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Lot GM, Jalan 3A , BATU 6, Kampung Baru Ampang

68000, Ampang, Selangor,Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Tel: +60-34-2854196 / H.P.: +60-17-319-9326


Commitment Statement:

MIKS is committed to the safety, wellbeing and empowerment of our

children and staff, from diverse culture and background. We will
maintain conscious proactive behaviour to protect our children and
everyone involved in the organization.


Dr. Luke Choi



MIKS is a non-profit organization providing education for the underprivileged children in Malaysia
especially children from the refugee community. Built on 4 core values, Integrity, Courage,
Excellence and Service, we are dedicated and committed to nurture confident, responsible and
productive individuals in a safe and positive environment with qualified and well-trained educators.

(A) Guidelines in Protecting children from Abuse, Violence, Exploitation, Discrimination,

Bullying and other Forms of abuse.

We recognize it is the right of all children to have their welfare both safeguarded and promoted as
enshrined within the UNHCR. We believe children should never experience abuse of any kind and
we acknowledge that we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of the children and to keep
them safe. All children have the right to protection and the needs of disabled children and others
who may be particularly vulnerable must be taken into account.

The Management of MIKS

1) Provide a thorough background1 checks on all employees.
2) Brief employees of procedures of Child Protection and provide training on signs of abuse and
need to report.
3) Practice preventive safety measures in school environment.

(B) Persons in charge:

MIKS Ampang
Principal - Dr Choi Daegum
Counselor – Ms Mary Koo
Coordinator- Mr. Joseph, Ms Razel
Teachers –
KG- Lower Primary Primary Secondary
Ms. Anna Ms..Jasmine Ms. Razel Rambuyon Mr. Mathews

MIKS Pandan Indah

Principal - Dr Choi Daegum
Counselor – Ms Mary Koo
Head Teacher- Ms. Emika
MIKS Pandan Jaya
Principal - Dr Choi Daegum
Counselor – Ms Mary Koo
Head Teacher – Ms Sally
Principal - Dr Choi Daegum
Counselor – Ms Mary Koo
Head Teacher- Ms Bevery
Definition of a Child: Anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. The fact that a child
has reached 16 years of age, is living independently or is in further education, is a member of the
armed forces, is in hospital or in custody in the secure estate, does not change his/her status or
entitlements to services or protection.


Child abuse is when a child is harmed physically, emotionally or sexually through mistreatment or

Physical Abuse is causing internal or external physical injury, not by accidental means. Extreme
discipline that causes the child pain or mental suffering is considered abuse. Physical abuse could
include but is not limited to:

Possible indicators of physical abuse:

Unexplained bruises, welts, cuts or fractures on any part of the body

• Bruises of different ages or colours

• Injuries reflecting the shape of an object

• Injuries that regularly appear after absences

• Injuries inconsistent with the information given by the child

• Fear of going home

• May flinch if touched unexpectedly

• Extremely aggressive

• Withdrawn/lose focus

• Sleepy in class

• Poor memory and concentration

• Changes in emotion and behaviour

• Aggressive

Emotional Abuse is a pattern of behavior where a child is subjected to continuous and hurtful
verbal abuse, which disregards a child’s emotional well-being. Emotional abuse could include but
is not limited to:

• Insults

• Negative comparisons

• Excessive criticism

• Rejection

• Unmotivated
• Aggressive

• Inappropriate expectations

• Yelling / swearing

• Harmful threats

• Violence

• Defensive

Possible indicators of emotional abuse :

• Fear of failing

• Fear of consequences, can lead to lying

• Mood swings, withdrawal or aggressiveness

• Mental or emotional development lags

• Social isolation

• Low self-esteem, depression

• Frequent psychosomatic complaints (e.g. headaches, nausea, stomach ache)

• Bedwetting or diarrhea

Sexual Abuse is any act where an adult or a more powerful person includes a child in a sexual
activity. Typically this occurs to satisfy the needs of the person in power. It can be consensual or
not, and many cases of sexual abuse are done by a family member or someone the child knows
and trusts; therefore, children can be groomed, blamed, or manipulated to keep secrets.

Sexual abuse could include but is not limited to:

• Penetrative or non-penetrative sexual acts

• Sexual intercourse, anal or oral sex

• Touching of genitals or breasts

• Undressing or exposing oneself

• Forced viewing of sexual acts, genitals, or pornographic media

• Developmentally inappropriate conversations about sexual content

• The exploitation of a child in prostitution or other unlawful sexual practices

• Addiction to pornography

Possible indicators of sexual abuse:

• Sexual knowledge, behaviour or language not appropriate to age level • Unusual relationship

• Sexually transmitted infection in a child of any age

• Frequent urinary tract infections in both boys and girls

• Evidence of physical trauma or bleeding to the oral, genital or anal areas

• Difficulty in walking or sitting

• Bedwetting

• Not wanting to be alone with an individual

• Pregnancy, especially at a young age

• Extremely protective parenting

• Having secrets that they cannot tell anyone about

• Reluctance to change into PE clothes, fear of bathrooms

• Behavioural/emotional disturbances

• Clingy to teacher

Neglect is chronic or persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical or psychological needs, in
the context of resources reasonably available to the family.

