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Months # Days Climate Latitude Precip Temp

January 31 Warm with Dry Summer 5 0.35 -6

February 28 Usual latitudes for: 0.35 -1
March 31 Desert 0–30° 0.35 5
April 30 Tropical Savanna 0–20° 0.35 11
May 31 Steppes 20–50° 0.35 16
June 30 Equatorial 0–20° 0.35 22
July 31 Monsoon 0–20° 0.35 17
August 31 Warm and Rainy 20–50° 0.35 11
September 30 Warm with Dry Summer 20–50° 0.35 6
October 31 Warm with Dry Winter 20–40° 0.35 0
November 30 Cool and Rainy 40–70° 0.35 4
December 31 Cool with Dry Winter 50–70° 0.35 -1
Tundra 70°+
Polar 70°+

Temperature Units Freezing

Celsius 0
Temp outer bound: 7
Temp inner bound: 2

Chance of fog for rain: 0.15

Chance of lightning for storm: 0.25
Chance of hail for rain: 0.1
Chance of hail for storm: 0.2
°F °C
21 -6
31 -1 RPG Weather Pattern Generator
41 5 Generate an entire year of randomized weather that's based
in reality! (Assuming an Earth-like planet with similar
51 11 climates.) Everything here is based off of the weather system
61 16 in "Weathering the Storms" in Dragon Magazine #137.
71 22
62 17 If you haven't already, duplicate the original and make your
52 11 own spreadsheet so you can start customizing. Change
anything highlighted in yellow on this page, then click on the
42 6 "Year of Weather" tab to see your weather report! It is set up
32 0 to handle up to 24 months and 1000 days.
39 4
If you find a year you really like and want to save it, copy the
30 -1 table. Make a new sheet, then use Edit > Paste special >
Paste values only. You can then copy and paste the column
widths and formatting if you want to. Every alteration to the
document randomizes the weather again.

This is set up for the northern hemisphere. If your setting is in

the southern hemisphere and you don't want to reconfigure
things, you can list the months starting with the middle of the
year (e.g. July–June instead of January–December). Then
you'll get summer and winter falling on the right months.
Month Day Low °C High °C Precipitation Clouds Feature
January 1 -10 -1 None Clear
January 2 -12 1 None A few clouds
January 3 -12 -1 None Mostly cloudy
January 4 -13 -1 None Clear
January 5 -12 1 None Clear
January 6 -13 0 None Clear
January 7 -9 1 Blizzard Dark storm clouds
January 8 -10 -1 None Clear
January 9 -10 -4 None Clear
January 10 -8 -2 None Clear
January 11 -10 -3 None Mostly cloudy
January 12 -12 -1 Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast
January 13 -13 1 None Clear
January 14 -9 1 Blizzard Dark storm clouds
January 15 -10 -4 None Clear
January 16 -13 0 None Clear
January 17 -12 -3 A few flakes A few clouds
January 18 -9 0 None Mostly cloudy
January 19 -8 0 A few flakes A few clouds
January 20 -12 -1 Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast
January 21 -8 -4 None Clear
January 22 -10 -2 None A few clouds
January 23 -8 -1 None A few clouds
January 24 -10 -2 A few flakes A few clouds
January 25 -12 -2 None Mostly cloudy
January 26 -8 0 None Clear
January 27 -8 -2 None Mostly cloudy
January 28 -13 0 A few flakes A few clouds
January 29 -12 1 None Mostly cloudy
January 30 -12 -2 A few flakes A few clouds
January 31 -10 0 Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast
February 1 -4 4 Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds
February 2 -8 3 None Clear
February 3 -6 4 None Clear
February 4 -8 5 Blizzard Dark storm clouds
February 5 -3 1 None Clear
February 6 -4 3 None A few clouds
February 7 -3 6 None Clear
February 8 -8 6 None Mostly cloudy
February 9 -4 2 None Mostly cloudy
February 10 -4 5 None Mostly cloudy
February 11 -6 4 None Clear
February 12 -7 4 Blizzard Dark storm clouds
February 13 -4 6 None Clear
February 14 -7 1 Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy
February 15 -3 4 None Clear
February 16 -8 5 None Clear
February 17 -3 2 None A few clouds
February 18 -6 3 None A few clouds
February 19 -7 5 None A few clouds
February 20 -2 5 None A few clouds
February 21 0 8 None Clear
February 22 -2 9 None A few clouds
February 23 1 8 None A few clouds
February 24 0 10 None Clear
February 25 -1 13 None Clear
February 26 3 12 None A few clouds
February 27 1 13 None Clear
February 28 5 15 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
March 1 -2 9 None Clear
March 2 0 7 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
March 3 -2 12 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
March 4 -2 11 None A few clouds
March 5 1 7 None A few clouds
March 6 -2 8 None Mostly cloudy
March 7 1 11 None A few clouds
March 8 2 10 None Clear
March 9 -2 10 None A few clouds
March 10 3 11 None Mostly cloudy
March 11 2 8 None A few clouds
March 12 2 8 None Clear
March 13 0 8 Downpour Dark storm clouds
March 14 1 7 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast Hail
March 15 -2 12 Light mist A few clouds Fog
March 16 -2 11 None Clear
March 17 -1 8 None A few clouds
March 18 -2 12 None Mostly cloudy
March 19 1 7 None Clear
March 20 2 8 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
March 21 2 11 None Clear
March 22 5 14 Drizzle Mostly cloudy Fog
March 23 3 12 Downpour Dark storm clouds
March 24 5 15 Light mist A few clouds
March 25 4 14 None Mostly cloudy
March 26 9 14 None Mostly cloudy
March 27 5 18 Light mist A few clouds
March 28 7 19 Downpour Dark storm clouds
March 29 8 21 None A few clouds
March 30 8 21 None Mostly cloudy
March 31 10 21 Downpour Dark storm clouds Lightning
April 1 8 16 None Mostly cloudy
April 2 9 15 Light mist A few clouds
April 3 8 14 None Clear
April 4 9 13 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
April 5 8 15 None A few clouds
April 6 9 14 None Clear
April 7 9 13 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast Hail
April 8 6 17 None A few clouds
April 9 7 18 None Mostly cloudy
April 10 5 17 None A few clouds
April 11 5 14 Light mist A few clouds
April 12 8 18 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
April 13 8 15 None A few clouds
April 14 5 18 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast Hail
