A Business Plan Presented To Senior High School Department AMA Education System

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A Business Plan

Presented to

Senior High School Department

AMA Education System


(Merchandise Shop in the Philippines)




March 2021

Dear Reader,

This portfolio is about my future business project and I am ready to

share with you my soon-to-be amazing journey as an entrepreneur. When I was a

child, I never dreamed to be an entrepreneur, instead I wanted to be a Doctor. I

never thought that my feet will bring me to the world of business; however, here I

am. I want to share with you my experience creating this portfolio, what I will

learned about it, and how it helps me to know myself even more.

Before, when I was in Elementary, my definition of happiness is having a

high grades and be a top student. I always thought that being a student is all just

about grades and recognition. But I was wrong, I realized it when I was in Junior

high, it’s about what are your learnings about the journey of being a student, that

it’s fine if your grades are not high as you wanted it to be, it’s fine if you fail ‘cause

you can always try again, and it’s fine if you cry ‘cause that’s what humans do.

And now, my journey as a Senior High School student gave me more than I

imagined, that life will never stop teaching you.

Even my plans are already set, I want my words to have powers to turn it

into an action, since we are living in a cruel world, we don’t know what will going

to happen and even though we are upset, I hope it doesn’t stop us reaching what

we really want.

Sincerely yours,

Fatima Viangca D. Visitacion



First all of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Lord

above because without his guide, I wouldn’t be able to finish this business plan.

Furthermore, I would also like to convey my sincere gratitude to the following


Ms. Marvic C. Santos, AMAES instructor, for guiding us to finish this

business plan and we really appreciated your patience in this matter.

To my friends from AMA-STA.CRUZ branch, for giving their genuine

suggestions about the business plan.

To my friends who are gave their honest feedbacks and gave me splendid


To my family, thank you so much for the support and understanding.

I am so humbled and grateful to each and everyone of you. Thank you so


Fatima Viangca D. Visitacion
















I. Executive Summary

Merchandising is a process of displaying and selling products to the

customers. D’ Vicion is offering products which are inspired from different field, it

has Korean merchandise like K-pop and inspired Korean drama merchandise, it

also supports anime figures as well as characters in games, movies, and books.

These products that the business is offering have different set of value that

depends whether where the products are made of, one of the example of these

are those merchandise who’s originally imported from it’s origin country. These

merchandise are so-called the official merchandise, it’s original and it is well-

produced by the company; however, these kind of merchandise that D’ Vicion

offering are kind of expensive compare to those other set of products, though the

products itself is worth it for it’s price. The other set of products are the so-called

unofficial merchandise which are made locally, it has cheaper price compare to

those official merchandise. But D’ Vicion assured that these products are also well-

made and it’s worth-it for the price.

Filipinos are well-known to be passionate, especially when it comes to the

things they love and if they are totally mesmerized by a character or by a real life

person, they wanted something that will showed the identity of their favorite

character and it’s undeniable that Filipino loves K-pop, K-drama, Anime, etc. That’s

why here in D’ Vicion, we let them enjoy their vision and since it is also available

online, many people will have the awareness about the products we’re selling.

D’ Vicion will keep on making unique products in order to keep the

perseverance to display products in a very creative way and along the process, D

Vicion will also make sure that our service will be objective and unbiased to every

customers. Moreover, to have the stability that we are all aiming, we will carry on

our responsibility with full of passion and enough to let people know that our

business is worth of their trust. That the vision they want for a product is going to

have here at D’ Vicion.




The word Vicion is originally comes from the word vision which means the

ability to think or plan about the future, to visualize and to be creative. I

intentionally changed the spelling to make it more unique but at the same time

appealing to the people. Our vision help us to define what our goals. Furthermore,

the letter D is representing focus, perseverance, and will.

Aside from importing overseas product, I also planned to create a products

which inspired from the vision of the customer, in short it is customized. D’ Vicion

is offering a merchandise products which are inspired by a characters from a

movie, an Idol, a fan-fiction character and even from a mobile game character.

It speaks for the business since that’s what my business wants to convey to

everyone. Expanding our creativeness when it comes to ideas about the products,

always looking forward for the future plan and focusing not only on the products

but also to our customers. Also, having the perseverance to display products that

are for sale in a creative way to entices customer to purchase more items.


