Structure

4. Create a new structure:



Description: PO Item Category

Assigning Segments

5. Create the structure based on the segment information in the following table:

No Name Window Prompt Column (LOV) Value Set (LOV)

1 PO Class Class SEGMENT1 XXPO Class

2 PO Subclass Sub SEGMENT2 XXPO Subclass

6. Specify segment information for the PO Class segment:

Field Value

Description PO Class

Required Checked

Security Enabled Checked

7. Specify segment information for the PO Subclass segment:

Field Value
Description PO Subclass

Required Checked

Security Enabled Checked

8. Freeze and compile the flexfield.

Adding Values

9. Navigate to the Values window:

(N) Application > Validation > Values

10. Search for any existing values using your value sets.

11. Enter values according to the following table and Save:

Value Description

CCOMP Computer

CSYS Computer System

Entering Values Dependent on the CCOMP Value

12. Query the PO Subclass segment of the XXPO_ITEM_CAT structure.

13. Enter values dependent on the CCOMP value according to the following table and

Value Description

KEYBOARD Keyboard, 101-Key

MOUSE Mouse, Optical

MONITOR Monitor, Flat Panel

Entering Values Dependent on the CSYS Value

14. Enter values dependent on the CSYS value according to the following table and

Value Description



15. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

12. Testing the Flexfield

Defining Valid Category Combinations

1. Responsibility: Inventory, Vision Operations (USA)

2. Navigate to the Category Codes window:

(N) Setup > Item > Categories > Category Codes

3. Set up new category codes combinations according to the following table. Name
your structure XXPO_ITEM_CAT.

Structure Name Category Description




Setting Up Category Codes

4. Navigate to the Category Sets window:

(N) Setup > Item > Categories > Category Sets (M1 - Seattle)

5. Set up category codes:

Name: XXPurchasing

Description: Purchasing Category Set

Flex Structure: XXPO_ITEM_CAT

Controlled At: Master Level

Default Category: CSYS.PC

Click Save.

6. Test the independent/dependent relationship by placing the cursor in the Default

Category field.

7. Close windows until you are back at the Navigator.

13. Understanding How Multi Org Secures Application Data

Creating a Supplier

1. Log in to Oracle Applications

2. On the Personal Home page click the Payables, Vision Operations (USA)

3. Click the Entry link under “Suppliers.”

4. Create a new supplier.

5. Specify supplier details:

Supplier Type = Standard (Choose default)

Organization Name = XXSupplier

Country of Origin = United States

Search and Select, Country Code = US

Apply and Note the Supplier Number.

6. Create a supplier site according to the following details in the Address Book link.

Country = United States (Default)

Address = You choose

City = New York

County = New York

State = NY

Postal Code = 10020

Address Name = XXSupplier_Site

Address Purpose = Select Purchasing and Payment

Operating Unit = Vision Operations

7. Return to the Personal Home page.

Entering an Invoice

8. Click the Invoices link under “Invoices: Entry” to open the Invoices Window.
9. Enter an invoice with the following details:

Trading Partner = XXSupplier

Site = Choose the default option, XXSupplier_Site

Invoice Date = System / Current Date

Tab to Invoice Num field

Invoice Num = 1000

Invoice Amount = 10000

Close Form without saving.

10. Close all the windows and return to the Navigator page.

Attempting to Enter an Invoice

11. Switch responsibility to Payables, Vision Services (USA).

Note: You might have to add this responsibility to your User.

12. Navigate to the Invoices Window.

(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoices

13. Trading Partner = XXSupplier

14. Tab out of the supplier field.

15. Note that this is an Invalid Supplier for this operating unit.

16. Close all the windows and return to the Navigator page.
14. Viewing Approval Process Using Workflow Monitor


In this practice, you will view requisition approval by using Workflow Monitor.


Replace XX with your terminal number or initials.

You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database, or a comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.


Creating a Requisition

1. Responsibility: Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA)

2. Navigate to the Requisitions Window:

(N) Requisitions > Requisitions

3. Specify the requisition details:

Operating Unit: Vision Operations

Description: XXSupplies

Type: Purchase Requisition

(T) Lines

Item: f71000

Quantity: 40

Need by: Today’s date + 1

Save your requisition.

5. Review the accounting distributions created automatically by Workflow.

6. Make a note of your requisition number: _____________

7. Approve your requisition.

Viewing Approval Through Workflow

8. Navigate to the Requisitions Summary Window:

(N) Requisitions > Requisition Summary

9. Find your requisition.

10. (M) Tools > View Approval through Workflow

11. View the diagram. Drill down on both the Verify Approval Authority and Approval
List Routing subprocesses.

12. Close the Workflow Monitor.

13. (M) File > Exit Oracle Applications

14. Make your Personal Home Page the active page, and then log out.

Approving the Requisition

15. Log in as cbaker and approve the requisition:

User: cbaker

Password: welcome

Viewing Approval Through Workflow

16. Log in as XXebstudent:

User: XXebstudent

Password: XXebstudent

17. Responsibility: Purchasing, Vision Operations

18. Navigate to the Requisition Summary Window:

(N) Requisitions > Requisitions

19. Find your requisition and view the requisition approval by using the Workflow

Requisition Number: Your requisition number

20. Close the Workflow Monitor.

15.Shipping Management Page


1. Responsibility = Daily Supply Chain Intelligence

2. (N) Dashboards > Shipping Management

3. Review the change in the number for Shipping KPIs by altering Period, Compare
To and Organization.

4. Open the Lines Late to Schedule Trend.

5. Browse through details of Lines Late to Schedule.

6. Open and review line level details for a delayed order.

R12 Oracle HRMS People
Management Fundamentals
Student Guide
Introduction to Recording
People Information
Chapter 2
Instructor Demonstration - Using the People and Assignment
This demonstration provides an overview of using the People and Assignment windows for
people management.

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

Note: You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager responsibility.

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People> Enter and Maintain

2. Query Kevin Andrews in the Find window.

You can record personal information for all types of people using the People and
Assignment windows. For example, you can record information for your employees,
applicants, contacts, and contingent workers.

When you create a person in the application, you assign them a person type to represent
them in your enterprise.

3. Choose the Address button to view Kevin Andrews’s home address.

If a local address style exists for your country, it displays as the default. Otherwise, the
international style is displayed. For this demonstration the UK address style is displayed.

4. Close the Address window.

5. Choose the Assignment button to navigate to the Assignment window.

You use the Assignment window to record the structures in which a person works. It enables
you to enter and track people from the time they apply for a job, to the time they leave your

This person is assigned to a monthly payroll and has an active assignment status.

You can enter additional information, such as supervisor details, special ceiling progression
points, and salary information, in the tabbed regions of the Assignment window.

6. Close the Assignment window.

Set up People Management
Chapter 3
Guided Demonstration - Defining Person Types
Defining Person Types

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

1. Navigate to the Person Types window.

• (N) Other Definitions>Person Types

2. Select the New Record icon.

3. Enter xx Student Placement Employee as the user name and Employee as the System Name.

4. Select the Active option and clear the Default option.

5. Save your work.

Practice - Defining Person Types
In this practice, you will learn how to create person types to represent your workforce. You use
person types to identify the role a person performs in your enterprise. In this practice, you define
Student Placement Employee and Permanent Employee as person types, to represent your
employees on a student placement and your permanent employees. You map the new user person
types to the system person type of Employee.

• Use the Person Types window

• You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Replace XX in the practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For instructor-led training classes, this number will be assigned to you.) This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Screenshots displayed in the practice solution reflect a UK responsibility. Details of the

page can change according to the responsibility selected.

Defining Person Types

You need to define your own person types to further represent the roles the people in your
enterprise perform. In this practice you will extend the Employee person type to identify two
subgroups of employees: employees on a student placement and permanent employees.

• Xx Student Placement Employee

• Xx Permanent Employee
Solution – Defining Person Types
Defining Person Types

1. Navigate to the Person Types window.

• (N) Other Definitions>Person Types

2. Select the New Record icon.

3. Enter xx Student Placement Employee as the user name for the new person type.

4. Select Employee as the system name.

5. Select the Active checkbox and clear the default checkbox.

6. Save your work.

7. Repeat the practice to create the user person type of xx Permanent Employee.

These person types are now available for you to assign to your employees.
Instructor Demonstration - Changing Person Type Usage
In this demonstration, you will learn how to change person type usage for a person. You change
someone’s person type to another user person type (for the same system person type) when his or
her role changes but their current work information remains the same.

This demonstration changes the person type usage for Kevin Andrews because he has finished
his student placement and you have decided to employ him as a permanent employee.

• Change Kevin Andrews’s person type from Employee to xx Permanent Employee.

• Use the Person Type Usage window.

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

Note: You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager responsibility.

