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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Transport Management








December, 2020

Mr. Gogan Bahadur Hamal

Director General

Road crash is one of the heartbreaking incident for the modern society. In the context of
developing world, it has become a major issue of public health causing the tremendous
socio-economic loss to the society. Road safety aspects are related to the various
dimensions of our society.
The global initiative for this is directed to activities related to the five pillars which are as
road safety management, safer roads and mobility, safer vehicles, safer road users and
post-crash responses. The global campaign for the promotion of road safety and
reduction of crash rates have been taken as the focus by United Nations Organization
especially by World Health Organization. Most of the countries has prepared the Action
plans to achieve road safety targets. The road safety management as well as policy
matters and implementation strategies require the data on the road crash. The
unbiased, time series, and location related information are most important factors to
support the policy formulation and decision making.
Taking the context of realistic data on the road accident, DoTM has initiated to develop
the Road Accident Information Management System (RA-IMS). It has been developed
and deploy jointly with the Nepal Police. Major challenges and issues have been
identified joinly for the implementation of this system. Presently it has been
implemented in Kathmandu Valley and Kathmandu-Birgunj corridor. Further, DoTM has
planned to extend this program in Province 2 and Bagmati province.

I would like to thank to DoTM team, IT Directorate and Highway Safety and Traffic
Directorate of Nepal Police for their continuous effort to the implementation of RA-IMS.
Similarly, the financial as well as technical support from the Nepal India Regional Trade
and Transport Project (NIRTTP) is highly appreciated. The dedication of the team of the
System Development consultant (M/S Dry Ice Solutions Pvt. Ltd.) is grateful during the
entire period of the RA-IMS support and maintenance.

RA-IMS Operation Report 2

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Background ........................................................................................................ 5

1.2 Objectives .......................................................................................................... 5

1.3 Establishment of RA-IMS ................................................................................... 6

1. RA-IMS Operation .................................................................................................... 7

1.1 Step I: Data collection from accident-site ........................................................... 9

1.2 Step II: Review of field information ................................................................... 10

1.3 Step III: System Administration ........................................................................ 10

1.4 RA-IMS end-user ............................................................................................. 10

2. RA-IMS and Road Safety Strategy ......................................................................... 11

3. RA-IMS Data Collection .......................................................................................... 11

4. RA-IMS data framework ......................................................................................... 15

4.1 RA-IMS: Mobile Application.............................................................................. 15

4.2 RA-IMS: Super-admin Dashboard.................................................................... 15

4.3 RA-IMS: Traffic Police Office Desktop Application ........................................... 19

4.4 Data visualization on RA-IMS access to DoTM ................................................ 20

5. Accident data analysis in Kathmandu Valley .......................................................... 21

5.1 Vehicle Movement-Light Condition-Number of Road Accident......................... 22

5.2 Junction type Road Accident ............................................................................ 22

5.3 Road Surface Condition and Road Accident .................................................... 23

5.4 Day in Week and Road Accident Occurrence .................................................. 24

5.5 Monthly distribution of Accident........................................................................ 24

5.6 Hourly distribution of Road Accident ................................................................ 25

5.7 Environment Characteristics and Road Accidents ........................................... 26

5.8 Type of Collision and Road Accident ............................................................... 26

RA-IMS Operation Report 2

5.9 Area Location and Road Accident Occurrence ................................................ 27

5.10 Vehicle type involved in Road Accident ........................................................ 28

5.11 Vehicle Defect and Involvement in Road accidents ...................................... 29

5.12 Road Users and Road Accident .................................................................... 29

5.13 Driver Error and Road Accident .................................................................... 30

5.14 Pedestrian’s Action and Road Accident ........................................................ 30

6. Issues on RA-IMS ................................................................................................... 30

