System Analysis Wifi

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Activation Policy |

System Analysis of Wifi access

Problem Defintion

Consumers living on campus have to place themselves in danger, since they can’t or won’t

pay for internet access in their houses. The IT firm on the campus starts to work on

monitoring the consumers’ use of the internet. We took the freedom to voice the opinions of

the on-campus houses inhabitant on a survey reflecting their views towards the internet

access. After surveying 100 houses in the locality, the findings will hopefully persuade the

higher authorities to make productive changes. 68% of consumers misuse the internet service

don’ t pay for their connection .( Wireless system architecture, 2013)

The instant problem that arises is that individuals who do not have access to the internet at

their houses have to voyage around campus to a nearby library. There are many hazards that

come from travelling a short, maybe long, distance such as, unfavourable weather, inadequate

amount of computers at the libraries, or venturing out in the middle of the night. This same

problem affects peoples who own laptops and do not wish to pay for an internet cost which

they feel is unfair.( Wireless system architecture, 2013)

A problem that affects the IT firm is the time they spend on monitoring who has access to the

internet in which house or in a room. The number of errors that can occur in such a accuracy

based system is a interruption that has to be dealt with. The department may hold back

access to the internet to a paying individual and that individual will have to take time out of

his/her day to fix the problem. In the same regard, the IT firm will have to handle all the

complaints dealing with the internet.( Wireless system architecture, 2013)

Description of the proposed system:

System Analysis of Wifi access

Implementing the cost of internet use in the room and board bill and creating a wireless

network in the campus so that all houses may have access to the internet would solve all the

problems. The IT firm would install wireless networks that would connect certain area of the

campus so as to not cause problems to an entire locality. The wireless networks would work

for one section of a locality and there would be two to four wireless networks in the campus,

depending on the size of the campus. The IT firm may choose to leave the Ethernet

connections active for those who don’t have wireless capabilities

Summary of Business Activities:

1. A customer purchases a WiFi connection by going to the firm office or by just

contacting them by phone.

2. This information is submitted into the system and the available wifi access points and

its prices retrieved from the system.

3. At this point the customer can select through the available wifi access point which is

most convenient for them.

4. Once the customer chooses a access point, the system returns the total amount due for

the wifi activation.

5. At this point the customer can decide to purchase the wifi connection or to cancel the


6. Once the personal information is obtained they will be asked for their credit card

number to pay for the ticket, or they can redeem their previous activation information.

7. After the transaction is completed the system generates an activation record which is

displayed on the screen and emailed to the customer.

System Analysis of Wifi access

8. Also a purchase record is created and forwarded to accounting and reports are

generated and sent to management

Context Diagram:

Data Flow Diagram:

System Analysis of Wifi access

Business context diagrams, 2013

Data Dictionary:
System Analysis of Wifi access

Data Dictionary:

D1 – Activation Record File

The Activation Record File consists of all the information pertaining to a particular WiFi

access point. It includes the following:

IP address – The IP address of that particular network

Network Type – The Network type associated with that WiFi Network

WiFi Activation Cost – How much the WiFi activation costs

IP address available – Number of IP address available

D2 – Customer Master

The Customer Master consists of all the information related to the customer. It includes the


Name – First, Middle, and Last Name of the customer

Birthday – The customer’s birth date

Gender – Customer’s sex.

Email address – The customer’s email address

Home address – The customer’s home address

Zip Code – The customer’s zip code

State – The customer’s state

Phone Number – The customer’s home phone number

System Analysis of Wifi access

Cell phone – The customer’s cell phone number

D3 – Activation Record File

The Activation record file is the confirmation that the customer has activated WiFi network.

It matches certain fields from the Customer Master and the Activation Record File to create a

IP address for particular system. It includes the following:

IP address – The number given to match a specific customer to a specific system

Quantity – How many reservations the customer has

Customer Information – fields from the Customer Master




Activation Information – fields from the Activation Record File

Activation Number




Payment Information – Stores confirmation of payment

System Analysis of Wifi access

Descriptions of Processes or Functions:

1.0 – Find and Display wifi activation Details: The customer goes to the firm and their

information entered in their network preferences. This information is sent to the

activation record file database where matching results are returned and the different

options are shown. The different options will include all available Ip address with their

capability and cost.

