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The three sources I found are all found off the CQ Researcher.

The first source I found is on Childhood

Depression. It’s a story about a girl named Jessica and how she becomes depressed over time. She was a
happy toddler but then when she got into elementary school something flipped and she no longer
wanted to do anything. A therapist put her on medication when she was 8 due to a chemical imbalance.
Now she does activities she loves. In this article, it says, “Some mental health specialists say childhood
depression is on the rise and is appearing in younger and younger children.” Depression can look
different for everyone. If you don’t treat it when it’s severe major repercussions can happen. Depression
can lead to suicide. Your depression can be caused by genetics.

I think that this doesn’t challenge my bias because I think depression is hard no matter what age you
deal with it. This article is helpful when it comes to upcoming projects. I enjoyed reading it and taking
things from it.

The second source is about bullying. This is about bullying in the NFL, military, and getting worse in
students. Schools are trying to make schools safer for students. Bullying is getting more and more
intense as the years go on. It says, “Depending on the state law, schools may be required to do lots of
reporting or tracking of incidents or are encouraged or required to do prevention.”

I think that it does challenge my bias because I feel like my middle school didn’t do its best to prevent
me from getting bullied even after I told the administration about what was going on. I think schools can
do more to help the kids going through it. They could try harder. I think I will use this source because it is
important to know what schools can do to help more.

The third source is about treating depression. Depression is the most common mental illness. The article
says, “Depression is loosely defined as a mental and emotional disorder with symptoms of constant
sadness, lethargy, irritability, and a loss of interest and pleasure.” Most people with a mental illness
don’t even get diagnosed. They just live with it. We need to treat depression as if it would be diabetes.
How to treat depression, is mostly based on the person. Some people just live with it. Some people need
therapy. Some people need medication. Some people need to be in a facility to learn how to cope. It just
depends on the person.

I think that this doesn’t challenge my bias. My opinion was in line with this source. I would use this in
future projects because some people don’t know some of the facts in this article.


Koch, Kathy. 1999, July 16. “Childhood Depression.” CQ Researcher. https://library-cqpress-

McLeod, Ethan. 2014, April 22. “Bullying.” CQ Researcher. https://library-cqpress-

Clemmit, Marcia. 2009, June 26. “Treating Depression.” CQ Researcher. https://library-cqpress-

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