7. RA-IMS Data Dissemination Protocol ..................................................................... 31

8. Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 32

RA-IMS Operation Report 3

List of Figures
Figure 1: Interlink among Road Safety measures and Accident data 11
Figure 2: General information (identification) set of data in Mobile Application 12
Figure 3: Information on weather, severity of crash 13
Figure 4: road conditions (hit & run) 13
Figure 5: Vehicle and driver information to b collected 14
Figure 6: Information related to the passenger and pedestrian victims 14
Figure 7: Additional information of passenger and pedestrians 14
Figure 1: RA-IMS Login page of the Mobile Application 15
Figure 2: Super admin Dashboard 16
Figure 3: RA-IMS data presented as per the Driver’ casualties 17
Figure 4: RA-IMS data of Passenger injury and accident severity. 18
Figure 5: Accident distribution as Collision type 18
Figure 6: General tabular data in the admin dashboard 19
Figure 7: Traffic Police Office Desktop Browser of RA-IMS 20
Figure 8: RA-IMS dashboard of traffic police station Gatthaghar (with filters) 20

RA-IMS Operation Report 4

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
Department of Transport Management (DoTM) with the support of Nepal India
Regional Trade and Transport Project (NIRTTP) and jointly with Nepal Police has
initiated to develop and operate a web-based Road Accident Information Management
System (RA-IMS). The system is intended to is to replace the existing paper-based
road accident data keeping practice at various level of traffic police administration with
the Information Technology (IT) based system for collecting, verifying, storing and
disseminating as much as wide range of data by the respective traffic police offices. At
the first stage of the development of RA-IMS, it has been connected for all traffic
police offices in Kathmandu Valley and Kathmandu-Birgunj Highway Corridor.
Software development, procurement of IT equipment, connectivity and capacity
building were major steps for this endeavor. Furthermore, lesson learning and
improving the system operation based on the feedback from the system users
including the data collection personnel, traffic police office in-charge, system
administrator and end users.
The RA-IMS is a web-based system for the collection of accident data from the
accident-site which will be verified by the local Traffic Police Office and then
submission it to the system-server located at Nepal Police Data-Center. Accident
information is collected by using mobile-application containing various relevant
information about conditions of the accident site, vehicles, drivers, victims
(passenger/pedestrians) and in-situ traffic control devices. Furthermore, this mobile
application has special feature of capturing the geographic location and photographs
of the sites.
1.2 Objectives
The main objective of the RA-IMS is to establish a reliable web-based database of
road crashes for the benefit of reader or stakeholders engaged in the road safety. The
comprehensive and accurate crash data and data related to the road and traffic
characteristics at the crash locations make the process of accurately investigating,

RA-IMS Operation Report 5

analyzing and effectively treating crash locations. The reliable and comprehensive
road crash data enables to:
• Determine the crash location accurately,
• Identify the events associated with crash,
• Indentify the crash contribution and severity factors, thus providing the
basis for selecting targeted remedial measures for the crash reduction,
• Indentify the common factors across a number of crashes,
• Determine the cost consequences of a single crash, all crash at one
location or several crashes with common factors,
• Rank the sites for applying the treatment for achieve the greatest safety
Road crash information is used by a wide variety of institutions and people for a wide
variety of purposes including:
• road safety practitioners, for developing remedial or pro-active road and
traffic safety measures,
• police, who may be investigating whether they will charge a person with
a criminal offence in relation to a specific crash,
• hospitals and health centres to monitor their health service requirements,
• lawyers acting for clients in civil litigation, especially compensation for
injuries and other losses,
• insurers, seeking facts before settling an insurance claim,
• those with responsibility for road safety education and publicity, to
ensure that their efforts are well-targeted,
• media for any purpose of public awareness to informing specific readers
• police, in relation to enforcement activities, such as establishing the
traffic location for speed cameras or breath testing stations
• safety administrators, exercising a duty to report statistical information
on road crashes,
• researchers, who need access to an accurate, reliable data base in
order to conduct rigorous research projects
• Vehicle and component manufacturers and suppliers of highway
materials, who wish to assess the safety of their product, perhaps from a
viewpoint of litigation, marketing or product enhancement.
1.3 Establishment of RA-IMS
In the context of Nepal, traffic police is maintaining the paper based road crash data
by collecting the manually prepared a minimum set of information on the individual
accident from all traffic police offices in the country. RA-IMS has been understood and
justified as the solution for the achievement of wide range of above mentioned

