Your Spiritual Father Is Running A PONZI SCHEME!

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spiritual father is running a PONZI SCHEME!

Fri, 2/4 10:13AM 58:03


sons, spiritual, father, covering, apostle, daughters, ponzi scheme, church, lord, verse, people, sonship,
serving, slave, relationship, deliverance, called, ministry, parent, tie

I say this concerning spiritual paternity. I am not a spiritual, paternal, paternal Puritan. Meaning this, I
don't believe that it is absolutely essential for you to have a spiritual father and mother to be able to
function in what God called you to do. And second, to operate in the calling that God has for you. I
don't believe that that is absolutely necessary. And I'm going to give you a reason. I'm under
recovering, but my covering is not my spiritual father, there's a difference between being part of a
covering for the sake of being held accountable, and for the sake of being part of a larger Ecclesia. So
that way, the people that you're governing can be part of a church family for for a covenant and
relationship. And, you know, the sense the sense of camaraderie interest in the kingdom. I'm all for
that. But then there's a difference also, between the individuals that oversee these coverings that are
holding you accountable, and whether you have a real bonafide organic relationship with them in the
sense of spiritual paternity. All right. I don't have a spiritual father, but I do have a covering. And I
absolutely love my covering. I was talking to them a couple days ago. And whatever they told me to
do, I absolutely do it. I tied and I give my my apostleship comes from my covering, I had hands laid on
me. But I am very well aware that Pagani? Let's just be honest here. Who do you think could father
me? Like, look me as a personality? Who would be my spiritual father? It doesn't make sense. I'm
doing fine right now without a spiritual father. Now, I would say this. If the Lord transitions, my
relationship with them at that capacity, I'm open to it. Now, why do I have to say that and is this is if
you're doing fine by yourself right now involved in a covering? Not and I do believe you got to be
under recovering. But I don't believe you have to have a spiritual father per se. All right. But if and
when the Lord brings you someone to serve in that capacity of spiritual father, then I would
encourage you open yourself up to it. Why? Because some of the most greatest influential people that
I know on planet Earth today have thriving relationships with someone in a paternal maternal sense,
which means they were birth, nurtured and large by spiritual parents, and they are some of the most
healthiest pastors and ministers that I know in this present day and age. Are those. Now am I saying
that if you don't have a spiritual father, you can't be a global, influential figure? I'd be lying to you?
Because I am one. Did you catch it? I just haven't found that relationship in that sense yet. Why?
Because I don't have time to be a son, right now. But I do have time to be held accountable. Now,
that's another topic for another for another day. Now, I have to throw that out. So that way people
don't misunderstand, misunderstand the reference point of where this topic is coming from. But this
message is for those who are serving as a spiritual father. I'm serving as a spiritual father. And I don't
believe that in order for you to be a great spiritual father, you have to learn how to be a great
spiritual son. That's not true. Because many of us grew up without our fathers in the natural and
we're good fathers to our children. Now, did you catch what I just said, be honest, those of you that
grew up with your father in the natural and you have children now. Aren't you a good father to your
children now? So so how is it that this fallacy of in order for you to be a great spiritual father, you had
to learn to be a great spiritual son? No, there's an addendum to that. There's a clause to that. Now,
ideally, those have had that have had great fathers in the natural like my son's right now, I'm a
grandfather right now, my son's right now, my oldest is a great dad right now. Why? Because he had
a model of a great father. So So I understand what you mean but don't, don't become a a Puritan to
the spiritual father. cliches and, and views that know that there are Dindim citizen, the spiritual
father, Revelation is relatively new and the body of Christ is learning to enter into that. John, chapter
five is the greatest example of spiritual paternity on the planet, so I just kind of wanted to throw that
out there. For those that so they don't they don't think what they think that I'm trying to mean. I'm a
spiritual father. I have spiritual sons and daughters under me. Alright. What I want to deal with today
is What are the signs of a healthy spiritual father Second, what is the role of a spiritual father? And
then answering the question, Why aren't spiritual fathers, granting inheritances? Why don't we see
more in more affirmation services? Consecration services, release services, birthing services, there's
a lot of services on receiving sons. But how come? Is it that there's an epidemic on services on
releasing sons, not just receiving sons? Alright. Let's get into the first verse. Look at this, what are
some of the signs that you need to be looking for when you are in a relationship with someone in this
sense, number one, number one, a spiritual father establishes a timeframe Galatians chapter four
verses one and two says. Now I say this, as long as the air is a child, he doesn't differ at all from a
