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Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20

Cenozoic deformation history of the area around Yangnam-Yangbuk,

SE Korea and its tectonic significance
Young-Seog Kim*, Joon-Young Park
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, South Korea

Received 28 February 2004; accepted 12 August 2004

Detailed mapping and structural analysis were carried out to establish the Cenozoic deformation history of the Yangnam-Yangbuk area,
SE Korea. All structural elements were analyzed to establish the chronological sequence, based on the classification of the fracture systems
and the ages of the rocks. Two detailed grid maps represent the deformation history, based on the cross–cutting relationship between
deformation fabrics.
We established the Cenozoic deformation history in the studied area by synthesizing the analysis of structural elements in rocks of different
ages and observing cross–cutting relationships on grid maps. Results using these two approaches, with two independent data sets, are
consistent. The deformation history is comparable to that proposed from previous studies. Restoration of the structural elements suggests
tilting and rotation in this area.
There is clear evidence of tectonic inversion, which was observed in a previous trench study of the Eupchon Fault. This implies that normal
faults related to the right-lateral Yangsan Fault associated with opening of the East Sea (Japan Sea) may have been reactivated as thrust faults
in the Quaternary period.
q 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Faults; Joints; Tectonic event; Structural element; Structural analysis; SE Korea

1. Introduction Cheong, 2002; Inoue et al., 2002; Ree et al., 2003; Choi
et al., 2003). This area is tectonically linked to the
This study arises from the PSAR (Preliminary Site spreading of the East Sea (Japan Sea) (Fig. 1). Several
Assessment Report) for the new site of the Wolsung regional tectonic, sedimentological and petrological studies
nuclear power plant, the northern part of the present have been carried out (e.g. Lee et al., 1992; Yoon and
Wolsung nuclear power plant (Da’appolonia, 1976; Chough, 1995; Choi et al., 2002a,b; Son et al., 2002).
Canatom, 1977). The area, consisting of Cenozoic igneous Based on the detailed geologic mapping and analysis of
and sedimentary rocks (Fig. 1), was mapped geologically structural elements, we aim to determine the tectonic history
by Tateiwa (1924). Recently, several papers were pub- in this area and compare this with previously established
lished about the Quaternary faults along the coastline, such ideas.
as the Suryeom and Eupchon faults (KIGAM, 1998; Lee
et al., 1999; Kim et al., 2004b) (Fig. 1). Electron spin
resonance (ESR) dating of the fault zone and optically
2. Tectonic setting and general geology
stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of the Quaternary
marine terrace sediments has been carried out because of
The basement rocks in the study area are Cretaceous
concern about neotectonic fault activity (KIGAM, 1998;
sediments, forming part of the Gyeongsang Basin in SE
Korea, and intruded by Cretaceous and Tertiary igneous
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C82 2 873 7909; fax: C82 2 871 2466. rocks (Fig. 1). The intraplate deformation of microplates
E-mail address: (Y.-S. Kim). initiated back-arc rifting and the spreading of the East Sea in
1367-9120/$ - see front matter q 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20

Fig. 1. (a) Tectonic map around the East Sea (Japan Sea); (b) Locality map of the study area; (c) Regional geologic map and Quaternary faults around the study
area (modified from Lee, 2000). GB, Gyeongsang Basin; EF, Eupchon Fault; HF, Hupo Fault; IF, Ipsil Fault; MTL, Median Tectonic Line; SF, Suryeom Fault;
TF, Tsushima Fault; UF, Ulsan Fault; WF, Wangsan Fault; YF, Yangsan Fault; YTL, Yonil Tectonic Line.
Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20 3