RA-IMS Operation Report 6

objectives as well as wider application of crash data. And thus formulated plans for the
development and implementation as the pilot phase in Kathmandu Valley and
Kathmandu-Birgunj corridor. This report has been prepared at the final stage of the
pilot phase and planning for its further expansion.
RA-IMS was officially inaugurated on 28th March, 2019 as pilot phase for Kathmandu
Valley and Kathmandu-Birgunj Corridor. RA-IMS has given a lot of opportunities to
learn from the operation at this pilot stage of the implementation. Similarly, it has been
widely known among the traffic police personnel of various level of responsibility. By
this period of about 18 months the launching the system, more than five hundred
traffic police got the training for collecting accident data with Mobile Application,
verification of field data, system administering, and dissemination. The effort by the
traffic police personnel during this period achieved the collection and storage of more
than twelve thousand cases of road accident.
In this context, DoTM NIRTTP sub-component has prepared the report on the issues
of implementation, lesson learnt and improvement as well as system expansion
strategies. Furthermore, the main purpose of the data dissemination is to support the
concern stakeholders to develop road safety plans and programs based on the data
for the better return and safety.
Traffic police offices within Kathmandu Valley and along the Kathmandu Birgunj
corridor were connected to this system in the pilot phase of the RA-IMS
implementation. The traffic police offices in the pilot phase are shown in the ANNEX I
of this report.

1. RA-IMS Operation
Road Accident Information Management System (RA-IMS) has been proposed for the
improvement of accident data keeping system which will support for the development
of effective measures for accident reduction programs. Major issue is to identification,
collection, storage and analysis of such data for the certain duration and correlation of
these specific data for particular recommendation of road safety projects and
programs. Technically sound data on the accident location, vehicle attributes, road-
user information are very important for the road safety programs.

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There is a big list of stakeholders working in the road safety sector. The ultimate goal
of accident reduction is difficult without the approach of coordination and collaboration.
Additionally, due to the lack of scientifically managed database, the good effort from

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each stakeholder would not be effective for the accomplish the good result. Similarly,
analysis of such time series and cross-sectional data is another important part of this
RA-IMS operation consists of various steps as collection, verification and storage of
accident data in the web-based system. The brief description about these steps is as:
1.1 Step I: Data collection from accident-site
The traffic police offices in urban area (such in Kathmandu Valley) and along
highways are responsible to serve within the defined area or section of highway for
traffic management and accident recording. As per the prevailing practice and rules
traffic police personnel is first and must record the accident scene. In the case of using
RA-IMS, the responsible traffic police personnel (capable of using mobile application
and having the specific user ID) reaches to the accident site and fills the digital forms
on the mobile application. This form contains the digital map in which, accident site is
pinpointed. Similarly, some photographs of the scene are captured. Most of the
information about accident are digitally noted down at the site such as accident time,
site, vehicles, victims, road conditions and other relevant evidences. Probably, he
draws the tentative sketch of the accident condition and collision diagram at the site.
Some of the remaining data can be filled with the help of travel documents (Vehicle
Registration Book, route permit, driving license and loading bills or passenger lists
etc.) have been seized from the accident site.
After the returning the office the same traffic police finalizes the entire digital file of the
mobile application by filing the remaining data and re-checking those data. At the
office he writes the personal remarks on the probable cause of accident. After then, he
submits the filled form with data (mobile application) to the office in charge for its
approval and further process.
This step of the RA-IMS operation is very crucial and responsible for the data reliability
and effectiveness of this system. In this regard, knowledge and skill of the responsible
traffic police personnel is most important. The capacity building training personnel is
important feature because of the field level personnel may not have basic level of
understanding of operation of such application and he shall good knowledge of entire
terminology and relevancy of the field evidences. Similarly, that personal transfer