1. Navigate to the Person Type Usage window.

• (N) Fastpath> Person Type Usage

2. Query Kevin Andrews to change his person type usage in the Find window.

3. Select xx Permanent Employee in the Person Type field.

4. Choose Update in the displayed dialogue box to keep a history of the information.

5. Save your work.

Guided Demonstration - Defining Assignment Statuses
Defining Assignment Statuses

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

1. Navigate to the Assignment Statuses window.

• (N) Work Structures > Statuses

2. Choose the New Record icon.

3. Enter xx Maternity Leave as the user status name and Suspend Assignment as the Human
Resource system status.

4. Select the Payroll Status of Process.

5. Select the Active option and clear the Default option.

6. Save your work.

Practice - Defining Assignment Statuses
In this practice, you will learn how to create assignment statuses. You use assignment statuses to
track the progress of your workforce according to the requirements of your enterprise. You need
to define a user assignment status for employees that leave your enterprise for maternity leave.
Define an assignment status of Maternity Leave so that you can track this change in the
assignment. You map the user assignment status of Maternity Leave to the predefined system
assignment status of Suspend.

• Use the Assignment Statuses window

• You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Replace XX in the practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For instructor-led training classes, this number will be assigned to you.) This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Screenshots displayed in the practice solution reflect a UK responsibility. Details of the

page can change according to the responsibility selected.

Defining a User Assignment Status

One of your employees is about to go onto maternity leave; you can track this change in her
assignment. You need to define a user assignment status of Maternity Leave, and map it to the
system status of Suspend. You need to select the payroll system status of Process, as she will
receive half pay for a period of time while on maternity leave.

1. Define a user assignment status of xx Maternity Leave.

2. Map it to the system status of Suspend.

3. Choose the payroll system status of Process.

Assigning a User Assignment Status to an Employee

You assign the new user assignment status of maternity leave to xx Jane Smith.

4. Assign assignment user status of xx Maternity Leave to xx Jane Smith.

Solution – Defining Assignment Statuses
Defining a User Assignment Status

1. Navigate to the Assignment Statuses window.

• (N) Work Structures > Statuses

2. Choose the New Record button.

3. Enter xx Maternity Leave as the user status name.

4. Select Suspend Assignment as the Human Resource system status.

5. Select the Payroll Status of Process.

6. Check the Active checkbox.

7. Ensure the Default checkbox is clear.

8. Save your work.

Assigning a User Assignment Status to an Employee

9. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People>Enter and Maintain

10. Query xx Jane Smith in the Find window.

11. Set the effective date to 01-Jan-2000

12. Choose the Assignment button.

13. Select the xx Maternity Leave assignment status in the Status field.

14. Save your work.

Entering Assignment
Chapter 7
Guided Demonstration - Entering a New Employee
Entering a new employee using the People window

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Enter 01-JAN-1999 in the Effective Date field and choose OK.

3. Choose the New button to enter a new record.

4. In the People window, enter xxAllen in the Last field and John in the First field.

5. Select Mr. from the Title drop-down list. When you select Mr., the application automatically
enters Male in the Gender field.

6. Select Create Employment in the Action field and select Employee in the Person Type for
Action field.

7. Enter CA456789A in the NI Number field.

8. Enter 02-APR-1962 in the Birth Date field

9. Save your work.

10. Choose the Address button and select the Address field.

11. Enter 12 North Street in the Address Line 1 field, enter London in the Town field, select
Greater London in the County field, and enter EC7 6HT in the Post Code field.

12. Choose OK to close the window, save your work, and close the Address window.

13. Choose the Assignment button.

14. In the Assignment window, select Area Manager in the Job field, ADMIN.3 in the Grade
field, and Education Monthly in the Payroll field. Choose Correction when you are asked to
choose an option.

15. Save your work.

Practice - Entering a New Employee Using Forms
In this practice, you will learn how to enter a new employee.

• You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, we log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Replace xx in the practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For instructor-led training classes, this number will be assigned to you.) This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Set your effective date to 01-JAN-1999.

Entering a new employee using the People window

John xxAllen is a new employee. His date of birth is 21-FEB-1960 and his national identifier is
AA234561A. He lives in the Greater London county and his address is 14 Wimbledon Road,
London, SW15 7HL. Use the People window to enter xx John Allen as a permanent employee.

Use the Assignment window to enter the primary assignment for xx John Allen. The start date of
the assignment is 01-JAN-1999. Enter the following values for the assignment:
− Vision Industries as the Organization
− Area Manager as the Job
− ADMIN.3 as the Grade
− Education Monthly as the Payroll
− HR- London, UK as the Location
Solution – Entering a New Employee Using Forms
Entering a new employee using the People window

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Enter 01-JAN-1999 in the Effective Date field and choose OK.

3. Choose the New button to enter a new record.

4. In the People window, enter xxAllen in the Last field and John in the First field.

5. Select Mr. from the Title drop-down list. When you select Mr., the application automatically
enters Male in the Gender field.

6. Select Create Employment in the Action field and select Employee in the Person Type for
Action field.

7. Enter AA234561A in the NI Number field.

8. Enter 21-FEB-1960 in the Birth Date field

9. Save your work.

10. Choose the Address button and select the Address field.

11. Enter 14 Wimbledon Road in the Address Line 1 field, enter London in the Town field,
select Greater London in the County field, and enter SW15 7HL in the Post Code field.

12. Choose OK to close the window, save your work, and close the Address window.

13. Choose the Assignment button.

14. In the Assignment window, select Area Manager in the Job field, ADMIN.3 in the Grade
field, and Education Monthly in the Payroll field.

Note: When you are asked to choose an option, choose Correction because you are entering
a record that starts today. You can only update a record that is at least 1 day old.

15. Save your work.

Guided Demonstration - Placing a New Contingent Worker
Placing a new contingent worker using the People window

Responsibility: US Super HRMS Manager

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Enter the current date in the Effective Date field and choose OK.

3. Choose the New button to enter a new record.

4. In the People window, enter xxWord in the Last field and Anthony in the First field.

5. Select Mr. from the Title drop-down list. When you select Mr., the application automatically
enters Male in the Gender field.

6. Select Create Placement in the Action field and select Contingent Worker in the Person
Type for Action field.

7. Save your work.

8. Choose the Assignment button.

9. Enter the generated Purchase Order number in the Purchase Order Number field.

10. Enter the generated Purchase Order Line in the Purchase Order Line field.

Note: When you use Oracle Services Procurement, the application automatically enters the
supplier name and site, the projected assignment end date, and the assignment rate when you
enter the purchase order number.

11. Save your work.

Practice - Placing a New Contingent Worker Using Forms
In this practice, you will learn how to place a new contingent worker.

• You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, we log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Replace xx in the practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For instructor-led training classes, this number will be assigned to you.) This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Set your effective date to 01-JAN-1999.

Placing a new contingent worker using the People window

Anthony xxWord is a new contingent worker. Use the People window to enter Anthony xxWord
as a contingent worker at Vision Industries.

For the assignment, the supplier name is Advantage Corp and the supplier site is
Solution – Placing a New Contingent Worker Using Forms
Placing a new contingent worker using the People window

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Enter 01-JAN-1999 in the Effective Date field and choose OK.

3. Choose the New button to enter a new record.

4. In the People window, enter xxWord in the Last field and Anthony in the First field.

5. Select Mr. from the Title drop-down list. When you select Mr., the application automatically
enters Male in the Gender field.

6. Select Create Placement in the Action field and select Contingent Worker in the Person
Type for Action field.

7. Save your work.

8. Choose the Assignment button.

9. Select Advantage Corp in the Supplier Name field.

10. Select ADVANTAGE-UK in the Supplier Site field.

Note: When you use Oracle Services Procurement, the application automatically enters the
supplier name and site, the projected assignment end date, and the assignment rate when you
enter the purchase order number.

11. Save your work.

Guided Demonstration - Entering Secondary Assignments
Entering a Secondary Assignment

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People> Enter and Maintain

2. Query xx John Allen and choose the Assignment button.

3. Set your effective date to 01-JAN-2000 and choose the New icon.

4. Select Vision Industries as the Organization.

Note: If the People Group Flexfield opens, choose Cancel.

5. Select Senior Administrator as the Job, Admin.4 as the Grade, and Education Monthly as the

6. If the application does not automatically display the location, select HR- London, UK as the

7. Save your work.

Managing People
Chapter 8
Guided Demonstration - Promoting People
Promoting People

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Query xx John Allen and choose the Assignment button.

3. Query the Senior Administrator assignment.

4. Set your effective date to 01-JAN-2002.

5. Select Operations Manager as the new Job.

6. Choose the Miscellaneous tab and select Promotion as the Reason.

7. Choose the Update button from the Choose an option window.

8. Save your work.

Practice - Promoting a Person Using the People and Assignment
In this practice, you will learn how to promote a person using the Assignment window.

• You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Replace XX in the practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For instructor-led training classes, this number will be assigned to you.) This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Screenshots displayed in the practice solution reflect a UK responsibility. Details of the

page can change according to the responsibility selected.

Promoting a Person Using the People and Assignment Window

xx John Allen is a Senior Administrator in your enterprise. In recognition of his performance you
decide to promote xx John Allen to the job of Operations Manager. Use the Assignment window
to complete the promotion process. The start date of the assignment is 01-JAN-2002.
Solution – Promoting a Person Using the People and Assignment
Promoting a Person Using the People and Assignment Window

Responsibility = OU HRMS Manager

You can also use the people management templates to perform this task. Navigate to the People
Management Data Organizer window: (N) People > Maintain Using Templates > Maintaining

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Query xx John Allen whom you want to promote.