2.0 – Find and Display WiFi connection Cost: After the customer has chosen which Wifi

connection they want to take the final price will be looked up from the wifi activation

record file database. Final price will include all additional fees associated with the

connection (ie. Service taxes, booking fees, etc.).

3.0 – Find and Display Customer Information: Once the total cost for the wifi is displayed

the customer is ask to enter their frequent activation #. This is sent to the Customer

Master database and the customer information is displayed on the screen.

4.0 – Add New Customer Information: If the customer does not have a frequent activation #,

they can input their personal information which will be stored in the D2 data store.

5.0 – Verify Payment Information: Here the customer is asked how they want to pay for the

ticket. They can either pay with their credit card or with their frequent access point. If

they choose to pay with their credit card their credit status is checked with the Credit Card

System to ensure the card is valid and has enough credit.

6.0 – Process Payment and confirm activation: Once payment information has been verified,

the payment is processed. At this time the Activation Record File data store is updated

and the transaction details are sent to accounting. And activation is confirmed
System Analysis of Wifi access

Summary of Cost/Benefit Analysis:

The implementation of the system would allow for several benefits including improved

customer services, and reduced costs. By providing a for customers full time telephone

services for improving customer services. Customers will appreciate the convenience of

being able to check WiFi information any time through the telephone. Also, they will be able

to make better decisions about their WiFi networks based on their preferences: date, time, and

cost. Another advantage will be the reduced overhead costs resulting from the fewer to

process sales. Since most customers will be able to handle all of their transaction online there

will be a minimal requirement for any agents. This in turn allows for reduced overhead costs

in terms of phone lines, office space, number of employees, and other related costs.

Phase 2: System and Database Design

Customer Interface:

The customer interface of the system would be done through a protocols implementation.

The initial screen would be an input form with the following fields: Date, Location, and

Destination. The customer would be able to select from various dates or to type in a date in

the Date field. Also the Location and WiFi preferences would be populated by the customer

using the list shown in each field and selecting from the given choices. Once the customer

enters the choices they want on all three fields they will click on the Find WiFi networks

System Analysis of Wifi access

Management interface:

Management will have access through a different process. In order to get access they will

have a user name and password to login into the system. Once they have successfully logged

in, they will be able to print custom reports and update any entries on the database as needed

Also the database or system administrator will be able to login via this webpage and perform

maintenance and upgrades to the WiFi networks.

Database Design:

The database is broken into three master files consisting of the WiFiRecord File, the

Customer Master, and the Activation Record File. The WiFi Record File consists of all the

information needed to track the connection and can be seen on Table 2.1. The Customer

Master includes all the information about the customer and can be seen on Table 2.2. The

Activation Record File (Table 2.3) is made up of an identifier from the WiFi Record File and

the Customer Master linking together the two to create an instance for a activation.
System Analysis of Wifi access

Table 2.1 – D1 (WiFiRecord File) Data Store

Table 2.2 – D2 (Customer Master) Data Store

Table 2.3 – D3 (Activation Record File) Data Store

System Analysis of Wifi access

Entity-Relationship Diagram:

Figure 2.1 – Entity-Relationship Diagram

The Entity-Relationship Diagram shows how the three different databases are related. A

customer and a WiFi can have zero, one or more activations. On the other hand, a activation

can only have one customer per activation. A activation joins the customer and Wifi

connection entities by taking the unique identifier from each to be able to tie the rest of the

information together. By using the C_Code and F_Code fields from the Customer and WiFi

connections entities, the database avoids repeating fields because it just looks up the

information associated with that primary key identifier.

