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Srna = DIAGRAMMATIC PRESENTATION OF DATA: BAR DIAGRAMS AND PIE DIAGRAMS Data may be presented in a simple and at of diagrams, Diagrammatic presentation is types, viz, nner in the fore ‘oadly classified as af three (i) Geometsic form including bar diagrams and pie diagrams, (ii) Frequency diagrams including histogram: (ii) Arithmetic Line-Graphs or Tir polygon Series Graphs. Following chart shows different types of diagram specified in the syllabus for the CBSE students of presentation as lass XT ras eer ca quency Diagrams: —Histoaram 3-Aithm | 1, Geometrte For fc SrDagam: = | Fie Disgrams ae Tine ees rps The present chapter focuses on Geometric form of diagrammatic presentation, including (i) Bar diagran and (ii) Pie diagrams. 1, Bar Diagrams Alar diagranis are thse diagrams in which daa ave preseated tte farm of ba or rectangtes. Bars are also called columns. Bar AND ITS FEATURES usually means a rectangle or some rectangular form. It shows some It has the following features: oft differs according to different values is, leng be more or less but breadth usually these are So.ution: Birth Rate and Death Rate in India (Por Thousand) (1991-40 to 2016-17) he MULIPLE MAR DIAGRAM bers rare 19840 iste me, (iii) Sub-divided Bar Diagrams or Differential Bar Diagram divided bar diagrams are those diagrams which simulta B¥esent, total values as well as part values of a set of data. Different parts of the bars are shaded with colours. However, different pars ofa bar must be shown in the same order for all bars of a dia ILLUSTRATION. The following table shows Production of Electricity from different Sources in India during 2013-14 to 2016-17 (hypothetical data). Present the data in a sub-divided bar % (000° Million KWTs) 2019-14 2014-15 2015616 2016-17

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