April 15 5 13 None A few clouds
April 16 4 14 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
April 17 9 17 None Clear
April 18 8 13 None Clear
April 19 9 13 Drizzle Mostly cloudy Fog
April 20 6 14 None Clear
April 21 5 16 None A few clouds
April 22 9 16 None Clear
April 23 10 16 None A few clouds
April 24 10 20 None Clear
April 25 14 23 None A few clouds
April 26 10 19 None Clear
April 27 11 24 None Mostly cloudy
April 28 17 22 None Clear
April 29 18 26 None Clear
April 30 14 25 None Clear
May 1 13 22 None A few clouds
May 2 11 20 None A few clouds
May 3 12 18 Downpour Dark storm clouds Hail
May 4 11 20 None A few clouds
May 5 11 19 None A few clouds
May 6 9 22 None Clear
May 7 10 20 None Mostly cloudy
May 8 9 23 None Mostly cloudy
May 9 9 18 None Clear
May 10 14 22 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast
May 11 9 19 None Clear
May 12 10 22 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
May 13 10 22 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
May 14 13 18 Light mist A few clouds Fog
May 15 9 21 None A few clouds
May 16 13 19 None A few clouds
May 17 9 18 None Clear
May 18 10 19 None Clear
May 19 10 22 None Clear
May 20 10 19 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds Lightning
May 21 10 21 None Clear
May 22 16 22 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
May 23 13 22 None A few clouds
May 24 13 26 None Mostly cloudy
May 25 18 26 None Mostly cloudy
May 26 18 26 None Clear
May 27 20 27 None Clear
May 28 17 31 None Mostly cloudy
May 29 21 28 None Clear
May 30 24 32 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
May 31 20 33 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds
June 1 18 28 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast
June 2 15 27 None Clear
June 3 18 25 None Clear
June 4 15 25 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast
June 5 17 27 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast
June 6 16 29 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
June 7 15 26 None Clear
June 8 15 24 None A few clouds
June 9 16 25 None Clear
June 10 16 25 None A few clouds
June 11 18 29 Downpour Dark storm clouds
June 12 17 28 None Clear
June 13 17 25 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast Hail
June 14 15 28 None Clear
June 15 18 25 None A few clouds
June 16 19 26 None Clear
June 17 17 29 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
June 18 20 29 Light mist A few clouds
June 19 15 29 Downpour Dark storm clouds Lightning
June 20 15 27 None A few clouds
June 21 18 24 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast
June 22 15 22 None Clear
June 23 15 26 None Clear
June 24 15 24 None Clear
June 25 11 22 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds
June 26 9 22 Downpour Dark storm clouds Hail
June 27 12 18 None Clear
June 28 7 17 None Clear
June 29 11 16 None Clear
June 30 6 19 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast
July 1 11 24 None A few clouds
July 2 15 22 None Mostly cloudy
July 3 13 24 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
July 4 13 19 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
July 5 13 19 None Clear
July 6 12 23 None Clear
July 7 11 20 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
July 8 15 19 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
July 9 10 24 None Mostly cloudy
July 10 14 21 Downpour Dark storm clouds Lightning
July 11 13 21 None A few clouds
July 12 14 22 None Mostly cloudy
July 13 10 19 None A few clouds
July 14 15 20 None Clear
July 15 15 22 None A few clouds
July 16 13 24 None Mostly cloudy
July 17 12 24 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
July 18 10 23 Light mist A few clouds
July 19 14 22 None Clear
July 20 14 24 None Clear
July 21 11 23 None Mostly cloudy
July 22 10 19 Downpour Dark storm clouds Lightning
July 23 7 21 None Clear
July 24 11 16 Light mist A few clouds
July 25 6 18 None Clear
July 26 4 18 None A few clouds
July 27 6 17 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds Lightning
July 28 7 11 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast
July 29 2 14 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
July 30 4 11 Downpour Dark storm clouds Lightning
July 31 -1 11 None Mostly cloudy
August 1 8 14 None A few clouds
August 2 6 18 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds
August 3 8 16 None Clear
August 4 4 18 None A few clouds
August 5 9 13 None Clear
August 6 8 14 None Clear
August 7 4 16 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
August 8 6 13 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail
August 9 8 18 None A few clouds
August 10 8 17 None Mostly cloudy
August 11 6 16 None Clear
August 12 7 16 None A few clouds
August 13 4 18 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
August 14 7 17 None Clear
August 15 9 18 None A few clouds
August 16 8 18 None A few clouds
August 17 6 17 None Clear
August 18 6 15 None Mostly cloudy
August 19 5 14 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast Hail
August 20 5 13 Downpour Dark storm clouds
August 21 5 15 None Mostly cloudy
August 22 5 13 None Clear
August 23 7 18 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds Hail
August 24 5 14 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
August 25 5 13 None Mostly cloudy
August 26 6 13 None A few clouds
August 27 5 17 None Mostly cloudy
August 28 9 13 None Clear
August 29 4 15 None Clear
August 30 5 14 None A few clouds
August 31 7 14 None Clear
September 1 -1 8 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
September 2 2 12 None Clear
September 3 -1 13 None A few clouds
September 4 1 11 None Clear
September 5 -1 11 None Clear
September 6 4 13 None A few clouds
September 7 3 9 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds Lightning
September 8 0 10 Light mist A few clouds
September 9 3 10 None Clear
September 10 1 10 None Clear
September 11 3 10 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds
September 12 4 13 None Clear
September 13 3 13 None A few clouds
