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Part One 

: Reading : Read the text carefully and do the activities.

Education is Central to preventing corruption. Even clear laws and regulations and well-designed
institutions will not be able to prevent corruption, unless citizens actively demand accountability
from governments and institutions.

However, anti corruption education does not work in isolation. The environment in which children
grow up plays a decisive role in shaping their attitudes. Ethics education must be part of a broader
effort to improve governance and reduce corruption. Within this framework, children have an
appropriate and conductive learning environment that values integrity.

Thus, in order to be credible, anti-corruption teaching must relate to the daily lives of the students
and address real life dilemmas, conflicts of interests and corruption cases. Several civil society
organizations around the world have played an important role in making anti-corruption education a
reality. Though they have approached the topic from different angles, including moral or value
education, human rights and civic education, they all have set up a common goal : strengthening
young people's attitudes and demands for accountability, and ultimately to build trust in government
and the public sector.

A- Comprehension :. (08pts)
1. Write the letter that corresponds to the right answer.
a- Clear laws will not be able to prevent corruption if
citizens ................countability.
a) Demand. b) do not demand. c) don’t need to demand
b- To prevent corruption government and institutions must be ………….
a) Indifferent. b) responsible. c) irresponsible
c- Anti-corruption teaching must …………the daily lives of the students.
a) .. b) be irrelevant to. c) Be connected with.
2. Are these statements true or false ? Write T or F next to the letter corresponding to
the statement.
a- Citizens are unconcerned about fighting corruption.
b- Ethics education is the sole effort to improve governance and reduce
c- Various civil society or organizations aim to realize anti-corruption
3. Answer the following questions according to the text
a) How citizens help to prevent corruption ?
b) Why must children have a conducive learning environment ?
c) What is the aim shared among different civil society organization ?
4. What/who do the underlined words refer to ?
a) …that..($2)➡………………….,. b)…..they….($3) ➡………………
B- Text Exploration : (07pts)
1. Find in the text the opposite of the following
a) Allow ($1)=………………..,. b) private ($3)=………………..
2. Complete the chart as shown in the example.

Verb Noun Adjective

Eg : to corrupt Corruption Corrupt
………………. ………………. Decisive
To value ……………… ……………..
3. Rewrite sentence 'b' so it means the same as sentence 'a'.
1- a- citizens and governments should collaborate to set up the
basis of ethics education.
b- It’s high time ………………………………………..
2- a- ethics education for young people can break the cycle of corruption.
b. The cycle of corruption…………………..

4. Classify the following words according to the prononciation of final 's'

Regulation- ethics- cases- angles

/s/ /z/ /iz/

5- fill in the gaps with words from the list

Course- ethics- process-in order to

Today, ethics has an important place in all areas of life. Education is also a fundamental………….of
human life. Therefore, in education…………..has a very important and effective role. ………….be a good
human, ethics should be placed as a ……………in educational system.

Part two : written expression

- Choose one of the following topics

Topic one :

You often hear people say that ethics are not necessary, especially in the world’s business. Write a
composition of about 800 words in which you state your opinion using the following notes.

- You need to start a business/ ethics are important in every field of life.
- The aim from doing a business/ to become wealthy/ some activities threaten the
environment and the well being of people.
- Respecting rules/ limit production, freedom
- Some business activities result in unfairness and exploitation.

Topic Two :

- The number of obese people are increasing all-over the world.

Write a composition of about 80 words on the reasons and the consequences of obesity.

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