Silice Sudafrica

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Historical Perspective

Historical and Emerging Workplaces Affected by

Silica Exposure Since the 1930 Johannesburg
Conference on Silicosis, With Special
Reference to Construction

Jean-FranSc ois Sauve MSc, BSc (Ag. Env. Sc.)

Introduction At the time of the 1930 International Labour Office Conference on silicosis
in Johannesburg, mining was the main sector affected by silicosis; however, other
industries would later emerge as areas of concern.
Methods A search of the occupational hygiene and epidemiological literature was
conducted to retrieve historical and current documents pertaining to silica exposure and
associated hazards.
Results The potential risk of silicosis in construction became evident starting in the
1960s, and the body of literature including case reports, sampling surveys, and medical
surveillance continues to grow to this day. Among non-construction activities, hydraulic
fracturing and engineered countertop manufacturing have recently appeared as industries
with a potential for overexposure, while mining remains the industrial sector with the
highest prevalence of exposure.
Conclusions The risk of developing this “ancient disease” remains a current issue in
many workplaces, and requires ongoing surveillance and prevention efforts. Am. J. Ind.
Med. 58:S67–S71, 2015. ß 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

KEY WORDS: occupational diseases; silicosis; history of silicosis; silica exposure;

construction industry

INTRODUCTION silicosis, but also touched on broader aspects surrounding

this disease such as diagnosis, patient care, compensation,
The 1930 International Labour Office (ILO) Conference and methods to control exposure. The conference
on silicosis in Johannesburg was a landmark event which not proceedings—both in the discussions and in the papers
only led to the first international consensus definition of presented—also provide an overview of the industrial sectors
affected by silicosis across the different countries repre-
sented at this forum, with many of these sectors still being
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health, Uni- sources of cases over 8 decades later.
versite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Throughout the discussions held at the conference, silica

Correspondence to: Jean-FranSc ois Sauve, MSc, BSc (Ag. Env. Sc.), 850, rue St-
Denis, room S02-348, Montreal, Quebec H2X0A9, Canada.
exposure and silicosis in mining and quarrying work held a
E-mail: predominant place. The fact that respiratory ailments
associated with mining activities has been documented going
Accepted 9 July 2015
DOI 10.1002/ajim.22507. Published online in Wiley Online Library
back to antiquity [Rosen, 1943; Corn, 1980] and the location
( of the conference—South Africa, with a substantial gold