slave. Although he is owner of everything. He is subject to guardians and trustees until the date set
by his father looked closely at the text in front of you the date set by his father, look at the verse he
says, Look what it's saying. The verse is saying that the first sign of that this relationship of spiritual
paternity. One of the first signs that it's healthy is when when a person gets under the covering of
someone, when they get under the covering of someone, especially if they're already gifted. One of
the first signs of the first things that your spiritual parents should be doing with you is discussing your
timeframe. Now, what do I mean by the timeframe meaning is, they should already have had a
conversation with you about your future in the Lord. I talk to my spiritual sons, if those of you that
have been following our ministry, for the last at least two years, you've been seeing that within every
six to eight months, I'm affirming a son, I'm releasing a daughter, I'm laying hands or I'm already
discussing why because the role of spiritual father is different discuss the future of their calling, to be
able to work to help them begin the process of getting their act together, getting the things in order,
getting the character upgraded, to be able to help them, nurture them, facilitate them, launch them,
and to begin the process of entering into what God has called them to do. And if you're someone's
spiritual son, or you're a spiritual father that's watching me, you shouldn't be having this conversation
with people that you receive as sons. Let me give you an example of what this I have a spiritual son,
who's actually being ordained this weekend to the Office of an apostle, his name is Armando. Right
now Armando has only been with me in my church, five years. But I, but when he joined our church, I
immediately saw what was on him. And I prophesied to him the second Sunday at his at our church, I
prophesied to him publicly, that he would become a Noah to the nations and build an ark. Two years
later, I pulled them to my office, and I acknowledged and talked to them about their future. Well,
guess what, 18 months later, now, tomorrow, I'm laying hands on them and ordaining them to that,
that I have already told him in a timeframe. I spoke to them. I said, No the grace that you have on
your life. Let's begin the process of your consecration and ordination. Now, guess what? What does
this what did this do? Number one, my spiritual son is totally, totally spiritually has grown
exponentially to the next level. Why? Because I'm not restricting him second. He already knew that
he was called to be an apostle, and nothing is more frustrating to know what you're called to do, but
your spiritual parent hasn't talked to you about it. So guess what, now it's a reality tomorrow. And
guess what the relationship has maintained his intactness why? Because the text says the date the
Father sent. If you read it in your King James, it's true. Oh f snap talking about heavenly Father, the
day that God said, No, is the date that I set as a spiritual father. So number one is your spiritual father
establishes a timeframe should be talking to you about your future and putting dates. We'll deal with
that on other broadcasts. Number two is this. A spiritual father leaves a blueprint. First Chronicles
chapter 28, verse 28, verse 11, says, look at this, then David gave his son Solomon, the plans for the
temple, its buildings, store houses, upper rooms, inner rooms, and the room for the mercy seat. Wait,
wait a second, wait a second, look at the tax. Solomon did not build that temple. Solomon carried out
the blueprint that David, his father gave him a look at the tax. It said then David gave Solomon the
blueprint for the temple. Now I know we've been taught Solomon built the temple. No, Solomon
carried out the blueprint established and given to him by his spiritual or Well, in this sense, natural
father. So a good spiritual father is giving out blueprints, giving his sons and daughters plans for the
future on how to carry out the calling. Listen to me, spiritual father, you can't just tell somebody, Thus
saith the LORD Robo Shay, the Lord says you're called to be a prophet and not give that spiritual
daughter and a son a blueprint of what it means to operate in the prophetic. You have to give them
the blueprint. So that way they can carry out. And this is tough love. And this is do it like this. Don't
do it like that. I'm always reaching out to people that are under me, and pulling them to my office and
say, Hey, be mindful of this. Be mindful of that. You're giving people a blueprint? Let me ask you a
question. Since you've been part of this covering, not my covering, you're covering? Has there been
any exchange of blueprint? Spiritual parent that's watching me? Are you giving your sons and
daughters blueprint? Or are you just teaching and preaching it hoping that they catch what you're
saying, in your Bible studies? No, this is not what I'm talking about. The Bible says, David gave
Solomon, the plans, the plans of the word of the future temple that Solomon was supposed to build.
Let's get into sign number three, is a spiritual parent provides role model ship, role model ship, John
chapter five. John chapter five, verse 19, means look what it says. So Jesus replied, Truly, truly, I tell
you, the Son can do nothing by himself, unless he sees the Father doing it. For whatever the Father
does, the Son also does write this in the chat room, the sons only do what they see their father do.
