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● A research problem is a question that a researcher wants to

answer or a problem that a researcher wants to solve.
● Identification and formulation of a research problem is the first
step of the research process.

Components Of Problem Statement

● Relevance to study
● Title of the study
● Operational definition of the variables
● Objectives of the study
● Delimitations of the study
● Scope and limitation of the study

Sources of Research Problems

● Personal experiences
● Practical experience
● Critical appraisal of literature
● Previous research
● Existing theories
● Consumer feedback
● Performance Improvement Activities
● Social issues
● Brainstorming
● Intuition
● Folklores
● Exposure to field situations
● Consultation with experts
Criteria For selecting a Good Research Problem
● Significance to nursing profession
● Original
● Feasible :- Time, cost, equipment and supplies, administrative
support, peer support and availability of subjects, researcher's
competence, ethical considerations
● Current
● Interesting

Formulation of A Research Problem

● Selection of a research area
● Reviewing literature and theories
● Delimiting the research topic
● Evaluating the research problem
● Formulating the final statement of the research problem.

Types of Variables
Dependent Variables:- It is a presumed effect of the independent
variable, which the researcher wants to predict or explain.

Independent Variable:- It is a presumed cause/ stimulus or activity that

is manipulated or varied by the researcher to create and see the effect
on the dependent variable. It is also known as 'manipulated variable'
or 'treatment variable' in experimental studies.

Confounding Variable:- A variable which has unwanted effect on

dependent variable and if not controlled in study then researcher may
falsely conclude the effect of independent variable on dependent
Control variable:- It is an extraneous variable which researcher does
not wish to examine in a study. Thus, the researcher identifies and
controls this variable. It is also commonly known as covariate.

Research variable:- It can be defined as qualities, attributes,

properties or characteristics that are observed or measured in a
natural setting without manipulating and establishing cause and effect
relationship in descriptive, exploratory, comparative and qualitative
research studies.

Demographic variable:- Age, gender, educational status, religion,

social class, marital status, habitat, occupation, income, medical
diagnosis and so on are the demographic variables.

Discrete variables:- Discrete variable is that which can only take on a

finite number of values. All the qualitative variable and some
quantitative variables are discrete variables.

Qualitative variable or Categorical variable:- Variables, which are not

numerical and do not have sequence of order such as colour of
flowers, ventilator brands, types of beds and so on, are measured on
nominal scale.

Quantitative variable:- Variable which has numerical or measurable


Latent variable:- An abstract variable, which cannot be directly

observed/ measured without converting it into a manifest variable.

Manifest variable:- A concrete variable, which can be observed/

measured assuming it indicates the presence of latent variable. It is
also known as an indicator variable.
Operational Definition
Operational Definition of a variable provides the theoretical or
conceptual meaning of the variable under study.

Operational definitions are not same as conceptual definition; an

operational definition does not only give precise indications as to what
the fundamental characteristics of a concept are, but it also gives
precise indications about how to observe or even measure the
characteristics under study.
Operational definition is based on the observable characteristics of an
object or phenomenon and indicates what to do or what to observe in
order to identify these characteristics.

Essential Characteristics Of Operational Definitions

● Stated in measurable and observable terms
● Non Ambiguous language
● Stated positively
● Clear and precise
● Valid
● Reliability

Writing Research Objectives

A research objective is a clear, concise, declarative statement which
provides direction to investigate the variables.

Characteristics of Research Objectives

● Specific
● Measurable
● Attainable
● Realistic
● Time bound
● Relevant
● Feasible
● Logical
● Observable
● Unequivocal

Objective is a purpose that can be reasonably achieved within

expected timeframe and with the available resources.
The objective of the research project summarizes what is to be
achieved by the study.

Types of Research Objectives

● General Objectives:- General objectives are broad goals to be
achieved. The general objective of the study states what the
researcher expects to achieve by the study in general terms.
General Objectives are usually less in number.
● Specific Objectives:- Specific objectives are for short term and
narrow in focus. General Objectives can be broken into small
logically connects parts to form specific objectives.

Methods of Stating Objectives

● The objectives should be presented briefly and concisely.
● They cover the different aspects of the problem and their
contributing factors in a coherent way and in a logical sequence.
● They are clearly phrased in Operational terms, specifying exactly
what researcher is going to do, where and for what purpose.
● They are realistic considering local conditions.
● They use action verbs that are specific enough to be evaluated.

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