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KKBI-English began in March 2010 with briefing by Mdm. Liz. We need to form group of three
to four members. I teamed with Farah and Fairul. We had to complete 6 tasks in stages to be
completed by end of July 2010. The first task is to do the graphic organizer.I had a really tough time
to choose the best article as I did not have the idea about what articles should I choose. The topic
given was very general. Organising the information into suitable Graphic Organiser wasn͛t an issue as
it was one of my strength.I used to do it before. However, I think if we had been t aught the topic
͞Lesson Plan͟ prior to sub-task 1, we could͛ve produced relevant result more efficiently.

Our first group work was to prepare a Weekly Plan from the English syllabus. By then, we had
learned in class the difference between a syllabus, curriculum specs, yearly and weekly plan. So, the
task was a lot easier to begin with, though we did struggle with the integration of language skills,
content, and educational emphases. I have to admit that I find teaching writing skills is the most
difficult and challenging among the four skills. It was really helpful to see the details of each skills laid
out systematically in the Curriculum Specs ( CS ) as defined clauses. By this time, I began to see the
relation and links from the syllabus to CS, yearly plan and Weekly Plan and then daily Lesson Plan.
Completing this task helped me to prepare myself to understand how to use the Weekly Plan as
reference in preparing daily Lesson Plans during my practicum. When I started my first attempt on
writing Lesson Plan, I had to edit it a few times. It was quite confusing as there were many formats
one can prepare a Lesson Plan. Each of the group members needed to prepare one LP on our own.

After completing the individual LP, there came the problem. To choose one of the LP to be
master copy of our microteaching. After discussing with our supervisor and she suggested several
ideas which really helps us a lot because we were still blurr and confused with what we are going to
do. The LP was done after a few amendments and we were ready to present it.

Then, I had a different perspective after microteaching using the selected and final edition of
Lesson Plan and it was a total different experience. One being most obvious was classroom
management. Of course, this wasn͛t an issue during the microteaching. So, when things don͛t go as
planned, there should always be an alternative. The comments from the lecturer really helps us a lot
to improve our skill and strategies in teaching.
From the experience I gained in this KKBI, it is really helpful and useful during my practicum
and as future teacher. Finally, I can see clearly the total overview of the entire process of planning a
lesson from a general syllabus. Then, the macroteaching experience, was indeed an awakening and
eye-opener to a real classroom teaching. Aside from that, along the process of this coursework, we
learned to work as a team, complementing each other͛s strength and weaknesses.

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