3. Choose the Assignment button to enter the promotion details.

4. Query the Senior Administrator assignment.

5. Set your effective date to 01-JAN-2002.

6. Select Operations Manager as the new Job.

7. Choose the Miscellaneous tab to enter the reason for the change.

8. Select Promotion as the Reason.

9. Choose the Update button from the Choose an option window.

10. Save your work.

Guided Demonstration - Changing Primary Assignments
Changing Primary Assignment

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Query xx John Allen in the Find window and choose the Assignment button.

3. Query the Senior Administrator assignment.

4. Set your effective date to 01-JAN-2001.

5. Choose the Miscellaneous tab and select the Primary option.

6. Save your work

7. Choose the Update button from the Choose an option window..

Practice - Changing Primary Assignments Using the Assignment
In this practice, you will learn how to change a secondary assignment into a primary assignment.
In most enterprises over time, the roles people perform may change. In this practice, you will
need to elevate a person’s secondary role to be their primary role.

• You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Replace XX in the practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For instructor-led training classes, this number will be assigned to you.) This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Screenshots displayed in the practice solution reflect a UK responsibility. Details of the

page can change according to the responsibility selected.

Changing Primary Assignments Using the Assignment Window

xx John Allen has two roles in your enterprise: Area Manager as the primary assignment and
Senior Administrator as the secondary assignment. You need to change the status of the
secondary assignment to identify it as the primary assignment. Update xx John Allen’s role of
Senior Administrator as primary assignment using the Assignment window. The start date of the
assignment is 01-JAN-2001.
Solution – Changing Primary Assignments Using the Assignment
Changing Primary Assignments Using the Assignment Window

Responsibility = OU HRMS Manager

You can also use the people management templates to perform this task. Navigate to the People
Management Data Organizer window: (N) People > Maintain Using Templates > Maintaining

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Query xx John Allen in the Find window to change the assignment information.

3. Choose the Assignment button to update the assignment details.

4. Query the Senior Administrator assignment.

5. Set your effective date to 01-JAN-2001.

6. Choose the Miscellaneous tab and select the Primary check box to make this assignment the
primary assignment.

7. Save your work.

8. Choose the Update button from the Choose an option window.

Note: The application automatically changes the previous primary assignment Area
Manager from primary to secondary.
Guided Demonstration - Creating User Access to Self-Service
Responsibility: System Administrator

1. Log on to HRMS using hrms/welcome and navigate to the Users window.

• (N) Security > User > Define

2. Set your effective date to 01-JAN-1999.

3. Enter xx Jane Smith as the User Name.

4. Enter Oracle as the initial password for your user (you will need to enter the password

5. Select xx Jane Smith as the Person.

6. Select the Self-Service for OU Employees responsibility, choose Standard as the Security
Group and set the effective date to 01-JAN-1999.

7. Select the Self-Service for OU Managers responsibility, choose Standard as the Security
Group and set the effective date to 01-JAN-1999.

8. Save your work.

Testing the Users

9. Exit Oracle HRMS and log on to SSHR as xx Jane Smith.

10. Enter Oracle as the old password and welcome in the two New Password fields.

11. Save your changes.

12. Verify that the Self-Service responsibilities are available.

Practice - Creating User Access to Self-Service
In this practice you learn how to define user access to self-service functionality. You use
standard security functions in the Professional User Interface to:

• Create and test new self-service user

• Assign appropriate responsibilities to your new user

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Prefix all names of responsibilities and users with your assigned unique group number
or your initials.

• Unless otherwise indicated, use the System Administrator responsibility.

• The initial password for your users should be Oracle. You should then use Welcome as
the active password.

Creating a New User

You need to create xx Jane Smith as a user to enable her to use self-service functionality to
maintain her personal and professional details. You need to create a user in the application and
link it to the employee using the following details:

User Employee Business Group

Xx Jane Smith Smith, Jane xx Vision Industries

Assign the Self-Service for OU Employees and the Self-Service for OU Managers
responsibilities to xx Jane Smith.

Testing the User

Ensure that you assigned the correct responsibilities to your user by logging on to SSHR.
Solution – Creating User Access to Self-Service
Creating a New User

Responsibility = System Administrator

1. Log on to HRMS using hrms/welcome and navigate to the Users window.

• (N) Security > User > Define

2. Set your effective date to 01-JAN-1999.

3. Enter xx Jane Smith as the User Name.

4. Enter the password for your user. Use Oracle as the initial password (you will need to enter
the password twice).

5. Select xx Jane Smith as the Person.

6. Navigate to the Responsibilities region.

7. Select the Self-Service for OU Employees responsibility and choose Standard as the
Security Group.
8. Set the effective date to 01-JAN-1999.

9. Select the Self-Service for OU Managers responsibility and choose Standard as the Security

10. Set the effective date to 01-JAN-1999.

11. Save your work.

Testing the Users

12. Exit Oracle HRMS and log on to SSHR as xx Jane Smith.

13. Enter Oracle as the old password.

14. Enter Welcome in the two New Password fields.

15. Save your changes.

16. Verify that the self-service responsibilities are available.

17. Return to the Homepage.

Guided Demonstration - Maintaining Professional Information
Using SSHR
Maintaining Professional Information

Responsibility: Self Service for OU Employees

1. Log on to SSHR as xx Jane Smith/welcome.

2. Select the Work Preferences function.

3. Select the Work in Current Location Only option.

4. Select the Travel Domestically option.

5. Choose the Next button to display the Review page and choose Submit.

6. Choose Home to return to your homepage.

7. Select the Education and Qualifications function.

8. Choose the Add Qualification button.

9. Select Certified Public Accountant as the Qualification Type.

10. Enter 01-JAN-1999 as the Study Start Date.

11. Select Complete as the Status.

12. Select the School search icon to display the Search and Select: School page.

13. Enter Anglia% in the Search By field and select Anglia Polytechnic University.

14. Choose the Next button to display the Review page.

15. Review your work preferences and choose Submit.

16. Choose Home to return to your homepage.

Practice - Maintaining Professional Information Using SSHR
In this practice, you will learn how to update professional details using Self-Service HR.

• For this demonstration, log in as xx Jane Smith/welcome and use the Self Service for
OU Employees responsibility.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Replace XX in the practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For instructor-led training classes, this number will be assigned to you.) This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Screenshots displayed in the practice solution reflect a UK responsibility. Details of the

page can change according to the responsibility selected.

Maintaining Professional Information Using SSHR

As xx Jane Smith you need to update professional details such as work preferences and
educational qualifications. Use the Work Preferences function of Self-Service for OU Employees
responsibility to specify domestic options and international relocation options.

You also have been recognized as a Certified Public Accountant and need to provide the details
to your HR department. Use the Education and Qualifications function to enter the information.
Solution – Maintaining Professional Information Using SSHR
Maintaining Professional Information Using Self-Service HR

Entering Work Preferences

1. Log on to SSHR as xx Jane Smith/welcome.

2. Select Self Service for OU Employees.

3. Select the Work Preferences function to display the Work Preferences page.

4. Select the Work in Current Location Only check box to indicate your work preference.

5. Select the Travel Domestically check box to indicate your work travel preference.

6. Choose the Next button to display the Review page.

7. Review your work preferences and choose Submit. The application displays a confirmation
message that your changes are applied to Oracle HRMS.

8. Choose Home to return to your homepage.

Entering Qualification Details

9. Select the Education and Qualifications function to display the Education & Qualifications
10. Choose the Add Qualification button.

11. Select Certified Public Accountant as the Qualification Type.

12. Enter 01-JAN-1999 as the Study Start Date.

13. Select Complete as the Status.

14. Select the School search icon to display the Search and Select: School page.

15. Enter Anglia% in the Search By field and choose Go.

16. Select Anglia Polytechnic University.

17. Choose the Next button to display the Review page.

18. Review your work preferences and choose Submit. The application displays a confirmation
message that your changes are applied to Oracle HRMS.

19. Choose Home to return to homepage.

Guided Demonstration - Maintaining Personal Information Using
Maintaining Personal Information

Responsibility: Self Service for OU Employees

1. Log on to SSHR as xx Jane Smith/welcome.

2. Select the Personal Information function and choose Update in the Basic Details region.

3. Select the “Enter new information … “ option and enter 01-JAN-2002 as the Effective Date.

4. Select Mrs. as the Title and Married as the Marital Status.

5. Choose Next then Submit to apply the changes.

6. Choose Return To Overview.

7. Choose Update in the Main Address region.

8. Select the “Enter a new address if you have moved” option and choose Next to display the
Main Address page.

9. Enter the following address details with the effective date set to 01-JAN-2002:

• Farm Cottage as Address Line 1.

• Chobham as Address Line 2.

• Surrey as the County.

• GU239PS as the Post Code.