the late Oligocene to early Miocene (e.g. Kimura and were determined as 21.07G0.47–20.75G0.49 Ma by K–Ar
Tamaki, 1986; Tamaki, 1988; Kaneoka et al. 1992; Yoon dating (Lee et al., 1992). The dykes and granitoids are
and Chough, 1995). Tertiary basins along the eastern margin interpreted as the result of melt generation associated with
of the Gyeongsang Basin are associated with the extension rifting and spreading of the East Sea (Lee et al., 1992). The
of the East Sea. Collision of the Bonin Arc with central ages indicate that igneous activity continued until the Early
Honshu resulted in back-arc closing and crustal shortening Miocene.
in the Middle Miocene (Chough and Barg, 1987) (Fig. 1).
Besides the Geological Map sheet of Gampo (Tateiwa, 2.3. Tertiary feldspar porphyry and dacite
1924), additional information is given in the Geological sheet
of Uslan (1:50,000; Park and Yoon, 1968) and the Geological Feldspar porphyry intruded Cretaceous sedimentary
Map sheet of Pusan (1:250,000; Kim et al., 1998). Canatom rocks in the western part of the study area (Fig. 2). Feldspar
(1977, 1980) carried out more detailed mapping around the phenocrysts, several millimeters in diameter, are well
study area. Based on these maps and our studies, we have developed in a quartzo-feldspathic matrix. Dacite intruded
constructed a new geological map for this area (Fig. 2). into Cretaceous sedimentary rocks is exposed in a road cut
Cretaceous sedimentary rocks are intruded by Tertiary in the southwestern part of the study area. It is milky white
granites, felsite (or dacite), feldspar porphyry and several in color, and glassy to fine grained with some quartz
dykes. Tertiary tuff, tuffaceous sediments and Quaternary phenocrysts and chlorite spots (Fig. 3c). However, there is
marine terrace sediments are developed locally. no clear relationship between the feldspar porphyry and the
dacite intrusive rocks.
2.1. Cretaceous sedimentary rocks
2.4. Tertiary tuff and tuffaceous sediments
Cretaceous greenish grey to black shale (Tateiwa, 1924)
is correlated with the Cretaceous Jindong Formation of the Ash- to lapilli-sized tuff and tuffaceous sediments are
Hayang Supergroup developed to the west of the Yangsan exposed locally (Fig. 2), and rest unconformably on the
Fault, Pusan sheet (1:250,000) (Kim et al., 1998). On the granodiorite. Tuffaceous sediments are well sorted with
Ulsan sheet (1:50,000) (Park and Yoon, 1968), this graded bedding and cross-bedding, and generally fine
formation is named the Ulsan Formation. The Cretaceous upwards (Fig. 3d). Two or three sedimentary cycles with
rocks have been affected by the Bulkuksa Orogeny and the erosional surfaces are recorded, with a slight change in the
Yonil Disturbance (Kim, 1996; Son et al., 2002), and are dip of the beds. This small patch of tuff and tuffaceous
locally highly silicified and hornfelsed by igneous intrusions sediments is probably related to volcanic activity within a
showing fluxion structures. The Ulsan Formation is widely small sedimentary basin which lies in the northern part of
distributed in the study area (Fig. 2), and the rocks are grey, the study area.
greenish grey and dark grey in colour and medium
sandstone to shale in grain size. The strike and dip is 2.5. Quaternary marine terraces
generally consistent (average; N158E/458NW) (Fig. 2)
except around faults. Four groups of marine terraces, generally parallel to the
coastline, have been reported in this region (KOPEC, 2002)
2.2. Tertiary granitic rocks (Fig. 2). The terrace sediments are classified from the bottom
(younger terrace) upwards. Because the terrace sediments are
Two granitoids are exposed in the northern part of the only exposed locally, lateral continuity of the sediments is
study area (Fig. 2). Light- to medium-grey, medium- to poor, and it is very difficult to correlate terrace sediments in
coarse-grained granodiorite and pinkish grey feldspar different places at similar levels. The terrace sediments are
granite intrude the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. Onion- mainly conglomerates from sand to pebble size. The ages of
skin weathering structures are well developed in the granite, the second and third terrace sediments lie in two broad groups
indicating the presence of systematic joint sets and vadose at 50–70 Ka and 110–120 Ka (Inoue et al., 2002; KOPEC,
fluid flow along the fractures (Fig. 3b). The granite and 2002; Choi et al., 2003). However, the ages of the terrace
granodiorite show faulted contact with a basic dykes which sediments are still controversial and more study is needed to
is intruded along the faulted boundary. The relative age of clarify them.
the two intrusions is shown by the occurrence of granitoid
xenoliths. The age of the granitoid body was believed to be
Cretaceous (Tateiwa, 1924), but recently an isotopic age 3. Structural elements
between 50 and 60 Ma was determined (KIGAM, 1998).
Another new age of the granodiorite, using the K–Ar whole 3.1. Bedding
rock method, is 59.8G1.8 Ma and the pinkish feldspar
granite is 34.8G1.0 Ma (KOPEC, 2002) (Table 1). The ages Two groups of sedimentary rocks are exposed in this
of basic to intermediate dykes intruded into the granitoids study area. The Cretaceous sediments are composed mainly
4 Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20

Fig. 2. (a) Geologic map; (b,c) cross-sections of the study area. The figure numbers are the outcrop locations of the described figures.

of shale and sandstone (Fig. 3a), oriented consistently, rocks generally dips towards the east, but in the study area
except around faults, striking N108–208E and dipping (eastern part of the Gyeongsang Basin), the bedding
308–608NW (Fig. 4a). In the western part of the Cretaceous generally dips towards the west. Although the reason for
Gyeongsang Basin, bedding of the Cretaceous sedimentary the systematic tilting of the bedding has not been clearly
Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20 5

Fig. 3. Typical rock types in the study area. (a) Well-bedded Cretaceous sedimentary rocks showing alternation of shale and sandstone; (b) Granodiorite
showing onion-weathering structures; (c) Dacite with quartz porphyry; (d) Tertiary tuff and tuffaceous sediments showing sub-horizontal bedding.