D’ Vicion used the Libra’s zodiac sign as it’s icon since it represent being

cooperative, diplomatic, gracious and fair-minded. Since, we are talking about fair-

minded, I combined it with the color gray, because color gray represents neutrality

and balance. The logo speaks for the service I wanted to create, being balance

objective and unbiased to every customers. Even though, the color gray is often

known as a dull color or loss, I, personally thinks that it is a wonderful color. It’s a

combination of white and black and it feels like it is a flower that blooms between

the frozen cracks.

The D’ Vicion text is covered with a color of blue. The color blue is a primary

color and it symbolizes serenity, stability, and wisdom. It is a serene and calming

color that represent intelligence and responsibility. I wanted my business to viewed

as a trustworthy and cool, to build the customers loyalty and trustworthy.




1. By providing a good value to the customers and products assortments they want,

you attract them in return. Keeping fresh assortment and attractive displays

motivates buyers to demand for another beginning.

2. A lot of people are already into merchandise products. And because they’re so

involve in a specific character, they became fascinated with a product that shows

the identity of their favorite.

3. D’ Vicion is offering products with an affordable price but in a high quality


4.Since the business is not only offering K-pop and Anime merchandise, customers

will have a lot of options to pick.

5.D’ Vicion will not only settle in a business-to-consumer, but it will also have it’s

own online shop to attract more customer and to make more people aware of it.


1. Since the business is still new, it needed a lot of promotion to make people

aware about it.


2. It carries a risks because if the amount of revenue generated from the

merchandise sale doesn’t exceed the cost of producing and promoting the

merchandise, it will result to losses.

3.Developing a new merchandise can be expensive and time-consuming.

4. The cost of the shipment of other products are expensive because it will come

from it’s origin country which also brings more expensive price to other customer.

5.Products that don’t move off the shelves over a period of weeks and months

usually requires a markdown to get people to buy them.


1. The expansion of customer base such as increasing the presence of the online

store will also lead to expand the influence of the business.

2. D’ Vicion is the only merchandising shop in San Pablo City Laguna which offering

K-pop, anime, inspired movie and drama merchandise.

3. The business are always updated to new trends in order to create products that

have high-demands.

4.Expanding the range and availability of the products of the business can bring

opportunities for growth.

5. With the use of new technology, it will be use to collect data from customers to

deliver their personalized experiences and service. By means of that,


these insight enable the business to generate accurate ideas of what customer

wants to see and display.


1. Since the business is in competitive market, there will be an intense price wars

among the competitors.

2. A downward economic trends can threaten a high-end merchandise products by

decreasing the number of consumers in the markets.

3. Change in shopping habits of customers can be also a threat.

4. The unavoidable competition between domestic and international markets.

5. Relying only on few suppliers can be tricky because if those suppliers raise their

prices or sign exclusive agreements with others, the business needs to change it’s

strategy quickly.



The official merchandise of D’ Vicion are directly bought from other country

such as Korea and Japan. This merchandise are produced or released by a

company which handling an idol group or from a fan club which has an exclusive

relationship with the company.

Mostly, Filipino buyers are interested to this kind of merchandise such as CD

alum, photo book, posters, lightstick, and sometimes a merchandise released as

limited edition. Even though it is quite expensive, the willingness of Filipino to buy

something that can somehow showed the identity of their favorite character or

group still remain undestroyed.

However, there are still Filipino who wanted a merchandise with a cheaper

price so D’ Vicion is also offering an unofficial merchandise. This unofficial

merchandise is the most used merchandise such as t-shirt, jacket, key chain,

unofficial photocards, stickers, and posters. Some fans seems like they don’t care

about what kind of merchandise they used, as long as they have something which

showed the identity of their favorite is already enough.

Example of Unofficial Merchandise:


Example of Official Merchandise:


For the official merchandise which are kind of expensive, the prices are

ranging within PHP 1,000 up to PHP 5,000. It depends upon what is the item. For

example, the famous k-pop lightsticks cost around PHP 2,000 to PHP 5,000

depends upon what version of the lighstick. Along with anime figure that cost

around PHP 3,000 to PHP 5,000 depends what is the size. These high-end

merchandise are suits with it’s price because it is originally came from it’s native


Next is our unofficial merchandise which are the most used merchandise.

The prices are ranging within PHP 100 to PHP 500. The t-shirt which cost about

PHP 200 up to PHP 300 or more over it can be possibly lesser than that. Some mini

merchandise are cost PHP 50 to PHP 100.