September 14 4 9 None Clear
September 15 1 11 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
September 16 -1 11 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
September 17 -1 12 None Clear
September 18 4 13 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds Lightning
September 19 2 10 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
September 20 3 11 Light mist A few clouds
September 21 1 8 None A few clouds
September 22 2 9 None Clear
September 23 -3 8 None A few clouds
September 24 -4 5 None Mostly cloudy
September 25 -3 3 Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast
September 26 -5 7 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast
September 27 -7 5 None A few clouds
September 28 -7 3 Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy
September 29 -10 0 A few flakes A few clouds
September 30 -6 3 None Clear
October 1 -4 6 None A few clouds
October 2 -6 6 None Clear
October 3 -4 5 None Clear
October 4 -3 5 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds Lightning
October 5 -3 4 None Clear
October 6 -5 4 None Clear
October 7 -2 4 None Clear
October 8 -5 7 None Clear
October 9 -3 6 None A few clouds
October 10 -7 6 Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy
October 11 -5 7 None Clear
October 12 -4 5 None Mostly cloudy
October 13 -3 7 Downpour Dark storm clouds
October 14 -6 2 None Clear
October 15 -2 3 Light mist A few clouds
October 16 -6 2 None Clear
October 17 -6 7 Pounding rain Dark storm clouds
October 18 -4 4 None Mostly cloudy
October 19 -5 2 None Clear
October 20 -7 4 Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy
October 21 -3 3 None Mostly cloudy
October 22 -3 4 None A few clouds
October 23 -7 2 None Clear
October 24 -2 5 None Clear
October 25 -2 7 None A few clouds
October 26 -4 2 Blizzard Dark storm clouds
October 27 -3 5 None A few clouds
October 28 -4 6 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
October 29 -2 3 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
October 30 -3 4 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
October 31 -3 6 None A few clouds
November 1 2 9 None A few clouds
November 2 0 8 None Clear
November 3 -1 8 None Clear
November 4 -3 6 Downpour Dark storm clouds
November 5 1 8 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
November 6 2 8 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast
November 7 -1 11 None Mostly cloudy
November 8 0 6 None Mostly cloudy
November 9 2 6 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast
November 10 1 6 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast
November 11 -3 10 None A few clouds
November 12 2 8 None A few clouds
November 13 -3 7 Light mist A few clouds
November 14 2 6 None Clear
November 15 -3 6 None Mostly cloudy
November 16 -3 8 Drizzle Mostly cloudy
November 17 -2 8 None A few clouds
November 18 0 6 None Clear
November 19 -2 11 None Mostly cloudy
November 20 -3 6 None A few clouds
November 21 -3 10 None Clear
November 22 -4 8 None Clear
November 23 -1 8 None Clear
November 24 -2 2 None A few clouds
November 25 -6 5 None A few clouds
November 26 -4 4 Flurries Gray, slightly overcast
November 27 -8 -1 None Mostly cloudy
November 28 -11 2 None A few clouds
November 29 -7 -2 None Mostly cloudy
November 30 -9 -2 A few flakes A few clouds
December 1 -8 1 A few flakes A few clouds
December 2 -7 3 Flurries Gray, slightly overcast
December 3 -6 1 None Clear
December 4 -7 6 Flurries Gray, slightly overcast
December 5 -7 2 None A few clouds
December 6 -7 2 None Mostly cloudy
December 7 -6 2 None A few clouds
December 8 -7 4 None Clear
December 9 -4 2 None Clear
December 10 -6 2 None Clear
December 11 -3 1 None Mostly cloudy
December 12 -8 2 None Mostly cloudy
December 13 -7 4 None A few clouds
December 14 -8 3 Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy
December 15 -4 6 None Mostly cloudy
December 16 -3 5 Strong rainfall Gray, highly overcast
December 17 -3 5 None Mostly cloudy
December 18 -5 1 None A few clouds
December 19 -4 5 Steady rainfall Gray, slightly overcast Hail
December 20 -6 1 None Mostly cloudy
December 21 -8 5 None A few clouds
December 22 -4 4 None Clear
December 23 -8 1 None Clear
December 24 -5 3 None Clear
December 25 -8 6 None Mostly cloudy
December 26 -4 3 Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds
December 27 -7 2 Blizzard Dark storm clouds
December 28 -8 2 Flurries Gray, slightly overcast
December 29 -6 2 None A few clouds
December 30 -7 2 A few flakes A few clouds
December 31 -3 6 None Clear
#N/A 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Wind MPH Dir Description Weather
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 262
Light air 1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 780
Gentle breeze 8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 846
Light breeze 4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 280
Strong breeze 25–31 W Large branches move 912
Strong breeze 25–31 SE Large branches move 265
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 745
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 155
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 880
Calm <1 N Smoke rises vertically 176
Light breeze 4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 157
Fresh breeze 19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 29
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 62
Fresh gale 39–46 E Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 703
Strong breeze 25–31 E Large branches move 383
Light breeze 4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 850
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 578
Light air 1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 924
Light breeze 4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 554
Strong breeze 25–31 NE Large branches move 17
Light breeze 4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 322
Light breeze 4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 495