Look at this, look what the text says. So number three is this a spiritual father provides role model
role model ship, meaning what they have to visually see by relationship and interaction, how you
carry out this calling of yours spiritual mother, spiritual father, which means they have to be granted
access to see how you handle tough situations, how you handle promotions, how you handle money,
how you handle women, how you handle power, how you handle your ego, how do you handle your
struggle, how you handle favor, how you handle access, how you enter the pulpit, how you handle
warfare. A spiritual father is a model. They provide, model, a model, which means when a spiritual
son and daughter gets to a point where they are confronted with a tough situation. They shouldn't be
thinking to themselves, how would papa a mama handle this? You know what brings me great joy is
to see my spiritual sons and daughters because I've seen them do deliverance. Like I do it. You know
what pleasure it brings me. When people tell them or people when I allow them to preach. People text
me while they're preaching say so and so sound like you. Wow. Listen to that the sound was like you.
Why? Because I provide role model ship. And if you're part of a covering, and you're not sounding like
you're covering that, I would say, That's not your papa mama. That's your men, your mentor. Why?
Because the relationship is built on role model ship. You're emulating what you see. And guess what?
You're not looking to be your own. You don't mind that they tell you, man, you sound like your pastor.
You sound like your bishop. Man. I know what you got that from you sound like Pagani. You sound like
and just fill in your past and your bishop. Yes, put your father's name. That's a privilege. That's a
privilege for me. If they was to tell me man, you sound like Taboola you've said you sound like them. I
don't take it as no, I sound like myself. Hmm. Then you are a mentee and a spiritual son and
daughter. Let's get into the fourth one. The fourth one is this and here is where I'm gonna get a little
tough and I'm again a little bit Pagani on y'all. You know, spiritual parents provide opportunities to
serve. Judges, chapter eight. Look at this, verse 20. So he said to death or his firstborn, rise, kill them.
But the youth did not draw his sword, for he was afraid because he was still a youth. Now you know
the story here. One of the judges of Israel conquered the Amalekites. And then when they captured
the king of the Amalekite this father told one of his sons grabbed my sword and kill. But in this text,
the son was too afraid to kill the king. But what do you get out of this verse here? What is what is the
primary focus of that verse? And is this is that the Father gave an opportunity to the son to move in
the same level as him spiritual father and I'm sorry I'm gonna have to be Pagani on you because you
know why I do what I do. How is it that you have all these sons and daughters and you never let them
preach at your events? You never let them rock on your mic. You never allow them to flow and
function in the same dimension No, no you on this extreme honor stuff that they cannot out shine you
in the service. They can never you never open doors for him. You never allow them to read you never
hand them the mic. Not even spontaneously, like come on. Come in on a prophesied release the word
of the look No, You hog the mic like Diddy? You ain't ready for me. You have the mic like Diddy
dancing all up in the videos with your shiny suits gotta be shiny in your ego shy you're Puff Daddy on
them? Are you miss the metaphor? You all Puff Daddy Diddy Puff Daddy, puff spiritual daddy puffed
up pride Puff Daddy cast a spiritual metaphor. You ain't ready for me. You all Puff Daddy on him
dancing in your videos like mace on that, you know, I got to be the head in this thing. What is it to
anoint them a prophet and you never let them prophesy? What is it to anoint them as an apostle, and
in your events, you never set one of those that listen to me preacher that sets your own events. You
got a three day event, you invite all of your friends and preacher friends, and you got all these
spiritual sons and daughters as apostles under you. And you never give them no sessions. You never
let them headline. You never let them release the word of the Lord. You never blessed them with an
honorarium. You let everybody preach except them. This judge in Israel is better than some spiritual
fathers. Because this judge that we just read, gave his sword to his son and said, Kill this king. Now
ideally, the sun the price of killing a king was too much rain because the text says he was just a lad.
But at least this father gave his spiritual son and daughter an opportunity. How is it that you spiritual
mother passed to that church and you never let your apostles and prophets in your house share that
pulpit on a Sunday? Let's get into the Next one spiritual father and mother cuts covenant with you.
They cut covenant with you. What does it mean? Acts chapter 16. Look at this, look at this. Paul
wanted to take Timothy along on the journey. So he circumcised him because of the Jews who lived in
an area, for all of them knew that his father was a Greek, a real spiritual father. But what do they do?
What do they do? They circumcise you. Let me tell you something, son and daughter, if you not
allowing your spiritual parents to cut you, to make you bleed. Let me let me paraphrase that if your
spiritual father doesn't circumcise your ego, your pride and doesn't make you bleed of your
narcissism, and just kind of lets you rock a little bit and doesn't really be like, come here, we need to
talk. Then we have a problem here. Because when you join a covering, or at least you claim someone
to be a spiritual parent. They should be they should be making you bleed. You know what it is that a
grown man? Let me say it again, a grown man. Timothy was not eight days old. Timothy was a grown
man. Do you know what it is for grown man to get circumcised being old? For the sake of the
ministry? Let me tell you something. If your spiritual parent is not challenging you, and making you
bleed for the sake of the ministry, I'm always pulling people to my office like Camilla. What was that?