ß 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


mining industry—drove the attention to this sector in the [Russell, 1930]. However, the hazards of tunnel construction
discussions. In the 8 decades that followed the conference, really came to light a few years later with the Hawk’s
numerous epidemiological studies have been conducted on Nest tunnel disaster in West Virginia, where a total of
cohorts of miners. Such studies have been instrumental in 2,500 workers were involved in the digging of a pair of
characterizing the risk of silicosis [e.g., Steenland and Brown, tunnels as part of a hydroelectric project. Even though the
1995a] and in identifying other diseases associated with silica duration of exposure was very short (80% of workers were
exposure, such as lung cancer [IARC, 1997,2012] and non- employed for 6 months or less), it is estimated that at least
respiratory diseases [Steenland and Brown, 1995b; Calvert 2,000 workers contracted silicosis, with 764 workers dying
et al., 1997; De Klerk et al., 2002]. Recent exposure from the disease. The disaster was due to the extremely rich
surveillance data continue to demonstrate the potential for silica content of the rock (from 96 to 99% silica) and the
silica dust overexposure in the mining sector, especially in lack of dust control methods and respiratory protection
underground operations [Hayumbu et al., 2008; Watts et al., [Cherniack, 1986]. Some processes and work environments
2012; Scarselli et al., 2014]. associated with tunnel construction are the same as those in
References to other industries and occupations affected underground mining, as is the potential for silica exposure,
by silicosis are also found in the proceedings. These include and should thus be easier to anticipate. Yet, controlling silica
metal grinding, potteries, stonemasonry, foundries, refracto- exposure in tunnel excavation remains a challenge today, as
ries, and abrasive blasting, with some concentration within illustrated by reports of overexposure during the construction
countries, such as the importance of porcelain manufacturing of an extension of the subway in New York City in 2011
in Germany [B€ ohme, 1930]. Silicosis continues to be a threat [Fermino, 2012].
in some of these other industrial sectors despite the fact that Excepting the early reports of silicosis linked with
methods are available to protect workers from harmful tunnel construction work, the recognition of the silica hazard
exposures. For example, the use of sand in abrasive blasting associated with other construction activities evolved slowly.
has been banned in most European countries for decades Indeed, in a review published in 1961 [Magnuson, 1961],
[Madl et al., 2008]. Yet, clusters of silicosis cases among silica was mentioned as a hazard only for tunneling work. A
sandblasters in the oil drilling industry appeared in Texas in year later, a survey provided indications of the risk of
the late 1980s [CDC, 1990] and, more recently, in Turkey, excessive silica exposure in highway and dam construction,
associated with the practice of denim sandblasting [Akgun in addition to tunneling operations [Burns et al., 1962].
et al., 2008]. Such cases could have been prevented using Hazards linked with concrete work started being recognized
appropriate protection and especially using alternative in the early 1970s with cases of silicosis associated with
blasting materials. concrete finishing and demolition reported in France
Another major industry where the prevention of silica [Bernardou et al., 1970; Sors et al., 1972]. By the end of
exposure and silicosis is a current concern today is the decade, construction occupations with intermittent or
construction. However, this sector received little attention bystander exposure to silica, such as welders and elec-
at the conference, and its importance would appear only tricians, were being acknowledged [Thomas, 1979]. In 1982,
several decades later. The objective of this article is to a comprehensive investigation encompassing several con-
provide an overview of the importance of the silica hazard in struction tasks and dust suppression methods available was
construction and how it came to be recognized. Other conducted in Sweden [Hallin, 1983]. This study concluded
industries affected by silicosis that have emerged since the that the dust suppression achieved with these methods was
1930 ILO Conference on silicosis are also briefly discussed. often insufficient to achieve acceptable levels of exposure for
many of the tasks evaluated.
By the 1990s, the hazard of silica exposure in
EMERGING AWARENESS OF THE SILICA construction became more broadly recognized [Lofgren,
HAZARD IN CONSTRUCTION 1993; Linch and Cocalis, 1994]. Many research studies
conducted since then have documented the potential of
Although the problem of silicosis had by 1930 been overexposure in a wider range of construction occupations
recognized in many industries, there was scant mention and tasks [Lumens and Spee, 2001; Rappaport et al., 2003].
of the silica hazard associated with construction work in the The recognition of the importance of silica exposure in
discussions and papers presented in Johannesburg. There construction can be seen in the prevalence estimates
was reference to stonemasonry [Kranenburg, 1930] and developed for the Global Burden of Disease project, where
the aforementioned abrasive blasting. Albert E. Russell’s the construction industry had the second highest estimated
paper “Silicosis in the United States” refers to findings of proportion of workers exposed (19%) after mining (23%)
silicosis cases associated with the tunnel excavation for the [Driscoll et al., 2004].
New York City subway, and reports an estimated 20,000 In addition to exposure surveillance, other investiga-
workers potentially at risk of silicosis on this project tions have focused on disease surveillance among workers
Historical and Emerging Workplaces Affected by Silica Exposure Since 1930 S69