determined, it may be related to tectonic movement the dominant joint directions in the study area, comprising
associated with basin folding or block rotation (e.g. Choi two major sets (Fig. 4c and d). NW–SE, NE–SW and N–S
et al., 2002b). trending joints are also developed. The main intersection of
Bedding in Tertiary tuffaceous sediments is almost the joints plunges moderately to the ESE (1108/408) (Fig. 4c).
horizontal (Fig. 3d). There is evidence of a local Joints are generally interpreted as formed by brittle
unconformity between the basal tuff and the overlying failure associated with regional stresses (e.g. Engelder,
tuffaceous sediments. In the tuffaceous sediments, cross- 1987; Dunne and Hancock, 1994) or as secondary structures
bedding is well developed. Although the Tertiary sediments associated with larger scale faulting or folding (e.g.
are only exposed locally and provide little data, the Hancock, 1985; Dunne and Hancock, 1994) (Fig. 5c).
difference in the dip of the beds may be primary Joints are commonly formed perpendicular to the least
sedimentary features due to changes in the flow direction compressive stress or as conjugate sets bisected by the
(Fig. 4b). maximum compressive stress. Small systematic, spaced
joints with one predominant direction are interpreted as
3.2. Joints extension joints. Extension joints are developed perpen-
dicular to the least compressive stress direction (e.g. Brace
Joints generally show a large scatter of orientations in the and Bombolakis, 1963; Granier, 1985).
study area (Fig. 4c and d). However, in field exposures, joints Based upon the assumption, that the NNE–SSW and
can be classified into a few systematic joint sets. Complex ESE–WNW trending joint sets are conjugate, the trend of the
hybrid joints are also developed (Figs. 4c, d and 5a, c). maximum compressive palaeostress was NE or ENE,
The WNW–ESE and ENE–WSW trending joints are producing a parallel joint set. This agrees with the postulated
Table 1
K–Ar analytical data for granitic rocks from Bonggil area
Sample Material K (%) Arrada (10K8 mol/g) 40
Arrad/40Artota Calculated ageb (Ma)
TB-131 whole rock 3.90 531.57 0.83929 34.77G1.0
TB-132 whole rock 1.74 410.09 0.55336 59.75G1.8
TB-133 whole rock 2.85 624.63 0.24826 55.51G1.6
Concentration of radiogenic 40Ar in mol/g determinated by isotope dilution using a 38Ar tracer. Overall one-sigma analytical uncertainties assigned 1%.
The age is calculated using the average of respective analyses with the following constants; 40KZ0.01167 atom% of K; leZ0.581!10K10 yK1;
lBZ4.962!10K10 yK1; and (40Ar/38Ar)atmosphereZ295.5 (Steiger and Jäger, 1977).
6 Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20

Fig. 4. Stereographic projections and rose diagrams for the structural elements. (a) Bedding of Cretaceous sedimentary rocks; (b) Bedding of the Tertiary
tuffaceous sediments; (c,d) All joints developed in the study area; (e,f) All dykes developed in the study area. (g,h) All faults developed in the study area.
Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20 7

Fig. 5. (a) Systematic joints developed in the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks; (b) Basic dyke intruded between granodiorite and pinkish granite; (c) Secondary
fractures at the fault tip associated with a thrust fault.

Table 2
Deformation history from detailed grid mappings and their related stress conditions

Relative sequence Principal stress Structural deformation inferred from outcrops Related igneous activity
6 NNW–SSE trending high-angle reverse faulting and reactivation of pre-
existing normal faults
5 NE–SW trending right-lateral faulting and N–S trending reverse faulting E–W trending veins
4 WNW–ESE trending low-angle normal faulting WNW–ESE trending basic dykes

Brittle deformation along the pre-existing NW–SE trending left-lateral

ductile shear bands
NNW–SSE trending high-angle normal faulting
3 E–W trending left-lateral ductile shear banding 0Uplifting, transition Feldspar porphyry and NE–SW trend-
from ductile to brittle deformation along the shear bands 0NE–SW to ing basic dykes
ENE–WSW trending tension joints filled with opaque materials
0NE–SW trending normal faulting
2 NW–SE trending left-lateral ductile shear banding
1 Intrusion of N–S trending (conjugate set) basic materials N–S to NNE–SSW trending basic dykes
8 Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20

maximum compressive palaeostress controlling the Yangsan tectonic evolution. Younger dyke emplacement may be
Fault during its right-lateral movement stage (e.g. Yoon and related to regional tectonic Event 4 (Table 2), WNW–ESE
Chough, 1995). It is suggested that this area was affected trending compression.
mainly by right-lateral strike-slip movement, with NE-
trending maximum compressive stress. 3.4. Faults

3.3. Dykes 3.4.1. General characteristics of faults in the study area

Various types of faults are developed in the study area
Dyke rocks in the study area are classified into acidic, (Figs. 4g, h, 6). Fig. 6a shows a normal fault system cross-
basic or intermediate dykes based on their chemical cutting Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, Fig. 6b shows
composition. The dominant trend of the dykes is NW–SE a strike-slip fault developed in Cretaceous sedimentary
(Fig. 4e and f). The intrusive age of the basic-intermediate rocks, and Fig. 6c shows a thrust fault cutting Tertiary
dykes is estimated as about 20 Ma (Fig. 5b; Lee et al., 1992). granite. A thrust fault cutting Quaternary marine terrace
Dyke intrusion can be used as an indicator of tectonic sediments has been reported close to the study area (Kim
extension, and if used with age data can constrain models of et al., 2004b).