10. Choose Next to review the modified information.

11. Review the details and choose Submit.

12. Choose Return To Overview.

Practice - Maintaining Personal Information Using SSHR
In this practice, you will learn how to update personal details using the Personal Information
function of Self-Service HR.

• For this demonstration, log in as xx Jane Smith/welcome and use the Self Service for
OU Employees responsibility.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Replace XX in the practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For instructor-led training classes, this number will be assigned to you.) This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Screenshots displayed in the practice solution reflect a UK responsibility. Details of the

page can change according to the responsibility selected.

Maintaining Personal Information using Self-Service HR

As xx Jane Smith you need to update your personal details. Use the Personal Information
function of Self-Service for OU Employees responsibility to complete the following tasks:
− Update marital status to Married
− Provide the following details to change your address:
− Farm Cottage as Address Line 1.
− Chobham as Address Line 2.
− Surrey as the County.
− GU239PS as the Post Code.
Solution – Maintaining Personal Information Using SSHR
Maintaining Personal Information Using the Personal Information Function

1. Log on to SSHR as xx Jane Smith/welcome.

2. Select Self Service for OU Employees.

3. Select the Personal Information function to display the Overview page.

4. Choose Update in the Basic Details region.

5. Select the “Enter new information … “ option to display the Basic Details Update page.

6. Enter 01-JAN-2002 as the Effective Date.

7. Select Mrs. as the Title.

8. Select Married as the Marital Status.

9. Choose Next to review the information.

10. Review the details and choose Submit to apply the changes.

11. Choose Return To Overview.

12. Choose Update in the Main Address region.

13. Select Enter a new address if you have moved option.

14. Choose Next to display the Main Address page.

15. Enter 01-JAN-2002 as the Effective Date.

16. Enter Farm Cottage as Address Line 1.

17. Enter Chobham as Address Line 2.

18. Select Surrey as the County.

19. Enter GU239PS as the Post Code.

20. Choose Next to review the modified information.

21. Review the details and choose the Submit button. The application displays a confirmation
that your changes are applied to the Human Resources System.

22. Choose Return To Overview.

23. Return to Homepage.

Employee Transfers and
Chapter 10
Instructor Demonstration - Transferring an Employee
In this demonstration, you will learn how to transfer an employee to a different business group
by means of a deployment proposal.

Create a deployment proposal to transfer the employee John Abbott from the Vision Canada
business group to the Vision Corporation business group. For this demonstration, log in as

Responsibility: HR Professional V4.0

1. Navigate to the Global Deployments page.

• (N) HR Professional V4.0: Global Deployment

2. Click Create Proposal.

3. Search for and select the source business group Vision Canada.

4. Enter the last name Abbot and the first name John and click Go.

5. Select the employee John Abbott and click Continue.

6. In the Deployment Details page, select the Deployment Type Permanent.

7. Select the deployment reason Business Need.

8. Enter the start date 01-Jun-2007 and click Next.

9. In the Basic Assignment Details page, select the person type Employee.

10. Search for and select the department Accounting.

11. Search for and select the new manager .

12. Click Next to enter further assignment details

13. In the Work Schedule section, search for and select the Government Reporting Entity
Vision Corporation.

14. Click Apply to save your changes. Click Yes to confirm.

The deployment proposal is in Draft status until the deployment begins. You can initiate the
deployment any time by selecting Initiate Deployment for the deployment proposal
Chapter 14
Guided Demonstration - Terminating an Assignment
Terminating an Assignment

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Query John xxAllen and choose the Assignment button.

3. Set your effective date to 01-JUL-2001.

4. Query the Area Manager assignment and select the Terminate Assignment as the Status.

5. Choose the Update button from the Choose an option window.

6. Save your work.

Practice - Terminating an Assignment
In this practice, you will learn how to terminate a person’s secondary assignment. You terminate
a person’s assignment when your enterprise no longer employs the person in that assignment.
You use the Assignment window or the Managing Employee window to terminate an
assignment, if multiple assignments exist for the person. In this example you use the Assignment

This practice ends a person’s assignment, and not their employment.

• You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Replace XX in the practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For instructor-led training classes, this number will be assigned to you.) This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Screenshots displayed in the practice solution reflect a UK responsibility. Details of the

page can change according to the responsibility selected.

Terminating an Assignment using the Assignment Window

John xxAllen holds two assignments Senior Administrator as the primary assignment and Area
Manager as the secondary assignment. His role as Area Manager has ended and you decide to
terminate the secondary assignment with an effective date of 01-JUL-2001.
Solution – Terminating an Assignment
Terminating an Assignment using the Assignment window

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Query John xxAllen whose secondary assignment you need to terminate in the Find

3. Choose the Assignment button to change the status of the secondary assignment.
4. Set your effective date to 01-JUL-2001.

5. Query the Area Manager assignment.

6. Select the Terminate Assignment as the Status.

7. Choose the Update button from the Choose an option window.

8. Save your work.

9. Date track to a future date.

10. Query the Area Manager assignment and verify the status. The application displays the
Terminate Assignment status.

11. Close the Assignment and People windows.

Guided Demonstration - Terminating an Employee
Terminating an Employee

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Set your effective date to 31-MAY- 2004 and query John xxAllen.

3. Choose the Others button and the End Employment option.

4. Select Better Opportunity as the Leaving Reason.

5. Enter 31-MAY-2004 as the Actual termination and Final Process Dates

6. Choose the Terminate button to complete the termination.

7. Query Alicia xxThomson.

8. Repeat the steps from 3 to 6 to complete the termination process for xx Alicia Thomson.

Terminating an Employee Using SSHR

Responsibility: Self Service for OU Managers

9. Click the Termination link and enter xxSmith as the Last Name.

10. Select the employee name Jane xxSmith in the Search Results table.

11. Click the Actions icon and set your effective date to 31-DEC-2002.

12. Enter 30-NOV-2002 as the termination Notification date and select Better Opportunity as
the leaving Reason.

13. Choose the Next button to verify the details.

14. Choose the Submit button to complete the termination.

Practice - Terminating an Employee
In this practice, you will learn how to terminate an employee. You terminate an employee when
they leave your enterprise.

• You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Replace XX in the practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For instructor-led training classes, this number will be assigned to you.) This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Screenshots displayed in the practice solution reflect a UK responsibility. Details of the

page can change according to the responsibility selected.

Terminating an Employee

John xxAllen has resigned as he has a better job offer. You decide to terminate his employment
with an effective date of 31-DEC-2002. Use the Terminate window to complete the process.
Solution – Terminating an Employee
Terminating an Employee

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Set your effective date to 31-DEC -2002.

3. Query John xxAllen whose employment you need to terminate in the Find window.

4. Choose the Others button.

5. Choose End Employment to start the termination process. The application displays the
Terminate window.
6. Select Better Opportunity as the Leaving Reason.

7. Enter 31-DEC-2002 as the Actual termination date. This is the date on which John xxAllen’s
person type changes to ex-employee.

8. Enter 31-DEC-2002 as the Final Process Date.

9. Choose the Terminate button to complete the termination.

Note: The application changes the person type from Employee to Ex-employee.
Guided Demonstration - Ending a Placement
Ending a Placement

Responsibility: US Super HRMS Manager

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Set your effective date and query Anthony xxWord.

3. Choose the Others button and the End Placement option.

4. Select Non renewal of Contract as the Termination Reason.

5. Enter the Actual termination date.

6. Choose the Terminate button to complete the termination.

Practice - Ending a Placement
In this practice, you will learn how to end the period of placement for a contingent worker. You
end the placement when the contingent worker leaves your enterprise or the period of contract is

• You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Replace XX in the practice with a unique identifier such as your initials or a number.
(For instructor-led training classes, this number will be assigned to you.) This is
necessary in order to create unique records within the database when performing the

• Set your effective date to 31-DEC-2002.

• Screenshots displayed in the practice solution reflect a UK responsibility. Details of the

page can change according to the responsibility selected.

Ending a Placement

Anthony xxWord’s work contract has ended and you decide to end the placement. Use the
Terminate window to end Anthony xxWord’s placement with an effective date of 31-DEC-2002.
Solution – Ending a Placement
Ending a Placement

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Set your effective date to 31-DEC-2002.

3. Query Anthony xxWord whose placement you want to end.

4. Choose the Others button.

5. Choose End Placement to start the end placement process. The application displays the
Terminate window.

You can also navigate to the Terminate window using the people management templates.
6. Select Non renewal of Contract as the Termination Reason.

7. Enter 31-DEC-2002 as the Actual termination date. This is the date on which Anthony
xxWord’s person type changes to Ex-contingent Worker.

8. Choose the Terminate button to complete the termination.

Note: The application displays the Ex-contingent Worker as the Termination Person Type.
The termination is complete.
Reinstating or Rehiring
Chapter 15
Instructor Demonstration - Cancelling a Termination
In this demonstration, you will learn how to cancel a termination.

Jane xxSmith has decided not to leave your enterprise and you need to cancel her termination
with 01-JAN-2003 as the effective date. Use the End Employment window to complete the task.

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

Note: You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager responsibility.

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Set your effective date to 01-JAN-2003.

