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Worksheet from RJ Tarr at

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Causes of World War One: Summary Sheet

Name Theme Key Terms Narrative Analysis

▪ 1878 Treaty of Berlin : Serbia made independent, ▪ Both Austro-Hungary and Serbia were backed up
Bosnia placed under Austrian administration. by a world power: Germany on the one hand,
• 1914 Assassination
Austria = uses imperialism (“Kultur”) as justification Russia on the other.
• 1878 Treaty of
for rule; Serbia = uses Nationalism (“Pan-Slavism”) ▪ A war between Austro-Hungary and Serbia would
Austria v. Nationalism v. ▪ 1908: Austria annexed Bosnia. Serbia feels likely draw in Germany and Russia.
• 1908 Bosnian
Serbia Imperialism threatened, Russia too weak after Russo-Japanese ▪ Russia's alliance with France meant that
war to back her up. Germany had to anticipate a "War on Two Fronts"
• 1912-13 Balkan
▪ 1913: Second Balkan War. Serbia doubled in so she formed the Schlieffen Plan, which meant
size. Austria feels threatened, but has no pretext to invasion of France via Belgium which in turn
declare war. involved Britain.
▪ 1871: Franco Prussian War : Germany formed ▪ The Triple Alliance:
“Dreikaiserbund” with Austria and Russia to defend Too binding. This military agreement gave birth to
herself against “Revanchist” claims of France to the Blank Cheque” and the “Schlieffen Plan” which
Alsace-Lorraine was disastrous since they which relied upon
• Bismarck > Franco-
▪ 1878: Treaty of Berlin creates tension between declaring war as a first, rather than a last resort,
Prussian War
Austria and Russia over Balkans; Dreikaiserbund against both countries.
• Alsace-Lorraine
starts to collapse; Dual Alliance between Germany
Germany v. • Dreikaiserbund
Alliance System and Austria. Italy joins 1881 = Triple Alliance ▪ The Triple Entente:
Russia • Triple Entente /
▪ 1890: The “New Course” - Germany decides her Too loose. The fact that this was an Entente, not a
Triple Alliance
future lies with Austria; makes overtures to Britain, binding military alliance, meant that Britain’s
• War on Two Fronts
snubs Russia position remained unclear throughout the July
> Schlieffen Plan
▪ 1894: Franco-Russian Entente Crisis; had Grey made Britain’s position clearer,
▪ 1904: Entente Cordiale Germany may well have backed down.
▪ 1907: Anglo-Russian Entente
= Triple Entente
• "Place in the Sun" ▪ 1901: “Place in the Sun” speech – Kaiser ▪ These crises created tension between Germany
Speech announces Germany wants an Empire on the one hand, and France and Britain on the
• Anglo-French = ▪ 1904: Entente Cordiale – Britain agrees to other.
Germany v. Spheres of Influence recognise French claims in Morocco ; France ▪ This meant that it was all the more likely that the
Colonial Rivalry
France • Morocco 1905 / recognises British claims in Egypt alliance system would create a domino effect if a
Algeciras ▪ 1905: 1st Moroccan Crisis – Britain stands by war broke out in the Balkans: Germany would have
Conference France against Germany at the Algeciras no hesitation attacking France, and Britain would
• Morroco 1911 / Conference have little hesitation in retaliating against Germany.
Worksheet from RJ Tarr at / 2

▪ 1911: 2nd Moroccan Crisis – Britain stands by

Mansion House
France against Germany in the Mansion House
▪ 1896 : Kruger Telegram : Kaiser congratulates ▪ The naval race created massive Anglo-German
Boers on defeating the British tension.
• Kruger Telegram
▪ 1898, 1900: German Naval Laws via Admiral ▪ It was both a cause and a consequence of British
• Berlin-Baghdad
Tirpitz refusal to support Germany during the Morroccan
▪ 1906: Dreadnought makes other battleships Crises (=symbiotic relationship).
Germany v. • Dreadnought
Arms race obsolete ▪ It drove Britain into the arms of France and
Britain • Peers v. People
▪ 1908: Daily Telegraph Interview – Wilhelm calls hardened the alliance system.
• Daily Telegraph
the British “Mad as March Hares”
▪ 1911: Constitutional Crisis: A special “People’s
• Admiral Tirpitz
Budget” to fund the naval race creates massive
tensions between the Houses of Commons/Lords.
▪ 28/06/1914: Assassination of Franz Ferdinand ▪ The “Blank Cheque”, Russia’s early mobilisation
(=Austria) by Black Hand Gang member Princip and the “Schlieffen Plan” closed off diplomatic
• Colonel Apis
(=Serbia). routes incredibly clearly.
• Blank Cheque
▪ Serbia rejected the Austrian ultimatum; Austria
• Ultimatum
declares war after Germany gives Austria a “Blank
General July Crisis • Willy-Nicky
▪ Willy-Nicky telegrams: Kaiser and Tsar try to
• Schlieffen Plan >
avert the crisis but dialogue breaks down when
AJP Taylor
Russia mobilises and Germany has to activate the
Schlieffen Plan.

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