RA-IMS Operation Report 9

mechanism within the Nepal police affects this process to some extent. Therefore, the
future strategy for the effective operation of this system shall contain the regular and
continuous training program.
1.2 Step II: Review of field information
The data (in the form of unique file name and code) submitted by the field personnel,
is visible (accessible) to the file list to be reviewed in the desktop browser (desktop
application) for the office in charge, who has separate user ID as reviewer of the first
information report (FIR) file. The office in charge holds the authority for editing and
finalizing the FIR. After the verification of all data, he approves the file and submits it
to the to the server system. Then, the file is accessible/visible to the system
administrator of RA-IMS.
1.3 Step III: System Administration
The system administrator keeps the database and administers the user ID for
respective traffic police offices and individual traffic police personnel for collecting the
field data, verification from the respective office in charge. The administrator is
responsible for managing the system such as the decision on the data-set to show to
the general public, DoTM, DoR and other stakeholders. Furthermore, the system
administrator has the overall control to the system components and is looks after the
system security and recovery mechanism of the system in the case of system failure.
1.4 RA-IMS end-user
The ultimate goa of the RA-IMS system establishment is to get the benefit of data
utilization by the respective stakeholders engaged in the road safety activities. The
stakeholders including the government non-government organizations, academic
institutions, research organizations could take the benefits from the relevant data set
from the RA-IMS. The accident data is useful for the development of wider variety of
road safety measures. The data from RA-IMS basically can be extract are the
information on the location, type of collisions, road conditions, information on driver,
passenger and vehicle details. These factors are responsible mainly for the road
accident. For instance, the information on the accident location and crash type may
advantageous for the road development agencies for the construction and
improvement of physical interventions to reduce such incidents.

RA-IMS Operation Report 10

2. RA-IMS and Road Safety Strategy
The entire approach for road safety is to minimize the road crash. The road transport
system consisting of various components are responsible for the promotion of safety.
These components shall develop the planshaving the better combination of preventive
as well as mitigating road safety measures. All of the efforts in the planning and
implementing by the various stakeholders shall be matched with the accident data
collection analysis. A simplified relationship mechanism is shown in the chart below.
RA-IMS is taken as the basis for the accident data collection and storing as the
resource center for the development of road safety programs and projects by the
proper data and interpretation.

Figure 1: Interlink among Road Safety measures and Accident data

3. RA-IMS Data Collection

Mobile application for the accident data collection consists of various range of
information related to the accident site, vehicle, drivers and victims of the accident.

RA-IMS Operation Report 11

The first set of data includes the general (identification) set of data which is given in
Figure 2.
The set of data for related to the road and traffic conditions including the basic
environmental information. The set of data for is important set to be filled at the
accident sites. The set od data to be included in this page of the mobile application is
in Figure 3.
The data collected related to the road conditions (including hit & Run type) are
recorded in the field. The information set for this set is given in Figure 4. Similarly,
road condition information is collected by filling the fields mentioned in Figure 4. The
information on location can be imported from the open-street map and putting the pin-
point at the accident site.

Figure 2: General information (identification) set of data in Mobile Application

RA-IMS Operation Report 12

Figure 3: Information on weather, severity of crash

Figure 4: road conditions (hit & run)

RA-IMS Operation Report 13

Figure 5: Vehicle and driver information to b collected

Figure 6: Information related to the passenger and pedestrian victims

Figure 7: Additional information of passenger and pedestrians

RA-IMS Operation Report 14

4. RA-IMS data framework
4.1 RA-IMS: Mobile Application
The mobile application for the data collections generates a kind of First Information
Report (FIR). The traffic police personnel are assigned the separate account for the
data collection. Fundamental principle for the effective operation of RA-IMS lies on
‘Better the data entry better the database’. Therefore, major effort for the capacity
building for the data collection shall always be put in the priority. The first page of the
mobile application is shown in Figure 8

Figure 8: RA-IMS Login page of the Mobile Application

4.2 RA-IMS: Super-admin Dashboard
The accident reported to the server system are stored under the administration of the
‘Super-Admin’ the data center. The RA-IMS domain is as: The RA-IMS other users have their access to the
system separately which is managed by the super-admin of the system. The super-
admin dashboard is given in Figure 9. The first entry of the accident data was on the

RA-IMS Operation Report 15

20 November, 2018 from the Kalanki traffic police office. The data shown in this figure
are the snapshot of the live server of 07 September, 2020 at 12:31. This is the first
part of the dash board which presents the following facts on the RA-IMS database.
a) The entire data contains of 12578 accidents till the time of screenshot (12:31 of
07 September, 2020).
b) Total vehicles involved in the 12578 accident are 21861.
c) Drivers’ casualty is total 20989.
d) Passenger casualties are 2238.

Figure 9: Super admin Dashboard

Further the admin dashboard contains the various filters for presentation of the
datasets. There are separate options of user as DoTM, DoR. The dashboard has the
list of months and the distribution of accident numbers for those months.
The second part of the dashboard is given in Figure 10 describes the visual Pie Chart
and horizontal bars for driver’ severity and summary of the accident database.