Don't do that. Don't sabotage don't Oh, how about this, if your spiritual parent is doing that, look at
this, and you're getting offended, and you're getting a and you're having issues with number one,
good, good that you're getting offended. That means that they're telling you the truth. But if you're
getting offended to the point that you don't want to listen, then I would question whether you're truly
a son, you might just be a mentee, or a comrade, or maybe your spiritual father is your talent
recruiter and not your dad. You ain't ready for me. Let's get into the next one. Let's get into the next
one. Number six. And here's a big one. Second Chronicles, chapter five, verse one, says this. So
Solomon finished all his work on the temple of the Lord, watch this. Then he brought all the gifts his
father, David had dedicated, and he stored them in the treasuries of the Temple of his God. Number
six, is a spiritual father provides resources, we say that, again, provides resources. What does this
mean? is a spiritual father doesn't let you start from scratch. A spiritual father takes all the resources
that they have, and they give them to you. Once they lay hands on you. What does this mean? How is
it father, you acknowledge a gift in them, that you haven't given them resources to carry it out? You
don't you haven't told them your connections. You don't open doors for them. You don't. You don't
acknowledge them. You don't provide any resources. You're letting them go through scratch. Like
they have to kind of figure it out like you figured it out. That's not You're not being a good father. Did
you catch what I just said? Solomon, this isn't me. Solomon said Solomon, didn't just launch his
ministry. He had resources available that his dad had, which means he was able to tap into his dad's
finances. Listen to me spiritual father. math fact. Let me flip it spiritual son that started a church. How
is it you started that church and that ministry and your spiritual dad didn't even pay your rent, at
least the first couple of months. Didn't didn't provide connections to have your fliers may didn't use
all of their resources and how they get their flyers made to make sure that your flyers are made.
Didn't tell their followers to sow into their son's ministry that's just launching. Don't play with me,
man. Don't play with me. Listen to me if you are a son and you started your ministry You're just
fending on your own. I would question whether the person that you're under is really a spirit father. I'll
take you ready for me. I don't think you're ready for me. I don't think you're ready. I don't think you're
ready. I don't think you're ready. I don't think I don't think you're ready. I don't think you're ready. A
spiritual father provides the resources. Meaning I'll take care of the flyers, I'll take care of the
promotion. I'll take care of this. Let me take care of that. So that way you can gather your finances
and get that vision going. I'm about to launch another church. We are about to launch another
church, believe it or not, you don't know this, but we are about to launch another church. Yes, we are.
I'm carrying it. I'm carrying the burden of that for a little bit. Why? Because the Bible says, The
Buddha says we did again. Solomon was able to finish his vision. Because look at this because the
gifts that his father made, which means the Father gave Him resources, write it down in the chat
room, fathers provide resources. Alright, let's get into number seven, seven thing we're almost done
everyone. Look at this. Number seven. Spirit spiritual parents. Foster's greatness. They foster
greatness. They foster greatness. Look at this. First Samuel chapter 18 Verse seven, as they danced,
they sang Saul has slain his 1000s and David, his 10s of 1000s. But look at what happened. This
displeased saw. And he said to David, they have given 10s of 1000s. And to me they have given
1000s Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second. How is it that a spiritual father is jealous of their
spiritual children, when I thought the goal of spiritual paternity is to make your spiritual sons and
daughters and those under your covering better than you? Let me say this emphatically right here, I
got no problem saying this. And I want you to just look into my eyes. I have spiritual sons and
daughters that are under me, I have five churches under me, we are about to birth another church.
And I'm just and I just connected with someone else who passes another church that I believe is going
to end up coming under the current so that will be six churches right now. All right now look at this.
Look at this. My spiritual sons and daughters, they will all pass to churches that are bigger than mine.
more influential than mine. Their buildings will be immensely larger than mine. The influence will be
more than mine. They will preach better than me. They will have more 1000s of millions of dollars
more than me. Why? Because I've slain my 1000s. But my sons and daughters will slay that 10s of
1000s. Let me also say this about my spiritual sons and daughters, because one of them is in the chat
room. A couple of them are in the chat room. A spiritual father Foster's greatness in his sons and
daughters by doing what pulling out of them their greatness. My spiritual son is in the chat room
apostle Jason was because I see him in the chat room. Let me say this right here publicly. I'm his
spiritual dad, but he prophesized better than me. This is true. He revolutes Better than me. He's
about to get a big building. million dollar building, way bigger than mine. No jealousy in my in my
part. As a matter of fact, whenever he comes out to my events when I'm going somewhere to do
apostolic work. I usually say you do the last you take the last day preface that when I said come up,
come up in Sunny is the mic, prophesy? My spiritual son apostle Daniel McClendon teaches better
than me. I don't feel I don't feel jealous. Why? I don't get jealous of a hit record. saleslady styles is
Dave it is 10s of 1000s. That was a hit record. You know what I do? I foster their greatness. I have
another spiritual son who's being ordained tomorrow. His name is Rodney. You know him? Right?
