Devoir de Contrôle N°2: Niveau: 9

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Ecole Préparatoire Jbeniana, Sfax 2

Épreuve : Anglais

Date : Février 2022

Devoir De Contrôle N°2 Enseignante : Mme Salma AKID
Niveau: 9ème année de base
Nom & Prénom : ……………………………………….Classe : 9ème année B …… Note :

-I- Language : (14 marks)

only / water / switch off / saves / environmental / yourself / about / future / protect

1) Fill in the blanks with 7 words from the box : (3.5 marks)

Earth Hour is organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and it's a big event usually at the
end of March every year. On this evening, people 'go dark' – that is, -------------------- lights in their
homes, schools and businesses all at the same time for one hour. The idea is to raise awareness of
-------------------- issues and call for action to protect nature, so that people enjoy healthy, happy and
sustainable lives now and in the --------------------.

It's true that switching off the lights for just one hour -------------------- only a small amount of power.
But this is -------------------- the beginning.

On one level, joining in Earth Hour makes people think -------------------- the problem of climate
change and what we can do in everyday life to -------------------- nature.

But on another level, it pushes governments to take urgent action by making changes to laws and by
considering green issues when making big decisions.

2) Circle the right option : (3 marks)

I started smoking in high school. I (keep / kept / will keep) the habit through my late teens and early
twenties. I was aware of its (strict / environmental/ harmful) effects on health. But I thought that as
long as I stayed active, I would be fine. The day before my youngest son's 20th birthday, I had serious
chest pains (who/ which/ where) landed me in the hospital. When I woke up, I was told that I suffered a
heart attack. I was (slowly / really/ carefully) scared. I thought I was going to (dead / die/ death) I felt
90 at 64. I looked over at my worried sons and wife and I knew I had (to quit / quit / quitting) . I didn't
want to miss out on my sons starting families of their own.

3) Match each underlined utterance with the right function : (3.5 marks)

Jack: Hi, Ismael. How are you?

Ismael: Hi, Jack. I'm OK but I’ve got loads of homework.
Jack: Same here. 1)I am going to see a movie with my friends tonight. Would you like to join us ?
Ismael: 2)Who's 'us'?
Jack: Me, Jamie, Nicola and Selina. a) Making suggestion

Ismael: 3)What movie are you planning on watching ? b) Expressing dislikes

Jack: The new Conjuring ! 4)The best horror movie in 2021 ! c) Asking about people

Ismael: No, no, no! I don't like horror films. What about a romcom? d) Talking about past

Jack: What? Really? No, 5)I hate romantic movies. events

Ismael: Well, there's a new science fiction film, 'Matrix'. e) Comparing

Jack: Oh, I like science fiction. Let's see that. 6)What time is it? f) Talking about future

Ismael: At 8 o'clock. 7)Let’s meet at 7:30 outside the cinema. intentions

Jack: OK. See you later. g) Asking about time

Ismael: Bye. h) Asking for

1+…../2+…../3+…../4+…../5+…../6+……/ 7+…. information

4) Match each sentence part in A with the right sentence part in B to get a coherent paragraph :

(4 marks)

A B Answers
1)There are many reasons that make an a) risk of extinction.
animal b) which exist in small numbers.
2)Destruction of habitat, pollution, fishingc) animal dies out, that species is 1+….
3)Endangered animals are species of extinct. 2+….

animals d) endangered and extinct. 3+….

4)Those species include the Siberian tiger, e) elephant and the giant panda among 4+….
the African others. 5+….

5) They are all at f) in The USA in 2021. 6+….

6) When an entire species of g) and hunting are the main causes. 7+….

7) Once it becomes extinct, h) it disappears forever. 8+…..

8)Unfortunately, 22 species of animals i) breathing.

went extinct

-II- Writing : (6 marks)
On the occasion of #health_it_up campaign organised by wellness influencers on Instagram, you
decided to write an 8-line article to your school blog about what your mates should do and what
they shouldn't do for a healthy lifestyle.


Adherence to task & content adequacy :……../3

Lexical appropriacy & grammar accuracy : ………. /2

Mechanical accuracy : ……… /1

-II- Writing : (6 marks)
On the occasion of “Local Clean Up Day” organized by your teachers, you decided to write an 8-
line article to your school blog about what pupils should do to protect the school environment .


Adherence to task & content adequacy :……../3

Lexical appropriacy & grammar accuracy : ………. /2

Mechanical accuracy : ……… /1

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