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Answer the following questions. Limit your statements to 6-10 sentences only. Turn in
your answer as PDF (if encoded) or picture (if handwritten).

1. Define what is literacy in the context of;

a. Human Rights
In this aspect, literacy is identified as a fundamental human right; which is totally
immutable and is subject for social contract’s respect and recognition. It is fully vital to
the social and human growth and improvement in its ability to significantly transform
lives. It is a tool for empowerment to improve one’s being. Unfortunately, opportunities
for literacy has not been fairly exercised and offered to individuals with extensive
support needs as well as individuals with disability. The margin and scope to which
these opportunities might have been provided to all individuals regardless of their
distinctive attributes have been limited and is unfairly outlined. Lastly, Literacy
instruction has often either been denied them or provided in ways that did not meet
their learning needs (Copeland & Keefe, 2007).
b. International Organizations
There are several organizations which have laid definitions on what literacy is, one of
those is UNESCO which basically defined literacy as the ability of having the basic
skills of reading and writing. On the other hand, PISA’s definition of literacy went
beyond interpreting and literacy comprehension. PISA proposed a definition that
literacy is ‘An individual’s capacity to understand, use and reflect on written texts, in
order to achieve one’s goals, to develop one’s knowledge and potential and to
participate in society’; which makes literacy significant in a societal and community
level. This definition is based on the belief that literacy enables the realization of
personal ambitions. However, these definitions are quite tricky as it excludes
individuals who does not read and write in conventional way. The possibility is that
anyone not included and lies outside the scope of these definitions will be tagged

c. Educational Perspectives
Through the lens of education, literacy has been defined in four various types. First is
the basic reading and writing skills and the necessary teaching skills that should be
incorporated in the exercise of literacy, that would go along with the complex demands
of technological and economic advancement. Second, is the cultural literacy which is
characterized as the “awareness of cultural heritage, the capacity of higher order
thinking, and even some aesthetic discernment” (Knoblauch. 1990). The third type is
identified as the literacy for personal growth, which emphasize that “language
expresses the power of the individual imagination” (Knoblauch, 1990). The fourth and
last is the critical literacy, which is describes as the “identifying of reading and writing
abilities with a critical consciousness of the social conditions in which people find
themselves” (Knoblauch, 1990). Literacy in the field of education is generally
accentuated in the personal and societal level.

2. Explain the importance of literacy in the life of;

a. student
Literacy is vital in the day-to-day lives of the students, as it enables them to go beyond
in their quest for knowledge. It enables them to explore vividly and involve intensely in
the subjects and disciplines of their chosen academic paths. It allows them to deeply
understand concepts and ideas, that would be of good use in a more in-depth
engagement with the world and the people around them. It will make their lives much
easier if they are literate in all aspects of life, that is if they exercise it appropriately.
Moreover, well-literate students engage positively and dynamically in the society,
involving themselves towards a healthy contribution in the community they belong into.
Lastly, literacy beyond the school setting, if exercised progressively and profoundly will
allow them to make significant and meaningful decisions in their everyday lives.

b. parent
Children develop their skills and abilities at a young age, and it usually starts at home.
In children’s formative years, the people often and immediately involved are its parents;
this is where parent’s literacy will be exercised and shall be used appropriately and
meaningfully. It is the parent’s initiative to instill and expose their children to the
necessary knowledge their children’s age demands. It is significant that the parents
themselves are well-educated and literate as they are the foundation of the child’s
background knowledge long before they enter school. It is important that parents know
what to teach and how to teach young minds, so that they enable them to maximize
their potentials rather than limit and inhibit their abilities.

c. teachers
We cannot give what we don’t have; likewise, teachers cannot teach things they do not
know. With this perspective, literacy in the teachers’ lives is fairly important as they are
the beacon of the illiterate minds. Teachers cure ignorance. Literacy in the teachers’ lives
is crucial as they are the role models of positive and profound use of communication,
correct acquisition of information, and appropriate transmission of knowledge. If teachers
are well-literate, they will successfully impart to their students how these things work. In
that way, they are not just curing ignorant minds, but they are also shaping a positive
future for them.

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