Right now he's my spiritual son. He serves as my administrative assistant let me just freely say this.
He administrates way better than me. This is why I need his help. I don't get jealous. As a matter of
fact, I'm always calling on Maha Can we do that better? Why? Because as true spiritual father Foster's
greatness if you are under a father who never allows you to shine because you can't out shine them.
You don't have a spiritual Father, you have a warlock, you have a sales talent recruiter, you are in a
Ponzi scheme. Let me just My honor is to see my sons out, honor me. Why? Because they will be
better than me. They will go further than me that, listen, I really ran my course. Let me just a bit
spiritual father, if you are intimidated by your spiritual sons and daughters, out shining you, you got
some issues. Come and see me for deliverance, and maybe I help you get delivered. You got some
self centeredness, narcissism, ego, you're prideful. You're Jezebel. And I would dare even say you're
probably not even a real apostle, or a spiritual father. You're probably a pastor who moves apostolic
Lee or a teacher who teaches apostolic revelation of Father's heart. Foster's greatness in this son
never worrying about getting out shine in the church, or never worrying about getting out shined
period. Number eight, number eight, a spiritual father activates, activates and identifies your gifting.
They activate and identify your gifting. Romans, chapter one, verse 11, for I longed to see you, that I
may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end, you may be established. Look at the verse he
says to the end, you may be established, a spiritual father should be activating and identifying the
gifts, and the talents and the graces and the mantle's that you have and watch this. And if you don't
have them, if they are a real apostle, they should be giving them to you or depositing them in you.
Because I believe, according to this text, that a real apostle can actually impart a gift in someone who
previously didn't have it. That's what the text says, I longed to see you said, I may impart some
spiritual gift impart means to give you what you didn't have before. Let me say this to you freely for
those of you that are pastors and leaders, and to someone if they haven't. If you're still at the same
level, in Revelation, in the gifts of the Spirit, in Grace's and mental and in, in your leadership ability,
and you haven't grown, and there hasn't been an upgrade in your church. I'm here to tell you, your
spiritual father is a fraud. They're not a real apostle. They can't give you what they don't have. They
cannot impart unto you what they don't have a second. If your spiritual father is always saying you're
not ready, you're not ready. You're not ready. You're not ready. You're not ready. And they're always
talking about how you're never ready and you're never ready. And now, you know, and, and years
later, you're still a nanny. Oops, I mean, a son. You miss what I just said. You miss what I just said.
Years later, you're a nanny. How you your apostles, Nanny. You have grown man serving like a nanny.
Yes, sir. Yes, I like Kuta kente. Like 12 years of slave oops, I mean, a son. They miss what I just say.
Hello, the Django. Hello, the Django. You misheard I just said, how was it your serving and serving
and serving and serving and serving and never getting identified or activated. All the serving and you
just never ready never ready. They don't even want to call you by the tunnel. And they stopped
people from calling you by the time don't call them apostle because they're not ready for the warfare
that they're going to handle that comes with that. Don't call them evangelists because you don't want
that pride to get to the head. No spiritual father, you are a warlock. You're manipulative, and you
have no inheritances to give. A good spiritual father knows that your children can't stay under your
roof. Forever. They identify and they lay hands and they impart a gift. And if they don't have it, they
lay hands and give it if you find that your spiritual father hasn't given you anything, after all those
years of service, after all that sin you overlook. We say it again after all them spiritual daughters he's
sleeping with and you overlook on some Imma be Shem and J fifth and I'm a walk backwards with the
with the blanket. All that drunkenness you're overlooking. When you could have Been a ham, and go
ham. The Mr. metaphor, don't play with me. You could have been a ham and went ham. But you
chose to overlook the sins and the drunkenness of your father. And with all of that they never laid
hands and given you anything yet. Houston we got a problem. Number nine sonship not slave hood
sonship not slave hood. Let me say it again. sonship. Jesus calling them said to them, you know that
those who rule over the Gentiles, they lord it over them, and that great ones exercise authority upon
them. But look what Jesus ended saying. But it must not be like that, among you. Write it in the chat
Rome sonship not slave hood. What? What's all this stuff about? They have to pass some long, drawn
out test to prove their sonship No, you don't got no son. You have a slave. You want someone to do
your bidding. You have concubines and slaves, not spiritual sons and daughters. Oops that I say that.