3. Query Jane xxSmith to cancel her termination.

4. Choose the Others button to start the cancel termination process.

5. Choose End Employment as the Navigation Options.

6. Click the Reverse Termination button to reverse the termination.

7. Choose OK to caution message: Do you wish to clear down termination details?

Note: The application clears and disables the Type and Status fields in the End Employment

8. Date track to 02-JAN-2003 and verify the person type. The application displays the
Employee person type for Jane xxSmith, and restores her previous personal and assignment
Instructor Demonstration - Rehiring an Ex-employee
In this demonstration, you will learn how to rehire an ex-employee. You can rehire a person who
has a person type of ex-employee.

John xxAllen has withdrawn his resignation and you decide to rehire him with 01-JUL-2004 as
the effective start date.

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

Note: You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager responsibility.

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Set your effective date to 01-JUL-2004.

3. Query John xxAllen to rehire him in the enterprise.

4. Select Create Employment in the Action field and select Employee as the Person Type.

5. Choose the Update button in the Choose an Option window.

6. Save your work. The application displays the Employee person type with Latest Start Date
of 01-JUL-2004.

Note: Enter Assignment information for this re-hired employee.

Instructor Demonstration - Rehiring a Person Using Back-to-Back
In this demonstration, you will learn how to rehire an ex-employee using back-to-back
employment. Back-to-back employment occurs when a previous employment or placement ends
1 day before a new period of employment begins.

You decide to rehire Alicia xxThomson with 01-JUN-2004 as the effective date.

Responsibility: OU HRMS Manager

Note: You can use the HRMS Manager or Super HRMS Manager responsibility. For this
demonstration, log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS Manager responsibility.

1. Navigate to the People window.

• (N) People > Enter and Maintain

2. Query Alicia xxThomson in the Find window to rehire her.

3. Set your effective date to 01-JUN-2004.

4. Select Create Employment as the Action and select Employee in the Person Types field

5. Choose the Update button. The Latest Start Date field displays your effective date and the
person type as Employee.

6. Save your work.

Note: Now you have rehired this ex-employee, define the new terms and conditions using
the Assignment window.
R12 Oracle Payroll
Fundamentals: Configuration
Student Guide
Defining Payrolls for Your
Chapter 3
Practice: Defining Payment Methods
In this practice you will learn how to define the following Payment Methods for your
Organization using the same source bank payroll account:

• Cheque

• Direct Deposit

• Third Party Payment

• You can use the OU HRMS Manager or OU Super HRMS Manager responsibility to
perform this task. In this practice, we log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS
Manager responsibility.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Set your effective date to 01-JAN-2000.

• This practice covers only the required steps for performing this task.

• Replace xx with your initials or the unique group identifier provided by your instructor.


Login to Vision and navigate to the Organizational Payment Method window.

Define a Cheque Payment Method

Enter the required fields for a Cheque Payment Method to define currency, source bank details
and GL cash account.

Define a Direct Deposit Payment Method

Enter the required fields for a Direct Deposit Payment Method to define currency, source bank
details and GL cash account.
Define a Third Party Payment Method

Enter the required fields for a Third Party Payment Method to define currency, source bank
details and GL cash account.
Solution: Defining Payment Methods

1. Navigate to the Organizational Payment Method window:

• (N) Payroll > Payment Methods

2. Set your effective date for this exercise to 01-JAN-2000.

Define a Cheque Payment Method

3. Enter Cheque_xx as your payment method name.

4. Select Cheque-United Kingdom as the payment method type.

5. Leave the Third Party Payment box unchecked.

6. Select United Kingdom as the Source Bank-Country.

7. Enter the following GB Bank Details:

• Sort Code

• Bank Name

• Account Number
• Account Name

• Bank Branch Location

8. Navigate to the General Ledger Tab.

9. Select Vision Corporation UK as your Ledger.

10. Enter the following details for GL Cash Account:

• Company - select 03 United Kingdom.

• Ctr - select 110 Vision Industries as your department.

• Acct - select 2110 Payable to Bank Current.

• Prod – select 000 No Product.

• Sub – select 000, the Default sub account.

11. Save your work.

12. Close the window

Define a Direct Deposit Payment Method

13. Navigate to the Organizational Payment Method window:

• (N) Payroll > Payment Methods

14. Set your effective date for this exercise to 01-JAN-2000.

15. Enter Direct Deposit xx as your payment method name.

16. Select BACS Tape as the payment method type.

17. Leave the Third Party Payment box unchecked.

18. Select United Kingdom as the Source Bank-Country.

19. Enter the following GB Bank Details:

• Sort Code

• Bank Name

• Account Number

• Account Name
• Bank Branch Location

20. Enter the following Further Information:

• BACS User Number

• BACS Limit

21. Select Vision Corporation UK as your Ledger.

22. Enter the following details for GL Cash Account:

• Company - select 03 United Kingdom.

• Ctr - select 110 Vision Industries as your department.

• Acct - select 2110 Payable to Bank Current.

• Prod – select 000 No Product.

• Sub – select 000, the Default sub account.

23. Save your work.

Define a Third Party Payment Method

24. Navigate to the Organizational Payment Method window:

• (N) Payroll > Payment Methods

25. Set your effective date for this exercise to 01-JAN-2000.

26. Enter Third Party xx as your payment method name.

27. Select Cheque-United Kingdom as the payment method type.

28. Check the Third Party Payment box.

29. Select United Kingdom as the Source Bank-Country.

30. Enter the following GB Bank Details:

• Sort Code

• Bank Name

• Account Number

• Account Name
• Bank Branch Location

31. Enter the following Further Information:

• BACS User Number

• BACS Limit

32. Select Vision Corporation UK as your Ledger.

33. Enter the following details for GL Cash Account:

• Company - select 03 United Kingdom.

• Ctr - select 110 Vision Industries as your department.

• Acct - select 2110 Payable to Bank Current.

• Prod – select 000 No Product.

• Sub – select 000, the Default sub account.

34. Save your work.

Practice - Defining Consolidation Sets
This practice reinforces your ability to create consolidation sets.

You should already have a consolidation set defined by the system. Review the consolidation

• For this practice, log on to Vision as hrms/welcome and use the US Super HRMS

• Replace XX with your terminal number or initials.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

Navigate to the relevant window

Navigate to the Consolidation Sets window.

Define a Consolidation Set

Review existing consolidation sets, and create a new consolidation set.

Solution: Defining Consolidation Sets

Define Consolidation Sets

1. Navigate to the Consolidation Sets window using US Super HRMS Manager responsibility:

• (N) Payroll > Consolidation

2. Date Track to 01-JAN-20YY (YY= 2 years ago)

3. Perform Query Enter (F11)

4. Perform Query Run (Ctrl+F11)

Vision Corporation will be displayed.

5. In a new record, enter XX Semi Monthly Payrolls as the name of the Consolidation Set.

6. Save your work.

7. Close the form.

Practice: Defining a Payroll
In this practice you will define a monthly and weekly payroll as of 01-JAN-2000.

• You can use the OU HRMS Manager or OU Super HRMS Manager responsibility to
perform this task. In this practice, we log in as ouhrms/welcome and use the OU HRMS
Manager responsibility.

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Set your effective date to 01-JAN-2000.

• This practice covers only the required steps for performing this task.

• Replace xx with your initials or the unique group identifier provided by your instructor.

Navigate to the relevant window

Navigate to the Payroll Description window.

Define a Monthly Payroll

Define a monthly payroll as of 01-JAN-2000 with the following attributes:

Name monthly_payroll_xx
Period Type Calendar Month
First Period End Date 30-APR-2004
Number of Years 5
Date Offset Enter the following date offsets:
• Normal Payment: 0 (default)
• BACS Processing: -3
• Pay Advice: 0 (default)
• Cut Off: 0 (default)

Default Select the following:

• Payment Method: Cheque_xx
• Consolidation Set: Education
Costing Enter the following:
• Company: 03 United Kingdom
• Cost Centre: 110 Vision Industries
• Account: 5800 Salaries
• Project: 220 Software Suite
• Activity: 000 (default)
Suspense Account Do not enter any details here, but note that
entry procedure is identical to the
procedure for completing the costing field.
Negative Payment Allowed Check this box if you want your payroll
runs to allow a negative payment as a valid
result. Otherwise, leave this box
Statutory Information Enter the following:
• Tax Reference: PORTSMOUTH1
• Permit Number: Enter a number
(12 chars max)
• Maximum Holiday Paid Advance
0 (default)
• BACS Payment Rule: Previous
Banking Day

Define a Weekly Payroll

Define a weekly payroll as of 01-JAN-2000 with the following attributes:

Name weekly_payroll_xx
Period Type Week
First Period End Date 13-APR-2004
Number of Years 5
Date Offset Enter the following date offsets:
• Normal Payment: 0 (default)
• BACS Processing: -3
• Pay Advice: 0 (default)
• Cut Off: 0 (default)
Default Select the following:
• Payment Method: cheque_xx
• Consolidation Set: Education
Costing Enter the following:
• Company: 03 United Kingdom
• Cost Centre: 110 Vision Industries
• Account: 5800 Salaries
• Project: 220 Software Suite
• Activity: 000 (default)
Suspense Account Do not enter any details here, but note that
entry procedure is identical to the
procedure for completing the costing field.
Negative Payment Allowed Check this box if you want your payroll
runs to allow a negative payment as a valid
result. Otherwise, leave this box
Statutory Information Enter the following:
• Tax Reference: PORTSMOUTH1
• Permit Number: Enter a number
(12 chars max)
• Maximum Holiday Paid Advance
0 (default)
• BACS Payment Rule: Previous
Banking Day
Solution: Defining a Payroll
Setting Up Payroll
Navigate to the relevant window

1. Navigate to the Payroll Description Window:

• (N) Payroll > Description

2. Set your effective date for this exercise to 01-JAN-2000

Define a Monthly Payroll

3. Enter Monthly_Payroll_xx as your payroll name.

4. Select Calendar Month as the Period Type.

5. Enter a first period end date of 30-APR-2004

6. Enter these date offsets:

• Normal Payment – 0 (the default)

• BACS Processing – enter –3

• Pay Advice – 0 (the default)

• Cut Off – 0 (the default)

7. Select Cheque xx as the default payment method for your payroll.

8. Select Education Monthly as the consolidation set.

9. Enter the following Costing information:

• Company: 03 United Kingdom

• Cost Centre: 110 Vision Industries

• Account: 5800: Salaries

• Project: 220 Software Suite

• Activity: 00 (the default)

10. Do not enter any Suspense Account Information, but note that the procedure is identical
to the procedure for completing the costing information.

11. Check the Negative Payment Allowed box if you want your payroll runs to recognize
negative payments as valid. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked.

12. Enter this Statutory Information:

• Tax Reference: PORTSMOUTH1 (default)

• Permit Number: Enter a number (12 chars max)

• Maximum Holiday Paid Advance 0 (default)

• BACS Payment Rule: Previous Banking Day

13. Save your work

14. Choose the Valid Payment Methods button and add Direct Deposit_xx. (Cheque_xx
should already exist as the default payment method).

15. Save your work.

Define a Weekly Payroll

16. Navigate to the Payroll Description window:

• (N) Payroll > Description

17. Set your effective date for this exercise to 01-JAN-2000

18. Enter the following details:

19. Enter Weekly_Payroll_xx as your payroll name.

20. Select Week as the Period Type.

21. Enter a first period end date of 30-APR-2004

22. Enter these date offsets:

• Normal Payment – 0 (the default)

• BACS Processing – enter –3

• Pay Advice – 0 (the default)

• Cut Off – 0 (the default)

23. Select Cheque xx as the default payment method for your payroll.

24. Select Education Monthly as the consolidation set.

25. Enter the following Costing information:

• Company: 03 United Kingdom

• Cost Centre: 110 Vision Industries

• Account: 5800: Salaries

• Project: 220 Software Suite

• Activity: 00 (the default)

26. Do not enter any Suspense Account Information, but note that the procedure is identical
to the procedure for completing the costing information.

27. Check the Negative Payment Allowed box if you want your payroll runs to recognize
negative payments as valid. Otherwise, leave this box unchecked.

28. Enter this Statutory Information:

• Tax Reference: PORTSMOUTH1 (default)

• Permit Number: Enter a number (12 chars max)

• Maximum Holiday Paid Advance 0 (default)

• BACS Payment Rule: Previous Banking Day

29. Save your work

30. Choose the Valid Payment Methods button and add Direct Deposit_xx. (Cheque_xx
should already exist as the default payment method).

31. Save your work.

R12 Payroll Fundamentals:
Administration (Global)
Student Guide
An Introduction to Payroll
Chapter 2
Practice - Overview of Payroll Processing
This practice introduces students to variouis payroll processes available in Oracle HRMS. In this
lesson, students learn how to:

• Create a payment method

• Create a consolidation set

• Create a payroll

• Run a payroll

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Where required, substitute ‘xx’ with your initials.

• The practices in this document use the UK Super HRMS Manager responsibility.

Creating a payment method

Create a payment method with an effective date of January 1, 2000.

Create a consolidation set

Create a consolidation set named xx_Vision_Corporation, where ‘xx’ uniquely identifies your
consolidation set.

Create a payroll

Create a monthly payroll.

Run a payroll

Once you have completed all the steps outlined above, run a payroll.
Solution - Overview of Payroll Processing
Creating a payment method

1. Log in to Vision and select the UK Super HRMS Manager responsibility.

2. Navigate to the Organizational Payment Method window.

• (N) Payroll > Payment Methods

3. Enter details for your payment method:

− Name = xx_EFT_Pay_Method
− Type = BACS tape
− Currency = GBP

4. In the Bank Details flexfield, enter the bank account details.

5. Select the Other tab, and enter the Further Payment Method information.

6. Save your data.

Create a Consolidation Set

7. Locate the menu option for creating a consolidation set.

(N) Payroll > Consolidation Set

8. Enter a unique xx_Vision_Corporation, where xx represents a unique name.

9. Save your work.

Create a payroll

10. Navigate to the Payroll window.

(N) Payroll > Description

11. In the Name field, enter xx_Monthly.

12. In the Period Type field select Calendar Month.

13. In the First Period End Date field enter 15-Jan-2000.

14. In the Number of Years field enter 20.

15. In the Date Offset section, enter the following:

− Normal Payment: -2
− BACS Processing: -2
− Pay Advice: -2
− Cut Off: -7
16. In the Default Payment Method field, select Cheque.

17. In the Consolidation Set field, select xx_Vision_Corporation.

18. In the Costing field, enter the following:

− Company: UK
− Cost Center: Default
− Account: Total Parent
− Project: No Product
− Activity: Default

19. In the GB Statutory Information field, enter a Tax Reference and Permit Number.

20. Save your work.

Running a Payroll

21. Locate the menu option for running a payroll.

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports.

22. Submit a Single Request.

23. Query Payroll Run in the Name field.

24. In the Parameters window, select the Payroll xx_Monthly.

25. Accept the default consolidation set name for the payroll.

26. Select the payroll period for the run.

Note: The fields Element Set and Assignment Set are optional.

27. Select a Run Type of Regular.

28. Choose the Submit button

Note: You will be asked if you want to submit another request – select No.
Payroll Preprocessing
Chapter 3
Payroll PreProcessing
This practice introduces students to various payroll processes available in Oracle HRMS. In this
lesson, students learn how to:

• Create an Assignment Set

• Create a Batch in BEE using an Assignment Set

• Create an Element Set

• Create a Batch in BEE using an Element Set

• Validate a BEE Batch

• Transfer a BEE Batch

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Where required, substitute ‘xx’ with your initials.

• The practices in this document use the UK Super HRMS Manager responsibility.

Create an Assignment Set

1. Expand the Payroll > Assignment Set section of the Navigator.

2. Create an Assignment Set called xx_Assignment where ‘xx’ represents your unique

Enter BEE using an Assignment Set (Create a Batch in BEE using an Assignment

3. Expand the Mass Information eXchange > Batch Element Entry section of the Navigator.

4. Enter an xx_Batch Name in the Batch Name field, where ‘xx’ represents your unique
Create an Element Set to use with BEE

5. Expand the Payroll > Element Set section of the Navigator.

6. Create an Element Set called xx_Element where ‘xx’ represents your unique identifier.

Enter BEE using an Element Set (Create a Batch in BEE using an Element Set)

7. Expand the Mass Information eXchange > Batch Element Entry section of the Navigator.

8. In the Batch Assignment Entry window, select the xx_Element, where ‘xx’ represents
your unique identifier.

Validate a BEE Batch

9. Expand the Mass Information eXchange > Batch Element Entry section of the Navigator.

10. Enter the xx_Batch, where ‘xx’ represents your unique identifier.

Transfer a BEE Batch

11. Expand the Mass Information eXchange > Batch Element Entry section of the Navigator.

12. Enter the xx_Batch, where ‘xx’ represents your unique identifier.
Solution - Payroll PreProcessing
Create an Assignment Set

1. Log on to Vision and select the UK Super HRMS Manager responsibility.

2. Locate the menu option for creating an assignment set:

(N) Payroll > Assignment Set

3. Enter xx_Assignment Set in the Name field, where ‘xx’ represents a unique name id.

4. Select the xx_Monthly payroll.

5. Save the new set.

6. Choose the Amendment button.

7. Select Include in the Include/Exclude field. In the Full Name field, select the employees
you want to add to the assignment.

8. Save your work.

Enter BEE using an Assignment Set (Create a Batch in BEE using an Assignment

9. Navigate to the Batch Element Entry window:

(N) Mass Information eXchange > Batch Element Entry

10. Enter an xx_Batch Name in the Batch Name field, where ‘xx’ represents a unique name

11. Save your work.

12. Click Assignment Set.

13. In the Create Batch Lines window, select xx_Assignment Set and Payroll Type monthly.

14. In the element field, select Bonus for the element, and enter the input values as

15. Choose the Process button to submit a concurrent process called Create Batches. Confirm
that you want the system to create the lines. Click the OK button in the Process Request
dialog box to return you to the Batch Header window.