Neglect could include but is not limited to:

• Inadequate food, shelter and clothing

• Lack of hygiene

• Not protecting a child from other forms of abuse

• Lack of supervision by a parent or legal guardian

• Not providing needed medical treatment

• Emotional isolation, lack of affection/attention

• Failure to support a child’s educational needs

Possible indicators of neglect:

• Child is hungry or inadequately dressed or unwashed

• Parents are uninterested in child’s academic performance

• Parents do not respond to repeated communications from the school

• Parents or legal guardian are absent for more than 24 hours

• Parents or legal guardian cannot be reached in the case of an emergency

• Child does not want to go home, feels lonely and uncared for at home

• Unattended medical or dental needs

• Developmental delays

• Irregular or absence from school

• Demands constant attention and affection

• Regularly displays fatigue or restlessness

• Self destructive behaviours

• Lack of trust in others

• Not alert

Teachers and Staff Code of Conduct

Behavioral protocols Do’s & Don’ts

As a teacher/staff/volunteer, I will always do the following:

1. Be a good role model to children as children tend to imitate behaviour of adults.

2. Use polite language and address children decently and by their name at all times

3. Speak respectfully and always listen to the children

4. Always create positive and safe relationships with children based on the belief in one and
another by…..

5. Encourage children to be involved in all daily activities without any discrimination.

6. Encourage children to respect each other’s culture, language, religion and gender

7. Encourage the participation / involvement of all children according to their ability to ensure
holistic development in accordance with their age

8. Be sensitive to children’s change in behaviour and handle accordingly (refer to clinical

psychologist at Pudu clinic)

9. Adopt positive behaviors in the School and at home so that there is a continuity of
teaching and learning from the School to home (Teaching morals values to students)

10. Lead by example - dress tidily, appropriately other examples – no smoking, no rough
language, treat all children equally

11. Always report any form of abuse in MIKS to person in charge.

12. Encourage children to respect each other’s culture, language, religion and gender

As a teacher/staff/volunteer, I will not do the following :

1. Must not smoke in any area of the school.

2. Are not allowed to play roughly and involve the children in games that may cause injury to

3. Must not gesture or use language that 'labels' children even in jest.

4. Must not bring a child to any quiet area that are is not visible to others.

5. Must not touch the 5 private parts (mouth, penis, vagina, anus, chest) except for the
purposes of hygiene and treatment.

6. Must not use power to hurt or seduce the children

7. Must not carry, hug and touch children with bad intentions / sexual overtones

8. Must not take pictures of children who are in the MIKS without permission from the MIKS

9. Must not have private contact with students other than learning purposes after school hours

10. Must not share student stories to outsiders or at social media

11. Must not allow visitors to the MIKS School without permission from the school

12. Don’t make fun of students – body shaming, behavior.

Child Protection Policy Assurance

MIKS recognizes its responsibilities for child protection and ensures it is at the core of all its
activities. The school aims to foster a culture of shared responsibility for the social and emotional
wellbeing, thus the protection of students is promoted by the school staff through programs to
address awareness, prevention, and responsiveness to various issues. We believe that students’
wellbeing is enhanced when they feel secure, and have a positive relationship with their peers and
MIKS recognizes its moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and to promote the wellbeing
of all our students. We aim to:
• Ensure that all children have equal rights of protection, regardless of age, gender, ability, culture,
language and economic backgrounds.
• Establish a safe environment in which children can learn and develop.
• Provide clear guidance and direction to staff and faculty about expected codes of behavior in
dealing with child protection concerns.
• Integrate safeguarding principles into the curriculum.
• Uphold the school’s commitment to the continued development of good practice so that child
protection concerns and referrals are handled sensitively, professionally and in ways that
support the needs of the child

Appendix 1: MIKS Child Protection Policy Flow Chart& Team

Dr. Luke Choi
Ms. Mary

Coordinator-Mr. Joseph, Ms Razel

KG teacher Lower Primary teacher Primary teacher Secondary teacher

Ms. Anna Ms. Jasmine Ms. Razel Mr. Mathews

Appendix 2: Child Protection Internal Recording Pro Forma

The following information

Full name,
including any


Date of Birth


Who Has Parental


Details of
disclosure or
concern, include
date, time, full
names, actual
wording used)

Any special needs

of the child/ren.

Actions Required

Consent Given by
Yes / No

If consent not
given, please state
clearly reason for
overruling the
need for consent.

Follow Up

Your Name

Your Role


Date, time and


Appendix 3: Body Map

(This form can be used to note any areas of abuse you think may have occurred.)



Confirmation of
I confirm that I have been made fully aware of, and understand the
contents of, the Safeguarding Policy and Procedures for Harm-ed.

Employee Name :

Employee Signature:


Name : Dr. Luke Choi

Principal MIKS/
Head of the Signature:

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