Those are the spiritual daughters. Those are concubines because you know you're sleeping with
them. Don't lie. Those incentives are slaves. And Christ said that those with authority should never
lord it over. And everybody's running around the vision like a slave. You know, let me give you an
example of a slave and not a good son. We go out to eat and all the sons at the table. I've been there.
I've been there with you goofy, apostles out there. I've been at your green rooms and you see my
reaction at these tables, talking with them at the table and all these sons shocked to talk. I tried to
fellowship with them and ease them up and they can't talk. They're just sitting there. Answering one
answer question just sitting there. Awesome. Should be afraid to talk those a sons. You're not training
them? No, you're not training them to honor leadership? No, you're showboating how much control
you have. He got the sons and daughters at the table shook to talk to sin. They're like, you know,
afraid to laughs I'm laughing with the preacher that invited me and I'm giggling and I'm laughing. And
you know, because sometimes I can be corny and I can be funny. And I'm saying jumped at the table
and his sons are sitting there like, you get the sons like brain, brain soldiers who have the thing that
can't talk and laugh at you sitting there. And then when you do talk your father's looking at you like
baby you don't impress me, you Wallach you don't impress me you control freak. You went to
Genovese family. You are mafia don trying to show how much power you have over people. And if
you're in a covering like that, that you're covering, go let you talk Run for your life. And you tell your
spiritual father I said that they are false and tell him to come at me. Tell him to come over here on
that stuff. That is false. That is false. That is not a father training you how to walk with dignitaries. No,
that's a spiritual father trying to show that he's a dignitary a very godly man. This stuff frustrates me.
This stuff frustrates me and I've been quiet for like three years on this just overlook this. Now. They're
not your slaves. They're your sons. And they're not your sons. They're God's children. The heck is all
this stuff about you get the control like they can't have no light. They can't be with their family. They
can't go nowhere. They can't go to the movies. They got to sit there and serve you and be like, you
know you're walking in like John Gotti in some events, walking in with your entourage. Your entourage
don't impress nobody. You look foolish apostle. You look foolish with your entourage. We are talking
about you when you leave. Did you see so and so walking with like 50 sons, you know, wiping their
brow giving them what a baby carry your own water? What's wrong with you? Carry in your water.
Then get delivered from your fake mafia don self. You can't get your own water. You can't carry your
own Bible. Your Bible is on your phone. A Bible of you can't carry a home Bible. Do you carry in your
head dickless man, you need salvation and you need deliverance, which are just about self. Got all
the Sonship to talk, paranoid. Let's read it again. Let's read it again. We are not to lord over God's
people. And the tech says, It must not be like that amongst us, amongst us. Listen to me. If you are
under covering right now, I'm telling you, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, run for your life. It's
still early, it's still January. Have that conversation with your so called mama and Dad, dad, and tell
him and bounce and run and run and leave. Because you're not a son. You're not a daughter, your
slave, your slave and you don't know it because you're so blind with your blind on yourself, get
delivered. And make sure you tag them on this video. Because they nobody's scared of your JIFFies
Papa. Nobody's scared of your your your Gambino covering, get delivered and run for your life. Take
your family run, take your family and run. Relationships with spiritual parents is built on relationships,
not slave hood. And last but not least son and I'm out of here. Number 10. Being part of a covering
increases, increases wealth. Genesis chapter 25, verse six and seven last verse, and we're done.
Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac. But before he died, he gave gifts to the sons Oh. Look, when
he says he gave gifts to the sons. He gave gifts to the sons. He gave gifts to the sons and he gave
Isaac all that he had, oh my lord. Let me tell you something. If you join the covering, and your church
is broke, after two years of being under that covering, you are in the wrong covering. Why? Because
joining a covering is an exchange of resources. Let me just say this ever since I joined Taboola new
life, our finances increased even more my influence increased our church went to the next level.
We're impacting churches. How is it you join that covering and half your leadership left? And nobody's
tithing. Oh, my God, how blind can you be in the name of that's my dad. That's not your dad. That's a
Ponzi scheme. Oh my god. You guys are deaf blind? Is your rejection. That fierce that you rather stay
in a dysfunctional dad, then no dad. My God, what is wrong with you? I thought you were from the
streets. You learn somebody just drain. You broke, you are broke, you're broke. Your wife is broke
your churches broke finances, you're on the red line. And watch this in in the middle of all of that.
Can't pay your rent can't pay your mortgage. And in the middle of all that your spiritual mama calls
you on some where's your tide? Watch. And then you sit there arguing with your spouse about the
finances in your home to give your hard earned money to some Ponzi scheme mama and Ponzi
scheme, dad. Because honor, honor, and you're gonna get the divorce with your wife. And all you do
is fighting about money and money and money. Your church a bunch of close down, your leadership
left. And you're down to like six people in your honor. You know, God don't want quantity. He was
quality. No. You don't know why you're depleting. I'm going to tell you why. I'm going to tell you why.
