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Baker Exam

1. Voltage of normal dry cell battery used for baby toys,

clock… etc is: (1.5 V).
2. In a diesel engine what actually ignites the fuel?
3. Speed of light is: 3 x 10 8 m/sec.
4. Rock types are: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary.
5. Atom can be defined as: the smallest unit in the molecule
with proportionately tiny masses that can only be observed
individually using special instruments such as the scanning
tunneling microscope
6. Isotope can be defined as: Isotopes of an element have
nuclei with the same number of protons (the same atomic
number) but different numbers of neutrons.
7. Avogadro's constant is: The number of molecules in a
mole of a substance, approximately 6.0225 × 1023 mol-1.
8. A pencil lead composed mainly of: graphite.
9. Approximate temperature of absolute zero in degree
centigrade is: (-273).

(Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature where nothing

could be colder, and no heat energy remains in a substance.
absolute zero is defined as precisely 0 K on the Kelvin scale and
−273.15 on the Celsius (centigrade) scale and −459.67 degrees on
the Fahrenheit scale.)

10. S.I unit of electrical resistivity is: ohm.meter.

11. S.I unit of current is: ampere.
12. S.I unit of power is: watt.
13. The three colors used to make a color TV picture are: red,
green and blue.
14. Chemical composition of ozone: O3.
15. The closest planet to the sun: Mercury ‫عطارد‬.
16. The mass of the electron is equal to the mass of the
neutron. (Remember that).
17. Boiling point of water in degree centigrade = 100 oC.
18. Boiling point of water in Fahrenheit = 212 F.
19. Freezing point of water in degree centigrade = 0 oC.

20. Draw a diagram showing what would be seen on an
oscilloscope screen if the following electrical supplies were
connected to the oscilloscope input:
 The mains (or line) supply from the socket in the wall
provided by the electricity (utility) company.

 A battery such as used in question 1.

21. Freezing point of water in Fahrenheit = 32 F

Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32);
Tf = (9/5)*(Tc+32);
Tc = temperature in degrees Celsius, Tf = temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

22. Seconds in 24 hours = 86400 sec.

23. Mass of 1000 cm3 of water = 1000 gm or 1 Kg.
24. Mention 3 isotopes of Hydrogen:

1H1 Hydrogen, 1D2 Deuterium, 1T3 Tritium

25. Calculate the area of this triangle:


60o 60o


26. Calculate the volume of this shape:


27. Complete only one of the following equations:

S = u t + 1/2 at2

V = u + at

V2 = u2 + 2 a s


V: velocity, u: initial velocity, a: acceleration, s: distance

28. Which is more greater in frequency: ultraviolet or visible


(UV is greater)

29. The wavelength of visible light is: 400 – 800 n. m

30. A problem: given voltage of 400 V, power of 800 Watt,
the current is ……...

P = IV
31. The electric resistance in the problem above is: ……

V = IR
32. 28 = 256
33. The speed of sound = approximately 344 m/sec.
34. If I drop a mass of 1 Kg from rest vertically down, at what
speed will it be travelling after 10 seconds? (ignore air

Vf = Vi + g t

= 0 + 9.8 *10

 If I used a mass of 2 kg, will it fall faster?

35. The half life of a radioactive material is: the time after
which the radiation intensity (amount of radiation) is
reduced by half.
36. Does the half life time decreases or increases with
increasing temperature?
37. A box contains 250 cm3 of a fluid with a mass of 260 kg
(ignore the mass of the box)
 Density = 1.04 g/ cm3
 Is the fluid oil or fresh water or salt water or gas?

(It is salt water)

38. In the given circuit, what will happen if you connect the



39. Which fluid is lower in density: A or B?


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