Fig. 6. A variety of fault types observed in the study area. (a) Normal faults developed in Cretaceous sedimentary rocks. It shows antithetic and synthetic faults.
The slip sense is also determined from small quartz veins; (b) Strike-slip fault showing slickenside striae; (c) Minor reverse faults cross-cutting a felsite dyke;
(d) Tip damage zone at the tip of a right-lateral strike-slip fault.
Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20 9

In this study, secondary fractures are used to infer the slip area. This interpretation is generally consistent with the
sense, where no offset markers are available (Kim et al., present stress condition around the Korean peninsula from
2003; 2004a) (Figs. 5c, 6d). Displacement on normal and earthquake focal mechanisms and fracture analysis (Jun,
thrust faults in the granodiorite are usually only a few cm 1991, 1993; Choi et al., 2002a).
and a few mm, respectively (Figs. 7–10). Slip sense on the Some thrust faults are reactivated pre-existing normal
faults is recognized by the displacement of early-formed faults. However, many faults still indicate a normal slip sense.
shear bands (Figs. 7a, 9a), or inferred from secondary This indicates that the amount of displacement along the fault
fractures (tip damage zones) (Figs. 5c, 6d, 7b, 9b). Because planes during reactivation as thrust faults was less than that of
both normal slip and reverse slip are recorded on the same the earlier normal faulting. Some faults record only reverse
fault planes (average attitude; N848W/268NE), the faults faulting (Fig. 6c), which may indicate that the faults were
have been reactivated along pre-existing fault planes (Fig. originally joints or normal faults with only small amount of
9b). Reverse faults and their secondary fractures have not displacement before reactivation (cf. Kim et al., 2001).
been affected by any later deformation. Damage zones at the
final fault tips usually indicate a reverse sense of movement 3.4.2. Kinematic analysis of faults
(Fig. 9b). Faults cutting Quaternary terrace sediments All faults are plotted on equal-area stereographic nets and
indicate a reverse sense of slip (Kim et al., 2004b), and rose diagrams (Fig. 4g and h). The N–S or NNE–SSW and
thrust faulting may be the latest recorded movement in this WNW–ESE trending faults are dominant, but ENE–WSW

Fig. 7. Slip sense indicators on the plane of grid mapping surface. (a) Right-lateral strike-slip sense displacing the early-formed ductile shear band;
(b) Secondary fractures indicating right-lateral and left-lateral slip senses.
10 Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20

Fig. 8. Detailed grid map of the almost horizontal plane. (a) Photo mosaic of the plane of detailed grid map; (b) Sketch of the structural elements on the
horizontal plane. The attitude of the grid surface is N308E/148NW.

Fig. 9. Slip sense indicators on the almost vertical plane of grid mapping surface. (a) Normal slip sense displacing the early-formed opaque mineral filling
apertures; (b) Reverse faults with secondary fractures and displacement of pre-existing veins.
Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20 11

Fig. 10. Detailed grid map of the almost vertical section. (a) Photo mosaic of the cross-section of detailed grid map; (b) Sketch of the structural elements from
(a) on the cross-section. The attitude of the grid surface is N478E/598SE.