You're in the wrong covering. You're in the wrong covering. You're in the wrong covering. This is what
I'm saying. You're in the wrong covering. And I have to talk to you stern because you're so blinded by
honor that if I talk to you a little goofy Joel Osteen, compassion and the love of the Lord, you're going
to take my message as optional I am in your face. If you don't leave that covering your church will
close down by the end of this year. Oh, and another thing many of you watching me your church did
close down how your church closed down. As the you in a cup when you join a covering your church is
supposed to explode and your spiritual father wants and Mama wants you to ties. And then they want
another ties. too tied is the devil. Let me say it again. Two ties is the devil. Number one we are not
required in the New Testament to tie that is optional. God blesses a cheerful giver. Let me say
something, you don't have to if you don't ties in the New Testament, nothing happens. You just don't
tie. There have been seasons that I haven't tied. God never cursed me. And those of you that teach
that if you don't tie the New Testament gonna be cursed. That is false doctrine. People tied voluntarily
out of their heart when you spend relationship and time with them. People want to give second, this
thing about the new to tides, you know, tides from time to the church, and now tide to me. So now
you're giving 20% 10% tide and then another 10% to your dad and mom. You don't see it as a Ponzi
scheme. You don't see any nothing wrong with that. Ain't nothing wrong with that you go see him tell
me that nothing in your spirit is saying, Something's off with this. Something's off with this. And let
me tell you something, you apostles and prophets, you doing the two type thing is heresy. You are a
heretic and in false doctrine, and you are a Ponzi scheme, not a real pastor and an apostle, and I said
it and you could do a reaction video. I want you to do that. And let me say this, anybody that does a
reaction video to this video, they have identified themselves as a Ponzi scheme. You sitting there is
given up two times. Let me say this was the last time your father gave you money. Let me give you
an example. I went to Alaska where my spiritual son, Pastor Jason, well, he came with me. We had
church. I gave him the closing night. I was supposed to do the closing night. I'm the I'm the apostle. I
gave it to my son. He did it. He rocked it. You know what I did? I blessed him with the offering and the
honorarium. I didn't take it for me. He didn't require from me. Second, I didn't have to give it to him. I
wanted to WHY, WHY? Anybody who knows me, you can ask my sons and daughters and watching.
Whenever they do anything for me. I don't do that. It's your honorable thing they do know, I bless
them financially. Ask them, all of my sons and daughters in the room, say something to cherem even
when you fit let me just if you fix something in my church, me and my wife was like, What's your pay
pal? We want to bless you why we want to give why father's real Abraham's give to Isaac and give
gifts to sons. If your spiritual covering hasn't given you jack, from day one, your alarm should be
going Thing, Thing, Thing, Thing, Thing, Thing, Thing, Thing, Thing, Thing, Thing thing thing, because
you are in a Ponzi scheme, that is not your dad, you're just an asset on a long list of sons that he she
or he is demanding that they have to give. Imagine having watched this watch, imagine having, you
know, to ties that new thing, the two tides thing. And then you have 20 sons and daughters. You know
how much money you're gonna make? You know how much money you're gonna make. If you had
let's just say, let's just say, right, let's just say What's this, let's just say, let me get my calculator so
that you could see it and then I'm done, guys. And then I'm done on that Bugatti stuff because I gotta
go and I got I got places to go and people to see. Let's say you have 20 sons and daughters, right?
And you do the two tides thing. And let's say the two tides is whatever because usually they these
guys try to find influential sons that have big churches because big churches mean big tides. Alright,
let me get started. Wink wink. Alright, they get this. And let's just say let's just say look at this, let's
just say between a twin a couple, one one spiritual son gives $1,000 $1,000 Look at this $1,000 a
month. Right? Look at this, times 20 times 20 equals look at this just by pure virtue of just having
sons on the tide stuff. And let's say all 20 of these sons tie the $1,000 You're literally coming home
with $20,000 a month on sonship $20,000 a month on sonship 20,000 Just a son now man If you have
a network and you've got like 40 Come on your this is a Ponzi scheme, man. Now I'm not saying sons
don't tie to your spiritual parents. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying tied to them only if they're doing
all the 10 things that I just mentioned, because then they are worth, they are worthy of double honor,
according to Paul. I'm gonna leave this here. I'm gonna leave this here. I'm gonna, I'm gonna leave
this here because I get frustrated because this spiritual father thing is nothing but bags. Are you
ready for my street term? This is nothing more than getting bags. And for those that don't know,
street Hip Hop language, please tell them in the chat room what bags mean? This is all it is, is all
about the bags. For the rest of you, spiritual father. These people have served you faithfully. I'm
speaking to the good fathers and mothers. What's the last time you paid for something? Do what I do.
