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Pilgrim of 2012

Willard G. Van De Bogart

Author at Point Reyes, California

The pilgrim of 2012 is a wanderer in time, listening, watching for a break in the fabric
of reality. And long before this time of 2012 CE many mansions in the mind needed
to be explored before this new time approaching could be fully appreciated. But now
the age is near where tribal elders are warning us of cataclysms which will shake the
earth to its very foundation and we will not be able to escape the swath of destruction
brought about by fire, wind, water and now radiation both manmade and that coming
from the depths of space. Every cell of our body is being affected by these impinging
nuclear isotopes and we have been awakened from our slumber of complacency for
now we have begun to see the immanent destruction of our existence.

And with all these disasters affecting earth the year 2012 looms in front of humankind
as some final moment when what we knew to be our world suddenly changes. The
countless scenarios for how these final days will be meted out are increasing by the
hour. Now the entry into our solar system of an object some say is the 10th planet,
planet X, or Nibiru. The Hopi Indians say a supernova will take place or perhaps a
solar flare which will extinguish life as we know it. All of these possibilities are
available to anyone to read about on the new communication medium of the internet.
From extinction to rapture we are living in a time of expectations of change and for
the most part all these changes are apparent to everyone.

So with that inevitable moment coming how does one best cope or even prepare for
the unexpected? What frame of mind would best bring about a sense of inner peace
instead of the countless tribulations predicted? And if its not inner peace that is sought
after then what aspects of our human nature can we best exhibit to give us assurances
and support for who we are as a species to counter a future of doom and destruction?
Expressing ourselves is one of our most cherished qualities and as a species our arts
have been the most colorful and soulful for expressing our inner states of awareness.
The art of music, dance, painting, and the projected image are portals into worlds
constructed by our psyche. Our inner world is so complex it has been the source of
inspiration and guidance for well over 30,000 years with depictions of the natural
world deep within caves inspired by ingesting plants, observing the heavens and thus
creating images as a way to remember lived experiences.

But now we are at a threshold in time when all our images and symbols of where we
came from and who we are could be removed from existence. We are faced with the
possibility of a future where change and how we will see things will be vastly
different from anything we have ever known. Today our imagination is coming to a
crescendo with forms of expressions and ideas enabling us to lock onto the stream that
can carry us into the future. A heightened sense of exploration is the physical
sciences, biological sciences, humanities and information sciences have never been so
expansive. Yet most of the world population lives in ignorance of these new advances
and only a few have access to the by products which can be used not to expose
humanity to the new knowledge but rather to preserve a portion of humanity to
continue after any unexpected cataclysm.

For now the internet is the best technology which enables humans to share everything
they see and hear on the planet. If this option of immediate global communication is
severed we will be isolated from one another as we were only a few short years ago.
And depending on what a persons interest is, it is possible to find others who share in
similar ideas no matter what they may be. But the ideas surrounding the year 2012
concern the fate of all humanity. And even if one decides not to be at all curious about
what this year 2012 portends the curiosity can cross over to witnessing events which
are happening each day. The increase in earthquakes, abnormal temperature increases,
increased volcanic actions and especially massive floods and animal die offs. These
events alone should be cause for some recognition that things are not as they have

So, what’s at stake on a personal level when answers to difficult questions concerning
our immediate future need to be given? Is it a renewed interest in faith of a divine
creator and we can do nothing because its in gods hands, or is it fatalistic and
accepting our fate is just being a part of the universal process? In my mind it can be
those two choices but many more are being offered at this time when collective
humanity knows an era of change is before us. For many judgment day is near, a day
where Christians believe mankind will have to atone for its sins and transgressions.
But sitting alone and wondering about what tomorrow will bring is like waiting for
the unknown for it may never come. But by being alone we can become fully
conscious of our being in this world and accept that what ever happens we can be one
with everything and in that realization we can be absorbed and allow our enfoldment
into the new energy which surround us, penetrates us, consumes us and what was
once thought of as a mystery becomes that reality we wondered about. The change is
coming and becoming part of it only requires complete acceptance in feeling every
nuance of existence and using those nuances as our guide to understanding that we are
as individuals reflected in the change around us.

We need to become 2012 pilgrims and journey to a place which enables us to open
ourselves to experience the grand design which gives us our place on this earth. We
have the unique capacity to internalize and reflect this universe. Out of that reflected
universe within lies all the forces which have accumulated to create who we are. The
change can then be felt as if it were a picture before our eyes and how we enter that
perceived world will be what our personal metamorphosis is.

Where do we need to go to bring that new world into focus? What must we
experience to change how we interact with our world which has brought us to the
edge of ecological extinction? And once we have made our pilgrimage to see our
potential for change where do we return to or how do we resume our place on this
planet? Nothing less than a mass pilgrimage will be necessary to let others see that an
awakening has taken place as we try and receive a greater understanding than we have
thus far been able to share among ourselves as a species. It is time to create for
ourselves sacred spaces, where ever they may be, which set us apart from a world we
have knowingly and inadvertently constructed. By accepting a different space as a
sanctuary for personal awareness we are committing ourselves to willingly strive to
seek the other in our beings that has reached this moment of existential choice
between extinction and transformation.

Extinction has already been witnessed as a dramatic and cathartic moment when
everything which was once sublime and united becomes incomprehensibly chaotic
and disassociated no longer a place for life of solitude. Transformation is a state that
indicates changing into another state where we still can project our thoughts even
though we know extinction could be one of those transforming moments. But with
life still with us transformation has the potential to provide us with an alternative to
extinction whether it be by our own making or that of the natural order. And if it is
understood that transformation can come about by extinction caused by our own
making it’s at that point in our thoughts we must take the responsibility to prepare to
change so that a progression of how are now living is altered. Waiting for
transformation to occur can be a very enlightening experience for we acknowledge
that what we are so used to accepting as our way of life will be changed. We do not
wish for total extinction but we can more readily accept a change that still allows us to
be sentient with our new surrounding.

Therefore, by doing a pilgrimage to a sacred place gives us in return a way to see that
manifest reality is far greater than our comprehension allows, but affords us a space to
accept an addition to our way of perceiving the world that did not exist before. Once
we see that our world has extinction associated with it we can want a change for the
future by stepping into a space that recognizes the creative powers in the universe
which are available to us and then take that awareness back into the world we may
destroy. The pilgrim of 2012 is a spiritual nomad seeking a greater identity with all
the forces which has allowed us to witness the infinite universe that we live in.
Becoming a pilgrim at this time of 2012 is to honor the sacredness that has been with
us for eons and provided enrichment for our soul. However, the pilgrim of 2012 needs
to step out of all boundaries of the traditional sacred spaces and enter a personal quest
for soul discovery that has never before been so important. We now have to become
as our ancient ancestors were and behold the universe with new eyes to give us new
insights for a world we have interlaced with elements which inevitably could prevent
us from ever seeing our universe in the form we are so accustomed to.

A new pilgrim needs to be actualized, a 2012 pilgrim, who recognizes the messages of
change and requires a new sense of renewed energy and personal power to overcome
the extinction possibilities of our species. We need to walk away from what ever it is
we are doing and seek a place where we can be open to feeling how this universe
offers change as it has throughout known history. All of us must become imbued with
a directional course of change in the way destiny has been constructed otherwise no
continual transformational elements will be left for us to experience. The pilgrim of
2012 is committed to a moratorium on how life has been governed and lived up to this
point and restructure and reorganize our priorities in life so the option of extinction is
eradicated and a transformation for an enlightened species can flourish into the 21st

May 20, 2011

Bangkok, Thailand

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