and NNW–SSE trending fault are also developed. NNE– been reactivated under the current stress regime as
SSW to NE–SW trending faults are generally right-lateral calculated from earthquake focal mechanisms (Jun, 1991).
strike-slip faults, while ENE–WSW and NE–SW trending The maximum compressive stress axis in the south eastern
faults are generally normal faults. N–S or NNW–SSE part of the Korean Peninsula trends ENE–WSW, and strike-
trending faults are normal faults or reverse faults, and the slip faults are predominant (Jun, 1991, 1993). This
WNW–ESE trending faults are left-lateral strike-slip faults orientation is obtained from earthquakes propagating from
or small-scale low angle normal faults (Fig. 4h). over 10 km in depth, and the maximum stress orientation on
The line of intersection between the predominant NNE– the surface could be different. Although strike-slip is
SSW and WNW–ESE trending faults plunges moderately dominant at deeper levels, thrust faulting could be dominant
ENE (110/408), similar to that of the joints. This suggests at shallow depths, because of the change in loading and
that some of the joints developed parallel to faults, or that confining pressures (Iio, 1996).
the faults are reactivated pre-existing joints (cf. Wilkins
et al., 2001). These two main fault trends may indicate that
right-lateral faults such as the Yangsan Fault (NNE–SSW) 4. Analysis of tectonic history
and antithetic left-lateral faults (WNW–ESE) are conjugate
to the NE–SW direction of maximum compressive palaeos- 4.1. Research methods
tress. However, the dip of the strike-slip faults is rather
shallow for classic strike-slip faults. This problem can be To clarify the deformation and the tectonic evolution of
resolved if the block to the southeast of the Yangsan Fault the study area, structural elements such as faults, joints and
was tilted before, or simultaneously with, rotation (Han, dykes, have been kinematically analyzed and their maxi-
2002; Choi et al., 2002b). It is therefore probable that the mum compressive or extensional stress axes inferred. The
pre-tilting faults experienced some rotation. basic concept of this analysis is that the structural
The relatively small-scale N–S or NNW–SSE trending complexity in older rocks is due to overprinting by repeated
thrust faults need more attention, because they have a deformation. The youngest rocks record the simplest
similar trend and fault type as the faults which affect deformation history and the oldest rocks record the most
Quaternary rocks (KIGAM, 1998). These faults might have complex deformation history. However, other factors may
12 Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20

also affect the development of the structures such as (Figs. 8, 11a and b). From this outcrop, the deformation
material property, anisotropy and local tectonic setting. history is as follows:
The analysis has been carried out by combination of two
different methods: (1) grid mapping and deformation (1) NW–SE trending minor shear bands were developed.
analysis based on cross-cutting relationships deduced from Fabrics in the shear bands indicate a left-lateral slip
the granodiorite outcrops, (2) statistical analysis of the sense and formation in a relatively deep environment
structural elements recorded in rocks of different ages. under ductile conditions. These shear bands were
The relative age of structural features is based on cross- reactivated as brittle structures during a later defor-
cutting relationships, rock ages, secondary fractures and the mation Event 4 (Event 2 in Table 2).
orientation and type of dykes. Chronological relationships (2) E–W trending minor ductile shear bands are developed
established in the field are confirmed by the ages of the rock as the environment changed from mainly ductile to
units. The established tectonic history is compared with that in brittle conditions. This may be related to uplift. NE–SE
the literature (e.g. Choi et al., 2001; Yoon and Chough, 1995). or ENE–WSW trending opaque mineral veins may be
developed at this stage (Event 3 in Table 2).
(3) NW–SE trending fault cross-cut the veins with a left-
4.2. Grid analysis
lateral sense of movement (Event 4 in Table 2).
(4) NE–SW trending right-lateral faults cross-cut all earlier
To analyze the 3D relationship of structural elements such
structures (Event 5 in Table 2).
as shear bands, faults and joints, two almost perpendicular
(5) Finally, NNW–SSE trending faults cross-cut all the
horizontal and vertical sections of granodiorite have been
structures described above (Event 6 in Table 2).
selected (Figs. 2, 8, 10). Quadrats 1!1 m in size were
mapped in detail, in conjunction with photographs.
4.2.2. Cross-section of the outcrop
4.2.1. Plan view of the outcrop The exposures show N–S trending conjugate joints with
Within this outcrop, the NW–SE and E–W trending opaque minerals, NW–SE trending minor shear zones,
minor shear zones, NE–SE trending right-lateral faulted WNW–ESE trending low angle normal faults and NNW–
joints and NNW–SSE trending thrust faults are developed SSE trending high angle normal faults (Figs. 10, 11c and d).

Fig. 11. Grid analysis data for faults. (a,b) Fault data for the horizontal plane. N–S and N–W trends are predominant; (c,d) Fault data for the cross-section. N–S
trend is predominant.
Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20 13

