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Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Jaen, Jaen, Spain; 2Department of Physical Education and Sport,
Catholic University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain; 3Faculty of Education, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain;
Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of Jaen, Jaen, Spain; and 5Department of Physical Education
and Sport Pablo de Olavide, University of Seville, Seville, Spain

ABSTRACT of using CMJ to monitor training load and quantify objectively

Morcillo, JA, Jiménez-Reyes, P, Cuadrado-Peñafiel, V, neuromuscular fatigue during RSA.
Lozano, E, Ortega-Becerra, M, and Párraga, J. Relation- KEY WORDS fatigue, blood lactate, ammonia, RSA, CMJ
ships between repeated sprint ability, mechanical parame-
ters, and blood metabolites in professional soccer players. INTRODUCTION

J Strength Cond Res 29(6): 1673–1682, 2015—This study
igh-intensity performance of soccer player is
analyzed the acute metabolic and mechanical responses to
considered as key factor in elite soccer (37).
a specific repeated sprint ability (RSA) test. Eighteen male For this reason, different researchers have
professional soccer players from a team of the First Division aimed to clarify the importance of the main
of Spanish National League participated. A 12 3 30-m RSA aspects from different repeated sprints protocols
test with 30-second recovery together with countermovement (6,12,13,17,42), and the player’s ability on this type of tests
jump test (CMJ) pre a post RSA test was performed. Mechan- has shown to be related with different physical and
ical responses (i.e., height performance in CMJ and speed physiological requirements.
loss) and metabolic responses (i.e., blood lactate and ammonia Previous studies have examined physical performance,
concentrations) were measured before and after exercise. A especially high-intensity activities in competitive soccer
related sample t-test was used to analyze CMJ height pre- match play (19). Although these analysis were influenced
post changes as well as to compare pre- and post-exercise by different variables such as game location (19) and player’s
lactate and ammonia levels. Countermovement jump height competitive level (37), the ability of soccer players to repeat
loss pre-post session (8%) was significant, and fatigue, mea-
high-intensity actions is considered as a key factor in elite
soccer (37,45).
sured as CMJ height loss, was strongly correlated to lactate
Soccer is a complex sport requiring the repetition of many
(r = 0.97; p , 0.001) and ammonia (r = 0.92; p , 0.001) for
different activities such as jogging, sprinting, and jumping.
all players. The relationships between the variables studied
Players are often required to repeatedly produce maximal or
were determined by calculating the Pearson correlation coef- near-maximal sprints of short duration (1–7 seconds) with
ficients. The metabolic stress developed during the effort can brief recovery periods, thus the ability to repeat sprint are
be estimated by controlling CMJ because of the high corre- deemed relevant fitness prerequisites in competitive soccer
lation between CMJ and blood lactate and ammonia concen- players and for soccer physical performance (37). Indeed, in
trations. The high correlations found between mechanical elite players, Carling et al. (11) reported in match play more
(speed and CMJ height losses) and metabolic (lactate and high-intensity actions interspersed by short recovery times in
ammonia) measures of fatigue highlight the utility and validity the players who showed lowest performance decrements in
a repeated-sprint test, and Rampinini et al. (36) reported mod-
erate negative correlations (0.60–0.65) between RSA and the
Address correspondence to Pedro Jiménez-Reyes, peterjr49@hotmail. distance covered above 19.8 km$h21.
com or The majority of protocols have used short-duration
29(6)/1673–1682 sprints (,10 seconds) interspersed with recovery periods
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (,60 seconds) (22). However, top-class players perform
Ó 2015 National Strength and Conditioning Association a high-intensity run (.19.8 km$h21) every 72 to ;90

VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2015 | 1673

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RSA in Soccer, Decisive Parameters

seconds (45), and when the analysis was focused on very

high-intensity activities (.25 km$h21), the elite soccer

*RSA = repeated sprint ability; CMJbest = Best CMJ pre-RSA test; 30 mBest-Time = best time in 30 m during the RSA test; LAC = blood lactate concentration; NH4 = blood
Effect size sprint
player performed from 17 to 30 sprints during an official
match according to their playing positions (19).

