Manuscript Speech

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Manuscript Speech

January 6, 2022
Most Essential Learning Competencies

▪ Distinguishes types of speeches (according to

▪ Uses principles of effective speech delivery in
different situations.
Manuscript Speech

• is a written text read to an audience from

a paper script or teleprompter. This
method involves reading a speech
verbatim and is typically used when there is
a time constraint, or the speech will be
For whom is the manuscript method most
1. Public figures. Since public figures are always
constrained by a hectic schedule, they need ghost
writers. Consequently, they would have to read
the text of the speech as it is. The President’s State
of the Nation Address (SONA) is a concrete
example of this situation.
For whom is the manuscript method most
2. Media personalities. Speakers on radio and
television always battle with time limits. For
example, a televised panel discussion about a
social issue may require radio and TV anchors to
critically choose and refine the words of their
speech in advance.
For whom is the manuscript method most
3. Spokespersons for government and private
organizations. This public speaking role requires a
great deal of contemplation and preparation. For
example, we have speeches of different country’s
spokespersons in an international seminar on
climate change.
How can you make a manuscript presentation
a success?
• 1. Use large print so that it will be easy to
read your speech without straining your
• 2. Use light pastel paper for your speech
rather than white paper to reduce the
glare from the lights
How can you make a manuscript presentation
a success?
• 3. Double or triple space your speech
• 4. Mark pauses with a slash
• 5. Highlight what you want to emphasize
in your speech
How can you make a manuscript presentation
a success?
• 6. Create a full sentence outline to help
keep you on track when reading from your

• Why you have to practice a speech

that you will be reading?
• Although you will be reading form your paper
or from a full sentence outline, you want
what you read to sound as natural and
original as possible. If you practice enough,
you will be more comfortable with what you
read and therefore you will be able to focus
more of your attention on your audience.
What are the advantages of manuscript

• Precise wording can be planned

• Timing of the speech can be
down to seconds
What are the disadvantages of manuscript

• Most people do not read well

enough to read an entire speech to
an audience.
What are the disadvantages of manuscript
The natural, relaxed, enthusiastic, and
direct qualities of delivery are all limited by
this method. (You may overlook making eye
contact with your audience. Note that glancing
at the audience only at the end of a sentence
is not sufficient to establish and maintain
rapport during the speech.)
What are the disadvantages of manuscript
• Most people will not practice
enough because they tend to
assume that reading a paper
verbatim does not require
practicing beforehand.
Probable Uses:

o When the speaker must convey a precise

o When the speaker wants to communicate
exact descriptions and directions so as not
to be misquoted or misconstrued
(politicians or business leaders)
Probable Uses:

o During emergency situations when

exact descriptions and directions are
o When the speaker is accepting an

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