Phase 3: Project Plan

System Analysis of Wifi access



Task n Start Finish


Wifi Network Support 65 days 3 1/20/2014

15/11/201 20/11/201

Initial Planning Phase 8 days 3 3

15/11/201 20/11/201

Analyze Requirements 3 days 3 3

15/11/201 20/11/201

Draft System Proposal 3 days 3 3

15/11/201 20/11/201

Review System Proposal 1 day 3 3

15/11/201 20/11/201

System Proposal Approved 1 day 3 3

15/11/201 30/11/201

Planning Phase 19 days 3 3

15/11/201 30/11/201

30% Implementation Plan 5 days 3 3

System Analysis of Wifi access

15/11/201 30/11/201

60% Implementation Plan 5 days 3 3

15/11/201 30/11/201

Pre-Final Implementation Plan 5 days 3 3

15/11/201 30/11/201

Final Implementation Plan 2 days 3 3

15/11/201 30/11/201

Project Plan Approved 1 day 3 3


Design and Programming 11 days 3 5/12/2013


30% Coding 2 days 3 5/12/2013

2 days 15/11/201

60% Coding 3 5/12/2013

3 days 15/11/201

90% Coding 3 5/12/2013

3 days 15/11/201

Final Design 3 5/12/2013


Project Design Approved 1 day 3 5/12/2013

Execution Phase 31 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

System Analysis of Wifi access

Implementation 8 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Find Internet Service

Provider 5 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Draw up Contract for ISP 2 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Award Contract 1 day 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Revision A 15 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

30% Project Execution 10 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

30% User Training 5 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Revision B 15 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

60% Project Execution 10 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

60% User Training 5 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Pre-Final Rev 1 20 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Pre-Final Execution 10 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Prototype Demo 5 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

100% User Training 5 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Project Testing 10 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Test Plan 5 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

System Analysis of Wifi access

User Testing 5 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Closeout Phase 17 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Final Project 10 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Presentation of Final Product 1 day 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Final User Training 5 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Project Closed 1 day 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Rollout Phase 2 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Launch Website 2 days 5/12/2013 20/1/2014

Table 3.1 – Project Tasks/Activities and Duration

The project has been divided into five phases: Initial Planning Phase, Planning Phase,

Execution Phase, Closeout Phase, and Rollout Phase. In the Initial Planning Phase the

requirements will be analyzed to figure out what exactly needs to be done. Also, an initial

system proposal will be outlined. The proposal will be reviewed and submitted for approval.

Once the system proposal has been approved the Planning Phase will begin.

The Planning Phase consists of formalizing the implementation plan. First we will write up

30% of the plan, followed by 60% of the implementation plan. This will be summed up with

a pre-final implementation plan and a final implementation plan. The final implementation

plan will be submitted for approval. Once the plan has been finalized and approved Design

and Programming can begin.:

Gantt Chart:
System Analysis of Wifi access

The tables below show the resources needed to complete the project and their estimated costs.

Also, they show the task with it’s allocated resource.

Resource Std Rate Total Cost


System Analyst $100.00/hr 0

Network Engineer $75.00/hr $49,200.00

Project Manager $150.00/hr $18,000.00

Database $75.00/hr $81,600.00

System Analysis of Wifi access


Network Tester 1 $25.00/hr $1,000.00

Network Tester 2 $25.00/hr $1,000.00

Servers and

Equipment $5,000.00 $5,000.00


Total Cost 0

Table 3.2 – Resource Cost

The Project Manager will be overall in-charge of the project. The System Analyst will help

to produce the desired network. The Network Engineer will be in-charge of procuring the

proper equipment, ISP, and figuring out how much bandwidth needs to be dedicated to the

server. The Database Administrator will be responsible for the database. The Testers will be

used in testing the system for usability and bugs. Finally the Servers and Equipment is the

hardware identified by the Network Engineer needed to host the webpage.

The total estimated cost is based on a standard Monday to Friday, 40 hour work week. Each

resource is allocated to a task and in most cases more than one task. The cost is estimated

depending on how long the task takes and the hourly wage of that resource. Holidays,

overtime, and any other extra pay was not taken into consideration.

Project Summary:
System Analysis of Wifi access

The Gantt chart shows the proposed timeline for the project. The project has been scheduled

to start on 15/11/13 and finish on 1/20/14. The project has been estimated to take 45 days to

complete. Total cost for the project has been estimated to be $232,600.


1. Business context diagrams, 2013, retrieved from


2. Wireless system architecture, 2013, retrieved from

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