Moreover, metabolic factors directly related with the
energetic contribution in this kind of efforts play an
important role. The blood lactate concentration as con-
sequence of glycolytic energetic contribution has been
related with the reduction in strength or power output,

Effect size CMJ

and the repeated sprint ability (RSA) in soccer players
(37). Other specific metabolite recently used as indicator

of neuromuscular fatigue in high-intensity exercises is the
blood ammonia level (39), but its influence in RSA has not
been yet studied. Together with blood metabolites,
another parameter could be useful and has not been used
by the moment in RSA protocols is the jumping capacity

ammonia concentration; SdecCMJ = percent decrement of CMJ jump height; SdecSprint = percent sprint decrement of the RSA test.
SdecSprint (%)

6.6§ 6 1.5
during an RSA protocol. Recent evidence suggests that

(n = 18)
the incorporation of movements involving the stretch-
shortening cycle (SSC) (30) provides a more specific
examination of neuromuscular fatigue (33). For instance,
in RSA protocols have been verified a high relationship
between countermovement jump (CMJ) and sprint ability

8.37§ 6 2.29
SdecCMJ (%)
(15,46), as well as that the CMJ is a good indirect indi-

(n = 18)
cator of power for the lower body (10), and, therefore it
seems clear from this body of research that loss of CMJ
height could be used as an indicator of neuromuscular
fatigue (39).
The information provided by field tests of RSA should

75.72z 6 16.32
NH4 (mg$dL21)

ensure physiological responses similar to those occurring

§p , 0.001 indicates the significant difference between values pre and post RSA.
during intense periods of play in actual matches. Mechanical
(n = 18)
TABLE 1. Values in selected performance parameters related to RSA.*†

variables could provide a better understanding of mecha-

nisms underlying differences in fatigue and performance,
leading to coaches in establishing performance oriented
test batteries to enhance fitness assessment and training
prescription (37).
LAC (mmol$L21)

The recording of the current physiological demands of

9.55z 6 2.33

world-class elite male soccer players has scientific interest

(n = 18)

and direct practical applications because it is very rare due

to limited access to such subjects, given the finite nature of
the population, and because it can offer a comprehensive
picture of the upper limits of the acute effects during
training in this particular sport. This should help to
(seg) (n = 18)

highlight the limiting factors on a specific sport such as

30 mBest-Time

4.09 6 0.05

soccer. Furthermore, the direct practical application of the

study is that this knowledge could assist coaches to make
evidence-based practice decisions because it provides new
†Data are mean 6 SD.

normative physiological data and can be used for soccer

player selection and for profiling players. Finally, these
data can be used by national elite and subelite soccer
CMJbest (cm)

zp , 0.01.

coaches and conditioners to highlight the demands of

42.8 6 4.1
(n = 18)

higher-level competitions and for the design of training

sessions, which may assist players in the transition to elite
competition. We hypothesized that a soccer player suffer
an important decrement of physical qualities related to
sprint and CMJ as a consequence of a specific RSA
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Experimental Approach to
the Problem
A correlational and descriptive
study was conducted to deter-
mine whether mechanical and
metabolic responses are associ-
ated to a specific RSA protocol
in an elite male soccer team on
competitive period, and to
determine the changes through
RSA protocol checking if CMJ
loss could use for monitoring
specific training sessions and
providing actual information
about fatigue. This elite soccer
team was tested in the compet-
itive period, during an official
concentration of the team in
Figure 1. Relationship between relative loss of CMJ height pre-post RSA test and blood lactate concentration for
each one of the subjects. CMJ = countermovement jump. one of the rest-weeks of league,
thus, nutritional intakes, hydra-
tion sleep, and rest conditions
were properly controlled by
protocol, influencing on mechanical and metabolic physical coach. All tests were conducted at the same time of
responses associated to intermittent sprint specific efforts day, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, and were completed at the end
in highly trained soccer players. Considering the of the first competitive midseason and were carried out on
aforementioned above highlighting main aspects of RSA, a week where they had no official match play. After prelimi-
the main purpose of this study was to investigate the nary familiarization and pretesting, participants completed all
changes through RSA sequences in sprint and jumping testing. In the first session, a battery of tests were performed in
ability, and metabolic response (lactate and ammonia) in the following order: (a) 12 3 30-m all-out running sprints with
professional Spanish soccer players. 30 seconds of recovery and (b) countermovement vertical
jumps pre a post RSA protocol
(CMJ). Sessions took place at
a neuromuscular research labo-
ratory under the direct supervi-
sion of the investigators, at the
same time of day (61 hour) for
each subject and under constant
environmental conditions (208 C,
60% humidity). Before the tests
were completed, participants
executed a standardized warm-
up directed by the primary
researcher along with the coach.
During the execution of these
tests, the players were verbally
encouraged to give their maximal
effort. The tests executed for the
measurement of performance are
explained in detail below.
In the preceding 2 weeks, 4
Figure 2. Relationship between relative loss of CMJ height pre-post RSA test and blood ammonia concentration preliminary familiarization ses-
for each one of the subjects. CMJ = countermovement jump. sions were undertaken with the
purpose of emphasizing proper

VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2015 | 1675

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RSA in Soccer, Decisive Parameters

After being informed about the

purpose, testing procedures and
potential risks of the investiga-
tion, all participants gave their
voluntary written consent to par-
ticipate. No physical limitations,
health problems, or musculo-
skeletal injuries that could affect
testing or training were found
after a medical examination.
None of the participants was
taking drugs, medications, or
dietary supplements known to
influence physical performance.
This investigation was approved
by the Research Ethics Commit-
tee of University of Jaen and was
conducted in accordance with
Figure 3. Relationship between the best CMJ pre-RSA test and the best time in 30 m during the RSA test. CMJ = the Declaration of Helsinki.
countermovement jump; RSA = repeated sprint ability.
Measurements of Jump Ability.
Jump height was calculated at
the nearest 0.1 cm from flight
TABLE 2. Fatigue index obtained with the different formulas. time measured with an infra-
red timing system (Optojump;
Formula F1 F2 F3 F4 Microgate, Bolzano, Italy).
Fatigue index (%) 7.10 6 1.69 3.67 6 1.55 6.10 6 1.69 4.12 6 0.05 Participants completed 3 max-
imal CMJs with their hands on
their hips, and the average of
these jumps was recorded
(CMJbest). One minute of rest
for complete recovery was
execution technique in the different tests assessed. Anthro- given between jumps. After the 3 jumps, the players exe-
pometric and medical examinations were also conducted cuted the RSA protocol. After the RSA protocol, players
during these sessions. jump again to know the jump decrement produced by the
RSA protocol considering the percent decrement of CMJ
jump height (SdecCMJ) and calculated as follows: (1 2
Eighteen soccer players (mean 6 SD; age: 26.8 6 3.6 years;
CMJmean/CMJbest) 3 100.
height: 1.80 6 0.05 m; body mass: 78.15 6 4.73 kg) volunteered
to participate in this study. Participants played in a professional Measurement of Repeated Sprint Ability. Twelve 30-m sprints,
team of the First Division of Spanish National League division separated by a 30-second rest, were performed in an indoor
and trained 4–5 training sessions plus 1 official game per week. running track. Photocell timing gates (Polifemo Radio
Light; Microgate, Bolzano, Italy) were placed at 0, 20 m
(T20), and 30 m (T30). A standing start with the lead-off
foot placed 1 m behind the first timing gate was used.
TABLE 3. Relationships between fatigue index
formulas and CMJbest and 30 mBest-Time.* Participants were required to give an all-out maximal effort
in each sprint. The mean sprint time (RSAmean1–12) ex-
Formula F1 F2 F3 F4 pressed in seconds and the percent sprint decrement (Sdec)
CMJbest 0.44 0.49 0.11 20.71† calculated as follows: (RSAmean/RSAbest 3 100) 2 100 (42)
30 mBest-Time 20.35 0.086 20.10 0.96† were recorded as a measure of repeated-efforts performance.
These sequences have been shown to be reliable, coefficient of
*CMJbest = Best CMJ pre-RSA test; 30 mBest-Time = variation (CV) = 0.8%, 90% confidence limit (CL) (0.6–1.0) for
best time in 30 m during the RSA test.
†p , 0.01. mean shuttle-sprints time (27), and CV = 1.0%, 90% CL (0.7–
1.6) for mean shuttle-sprints time with a CMJ performed
between sprints (9).
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Italy). Both devices were calibrated before each exercise