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Figure 10: RA-IMS data presented as per the Driver’ casualties
The third section of the dashboard is showing the passenger injury (severity) data and
the accident severity (Figure 11). At the end of the dashboard page is about the
distribution of accidents as per the collision type of the entire accident data (Figure

RA-IMS Operation Report 17

Figure 11: RA-IMS data of Passenger injury and accident severity.

Figure 12: Accident distribution as Collision type

The general report of the accident data for the dash-board of the super-admin has
variety of reporting filters and the list of the data can be seen in Figure 13. It can be
noted that the various fields of the accident data collection (mobile application) can be
filtered for the desired set of combinations.

RA-IMS Operation Report 18

Figure 13: General tabular data in the admin dashboard
4.3 RA-IMS: Traffic Police Office Desktop Application
Traffic police office owns the separate account of RA-IMS. It has the right to issue the
mobile application user account, verification of the collected data and transfer the data
to the RA-IMS database. Presently, there are about 64 traffic police office in
Kathmandu Valley and Kathmandu- Birgung corridor are connected to the RA-IMS.
The dashboard of the RA-IMS Traffic Office user is shown in Figure 14. The encircled
label shows the name of the traffic police Office. Theis Office in-charge can view the
previously verified data and can edit the data received as FIR from the filed data
collection. This Office can view the data which were collected and submitted from this
office. The general view of the dashboard with the filter is shown in Figure 15.

RA-IMS Operation Report 19

Figure 14: Traffic Police Office Desktop Browser of RA-IMS

Figure 15: RA-IMS dashboard of traffic police station Gatthaghar (with filters)
4.4 Data visualization on RA-IMS access to DoTM
The most recent data to the DoTM user on 09 September, 2020 at 09:16 AM is shown
in the chart below. Total number of accidents is 12579 in RA-IMS database.

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5. Accident data analysis in Kathmandu Valley
Accident data collected by the field personnel, verified and submitted to the RA-IMS
database in Kathmandu Valley where the 34 traffic police stations are connected to
the system. The first data was recorded on 20 November, 2018 (Kalanki Traffic Police
Office). The data collected till the 04 September, 2020 have been analyzed on the
various data fields. Total number of accidents during this period is 12018 in
Kathmandu Valley.

RA-IMS Operation Report 21

5.1 Vehicle Movement-Light Condition-Number of Road Accident

From the figure above the road accident is higher in the day when the vehicle
movement is two-way and Considerablly less at the night light when the vehicle
movement is at only one-way. Hence this show that there is a need of providing the
directional separation of traffic movement for reducing the number of accidents.
5.2 Junction type Road Accident

RA-IMS Operation Report 22

Road junction or intersections are the critical points of the road network, having
the presence of conflict points and area. However, the absence of junction
(mid-block section) is critical for accident.
5.3 Road Surface Condition and Road Accident

RA-IMS Operation Report 23

Road surface condition is one of the major factors of the accident. The data
shows that dry road surface is dominant condition for the road accident in
Kathmandu. After the comparing the accident scenario between the road
surface condition and accident number it is concluded that road accidents are
very high when the road surface is dry. This may be due to the perception of
the drivers and inattentiveness to the surrounding situation and confident level.
5.4 Day in Week and Road Accident Occurrence

5.5 Monthly distribution of Accident

From the above diagram, Road accidents are about same during the January to
February month of 2019 but then increasing between the March to April. Then

RA-IMS Operation Report 24

considerable dropped in number of accidents between May to June. However, in
between the July to August there is significant increasing in the road accident which is
very higher as comparing to the other months. Similarly, there is reduction in the road
accident till October and then rising up the accident to December Which is second
highest accident numbers of year.
5.6 Hourly distribution of Road Accident

In the Kathmandu Valley during 2019, the numbers of road accident are increasing in
between the 6 am to 12 pm and it is almost constant between the 12 pm to 2 pm.
Then the trend line shows that little drop in the road accidents number from 2pm to
4pm. After the 4 pm there is the increasing number of road accidents to 8 pm. Hence,
between 6pm to 8pm highest number of road accidents occurs and then decreasing
the number of road accidents. From this we can concluded that the probability of
accident occurring is high during the peak hour and sunset time.