employed in the construction sector. For example, a study of and the assessment of different methods to control dust
respiratory function of 7,457 construction workers in the exposure. For the latter, water or ventilation represent the
Paris region found a higher prevalence of respiratory primary strategies to control exposures, as discussed at the
symptoms among workers with past and current exposure 1930 Conference. The combination of exposure data within a
to silica than those without such exposure [Blaizot et al., single database allowed for the development of statistical
1970]. In a later study of 271 Swedish concrete workers models, which in turn enabled the estimation of the exposure
[Tornling et al., 1992], no silicosis was found, although a few levels based on the task performed, characteristics of the
cases of radiographic abnormality were observed. Finally, a work environment, and types of control methods, among
large study of 1,335 Dutch construction workers found a others [Sauve et al., 2012, 2013]. The information provided
prevalence of radiographic abnormalities of 10.2%, and can henceforth facilitate the identification of situations of
decreased lung function compared to a population of non- potential overexposure and methods suited to their preven-
construction workers [Tjoe-Nij et al., 2003]. tion. Thus, the spirit of increased international collaboration
Despite the widespread exposure to silica in construc- that was fostered at the 1930 Conference lives on, although
tion, surveillance and prevention of exposure and its such collaboration can now takes more indirect forms.
associated diseases in this sector remain a challenge, notably Finally, the development of methods to control expo-
due to the specialized and highly mobile workforce and the sure, for example, the use of additives to improve dust
temporary nature of construction sites. Construction firms suppression on concrete saws [Summers and Parmigiani,
also tend to be relatively small: as an example, over 80% of 2015], remains an active field of research. In addition, the
construction firms in Quebec comprise five employees or scope of the investigations have been broadened to include
fewer [Commission de la construction du Quebec, 2014]. In managerial, organizational, and psychosocial factors, such as
addition, the silica content of building materials tends to culture and risk perception, to improve interventions aimed
be quite variable, which also complicates the process of at controlling silica exposure [van Deurssen et al., 2014].
identifying workers at risk and preventing harmful expo- Efforts have also been made to develop low-cost screening
sures. The 1930 Conference brought together the experts of tests for silicosis adapted to construction workers, by
the time and the available evidence to tackle the complex combining questionnaire and lung function assessment
problems of silicosis and its prevention. Similarly, address- data for purposes of disease surveillance and prevention
ing the complexity of exposure in the construction industry [Suarthana et al., 2007].
also requires collaborative efforts. The advancements in
technology, communications, and statistics over the last
80 years have facilitated the rapid dissemination and CURRENT AREAS OF CONCERN AND
collection of evidence, allowing, for example, the creation PERSPECTIVES FOR PREVENTION
and analysis of databases combining measurement data
reported in the literature. The objective of eliminating silicosis has been proposed
Such a strategy was adopted by Flanagan et al. [2006], for decades, such as in 1978 [Harry and Ohman, 1978] and,
following a call made in 2001 to the research and industrial more recently, by the International Labour Organization and
hygiene community to collect silica sampling results related the World Health Organization [2007]. Still, silica exposure
to miscellaneous construction activities [Becker et al., 2001]. remains a concern in many occupations. Some of the risks
A total of 1,374 quartz measurements spanning 16 tasks faced today hark back to equivalent hazards at the time when
categories were obtained and analyzed. The authors the Conference was held, such as in the relatively recent
concluded that overexposure was prevalent while respiratory cases of abrasive blasting and the extension of the New York
protection was seldom used, and that additional surveys City subway mentioned earlier. Other risks appeared not
would be needed to document exposure levels for less long after the conference, such as silicosis among dental
prevalent tasks and occupations. Building in part on the technicians [Siltzbach, 1939], with cases still being reported
framework used by this project, Beaudry et al. [2013] in the United States in the 1990s [CDC, 2004]. In other cases,
developed a database representing over 10,000 measure- risk originally confined to a small subset of an industry,
ments from 11 countries, following collaboration with The namely construction with stone masonry, now affects
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health workers involved in a wide range of building trades due to
(NIOSH), France’s Institut de Veille Sanitaire and the the widespread use of materials containing silica. The
researchers behind the 2006 database project. Measurement hazards of highway construction, identified in the 1960s,
data published in research reports and journal articles were now extend to highway repair as the road infrastructure ages
also extracted in order to attempt to encompass as many and requires maintenance [Valiante et al., 2004].
circumstances associated with silica exposure as possible. Finally, new processes and materials leading to silica
This project enabled the production of descriptive exposure are still emerging. One example outside the
portraits of silica exposure for several trades, tasks and tools, construction industry is the manufacture of engineered (or

artificial stone) countertops, which are cheaper to produce chez les ouvriers du b^atiment et des travaux publics de la region
than granite tops but contain a much higher proportion of parisienne. Arch Mal Prof Med Trav Secur Soc 31:78–80.
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identified 80 years ago at the 1930 Conference remain a Commission de la construction du Quebec (CCQ). 2014. Statistiques
concern today. Ongoing medical and exposure surveillance, annuelles de l’industrie de la construction 2013. Montreal: Commission
and implementation of interventions to manage and control de la construction du Quebec, Direction de la recherche et de la
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Fermino J. 2012. Lung hazard at 2nd Ave. Subway. New York Post.
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