session according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Fatigue Index Formulas
Different computations were made to determine the “Fatigue
Index,” using the formulas proposed and used previously by
Glaister et al. (23).
 Formula 1 (F1): Fatigue = % increase between fastest
and slowest sprint time.

Fatigue ¼ ð½slowest  sprint2fastest  sprint

O½fastest  sprintÞ3100:

 Formula 2 (F2): Fatigue = % decrease of total test result.

Figure 4. Relationship between blood ammonia and lactate

concentrations for each one of the subjects in RSA test. RSA = repeated
sprint ability.
Fatigue ¼ ð1003½total  sprint  time
Oideal  sprint  timeÞ2100;

where total sprint time = all sprint times sum, and ideal
sprint time = number of sprints 3 fastest sprint time.
Blood Lactate and Ammonia Measurement. Capillary blood
 Formula 3 (F3): Fatigue = % increase between the 2
samples for the determination of lactate and ammonia
fastest and slowest sprint times.
concentrations were obtained from the fingertip before
exercise (pre-exercise), and 30 seconds after the last
sprint, 3 and 5 minutes after the end of the RSA protocol.
Fatigue ¼ fð½two  slowest  times  sumO2
The Lactate Pro LT-1710 (Arkray, Kyoto, Japan) portable
lactate analyzer was used for lactate measurements. The 2½two  fastest  times  sumÞ
suitability and reproducibility of this analyzer has been O½two  fastest  times  sumg 3100:
previously established throughout the physiological range
of 1.0–18.0 mmol$L21 (35). Ammonia was measured using
PocketChem BA PA-4130 (Menarini Diagnostics, Florence,  Formula 4 (F4): Fatigue = difference between the 2
fastest and slowest sprint times.

Fatigue ¼ fð½sprint  1 þ sprint  2O2Þ

2ð½sprint  11 þ sprint  12O2Þ
Oð½sprint  1 þ sprint  2O2Þg3100:

Statistical Analyses
Standard statistical methods were used for the calculation
of mean values and SD. The normal distribution of the data
was checked by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and data
were normally distributed for variables of study. The rela-
tionships between the variables studied were determined
by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficients (r). A
related samples t-test was used to analyze CMJ height
pre-post changes as well as to compare pre- and post-
exercise lactate and ammonia levels. The effect size (ES)
was calculated for CMJ and sprint changes pre-post RSA
Figure 5. Relationship between relative loss of CMJ height pre-post
RSA test and speed loss for each one of the subjects. CMJ =
protocol, according to the procedure proposed by Cohen
countermovement jump; RSA = repeated sprint ability. (10), considering the following criteria: .0.2 (small), .0.5
(medium), and .0.8 (large). The probability level of

VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2015 | 1677

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RSA in Soccer, Decisive Parameters

Statistically significant differ-

ences in pre-post exercise for
lactate concentration and
ammonia were found (p #
0.01) (Table 1).

