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Teacher: Ms.

Ikram Ayachi School: Sidi Boubakker School

Mid-Term Test N° 2
Level: 3rd Form / Exp. Sciences Date: 09/02/2022

Name: Class: ………… Number: ……. Grade: …… /20


I. Listening Comprehension /8

1. Choose a suitable title for the text: (1 mark)

a. A conversation about a spoiled holiday

b. A conversation about holiday preparation 1

c. A conversation about holiday cancellation

2. Listen and fill in the table. (3 marks)

Speakers Holiday Destination Duration Accommodation 2

Rose and Jack ……………………………… ………………………………… cottage

…… …

3. Listen and answer the following questions. (2 marks)

a. Why does this couple prefer cottages over hotels?

 2
b. What is the one problem faced with staying at cottages?

4. Listen carefully and complete the missing words: (1 mark)

Jack: It’s quite expensive though. And it has 3 bedrooms. We don’t need that many.
Rose: I ……………………………… not.  Okay, what about this one?  It’s up in the hills. Very quiet and peaceful.  It 1
has a ……………………………… view, look. And it’s not too expensive.

5. Identify the function of the given statement. Tick the right answer: (1 mark)

« Me too. Shall I write and find out if it’s free ? »

suggestion prohibition inability in the future

6. Say whether these sounds are similar (S) or different (D): (1 mark)
fine – pick (……) apartment – actually (……)

II. Language /12

1. Put the words written in bold in the right tense or form: (4marks)

Flamenco really allows me to connect with the earth. To utilize the emotion I feel, the grief, the angry
……………………….., and the immense passion. It allows me to release them in a real ………………………..
safe, creative, empowering, and revitalizing way. I always think of when I’m dancing Flamenco, I’m dancing like a
cork screw, screwing down into the earth, and release ……………………….. up into the sky.
For me it’s so powerful to come to a dance as an adult, and to be able to bring my full self. In all of the facets, in my
emotion ……………………….. life, through my performance ability, and using the immense emotion
……………………….. and energy that I’ve really locked down for a long time.

As someone who’s danced many difference ……………………….. types of dance as a young person, it’s so
empowering to be able come to Flamenco as an adult, and really choose and be specific about why I’m choosing to
engagement ……………………….. in this art form. Especially as a person who isn’t Spain
……………………….., who isn’t gitano, who isn’t from Andalucia, but who’s doing this beautiful form, dancing
this dance on a land that isn’t even my own, that’s stolen land.
2. Complete the missing words with words from the box / (there are 2 extra words): (4 marks)

recommend – spoiled - culture - archipelago – museums - blend – reservation - snorkeling – trips - easily -

Simply uttering Zanzibar’s name conjures images of swaying palms and dazzling sands. The Zanzibar
………………………..’s largest island is firmly on people’s radars — and for good reason. Our specialists have
explored from coast to coast and can help you make the most of your stay. They can arrange everything from
……………………….. and diving trips exploring coral reefs to spice plantation tours, guided forest walks in search
of red colobus monkeys, sailing ……………………….. to secluded sandbanks, and an evening food tour
around Stone Town’s historic streets.
Depending on where you stay on the island, you can ……………………….. spend whole days enjoying Zanzibar’s
beaches — swimming, sunbathing, and making use of your resort’s pools and rental bikes. But, we also
……………………….. delving deeper to discover the island’s spice-trade roots and the ………………………..
of African, Portuguese, Omani, British, German, and Indian influences on its ………………………...

Our guides can take you on a walking tour of Stone Town to see significant buildings like the Portuguese-influenced
House of Wonders and the houses where Freddie Mercury and Livingstone lived. They’ll also show you a darker side
to the island as you visit ……………………….. that tell you about the island’s ties to the slave trade.

3. Circle the right alternative: (4 marks)

My family and I have just returned from a week's holiday in Qwara, we have come home absolutely heartbroken. This
was our family's only summer holiday and we saved very (hard / hardly / heard) to get there.
To say the hotel was a (disappointed / disappointing /disappointment) is an understatement, it was absolutely filthy.
When we, and about 40 others (complained / complainted / contemplated) to the manager he was very rude and
aggressive. We could not use the pool or eat the food and we were on an all-inclusive basis.
When we tried to get a move from there the Rep told us it was £1,000, money we did not have so we had to stay there.
(In / On / At) the second day I became ill with food poisoning so was (confinement / confined / confine) to the 4
dreadful hotel room for three days. I fear it will be a long time in order for us to save enough money to go (bored /
abroad / bread) again, but I fear it will not be Malta.
Ninety-five per cent of the (guess / guessing /guests) all said that they would never return. I fear this is a shame
because I am sure that there are indeed some beautiful hotels there, and what we saw of people outside the hotel all
(seed / saw /seemed) very friendly. It is just a shame that this one hotel has put so many people off.

Rose: I’d love to go abroad on holiday next spring. What do you think?
Jack: I’m not sure. When were you thinking? In April?
Rose: Maybe. We have two days off work for our national holiday. We could take off
another three days and go for a week. We could even go for two!
Jack: No, not two. If I take all my holiday in April, I won’t be able to take a holiday in the
Rose: Okay.  One, then.
Jack: Where would you like to go?
Rose: Well, I looked at flights.  There aren’t any flights to Greece until May,
unfortunately. I’d like to go there. But we can fly to Spain quite cheaply.
Jack: That would be nice.  Where would we stay? In a hotel?
Rose: I’m not sure. I don’t really like staying in hotels. But we could hire a cottage.
Jack: I don’t mind either. Is a cottage cheaper than a hotel?
Rose: It’s about the same.  But I prefer staying in cottages.  It’s more peaceful, and we can
cook for ourselves.
Jack: Okay, well, that’s fine by me.
Rose: The problem is transport. You can get to the hotels easily from the airport. They are
all in the town centre, and buses go there all the time. But the cottages are further away.
We’d need to hire a car.  
Jack: That’s fine. I don’t mind doing that. Why don’t you pick out a few cottages, and
we’ll choose one?
Rose: I’ve done that already.  I’ll show you on the computer.  There’s this one - it’s
actually an apartment. It’s inside an old palace in this beautiful historic village in the
mountains. Isn’t it beautiful?
Jack: It’s quite expensive though. And it has 3 bedrooms. We don’t need that many.
Rose: I suppose not.  Okay, what about this one?  It’s up in the hills. Very quiet and
peaceful.  It has a lovely view, look. And it’s not too expensive.
Jack: That looks nice.  It’s quite far from the town, but I don’t mind that.
Rose: Nor me. Or there’s this one.  It’s a town house. It’s big and it looks lovely inside.
Jack: Does it have a garden?
Rose: No, and it might be noisy, because it’s so central.
Jack: I think I prefer that other one.
Rose: Me too. Shall I write and find out if it’s free?
Jack: Yes, do.  If it is, we’ll book the flights.

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