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Lesson- 1,2,3,4,6,7,8
1. Plants makes the air ____
a. dirty b. dull c. clean
2. Indoor plants are our___
a. enemy b. friends c. well wisher
3. Any two indoor plants are
a. Rose and Jasmine b. Rose and Aloe vera c. Spider plant and Bamboo palm
4. Which plant stays green even when kept in the dark?
a. Golden pothos b. English ivy c. Rubber plant
5. Philodendron is also known as__
a. Snake plant b. Spider plant c. Elephant ear
6. What makes our home look beautiful?
a. indoor plants b. trees c. animals
7. Which plant help in softening the skin
a. snake plant b. bamboo plant c. aloe vera
8. Paper is made from which plant?
a. Bamboo plant b.Rubber plant. c. Snake plant
9. From rubber plant which item is made
a. car tyres b. bed c. drum
10. Which plant produces oxygen and purify air in your home and office by absorbing carbon
a. Spider plant b. Rose c. Jasmine
11. Hockey is the national game of which country?
a. Australia b. China c. India
12. Which is the National game of Canada
a. Ice hockey b. Polo c. Skating
13. National game of Argentina is _____
a.Rugby b. Lawn tennis c. Football
14. What is the national game of USA
a. Boxing b. Baseball c. Cycling
15. Rugby is the national game of which country
a. New Zealand b. Korea c. USA
16. National game of Korea is_____
a. Karate b. Wrestling c. Taekwondo
17. Who is the famous hockey player in India
a. Major Dhyan Chand b. Sachin Tendulkar c. Viswanathan Anand
18. In hockey , how many players play in each team?
a. 11 b. 12 c. 6
19. By using less things it means
a) reduce b) reuse c) recycle

20. When we use a thing again after it has been used it means
a) reduce b) reuse c) recycle

21. When the waste thing is changed into new things it means

a) reduce b) reuse c) recycle

22. We put the peels of fruits and vegetable in ____

a) green dustbin b) yellow dustbin c) blue dustbin

23. We put tin boxes in___ dustbin.

a) green b) yellow c) blue

24. We should use____ bags to bring vegetables from the market.

a) polythene b) plastic c) cloth

25. Old paper can be used to cover your___

a) house b) book c) sofa

26. Plastic items should be

a) burnt b) thrown away c) given to junk dealer

27. Needy people can be helped by

a) donating old clothes b) donating plants c) donating papers

28. Largest desert in India

a) Sahara b) Thar c) Gobi

29. Largest desert in the world

a) Sahara b) Thar c) Gobi

30. It is the largest freshwater lake in India.

a) lake wular b) lake dal c) lake chilika

31. It is also used for surgical, dressings, cosmetic purposes etc.

a) muscles spray b) cotton c) burnol

32. It is the largest museum in India.

a) National Museum, Delhi b) Nehru Museum, Delhi c) Indian Museum, Kolkata

33. Alipore zoological Park , Kolkata is the largest___ in India

a) waterpark b) zoo c) museum

34. The exercise which makes our bones and muscles strong

a) cycling b) sleeping c) enjoying music

35. Rest helps to remove___ and restores energy to the body.

a) sleep b) tiredness c) energy

36. A child must have a sound sleep of ____ a day.

a) 6 hours b) 8 hours c) 12 hours

37. ____ gives relief from stress and strain.

a) recreation b) rest c) recreation and rest

38. An ointment applied to get relief from burns

a) move b) cotton c) burnol

39. It is the largest country in the world( in terms of area )

a) India b) Russia c) Italy

40. It is the largest bird in the world.

a) eagle b) vulture c) ostrich

41. It is the largest flower in the world.

a) lotus b) rafflesia c) rose

42. It is the largest sea in the world.

a) red sea b) dead sea c) caspian sea

43. In which state do you live?

a) Himachal Pradesh b) Andhra Pradesh

c) Madhya Pradesh

44. Which is the capital of Madhya Pradesh?

a) Gwalior b) Indore c) Bhopal

45. Who is the prime minister of India

a) Amit Shah b) Narendra Modi c) Ramnath Kowid

46. We should have first aid box in our

a) home b) school c) both of these

47. Using disposable utensils instead of reusable untensils

a) true b) false c) none of these

48. Using jar obtained from pickle,jam etc . to store different thing

a) Reduce b) Reuse c) Recycle

49. ____, recreation and rest are important for good health.

a) exercise b) reading c) singing

50. Immediate Medical help that an injured person get

a) bandages b) scissor c) first aid

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