Relationships Between
Mechanical and Metabolic
Measures of Fatigue
A nearly perfect correlation
between CMJ height loss value
and the lactate concentration
value after finishing the RSA
test was found for all subjects (r
= 0.97; p , 0.001) (Figure 1),
and very high correlation was
also found between CMJ
height loss value and post-
RSA ammonia value for all
Figure 6. Relationship between blood lactate concentration and speed loss for each one of the subjects. subjects (r = 0.92; p , 0.001)
(Figure 2).
A moderate correlation
statistical significance was set at p # 0.05, and the CLs of between speed loss value and the lactate concentration value
95% were calculated for all measures. Analyses were per- after finishing the RSA test was found for all subjects (r =
formed using SPSS software version 15.0 (SPSS, Chicago, 0.65; p , 0.01) (Figure 6), and also a medium correlation was
IL, USA). also found between speed loss value and post-RSA ammonia
value for all subjects (r = 0.61; p , 0.01) (Figure 7).
RESULTS In the same way, we found important correlations between
Mean values and SD of the different variables assessed are mechanical parameters between themselves and metabolic,
reported in Table 1. Likewise, postexercise CMJ height and respectively. A high correlation between best CMJ and sprint
sprint were significantly different (p # 0.001; ES: 1.88 and time was found (r = 20.8; p , 0.01) (Figure 3) and also
1.47 for CMJ and sprint, respectively; large ES) than a moderate correlation after finishing the RSA test, between
pre-exercise after the RSA test (Table 1). CMJ height loss and speed loss (r = 0.62; p , 0.01) (Figure 5).
Regarding metabolic associa-
tions, a very high relationship
between blood ammonia and
lactate concentrations for each
one of the subjects after
RSA was found (r = 0.94; p ,
0.001) (Tables 2 and 3, and Fig-
ures 4–7).

To the best of our knowledge,
this is the first study to analyze
the acute response of an RSA
regarding the mechanical and
metabolic effects in relation to
some proposed formulas of
speed loss. Although some
studies have examined acute
effects of a RSA, nevertheless,
the number of repetitions per-
Figure 7. Relationship between blood ammonia concentration and speed loss for each one of the subjects. formed were lower in the liter-
ature (27), and the mechanical
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and metabolic response to this specific RSA test inducing Neuromuscular fatigue has been described in humans as
different fatigue index had not been previously analyzed. In any exercise-induced reduction in the maximal voluntary
this study, a detailed examination of a typical and specific force or power produced by a muscle or muscle group (21)
RSA session was conducted under controlled conditions to and is dependent by the type of muscle contraction, the
assess whether loss of vertical jump height could be used as an intensity of exercise, and the duration of the exercise (20).
objective indicator of the extent of neuromuscular fatigue Traditionally, neuromuscular fatigue has been examined
induced by the aforementioned RSA session. Our results indi- using isolated forms of isometric, concentric, or eccentric
cate that by monitoring vertical jump height during a specific movements (21). However, recent evidence suggests that
conditioning soccer training, it is possible to reasonably esti- the incorporation of movements involving the SSC (30) pro-
mate the metabolic stress and neuromuscular fatigue induced vides a more specific examination of neuromuscular fatigue
by RSA actions. A unique finding of this study is that ammo- (33). For instance, in sprint training sessions have been ver-
nia and lactate show a linear response to loss of vertical jump ified a high relationship between CMJ and sprint ability (16),
height during RSA. The RSA leading to a significant level of as well as that the CMJ is a good indirect indicator of power
fatigue (change pre-post—p , 0.001; Table 1 and Figures 1, 2, for the lower body in professional soccer (10); therefore, it
6, and 7) was equivalent to a 8% of speed loss or 6% of vertical seems clear from this body of research that loss of CMJ
jump height decrease, what caused ammonia to significantly height could be used as an indicator of neuromuscular
rise above resting values, which likely indicates an accelerated fatigue (39).