Let me give you an example. Whenever I go out to California to see my spiritual sons and daughters, I
never let them pay my flight. I pay my own flight. You can ask them there in the chat room. They
don't pay my flight. They don't pay my flight. They don't pay my fight. As a matter of fact, I'm headed
to Alaska very soon. And they want to pay my way. And me and my wife said no, no, it's our privilege
to serve you guys will pay our own way to go up there. Come on guys, is exchange of resources. It's
covenant relationship, which means there should be an increase, increase, increase, increase. But if
there's a decrease, decrease, decrease, you're in the wrong covering. Now I understand why God
said, God manifested in the flesh said call nobody on earth was spiritual father. With the foolishness
that goes on today, I can see why he said that. Now I know that that doesn't mean don't have a
spiritual father because the Apostle Paul was put your father the apostle John was a spiritual father,
he actually said to my spiritual go read his second John chapter. Well, it's only one chapter first, the
second verse, he said, to my spiritual children in the house of gas, that's the apostle John saying that.
And then Timothy, Paul told Timothy to my switcher, son, Timothy, and Thomas butcher, son, Titus,
it's in the scriptures. But I'm talking about the real revelation of the paternal and the maternal, not
this stuff that we see where relationships are built by action with this, there, there really is an
exchange, there's an Exchange is an exchange, we're going to leave it there. If you're watching me if
you're watching me you got some soul searching to do. Spiritual parent, you have some soul
searching to do, I'm not calling you false. I'm calling false are the ones that know they're false. And I
promise you to those of you that are false, I promise you my word as a man of God, let my ABA I
promise you, I'm going to empty out your church. I'm going to empty out your vision. I'm going to
hammer this Ponzi scheme stuff for all the false ones that are watching me I give you my word. I'm
gonna empty out your your bank accounts. I'm gonna make sure every spiritual son and daughter
that you're robbing will run from you're covering. I want to see you try to come at this ministry here in
the name of Lord. And I'm not saying that no street stuff. I'm just saying it as the Apostle Paul have
boldness. I promise you, I'm going to empty out your covering in one year. I'm a focus and I'm a make
your sons and daughters realize your false and they got to run. They're going to stand up to you. And
we're going to make sure that they save their families and their churches. I promise you, it's a matter
of God. Your ministry is not going to go down because there's always going to be some goofy
Christian trying to that that's a need of that stuff. But I promise you I'm empty your bags, In Jesus
mighty name. For the rest of you run for your life. Run. Take your family run. Let me pray for you said
God give us your Father in the name of Jesus. I pray for those that this message was fresh revelation.
Give them boldness to make the necessary choice to make the right move, to stand up to that just
about to stand up to these Ponzi scheme spiritual mothers not to make you the primary source and to
run from human idolatry and to flee from extreme honor until Pray the voice of the Holy Spirit. Now
Lord, I pray for the church has saved their churches, save their marriages save their families. Well, In
Jesus mighty name Lord, I humbly pray Lord, the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen. Amen. If
this was a blessing to you, you need to sow a seed. And it's the information of how you could give us
on this, I'm telling you, those of you that are If this message spoke directly to you, directly to you, you
need to sow a seed as the Lord places it on your heart, the information on how you can sow a seed is
pinned in the comment and it is on the screen. There are five ways in which you could give, if you're
going to give by credit card, text, the word give 28446282723. That's 844-628-2723. And if you're
going to give by way of social media app, Cash App, PayPal Venmo, or Zelle, the email to find us is
info at Alexander info at Alexander That's not the screen name. That's the
email in which you can find us. Alright, so cash at PayPal Venmo and Zelle is info at Alexander That's the email to find us. Alright, and for the rest of you to make it make it very, very,
very, very easy. All you have to do is press the links, press the link at the bottom that's pinned in the
comment. There's a link there and just follow the promptings and sow your seed. Thank you so much
for all of your financial contribution for those of you that are going to give both now live or on a
replay. Thank you so much. You help continue to you help continue to keep this ministry afloat by all
of your donations and financial contributions. In the meantime, let me also remind everyone you can
get our deliverance masterclass. You could go get our deliverance master class right now that we just
had last Monday you you can get it available for download. Just go to www dot Alexander
That's www dot Aleksandr And make sure you go and get that deliverance masterclass
three hours of non stop teaching that we just did last Monday. Also make sure that you go and
purchase our book, The secrets, secrets to deliverance. You could get it at all book outlets, Barnes
and Noble. Christian book distributors, charisma Amazon thank you so much. Make sure
you go get that book. Alright. And last but not least, I want to invite all of you to

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