Some of the NNW–SSE trending normal faults have been Also, the relationship between secondary fractures and the
reactivated as reverse faults (Fig. 9). The deformation master fault, and the angles of dip of the fault and fractures show
history from this outcrop is as follows. the appropriate relationship for this fault system. This suggests
that these structures pre-date tilting and clockwise rotation.
(1) N–S trending conjugate joints with opaque minerals are The fault history in this area is more complicated because
developed (Event 1 in Table 2). of the presence of faults both pre- and post-dating rotation
(2) NW–SE trending minor ductile shear bands are and tilting. High angle reverse faults, low angle normal
developed. They are subsequently reactivated as brittle faults and strike-slip faults are difficult to interpret. They
shear zones (Event 2 in Table 2). may have been formed at the third stage in Table 2 based on
(3) NNW–SSE trending normal faults are developed (Event the orientation of extension fractures. Faults predating the
4 in Table 2). third stage may subsequently have been rotated clockwise,
(4) WNW–ESE trending low angle normal faults are even though they have local variance (Choi et al., 2002b).
developed. The low angle normal faults might have
been initiated as steeper faults, which have been back-
rotated during tilting of this area (Event 4 in Table 2). 5. Discussion
(5) Some of the normal faults are reactivated as reverse
faults (Events 5 and 6 in Table 2). This is indicated from 5.1. Tilting of the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks
displacement data along the faults and secondary
fracture patterns around fault tips (Figs. 9 and 10). The Cretaceous sedimentary rocks are consistently tilted
westward at w408 (Fig. 4a). Han (2002) suggests rapid
4.2.3. Summary of grid analysis uplift around 62–47 Ma (Paleocene to Middle Eocene) was
A summary of the tectonic history from these outcrops is responsible for this. Alternatively, Choi et al. (2002b)
shown in Table 2, where relative ages, maximum compres- suggest tilting is related to the rotation associated with
sive or extensive stress axes, and related tectonic events tectonic events such as opening of the East Sea and
recorded in the granodiorite are described. From the cross- subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate. They argue that the
cutting relationships, we recognize six events since the difference in the time of rotation is dependent on location
intrusion of the granodiorite (59.8G1.8 Ma). The fourth and is related to the progression of the rotation from the
event may be related to the intrusion of dykes (21.07G Japanese islands. The timing of the rotation is put at around
0.47w20.75G0.49 Ma; Lee et al., 1992; Kim et al., 2002). 12 Ma after the intrusion of the basic dykes (24–12 Ma)
(Choi et al., 2002b).
4.3. Deformation history in rock units To the west of the Yangsan Fault, the sedimentary rocks
in the Gyeongsang Basin dip eastwards. The opposite
The recorded structural elements and their orientations are dipping direction may be related with basin-scale folding or
plotted in Fig. 12, and their relative ages and associated events block rotation associated with faulting. Knowledge of the
are summarized in Table 3. By editing out the younger struc- tilting history of these beds will aid the interpretation of the
tures from the older structures, the remaining structures indi- basin evolution and tectonic history of this area.
cate the events between the two rock units of different ages.
Table 3 shows the orientations of the structural elements 5.2. Characteristics of the faults
in each rock type and their relative order of formation. The
deformation history in Table 3 is corresponds with the grid Faults need to be assessed for potential neotectonic
mapping data in Table 2. seismic activity to estimate their risk to large engineering
structures, particularly nuclear facilities. Furthermore,
4.4. Restoration of structural elements serious earthquake hazards are related mainly to surface
faults and associated with damage zones (e.g. Sibson, 1989).
Choi et al. (2002b) and Son et al. (2002) suggest that the At least six deformation events are recognized in the
northeastern part of the Ulsan Fault and the eastern part of coastal outcrops, and the slip senses and attitudes of the
the Yangsan Fault have rotated w30–508 clockwise, and faults are described in Table 2. High angle NE–SW trending
also tilted. Therefore, we tried restoring for a strike-slip faults have a right-lateral slip sense, and high angle N–S
fault system that has proper angular relationships for the trending faults are associated with minor ductile shear bands
fault type (Fig. 13). The reference angle of the tilting used is and reactivated brittle deformation along the pre-existing
as the dip angle of the beds supposing original horizontal bands with a left-lateral sense. Relatively low angle, east
beds, and rotated 308 anticlockwise based on the previous dipping, N–S or NW–SE trending faults have normal and
studies of paleostress and paleomagnetic data (Fig. 13; Choi reverse movement senses (Fig. 4h), suggesting the possi-
et al., 2002b; Son et al., 2002). bility of reactivation in this area (Yoon and Chough, 1995).
After restoration, the relatively low dipping strike-slip These dip-slip faults cross-cut earlier ductile shear bands.
fault and secondary fractures have steeper angles. Along some of the normal faults, reduction of grain size by
14 Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20

Joints Faults Dykes

Tuff 4 3 2211 3 4

Dacite 4 3 2211 3 4

Feldspar 4 3 2211 3 4
porphyry 1

4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
Granitoids 4 3 2211 3 4 4 3 2211 3 4 4 3 2211 3 4
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4

12 4
9 3
6 2
3 1
K-Sed. 129 6633 9 12 4 3 2211 3 4
3 1
6 2
9 3
12 4

Fig. 12. Rose diagram for the orientation of joints, faults and dykes developed in each rock unit.
Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20 15

communition is recognized, indicating brittle–ductile tran-

Underlined orientations indicate the youngest rock in which the structural elements developed. Da, dacite; FP, feldspar porphyry; Gr, granitoid; K-sed, Cretaceous sedimentary rocks; -tf-, thrust fault; -nf-, normal
sition conditions during fault development. Similar or



slightly higher angle minor thrust faults show indications
of brittle deformation. The higher angle of dip of reverse

faults compared to normal faults may indicate that the

normal faults were tilted before thrusting. During thrusting,

pre-existing normal faults were reactivated and some new

reverse faults may have developed.