Gentle breeze 8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 88
Light air 1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 638
Fresh breeze 19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 73
Moderate gale 32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 295
Fresh breeze 19–24 W Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 246
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 776
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 951
Light breeze 4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 218
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 989
Strong breeze 25–31 W Large branches move 966
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 284
Light breeze 4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 205
Fresh breeze 19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 601
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 355
Gentle breeze 8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 340
Light breeze 4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 95
Light breeze 4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 739
Storm 55–63 SW Trees are uprooted and considerable structural damage occurs 421
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 725
Strong breeze 25–31 SE Large branches move 162
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 559
Gentle breeze 8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 844
Light breeze 4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 555
Fresh breeze 19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 863
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 323
Fresh breeze 19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 660
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 566
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 519
Fresh gale 39–46 E Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 313
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 379
Fresh gale 39–46 E Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 313
Fresh gale 39–46 SE Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 133
Gentle breeze 8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 790
Calm <1 E Smoke rises vertically 278
Strong breeze 25–31 E Large branches move 235
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 355
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 412
Strong breeze 25–31 N Large branches move 655
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 304
Light breeze 4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 177
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 836
Moderate breeze 13–18 SW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 532
Calm <1 SW Smoke rises vertically 423
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 470
Gentle breeze 8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 550
Gentle breeze 8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 930
Violent storm 64–72 NW Widespread damage occurs 973
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 111
Fresh breeze 19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 498
Light breeze 4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 373
Fresh breeze 19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 623
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 872
Light air 1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 968
Moderate breeze 13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 737
Gentle breeze 8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 750
Light breeze 4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 413
Gentle breeze 8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 328
Moderate breeze 13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 744
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 465
Strong breeze 25–31 N Large branches move 553
Calm <1 NE Smoke rises vertically 398
Gentle breeze 8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 930
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 81
Light air 1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 368
Violent storm 64–72 S Widespread damage occurs 733
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 5
Calm <1 SE Smoke rises vertically 913
Strong breeze 25–31 SE Large branches move 877
Light breeze 4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 254
Light air 1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 368
Light breeze 4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 747
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 213
Gentle breeze 8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 370
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 86
Gentle breeze 8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 497
Calm <1 SE Smoke rises vertically 614
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 268
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 408
Light air 1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 368
Calm <1 NW Smoke rises vertically 543
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 287
Strong breeze 25–31 S Large branches move 815
Strong gale 47–54 NE Slight structural damage occurs 415
Gentle breeze 8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 106
Fresh breeze 19–24 SW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 492
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 45
Light breeze 4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 981
Calm <1 S Smoke rises vertically 170
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 730
Gentle breeze 8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 252
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 63
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 992
Calm <1 E Smoke rises vertically 579
Fresh breeze 19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 773
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 93
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 819
Violent storm 64–72 E Widespread damage occurs 943
