Fishbone Analysis, Reflection, and Criteria - Jullie Lugong

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Name: Jullie Marie C.

Lugong BSE English 2

Follow the instruction below: The fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram is a cause-and-effect diagram. This helps people in tracking root causes of problems and defects. In this way, the government will
be able to improve its process and method. Suppose you are a non-government organization official wanting to identify the root cause of the displacement of some if not most of the indigenous cultural
communities. Write down three major and three other causes of ICCs displacement. In each major and other causes, justify your claim by placing your argument in the space provided below. Reflect all
your answers inside the fishbone diagram.



a. The laws and acts have failed to protect the a. Climate change poses severe threats to their livelihoods, a. Indigenous peoples continue to express their concern that grant
rights and resources of the ICC. The cultures, identities and ways of life because most indigenous privileges for extractive industries, infrastructure projects, large-scale
implementation of indigenous land rights peoples have a close cultural relationship with the agriculture or hydroelectric dams without their free, prior and informed
legislation is undermined by business interests, environment and are often dependent on land and natural consent. This situation has led to inevitable social, economic and cultural
thereby creating more uncertainty than certainty resources to meet their livelihood needs. conflicts between governments and indigenous peoples.
for the least powerful. b. Climate change, deforestation, pollution, development and
b. Despite positive decisions in courts and human rights bodies
b. Forced occupation and exploitation of land is one of the loss of diversity are serious threats to indigenous peoples due
for land and resource rights of indigenous peoples, issues of
central factors of forced displacement all indigenous to their dependence on the environment and the resources of
dispossession of land and resources, forced removal or
communities are especially vulnerable, because they the lands and territories. It causes the loss of traditional
relocation, denial of land rights and accompanying violence are a
mostly live on large collective territories that are rich in knowledge, disintegrating traditional governance structures
reality for indigenous communities around the world.
resources. and their cultures. DISPLACEMENT
a. When ICC lose access to land and water resources, they may a. Displacement and inaccurate employment of the law place new a. Though external displacement is common, those that is
have insufficient space for agricultural and livelihood pressures on surrounding land and resources, increasing competition propelled by conflicts, unrightful employment of law,
practices. It would result to a decreased food security and less and heightening the risk of conflict. This can create immediate unjust justification of rights and entitlements, still, internal
resources, forcing them to displace. tensions between communities, or re-appear as factor in broader displacement exist. It is characterized by migration of
violent conflicts where grievances over displacement and land indigenous individuals in pursuit for their greater good,
b. Companies or governments may promise jobs
corruption fueled violence between political parties. usually these people go to urban areas.
and social services to displaced communities, but
b. In some cases, such conflicts are accompanied by violent b. ICC at some point, leaves their lands for modernization and
they seldom materialize. Jobs may be plentiful
encounters with security guards, threats and assassinations of globalization necessitates them to. They migrate and go to other
during the early stages of a project, but they
community activists, or violent confrontations when police or place for education, health services, and for broader and wider
rarely translate into long-term employment.
military enforce evictions. array of opportunities that are not present in their locality.



Reflect and Respond
1. What have you noticed with your answers? Does it coincide with your answer in the H-chart? If not, what could have been the

At some point the answers of from both activities can be interlinked with each other, however, each of the items listed are individually distinctive from the rest.
It might be because two things that were asked are also different from each other, the first activity asked about issues that exist between the government and
the ICC in times of crises, while the second activity asks to list down the major and minor causes of the displacement of the indigenous communities. However,
it is noticeable that the answers have a common ground where they can be interconnected with each other despite its differences. The H-chart utilizes a more
general way of presenting the ideas that are asked, while the fishbone analysis digs deeper, and it enables you to fairly organize and list down the ideas from
narrow to broader concepts.

2. What solution do you think should be endeavored by the government in order to protect the rights of the indigenous cultural communities?
Our nation is evolving and that it is compelled to go with the tides of modernization along with globalization, these two can be a threat to the rights of our ICC
or it can be an opportunity to preserve it; the choice is ours to make. Though it could be difficult, the very best thing to deal with it is to effectively enforce the
laws, programs, and rules that concern our Indigenous communities. We could just think of it as preserving our own roots, our own heritage and our own
history. We should value and uphold the culture and tradition these people have safeguarded for decades, even centuries. The government could employ
other industrial programs without compromising the lands and areas of the indigenous individuals, after all, these lands are ours to protect, not ours to trade
inadvertently to the foreign bloods. The services ordinary people in the society gets to enjoy should also be available at any given circumstance to the
minorities; the health services, the quality education, and all other rights and privileges. After all, it is not only the government’s duty to maintain and protect
these people’s rights but ours as well. It should be a collaborative effort from everyone for us to keep our roots rich and alive today and for the future generations
to come.yesyeysyeyyvsdgsfgsgsgsgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgadgagagadgadgadgadgadga
Sample Rubric:

ELEMENT 5 4 3 2
Key Ideas -
Causes All key ideas have been Most of the key ideas have A limited amount of key ideas Key ideas have not been highlighted.
highlighted. been highlighted. has been highlighted. May have misunderstood the activity.

Clear evidence. Analysis Some evidence. Analysis Little evidence, or unfounded Evidence is unfounded or not
or reflection included. or reflection may be evidence. No analysis or present.
present. reflection.

Total Score

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