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Krause 1

Medora Krause

Mr. Rudebusch

Senior Project

16 February 2022

Medical Assistants Prospectus

For my senior product I will be making a simulation of a Medical Chart. There will be 5

different types of scenarios. This will be made to duplicate the type of process that Medical

Assistants do while working. The name for this chart that they use is called an intake chart. They

mostly use this type of system while working in a clinical setting. For the rest of this paper I will

be going into detail on what all has to be done to make this happen and what type of process and

work is going to be needed.

The process needed to make this happen is first I will need to find a Medical Chart

template. Once I find a template that pleases my requirements for this simulation I will need to

be creative and make up different scenarios that patients will be coming into the clinic for. For

example, an elderly woman is coming in due to bone pain and this will all be stated on the

medical chart along with all of her medical information and history. Her social life and well-

being will also be included. Once the doctor comes in I will go back in for an evaluation if

needed or to give any vaccinations. Once I do that I will update it on the intake chart. This chart

will be very detailed and full of very useful information.

For this product I am looking forward to making the template and playing around with

and getting more familiar with it. I think that it will be fun to design it and it will also be fun to

come up with different scenarios and be creative with them. On another aspect of this product I

think the most difficult part will be having to do certain research and make sure that everything

that adds up to a T. It will need to look very professional and be very realistic. As far as getting
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help from anyone I will possibly need to ask my teachers on their thoughts and feedback on how

to improve this product.

So far what I have done is that I have picked a medical intake template and just messed

around with all of its features. I will next start to pick 5 different scenarios for patients and start

to build their medical charts. I feel like I will enjoy this part of the project very much and I can’t

wait to see how the outcome will turn out.

I feel that I am prepared to make this product and that I am very certain on what I will

need to do to have it meet my standards. I know that there may be some struggles here and there

on certain scenarios and on how to figure out solutions to overcome them but I also believe that

once I start to get more familiar with the template and comprehend it better it will be a breeze. I

also intend to maybe have a binder that has a picture of each “patient” and their information that

is listed on the format just so it is in a simpler format and will be easier to present to others. This

product not only will be fun to make but it will also help to realize what medical assistants are

working with everyday and help me to see how things can be done in a more simple and easier


I hope that others are as excited and interested as I am for this product. I also hope that

this helps people realize what medical assistants really do and what they use throughout their

normal work life. Before I shadowed a medical assistant I really wasn’t familiar with all the stuff

they use technology wise and how to use it so it was super cool to see that. It was also very

interesting to see the certain responsibilities that they have like making sure that when giving

someone a vaccine they always have to check the date and make sure it is good and they also

have to have someone else come check it to make sure that it is good. I thought that was very

interesting. I’m very confident with making this product and knowing what all that has to be
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done for it to succeed. I can’t wait to see how it turns out and am very excited for being able to

have an opportunity like this.

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