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 31
Moderate gale 32–38 W Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 114
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 816
Moderate breeze 13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 751
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 314
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 822
Moderate breeze 13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 334
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 471
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 471
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 796
Strong breeze 25–31 SW Large branches move 377
Calm <1 NW Smoke rises vertically 969
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 124
Gentle breeze 8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 693
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 788
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 315
Fresh breeze 19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 995
Calm <1 E Smoke rises vertically 278
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 135
Light air 1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 882
Moderate breeze 13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 996
Fresh breeze 19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 402
Light breeze 4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 567
Strong breeze 25–31 N Large branches move 553
Light air 1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 364
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 93
Gentle breeze 8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 714
Gentle breeze 8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 318
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 471
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 270
Gentle breeze 8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 640
Light breeze 4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 126
Moderate breeze 13–18 NW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 305
Gentle breeze 8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 141
Light breeze 4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 282
Moderate breeze 13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 59
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 5
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 87
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 119
Light breeze 4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 830
Light breeze 4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 501
Light air 1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 469
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 391
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 950
Gentle breeze 8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 497
Light breeze 4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 207
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 587
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 923
Gentle breeze 8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 525
Calm <1 S Smoke rises vertically 2
Fresh breeze 19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 919
Gentle breeze 8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 954
Light breeze 4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 671
Strong breeze 25–31 N Large branches move 655
Calm <1 E Smoke rises vertically 217
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 468
Strong breeze 25–31 W Large branches move 540
Strong breeze 25–31 W Large branches move 505
Strong breeze 25–31 N Large branches move 901
Moderate breeze 13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 997
Light air 1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 654
Moderate breeze 13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 509
Gentle breeze 8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 790
Light breeze 4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 357
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 891
Gentle breeze 8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 328
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 272
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 101
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 622
Light breeze 4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 376
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 802
Strong breeze 25–31 NW Large branches move 871
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 759
Fresh gale 39–46 SW Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 66
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 856
Light air 1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 528
Calm <1 SW Smoke rises vertically 795
Calm <1 E Smoke rises vertically 278
Light air 1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 687
Calm <1 SE Smoke rises vertically 614
Calm <1 NE Smoke rises vertically 848
Light breeze 4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 250
Light air 1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 64
Storm 55–63 NE Trees are uprooted and considerable structural damage occurs 49
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 644
Calm <1 NW Smoke rises vertically 656
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 477
Moderate gale 32–38 SE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 211
Moderate gale 32–38 SE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 612
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 101
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 393
Moderate gale 32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 307
Moderate breeze 13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 628
Gentle breeze 8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 673
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 324
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 308