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5.7 Environment Characteristics and Road Accidents

Environment is very important factor which determine the attitude and perception of the road
users as drivers or pedestrians. The result showing in the bar diagram concluded that the road
accidents are very high when the weather is fair.
5.8 Type of Collision and Road Accident

It has been proven that rear end and head-on collisions are prime type of accidents in
Kathmandu From the above the diagram, this shows that mainly within the Kathmandu Valley
Head on Collision and Rear End Collision are occurred. This shows the need of the lane
divider and speed control measures.

RA-IMS Operation Report 26

5.9 Area Location and Road Accident Occurrence
As we know that Kathmandu valley is one of the highly dense areas in terms of population and
economical activities. There is massive movement of vehicle as well as pedestrian for various
purposes. Every year the number of population and number of vehicles are increasing which
has created the traffic congestion and as well as increasing in road accident scenario within
Kathmandu Valley. To mitigate the road accident cause first we need to find out the location
where the accident frequency is very high. For this purpose, we have examined the road
accidents data in terms of the area within the Kathmandu Valley. This will help to prioritize our
road safety action plan according to the accident severity.

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5.10 Vehicle type involved in Road Accident

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5.11 Vehicle Defect and Involvement in Road accidents

5.12 Road Users and Road Accident

RA-IMS Operation Report 29

5.13 Driver Error and Road Accident

5.14 Pedestrian’s Action and Road Accident

6. Issues on RA-IMS
After the analysis of the data collected and stored in RA-IMS, following issues can be can be
raised as:
a) Software quality assurance: there may be the issues to audit the RA-IMS in terms of
its security, algorithm flow, and consistency in the results and etc.
b) Data collection issues: traffic police personnel do not have good understanding of the
software components.

RA-IMS Operation Report 30

c) Expansion of RA-IMS:
d) Data verification:
e) Data addition/editing after the submission to the server:
f) Future sustainability: support continuously to Nepal Police may it be the Road safety
Council or by MoPIT.

7. RA-IMS Data Dissemination Protocol

RA-IMS data shall be disseminated for the great purpose of saving human life. The
stakeholders engaged in the promotion of road safety greatly rely on the proper data on the
incidence and related information. The set of related information build the data set on the
vehicles, drivers, road infrastructure, traffic control measures and victims and probable causes
of accident. Similarly, the hours of days, weather conditions, location based data and related
images are playing vital role for the development of full concept on the incident. The RA-IMS
data shall be dissemination protocol shall be in the form of easily understood graphs and
charts. The data dissemination protocol shall contain the following sets of data which shall be
regularly updated and analyzed by the concerned stakeholders.

1. Hourly distribution of road crashes, serious injuries, and fatalities

2. Monthly distribution of road crashes, serious injuries, and fatalities
3. Number of road crashes, serious injuries, and fatalities per administrative units such
as Districts, municipalities and provinces (with maps)
4. Para 1, 2 and 3 by vehicle type
5. Para 1, 2 and 3 involvement of pedestrian
6. Para 1, 2 and 3 by driver error
7. Data by year in the future
8. Data by the name of highways and roads
9. The data interpretation shall be made in relations of number of road crashes, serious
injuries, and fatalities per 1000 population or per 1000 km of road and others.
10. Location of road crashes, serious injuries, and fatalities showing location points on
Google Map by:
 Vehicle type
 Hours of day
 Type of crash

RA-IMS Operation Report 31

 Road pavement condition
11. Other details on Location of road crashes, serious injuries, and fatalities showing GPS
point on Google Map (or GIS layer)
12. Number of crashes, serious injuries, and fatalities by:
 Driver error
 Driver age
 Vehicle condition
 Vehicle type
 Name of road section
 Vehicle loading
 Vehicle ownership

8. Conclusions
The Road Safety initiatives and any road safety programs shall be based on the adequate data
as well as its interpretation. The need of web-based accident data collection and scientific
methods of report generation would be useful to the stakeholders for the promotion of road
safety and reduction in road crashes. The RA-IMS shall be extended to the entire country for
the collection, storage of road accident data and purposeful dissemination. The coordination
and collaboration between Department of Transport Management and Nepal Police shall be
continued for the promotion of road safety and well as traffic management.

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Photo Session: Training program ‘RA-IMS’
(March, 2020)

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