Create an Element Set to use with BEE

16. Navigate to the Element and Distribution Set window:

(N) Payroll > Element Set

17. Enter an xx_Element Name for the set, where ‘xx’ represents your unique group name id.

18. In the Type field, select Customization Set.

19. Save your new set.

20. Click Classification Rules, and select Direct Payment. Save the set and close the window.
The elements in the classifications you chose are now listed in the elements region.

21. In the Element and Distribution Set window, click on an element and click the Include
Element button. In the Elements field, select the Bonus element, and click OK.

22. Save your work.

Enter BEE using an Element Set (Create a Batch in BEE using an Element Set)

23. Navigate to the Batch Element Entry window:

(N) Mass Information eXchange > Batch Element Entry

24. Enter the Batch Name xx_Batch in the Batch Header window, where ‘xx’ is your unique

25. Save your work.

26. Click Assignment Lines.

27. Query the Employee Assignment and Element Set.

28. Enter the appropriate input values for each element.

29. Save your work and close the window.

Validate a BEE Batch

30. Navigate to the Batch Element Entry window:

(N) Mass Information eXchange > Batch Element Entry

31. Query the xx_Batch, where ‘xx’ is your unique identifier.

32. Click the Process button.

33. Select Validate, and choose Start. The system displays the concurrent request ID.

Note: When the concurrent request is complete, you can query the batch in the Batch Header
window. The status is displayed in the Batch Status box. If you have several batches to
review, you can query them in the Batch Summary window.

34. Save your work.

Transfer a BEE Batch

35. Navigate to the Batch Element Entry window:

(N) Mass Information eXchange > Batch Element Entry

36. Query the xx_Batch, where ‘xx’ is your unique identifier.

37. Click the Process button.

38. Select Transfer, and choose Start. The system displays the concurrent request ID.

Note: When the concurrent request is complete, you can query the batch in the Batch Header
window. The status is displayed in the Batch Status box. If you have several batches to
review, you can query them in the Batch Summary window. If the Batch status is error, the
process has set the status of at least one line, or control total to error.
Payroll Processing
Chapter 4
Payroll Processing
This practice introduces students to various payroll processes available in Oracle HRMS. In this
lesson, students learn how to:

• Run a Payroll for an Assignment Set

• Run a Payroll for an Element Set

• Run a QuickPay

• Run a QuickPay PrePayment

• Roll Back a Payroll

• Retry a Payroll

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Where required, substitute ‘xx’ with your initials.

• The practices in this document use the UK Super HRMS Manager responsibility.

Run a Payroll for an Assignment Set

1. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports section of the Navigator.

2. In the Parameters window, select the xx_Monthly payroll.

3. Click in the Assignment Set field, and select the assignment set you defined earlier

Run a Payroll for an Element Set

4. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports section of the Navigator.

5. In the Parameters window, select the xx_Monthly payroll.

6. Click in the Element Set field, and select the element set you defined earlier
Run a QuickPay

7. Expand the People > Enter and Maintain section of the Navigator.

8. Query your Employee in the Find Person window.

9. In the Navigation Options window select QuickPay.

Run a QuickPay Payment

10. Expand the People > Enter and Maintain section of the Navigator.

11. Query your Employee in the Find Person window.

12. In the Navigation Options window select QuickPay.

13. Click the Start PrePayments button.

Roll Back a Payroll

14. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports section of the Navigator.

15. In the Name field, select Rollback Run.

16. In the Parameters window, select the payroll run you want to roll back.

Retry a Payroll

17. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports section of the Navigator.

18. In the Name field, select Retry Payroll Process.

19. In the Parameters window, select the payroll run you want to retry.
Solution - Payroll Processing
Run a Payroll for an Assignment Set

1. Log on to Vision and select the UK Super HRMS Manager responsibility.

2. Locate the menu option for running a payroll.

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports.

3. Click Single Request.

4. In the Name field, query Payroll Run.

5. In the Parameters window, select the Payroll xx_ Monthly.

6. Accept the default consolidation set name for the payroll.

7. Select the payroll period for the run.

8. Select the Assignment Set you defined earlier (xx_Assignment_Set).

9. Select a Run Type of Regular.

10. Click the Submit button.

Note: You will be asked if you want to submit another request – select No.

Run a Payroll for an Element Set

11. Locate the menu option for running a payroll.

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports.

12. Submit a Single Request.

13. In the Name field, query Payroll Run.

14. In the Parameters window, select the Payroll xx_ Monthly.

15. Accept the default consolidation set name for the payroll.

16. Select the payroll period for the run.

17. Select the Element Set you defined earlier (xx_Element_Set).

18. Select a Run Type of Regular.

19. Click the Submit button.

Note: You will be asked if you want to submit another request – select No.

Run a QuickPay

20. Locate the menu option for running a quickpay:

(N) People > Enter and Maintain > Find Person > (B) Assignment > (B) Others > QuickPay

21. In the Find Person window, query the Employee.

22. Click the Assignment > Others button.

23. In the Navigation Options window select QuickPay.

24. Set the Date Paid to the day you want to make the QuickPay payment.

25. Confirm the default consolidation set.

Note: You could enter a pay advice date and message if required. These fields are for
information only.

26. Select Regular as the Run Type.

27. Save your QuickPay definition.

28. Click the Element Selection button if you want to check or verify element entries for the
run. All the elements for the assignment that exist as of Date Earned are listed in the
Elements Entries window. Select or clear the Include in Run box for elements you want to
exclude from the run.

29. Select an element, and choose the Entry Values button to view entry values for each

30. Close the windows to return to the QuickPay window.

31. Click the Start Run button to run the QuickPay process.

Run a QuickPay Payment

32. Locate the menu option for making a quickpay payment:

(N) People > Enter and Maintain > Find Person > (B) Assignment > (B) Others > QuickPay
33. In the Find Person window, query the Employee.

34. Choose the Assignment > Others button.

35. In the Navigation Options window select QuickPay.

Note: If required, you can override the default payment method for the assignment. You have
a choice of Cash or Cheque for the prepayments run from the QuickPay window. The status
for the completed process displays in the Status field in the QuickPay prepayment box.

36. Choose the Start Prepayments button.

37. When a status of Complete displays, click the External Payment button to record a
payment by cash or cheque from outside the payroll system.

Note: If you have already included the QuickPay run in the default consolidation set for the
assignment payroll, it is included in the batch prepayment process for the payroll without
further action on your part.

Roll Back a Payroll

38. Locate the menu option for rolling back a payroll:

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports.

39. Submit a Single Request.

40. In the Name field, query Rollback Run.

41. In the Parameters window, select the payroll you want to roll back.

42. Optionally, select an assignment set.

43. Click OK.

44. Click Submit.

Retry a Payroll

45. Locate the menu option for retrying a payroll:

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports.

46. Submit a Single Request.

47. In the Name field, query Retry Run.

48. In the Parameters window, select the payroll you want to roll back.

49. Click OK.

50. Click Submit.

Post-Payroll Processing
Chapter 5
Post Payroll Processing
This practice introduces students to various payroll processes available in Oracle HRMS. In this
lesson, students learn how to:

• Run PrePayments

• Run Cheque Writer

• Reverse a Payroll Run

• Run Costing

• Run Transfer to General Ledger

• Void a Cheque

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Where required, substitute ‘xx’ with your initials.

• The practices in this document use the UK Super HRMS Manager responsibility.

Run Prepayments

1. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

2. In the Name field, select PrePayments.

Run Cheque Writer

3. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

4. In the Name field, select Cheque Writer

Reverse a Payroll Run

5. Expand the People > Enter and Maintain section of the Navigator.

6. Enter your xx employee, where ‘xx’ represents your unique identifier.

7. Select the run you want to reverse.

Run Costing

8. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

9. In the Name field, select Costing.

Run Transfer to GL

10. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

11. In the Name field, select Transfer to GL.

Void a Cheque

12. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

13. In the Name field, select Void Cheque Payments.

Solution - Post Payroll Processing
Run Prepayments

1. Log on to Vision and select the UK Super HRMS Manager responsibility.

2. Locate the menu option for running Prepayments:

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

3. Submit Single Request.

4. In the Name field, select PrePayments.

5. In the Parameters window, select the xx_Monthly payroll.

6. Accept the default consolidation set name for the payroll.

7. Enter the start and end dates of the time span for the prepayments processing to cover.

8. Click OK.
9. Click Submit.

Run Cheque Writer

10. Locate the menu option for running Cheque Writer:

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

11. Submit Single Request.

12. In the Name field, select Cheque Writer.

13. In the Parameters window, select the name of a payroll or consolidation set. When you
select a payroll, the default consolidation set is displayed.

14. Enter the start and end dates of the time span for the process to cover.

15. In the Payment Method field, select Cheque.

16. Enter the sort sequence for the cheques/checks This defaults to Organization, then to

17. In the Start Cheque Number field, enter the beginning check number for the run.

18. Click OK.

19. Click Submit.

Reverse a Payroll Run

20. Locate the menu option for reversing a payroll:

(N) People > Enter and Maintain > Find Person > (B) Assignment > (B) Others > Reverse
21. In the Find Person window, query the employee.