Calm <1 NW Smoke rises vertically 969
Fresh breeze 19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 840
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 155
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 856
Fresh breeze 19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 402
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 992
Fresh breeze 19–24 SW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 492
Strong breeze 25–31 SE Large branches move 60
Calm <1 E Smoke rises vertically 278
Calm <1 SW Smoke rises vertically 717
Moderate breeze 13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 281
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 148
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 898
Gentle breeze 8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 925
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 490
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 466
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 745
Gentle breeze 8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 510
Strong breeze 25–31 E Large branches move 235
Light breeze 4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 120
Calm <1 SE Smoke rises vertically 447
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 55
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 148
Light air 1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 720
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 259
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 759
Calm <1 S Smoke rises vertically 170
Light air 1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 227
Gentle breeze 8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 88
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 814
Moderate breeze 13–18 NW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 653
Fresh breeze 19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 29
Strong breeze 25–31 SE Large branches move 353
Gentle breeze 8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 136
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 468
Light breeze 4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 764
Strong breeze 25–31 N Large branches move 631
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 702
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 6
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 45
Light breeze 4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 129
Gentle breeze 8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 318
Light breeze 4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 903
Light breeze 4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 123
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 135
Moderate gale 32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 366
Light breeze 4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 129
Light air 1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 878
Calm <1 SE Smoke rises vertically 614
Strong breeze 25–31 NW Large branches move 161
Gentle breeze 8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 226
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 581
Strong breeze 25–31 N Large branches move 425
Fresh breeze 19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 431
Moderate breeze 13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 551
Calm <1 W Smoke rises vertically 261
Light air 1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 536
Fresh breeze 19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 293
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 419
Moderate breeze 13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 838
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 524
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 684
Gentle breeze 8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 544
Light air 1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 638
Fresh breeze 19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 594
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 239
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 53
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 705
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 264
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 89
Light breeze 4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 157
Light breeze 4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 95
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 272
Moderate breeze 13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 199
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 264
Light air 1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 860
Moderate breeze 13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 253
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 615
Gentle breeze 8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 455
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 891
Strong breeze 25–31 W Large branches move 912
Moderate breeze 13–18 SW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 168
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 657
Fresh gale 39–46 S Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 151
Gentle breeze 8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 983
Light breeze 4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 820
Light breeze 4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 196
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 789
Light air 1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 915
Fresh breeze 19–24 SW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 349
Moderate breeze 13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 125
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 684
Moderate gale 32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 295
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 15
Light breeze 4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 778
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 767