purine nucleotide degradation and loss of total adenine nu- In essence, all models of fatigue entail 2 components:
cleotides from muscle, thereby suggesting that these decre- fatigue induction, and fatigue quantification (29). In this
ments in mechanical variables such as speed or vertical jump study, fatigue was quantified using 2 different methods: (a)
are probably not recommended since they induce excessive percent decline in speed loss over all the repetitions per-
fatigue and could compromise recovery for subsequent spe- formed in the RSA test and (b) percent change in CMJ
cific soccer training sessions. height pre-post RSA test. Since fatigue has been traditionally
In agreement with previous studies (46), we have found an defined as a loss of force-generating capability with an even-
important association between soccer player’s strength and tual inability to sustain exercise at the required or expected
both sprint and jump performance (r = 20.8; p , 0.01), but level (20), the postexercise vertical jump height loss experi-
a more interesting and important finding of this investiga- enced during the RSA test can be considered as a good
tion, and in accordance with previous studies (6,12,31), was expression of neuromuscular fatigue. Indeed, in addition to
the relationship between RSA, 30mBest-Time and performance force reduction, other aspects of neuromuscular perfor-
impairment. A plausible explanation might be that better mance that are affected by fatigue are muscle shortening
sprinters use more of their available PCr stores than sprinters velocity (decreases) and relaxation time (increases) (1).
of lesser ability (4), and moreover, faster subjects are more Due to fatigue, these factors will be affected, and considering
sensitive to fatigue than slower subjects because faster sub- the decline in vertical jump height observed when analyzing
jects tend to have a higher percentage of fast twitch fibers loss of CMJ height pre-post a resistance training session (39),
(14,25). Thus, in this study, an important issue is highlighted we could consider the loss of CMJ height as equivalent to
as the need to consider the speed loss in repeated sprints in loss of muscle shortening velocity.
different sports modalities, such as soccer, whose perfor- Several studies have used measurements of vertical jump
mance depends largely on these type of actions and perfor- height pre-post exercise to quantify the extent of fatigue.
mance is widely related to high and maximum intensity Gorostiaga et al. (25) examined CMJ height loss after typical
actions and repeated over time (5,23,24,43). sprint workouts in 400-m elite runners. They found reduc-
Previous studies have examined the metabolic response tions of 5–19% in CMJ height pre-post exercise, with no
and fatigue development during repeated intense exercise clear relationship to sprint distance. Furthermore, vertical
(2). Some studies have demonstrated a strong correlation jump height loss has been used in resistance training in some
between low levels of muscle glycogen and pH and the studies (34,38–41). And also have been used in team sports
decrement of force and power (18). Besides, exercise induces to determine the effect of competitive team match play on
an increase in the blood ammonia level during high-intensity neuromuscular fatigue. Comparing our findings with those
exercise, when the ATP/ADP ratio is low (3). The use of of these investigations is difficult since the protocols used to
ammonia is important in high-intensity exercise as indicator induce fatigue, the samples, and even the type of actions and
of muscle fatigue because of its negative effect produced movement velocities greatly differed between studies. Nev-
during exercise that alters neuromuscular activity and may ertheless, it seems clear from this body of research that loss
contribute to local muscle fatigue (47), and may reach the of CMJ height can be used as an indicator of neuromuscular
brain and cause detrimental effect on central nervous system fatigue.
function (3). Therefore, blood muscular lactate concentra- In this study, medium and significant correlation (r = 0.62;
tion (32) and blood ammonia level (3) can be used as indi- p , 0.01) was found between the 2 different types of
cators to determine exercise intensity. mechanical measures used to assess neuromuscular fatigue

VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2015 | 1679

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RSA in Soccer, Decisive Parameters

(Figure 5). This relationship is an important finding for the 3.67 6 1.55 vs. 4.43 6 1.79 years, 6.10 6 1.69 vs. 6.72 6
quantification and monitoring of training load during RSA. 2.81 years, and 4.12 6 0.05 vs. 5.43 6 2.71 years, respec-
The fact that there exists such a close relationship between tively). Differences may be due to the different populations
loss of speed in RSA and loss of CMJ height pre-post RSA (professional soccer players vs. physical education stu-
session is a novel finding, which emphasizes the validity of dents). For Glaister et al. (23), the most reliable and useful
using percent loss of vertical jump height during an RSA- formulas are 2 and 4. In our case, for formula 2, we did not
specific session as an indicator of neuromuscular fatigue. found any relationship between parameters related to per-
The validity of using percent vertical jump height loss in formance in RSA and this formula, by the contrary, for
CMJ to quantify neuromuscular fatigue during RSA is formula 4, we found moderate relationships between these
further supported by the relationships observed between determinant performance parameters in RSA and this for-
mechanical measures of fatigue and metabolic stress (acute mula. Therefore, considering best and worst sprint times
lactate and ammonia responses) (Figures 1, 2, 6, and 7), and and speed loss is likely to be a good indicator for fatigue
the decrease between pre-post CMJ in RSA session (6%; in this kind of workouts.
p , 0.001). Lactate showed an extremely high correlations
(r = 0.97; p , 0.001) with loss of CMJ height over all PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
repetitions performed (Figure 1). The highest peak lactate This study has practical importance because it shows that (a)
values (;13 mmol$L21) obtained after the RSA test were there is a very high correlation between loss of speed in RSA
close to values reported during a 100-m sprint of a national and loss of CMJ height pre-post RSA session, (b) an
competition (12.5 mmol$L21) (8). important metabolic stress and neuromuscular fatigue was
A unique and interesting finding of this study is that induced by RSA actions, leading to a significant level of
ammonia response shows a linear relationship to loss of CMJ fatigue, and (c) any of the proposed formulas could be used
height (Figure 3). Peak postexercise ammonia, as lactate to quantify the extent of physiological demands of a specific
response, showed also an extremely high correlations (r = RSA protocol in professional soccer teams. These findings
0.92; p , 0.001) with loss of CMJ height over the RSA observed provide new physiological data for these popula-
session (Figure 2). Blood ammonia increased above twice tions and can contribute to talent selection and identifica-
basal resting levels, and an increase in blood ammonia levels tion. Men’s soccer coaches should apply repeated sprint
during short-term high-intensity exercise is usually inter- sequences in strength and conditioning training programs
preted as indicative of an accelerated ammonia production and evaluate players accordingly, so that they may receive
by muscle resulting from the deamination of AMP to IMP. appropriate training stimuli to match the physiological de-
The purine nucleotide cycle serves, among other functions, mands of their level of competition. Thus, the assessment of
to maintain a high ATP/ADP ratio (26) and acts as an mechanical (i.e., CMJ and speed losses) and metabolic (i.e.,
urgency mechanism to prevent muscle ATP from falling to blood ammonia and lactate) responses induced by a specific
critical levels under conditions of high metabolic stress. It is RSA protocol during the competitive period is the first step
also possible that a frequent loss of purines will exceed the preceding the design of specific conditioning programs. Col-
rate of purine salvage, leading to a chronic reduction of lectively, these findings provide important information for
resting muscle ATP content (44). Therefore, the observed prescription of training aimed at developing physiological
relationship in our study between the increase of blood qualities specific to the demands of competitive elite men’s
ammonia concentration and decrease in RSA performance soccer players and physical fitness testing adapted to the
suggests that the decrease of the availability of ATP or PCr specific requirements of each position.
levels would limit the maintenance of performance in RSA, The present data show that an RSA protocol in a training
especially since an increase of blood ammonia concentration session should not be fixed beforehand as well as is an
is interpreted as an indication of net degradation of adenine important aspect to take into account when prescribing
nucleotides in the muscle (7). According to the results of this RSA, since the CMJ height loss and metabolic stress clearly
study, the number of repetitions performed that resulted in differs between subjects when performing the same number
blood ammonia significantly higher than resting levels were of repetitions imposed by a RSA protocol and not a given
the equivalent of a 6% of speed loss or 8% of CMJ height same level of performance decrease or fatigue, which would
loss. Therefore, it seems plausible to suggest that to speed up be more useful for individualizing the training. Likewise, the
the recovery process between training sessions and avoid high correlations found between mechanical (CMJ height
loss of purines from muscle, it is not advisable to use the loss) and metabolic (lactate and ammonia) measures of
aforementioned threshold in most RSA programs training fatigue support the use of CMJ height for monitoring RSA
settings, especially when important competitions are close. and further suggest that the training effect is determined by
In addition to these relationships and changes pre-post the magnitude of CMJ loss incurred (28). This study is
RSA, we analyzed the proposed Fatigue Index by Glaister et al. expected to contribute to the field of exercise science by
(23) with the same computations. We found similar results allowing a more rational characterization of the RSA
with the 4 formulas proposed (7.10 6 1.69 vs.7.72 6 3.22 years, stimulus.
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VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 6 | JUNE 2015 | 1681

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