22. Click the Assignment > Others button.

23. In the Navigation Option window select Reverse Run.

24. Click the checkbox to select the run you want to reverse. The window displays all the
payroll runs for the assignment.

25. The consolidation set for the run automatically displays as the consolidation set for the

Note: Select a different consolidation set if you want to process the reversal in a different set
to the run set.

26. Save your work.

Run Costing

27. Locate the menu option for running Costing:

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

28. Submit Single Request.

29. In the Name field, select Costing.

30. In the Parameters window, select the name of the payroll or consolidation set to run the
process for. When you select a payroll, its default consolidation set displays.

31. Enter the start and end dates of the time span for the Costing process to cover.

32. Click OK.

33. Click Submit.

Run Transfer to GL

34. Locate the menu option for running Transfer to GL:

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

35. Submit Single Request.

36. In the Name field, select Transfer to GL.

37. In the Parameters window, select the name of the payroll or consolidation set to run the
process for. When you select a payroll, its default consolidation set displays.

38. Enter the start and end dates of the time span for the Costing process to cover.
39. Click OK.

40. Click Submit.

Voiding a Cheque

41. Locate the menu option for running the Void Cheque Payments process.

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

42. Submit Single Request.

43. In the Name field, select Void Cheque Payments in the Name field.

44. In the Parameters window, select xx_Monthly in the Payroll run field.

45. In the Reason field, enter the reason for voiding the cheque.

46. Optionally enter start and end cheque number to void a group of cheques from the payroll

47. Click OK.

48. Click Submit.

Special Payroll Features
Chapter 7
Special Payroll Features
This practice introduces students to various payroll processes available in Oracle HRMS. In this
lesson, students learn how to:

• Run Retro Pay by Element

• Run Advance Pay by Element

• Run the Advance Pay Listing Report

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training
or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Where required, substitute ‘xx’ with your initials.

• The practices in this document use the UK Super HRMS Manager responsibility.

• Students should complete detailed training about the features included in this practice as
part of the Total Compensation Elements training. This practice does not discuss how to
set up retro pay, advance pay and continuous calculation. You should review the Total
Compensation Elements practices that discuss the setup of these features in greater
detail. This module is only concerned with the actual processing involved.

Run Retro Pay by Element

1. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports.

2. In the Name field, select Retro Pay by Element.

Run Advance Pay by Element

1. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports.

2. In the Name field, select Advance Pay by Element.

Run the Advance Pay Listing Report

1. Expand the Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports.

2. In the Name field, select Advance Pay Listing.

Solution - Special Payroll Features

Run Retro Pay by Element

1. Locate the menu option for running the Retro Pay by Element process.

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

2. Submit Single Request.

3. In the Name field, select Retro Pay by Element.

4. In the Parameters window, select xx_Assignment_Set in the Assignment Set field.

5. In the Element Set field, select xx_Element_Set.

6. Enter a start and end date for the retro pay process to cover.

7. Click OK.
8. Click Submit.

Run Advance Pay by Element

9. Locate the menu option for running the Retro Pay by Element process.

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

10. Submit Single Request.

11. In the Name field select Advance Pay by Element.

12. In the Parameters window, select xx_Monthly in the Payroll field.

13. In the Effective Date field, enter the effective date for the Advance Pay by Element.

14. Optionally enter Assignment Set, Element Set and Run Type.

15. Click OK.

16. Click Submit.

Run the Advance Pay Listing Report

17. Locate the menu option for running the Advance Pay Listing report.

(N) Processes and Reports > Submit Processes and Reports

18. Submit Single Request.

19. In the Name field, select Advance Pay Listing.

20. In the Parameters window, select xx_Monthly in the Payroll field.

21. In the Summary Version field, select Yes or No.

22. Optionally enter Organization Name, Start Date and End Date.

23. Click OK.

24. Click Submit.

25. View the output results of the Advance Pay Listing.

(N) Processes and Reports > View Requests

26. Enter the Request ID for the process you want to view, or select the Find button to view all
requests being processed.

27. Click in the relevant Request ID field, and choose the Refresh Data button to update the
requests being processed.

28. When the Advance Pay Listing displays as Complete choose the View Output button to
view the report.
R12 Payroll Fundamentals:
Earnings and Deductions
Student Guide
Introduction to Payroll
Earnings and Deductions
Chapter 1
Guided Demonstration - Overview of Payroll Earnings and
Responsibility: UK Super HRMS Manager

1. Oracle HRMS provides you with all the flexibility you need to model your earnings and
deductions for payroll processing.

2. This demonstration provides a high-level overview of the functionality available when you
define an earnings or deductions element.

3. Navigate to the Element window:

• (N) Total Compensation > Basic > Element Description

4. You use the element window to view predefined earnings and deductions and to create your

5. Find the ‘Regular Earnings’ element and look at the details of the element.

The classification controls the processing order of earnings and deductions in the payroll
run. You can also use the classification to control the balances that they feed.

A recurring element is processed in every payroll period until you end the element entry. A
nonrecurring element is processed only in the period in which you enter it.

In the Termination region you select when element entries should end for terminated
assignments. For example, you can end a recurring element on the termination date by
selecting Actual Termination, or leave it for later processing by selecting Final Close.

You can select a skip rule formula to specify circumstances when an element entry should
not be processed, such as when a balance reaches a certain level.

The output currency is normally the base currency for your business group. For Information
type elements you can select a different currency. You can always select a different input
currency as values are converted to the output currency before they are processed.

If you require Regular Earnings to be prorated when values change mid-period, you select
the group of events that should trigger proration. These could include changes to rates,
working hours, or the assignment itself.

6. Choose the Input Values button.

When you enter this element for an employee, you enter a rate, rate code, and number of
hours worked. Elements can have up to 15 input values.

Generally, the element’s formula returns the pay value as a result of the payroll calculation.
You can enter a default value for each input by using the Validation settings. You can limit
the entries for this default to a list of values provided by a lookup. You can also validate the
entries against a minimum and maximum, or by using a formula.

7. Close the Input Values window and click the Balance Feed Control button.

This window shows that Regular Earnings is classified with several secondary earnings
classifications. These determine which balance it feeds.

8. Close the Balance Feed Control window and click the Balance Feeds button.

You can see, for example, that Regular Earnings feeds the Attachable balance because it is
classified as Attachable Earnings. You select the classifications that feed a balance from the
Balance window. Here, you can select other balances that this element feeds individually
rather than as a result of its classification.

9. Close the Balance Feeds and Element window.

10. Navigate to the Formula window:

• (N) Total Compensation > Basic > Write Formulas

11. Find the TimeCard_Pay Formula. This is the formula that calculates the pay value for
Regular Earnings.

12. Choose the Edit button to view the formula.

This formula reads in Hours from the element entry which it then multiplies by an hourly
rate database item that comes from another element input value. The formula returns the
result Timecard_Pay.

13. Close the Edit Formula and Formula windows.

14. Navigate to the Formula Results window:

• (N) Total Compensation > Basic > Formula Results

15. Find the Regular Earnings element.

The Standard processing rule means that Oracle Payroll uses the TimeCard_Pay formula for
all employees with an active assignment. You can create other processing rules for
employees with other assignment statuses such as, for example, On Sabbatical. The formula
result type informs the application what to do with the values returned from the formula. In
this example, the Direct result (TimeCard Pay) populates the pay value of the Regular
Earnings element. Results can also populate other element entries, or end them, or change
their processing priority, or return a message.

16. Close the Formula Results window.

Before you can process an earnings type or deduction, you must link the element and make
an element entry.

17. Navigate to the Element Link window:

• (N) Total Compensation > Basic > Link

You must create at least one link for each element. The link specifies who is entitled to
receive the element and how it is costed.

18. Find the Regular Earnings element.

If all employees are eligible to receive an element and the same costing information applies
to all, you can leave the eligibility criteria fields blank. In this example, only employees on
the Timecard Monthly payroll are eligible for Regular Earnings. If the element is costed,
you enter costing and balancing accounts according to your setup of the Cost Allocation key

19. Close the Element Link window.

When you have linked the element, you are ready to enter it for your employees. You can
enter the element for individual employees, or for a batch of employees. There are some
circumstances where you do not have to make an element entry:
− If you checked the Standard box on the Element or Element Link window, the
entry appears automatically for all eligible employees
− If the element is associated with an activity rate, the entry is made automatically
when you enroll an employee in the benefit
− If the element is associated with a salary basis, the entry is made automatically
when you approve a salary proposal

20. Navigate to the Element Entries window:

• (N) FastPath > Entries

You enter elements for one employee at a time in this window.

21. Find an employee, for example, Russell Rogers.

22. Add an entry for Regular Earnings.

23. Choose the Entry Values button.

You can enter the number of hours worked, a rate and a rate code, although the last two are
not used by the formula we looked at. Oracle Payroll then uses this information when
processing this element entry and pays the value to the employee. These are just some of the
features available with Oracle Payroll that help you define an earnings or deductions

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