Therefore, the deformation events are interpreted as
Orientation of dykes

Young ) / Old follows:



(1) Ductile shear bands developed at several kilometers

depth. (2) Normal faulting accompanied uplift, in the
brittle–ductile transition zone. (3) During further progress-

ive uplift, thrust faulting under E–W trending compression
and NE–SW trending strike-slip faulting developed.
NNE, -ss-,

The timing of the normal faulting may be related to the

opening of the East Sea during the Tertiary (Yoon and

Chough, 1995) as shown by evidence from Tertiary volcanic

sediments. Thrust faulting may be related to the changing
EW, -ss-,

EW, -ss-,

of stress axis during uplift and the onset of E–W or

WNW–ESE trending compression (Table 4).


NW–SE trending left-lateral faults are interpreted as

NE, -nf-

NE, -nf-

antithetic cross-faults (e.g. Nicholson et al., 1986; Kim


et al., 2001) or tear faults between NE–SW or N–S trending


thrust faults. This interpretation agrees with that reported for

WNW, -nf-

WNW, -nf-

Quaternary thrust faults in this region (KIGAM, 1998; Ree


et al., 2003; Kim et al., 2004b). Most of the Quaternary


faults may have been reactivated under changed stress


condition along pre-existing normal faults (Ree et al., 2003;

-ss-, dex
Orientation of faults

Kim et al., 2004b) developed at the time of right-lateral

Young ) / Old

movement of the Yangsan Fault. This interpretation is also

fault; -ss-, strike-slip fault; dex, dex-tral; sin, sinistral; comp, compression; exten, extension.

supported by the thrust geometry of the reactivated faults.

The curved fault tips near the surface at Suryeom (KIGAM,
NS, -tf-

NS, -tf-


1998; Ree et al., 2003) and Eupchon (KIGAM, 1998; Kim


et al., 2004b) faults may indicate reactivation of pre-existing

normal faults with steeper angles. In summary, strike-slip

faults were reactivated as strike-slip or oblique slip faults




(e.g. Ipsil Fault) and normal faults were reactivated as

reverse faults (e.g. Suryeom and Eupchon faults).
Structural elements and their orientations in each rock unit



5.3. History and continuity of the faults



The tectonic history of the main NNE–SSW trending


Yangsan Fault is of right-lateral strike-slip movement,




followed by left-lateral strike-slip movement (Figs. 1 and


15; Yoon and Chough, 1995). In the Pohang-Ulsan area to

the east of the Yangsan Fault, several Quaternary faults have
Orientation of joints

Young ) / Old



been reported recently (KIGAM, 1998; Ree et al., 2003;


Kim et al., 2004b). This area can be interpreted as an

overstepping or relay zone between the Yangsan Fault and



the Hupo Fault (e.g. Yoon and Chough, 1995). In strike-slip

overstep zones, a variety of secondary faults (normal,

reverse and strike-slip) and fractures are developed to

Table 3



accommodate displacement along the fault (Fig. 14; Sibson,




1986; Stewart and Hancock, 1994; Kim et al., 2003, 2004a).

16 Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20

Fig. 13. An example of restoration of a fault system. (a,b) Untilting of the bedding. The dip of the Cretaceous sedimentary bed has been rotated until the bed is
horizontal; (b,c) Rotated 308 anticlockwise. The degree of rotation is suggested by Choi et al. (2002a).

This overstep zone was an extensional or releasing relay restraining relay zone with inversion promoting uplift (e.g.
zone during right-lateral movement, where normal faults Williams et al., 1989) (Figs. 14, 15b). The later left-lateral
and pull-apart basins are typically developed (Figs. 14, 15a). fault movement is smaller than that accumulated by the
Many normal faults are developed in the Tertiary rocks. earlier right-lateral movement, and the Yangsan and Hupo
Block rotation is frequently reported in this type of overstep faults still show a net right-lateral slip displacement in most
zone (Nicholson et al., 1986; Kim et al., 2003, 2004a), and places. The stress configuration later changed again from
the clockwise block rotation of 30–508 in the early Late NW–SE to E–W trending compression or ENE–WSW-
Miocene (Choi et al., 2002b; Son et al., 2002) may be trending compression under the influence of subduction of
associated with the fault overstepping. Volcanism occurred the Pacific Plate (Table 4; Son et al., 2002; Choi et al.,
and sedimentary basins were developed in these transten- 2002a). During the reactivation period, some new faults
sional tectonic settings. were generated (e.g. Yonil Tectonic Line, Son et al., 2002)
Sedimentation continued until the end of the Tertiary, but and pre-existing faults selectively reactivated (e.g. Kelly
diminished when the tectonic setting changed to left-lateral et al., 1999) as reverse faults or oblique slip faults. Under
slip (Fig. 15b). The left-lateral movement along the renewed compression, the Quaternary thrust faults such as
Yangsan and Hupo faults is interpreted as due to subduction Suryeom and Eupchon were developed.
of the Philippine Sea Plate around 12 Ma (Yoon and Our interpretation of the tectonic history of this area
Chough, 1995). Since then, the overstep zone, dominated by agrees with that proposed by previous workers (Yoon and
normal faults, has been reactivated as a compressional or Chough, 1995; Son et al., 2002; Choi et al., 2002b) (Table 4).
Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20 17