The products are for the people who loves to collect things that shows their

passion about loving their favorites. The D’ Vicion’s products will have it’s own store

and it will also be distributed through online. It will sold first in San Pablo City in

Laguna and then it is also planned to sell it in malls. D’ Vicion will make sure to be

where our customers are.

Next on the list is for malls and super markets. D’ Vicion are targeting to

have an access of it’s products in malls and super markets in order to get close with

it’s customers and since malls usually have the most number of consumers. Also,

we are aware that every store has it’s own strategy, so that’s why D’ Vicion is

assuring to display it’s product in a very creative way that will suits to it’s location.

When it comes in marketing products, the social media platforms never fails.

Through social media, D’ Vicion products will also be available to make more people

aware about the products it offers. By means of that, the interaction between

customer-to-customer will boost because of the feedback coming from one

customer. Not only the owner of business will get to know about what the

consumers thinks about the products but it is also open for it’s potential buyer.


Offering loyal customer an exclusive discounts

Having a loyal customers are a must to every type of business, that’s why D’

Vicion are offering our loyal customers an exclusive discount. Using the purchase

history and customer data pulled from the POS system will help the business to

craft personalized promotion to our precious customers.

In addition, to our loyal customer who buys a great quantity of items will get

another item depends on how much will be the cost of their order. It is still their

choice what type of item it is, as long as it is match on the list of items we made.


Everybody loves sale. We are always get overwhelm whenever the things we

love is less than the price we are expecting and actually, there are some people

who will literally wait until the item goes on sale before buying it. So, D’ Vicion is

also having this as it’s promotional idea and our sale will depends upon the

demands of our customers. Aside from that, if it happens that new trends which

have a connection with the items we are selling, for example, a long time anime

movie suddenly became a hit again, the products that D’ Vicion are offering that

links to that anime will have an exclusive promo within a day.

Online Marketing

A. Promoting the Products through Social Networking

When it comes to advertising, online marketing never fails since every each

of us has a connection online. By means of online marketing, D’ Vicion products

will be posted dazzlingly to it’s own social media account and along side

with the customers purchased the products. It’s a good strategy to include our

lovingly customers in order for our potential buyers see that our products are

worth it.

B. Selling it through generation of Official Website

Nowadays, it’s more convenient for people to shop online because of more

flexible and less hassle, so D’ Vicion will also sells product through it’s own Official

Website and enable for our business to get associated with e-commerce business

today. Our website will be about the business itself, it’s high-end products, the

prices, and also the feedback of our customers will be posted.

C. Having it’s own You Tube Channel

It’s undeniable that vlogging is always on the trend and it’s a great platform

to spread awareness to a lot of people. D’ Vicion will have it’s own You Tube

Channel and all the products will aesthetically film to make people curious about it.

The content will be about the products, what it’s made of, the price, and our

customer will be also included to give their honest feedback about the products. It

will attract more buyers if they will saw the products up-close and what it actually

looks, because posting just the image have it’s limitation so that’s why I came up

with the idea to film the products.



I must say that this whole experienced as I am creating my business plan

makes me thinks a lot about my future, that I have a long way to go. I always

thought that creating or planning a business will be stressful, it’s kinda true, but as

much as the stress that gave me, I really enjoyed it even more. It keeps my mind

active and it makes me think about my future self, I also love the process of

planning what’s going to be the name and logo of my business, ‘cause I personally

connected it with myself, that I want to see the process of my business growing in

the industry and just like me who wanted to be on a process to grow as a person.

Although I enjoyed the processed, I also experienced struggling because it is my

first time to do something like this and since I don’t have any interest in business

before, I didn’t thought that someday I will build my own business. But, just like

every person say, we should always expect the unexpected because we never

knew what our journey will be until we are in the position where there’s no turning

back. In process of creating this business plan, I learned to trust myself even

more, that I can to this and I will definitely do this because I am already here in

the position where my “why’s” are very clear, that I know why am I doing this. I

also realized how business owners took an extensive risk just to create their

business and that’s how it should be. Building up a business requires a confidence

and together with a great a risk, so I must say that business owners are really
great leaders that knows how taking a risk will bring them to the world they

always wanted to live.



Appendices 1. Resume

Appendices 2. Documentation in Business Plan Preparation

Figure 1. Brainstorming.

Figure 2. Finalizing.

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