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Abbas Ibn Firnas

During the 9th century the polymath and engineer Abbas Ibn Firnas decided to test his
theory on flying and so became the first man to ever fly by a pair of wings made of silk,
wood and real feathers. As a 65 year old, Firnas decided to jump off of a cliff and
successfully glided in air for approximately 10 minutes using his own invention. However,
this flight left him both injured and disappointed, for he didn’t keep in account the
mechanics of landing. Firnas was the person behind the creation of aircrafts that mimic birds
by wings.

Abbas Ibn Firnas came into the world year 810 not far from Malaga, Spain. His extensive
education as a child lead him to Cordoba as an adult, one of the most rich and influential in
Al-Andalus. He was gifted with many talents, a scientist, musician, poet, alchemist,
astrologer and philosopher. He eventually took the title the Wiseman of Al-Andalus. With
regard to aerospace, he was the creator of the precursor of the parachute, sic hundred
years before Da Vinci executed his design for flying machines.

After two failed attempts at landing in years 852 and 875, he still was known as the man to
first fry with a machine heavier than air. His devotion to science and achievements make
him an important figure in our history, and thanks to him people later on were able to fly
and land successfully.

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