Table 4
Summary of the tectonic history in the study area showing associated faults, tectonic activity and their related references

The NE–SW to ENE–WSW trending normal faults connect- 6. Conclusions

ing the strike-slip faults (Son et al., 2002) are interpreted as
linking normal faults developed in the overstep zone (Kim (1) This area is composed of Cretaceous sedimentary
et al., 2004a) (Fig. 15a). Although Quaternary faults rocks, Tertiary granodiorite, pinkish feldspar granite,
developed in this region have relatively large displacements dacite and feldspar porphyry. Tertiary volcanic tuff
(e.g. the Wangsan Fault with vertical separation of about and tuffaceous sediments, and Quaternary marine
19.6 m), the fault traces are not well exposed at the surface terrace sediments parallel to the coastline are devel-
(personal communication with U. Chwae, 2003). This may oped locally.
be because the reverse faults are reactivated normal faults (2) K–Ar isotopic age dating has been carried out for
developed in the overstep zones bounded by strike-slip faults. three granites. The age of the granodiorite is 59.8G
Therefore, further studies and careful consideration are 1.8 Ma (Early Tertiary), that of foliated biotite
necessary to apply the length and displacement relationship granodiorite is 55.8G1.8 Ma (Early Tertiary), and
to the faults (e.g. Kim et al., 2004b; Kim and Sanderson, that of the pinkish feldspar granite is 34.8G1.0 Ma
2005) in this region. (Oligocene).

Fig. 14. Fractures and deformation structures around a segmented strike-slip fault system (modified from Sibson, 1986; Stewart and Hancock, 1994). Normal
and strike-slip faults are developed in extensional overstep zones, and strike-slip, reverse faults and folds are developed in contractional overstep zones.
18 Y.-S. Kim, J.-Y. Park / Journal of Asian Earth Sciences xx (2005) 1–20

Fig. 15. A conceptual model of reverse reactivated strike-slip faults (the Yangsan and Hupo faults see Fig. 1a) with oversteps. (a) Normal faults and pull-apart
basins are developed during the right-lateral stage; (b) Uplift of the basins and reverse faults are developed during the left-lateral stage.

(3) The Cretaceous sedimentary rocks show consistent was predominant and the Yangsan Fault still records a
westward dips. The westward dip of the bedding may predominant right-lateral displacement.
be caused by tilting. Although the Tertiary tuffaceous (10) The right-lateral movement along the Yangsan and
sediments are almost horizontal, they can be classified Hupo faults developed Tertiary pull-apart basins, and
into NNE–SSW and NNW–SSW striking groups. This it may be related to the opening of the East Sea. The
may be due to a slight change in the sediment source left-lateral movement along the faults, associated with
direction. the closing of the East Sea, is related to the
(4) The joint system is very complicated, with WNW– compressional tectonic of this area. These tectonic
ESE and NE–SW to ENE–WSW trending joint sets movements are well recorded in the meso-scale
predominant. The joints intersect along a line plunging deformation structures.
moderately ESE, and indicate a NE–SW maximum
compressive stress axis. This is compatible with right-
lateral movement along the Yangsan Fault. Acknowledgements
(5) The predominant faults are the NE–SW to NNE–SSW
trending right-lateral faults, WNW–ESE trending left- First of all, we thank H. C. Shin and Y. J. Kim for their
lateral faults, and N–S to NNW–SSE trending normal hospitality and help for this project. This project is mainly
faults reactivated as reverse faults. Because the trend funded by KOPEC, and partly supported by MOCIE (R-
and nature of the N–S to NNW–SSE trending faults are 2002-0-279) and BK21, SEES, SNU. Constructive reviews
very similar to those of the Quaternary faults in this and comments by A. J. Barber, D. J. Sanderson and P. Y.
area, these faults could have been reactivated under the Choi greatly improved the manuscript. We also great thank
condition of Quaternary faulting. Further studies are to J. H. Kim, W. R. Fitches and J. R. Andrews for their
necessary to resolve this problem. careful reviews, and to C. D. Park and C. B. Kim for their
(6) NW–SE to WNW–ESE dykes may be parallel to the fieldwork and data analysis. We appreciate the support from
maximum compressive stress associated with the the members of FFRG and the Structural Geology Lab,
inversion of the tectonic setting around the East Sea. SNU.
(7) Restoration of the earlier faulting by back-rotation of
tilted fault blocks and removal of plate tectonic
clockwise rotation produces a more acceptable
geometry for the earlier faults. References
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