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 231
Fresh breeze 19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 293
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 323
Light air 1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 938
Gentle breeze 8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 940
Calm <1 SE Smoke rises vertically 932
Light air 1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 391
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 43
Light breeze 4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 105
Fresh breeze 19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 498
Light breeze 4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
Light air 1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 135
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 111
Strong breeze 25–31 E Large branches move 167
Light breeze 4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 329
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 832
Calm <1 SW Smoke rises vertically 326
Gentle breeze 8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 925
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 448
Gentle breeze 8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 550
Gentle breeze 8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 925
Fresh breeze 19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 407
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 476
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 794
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 262
Fresh breeze 19–24 SW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 241
Light breeze 4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 874
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 515
Gentle breeze 8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 113
Light breeze 4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 351
Strong breeze 25–31 NW Large branches move 395
Gentle breeze 8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 502
Moderate gale 32–38 N Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 811
Fresh breeze 19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 876
Fresh gale 39–46 SW Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 595
Light breeze 4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 429
Gentle breeze 8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 693
Light air 1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 227
Fresh breeze 19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 47
Fresh breeze 19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 863
Gentle breeze 8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 790
Gentle breeze 8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 784
Gentle breeze 8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 616
Gentle breeze 8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 867
Calm <1 S Smoke rises vertically 345
Light air 1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 412
Light air 1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 152
Storm 55–63 W Trees are uprooted and considerable structural damage occurs 949
Moderate breeze 13–18 SW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 378
Light air 1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 895
Light air 1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 190
Light air 1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 256
Calm <1 SW Smoke rises vertically 944
Gentle breeze 8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 849
Gentle breeze 8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 586
Precip Temp Next Adj Length
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
1 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
1 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
1 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
1 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
1 -6 -1 -6 31
1 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
1 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
1 -6 -1 -6 31
0 -6 -1 -6 31
1 -6 -1 -6 31
1 -6 -1 -6 31
1 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
1 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
1 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
1 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 -1 28
0 -1 5 0 28
0 -1 5 1 28
0 -1 5 2 28
0 -1 5 3 28
0 -1 5 4 28
0 -1 5 5 28
0 -1 5 6 28
0 -1 5 7 28
0 -1 5 8 28
1 -1 5 9 28
0 5 11 5 31
1 5 11 5 31
1 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
1 5 11 5 31
1 5 11 5 31
1 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 5 31
1 5 11 5 31
0 5 11 6 31
1 5 11 7 31
1 5 11 8 31
1 5 11 9 31
0 5 11 10 31
0 5 11 11 31
1 5 11 12 31
1 5 11 13 31
0 5 11 14 31
0 5 11 15 31
1 5 11 16 31
0 11 16 11 30
1 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 11 30
1 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 11 30
1 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 11 30
1 11 16 11 30
1 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 11 30
1 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 11 30
1 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 11 30
1 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 11 30
0 11 16 12 30
0 11 16 13 30
0 11 16 14 30
0 11 16 15 30
0 11 16 16 30
0 11 16 17 30
0 11 16 18 30
0 11 16 19 30
0 11 16 20 30
0 11 16 21 30
0 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
1 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
1 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
1 16 22 16 31
1 16 22 16 31
1 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 16 31
1 16 22 16 31
0 16 22 17 31
1 16 22 18 31
0 16 22 19 31
0 16 22 20 31
0 16 22 21 31
0 16 22 22 31
0 16 22 23 31
0 16 22 24 31
0 16 22 25 31
1 16 22 26 31
1 16 22 27 31
1 22 17 22 30
0 22 17 22 30
0 22 17 22 30
1 22 17 22 30
1 22 17 22 30
1 22 17 22 30
0 22 17 22 30
0 22 17 22 30
0 22 17 22 30
0 22 17 22 30
1 22 17 22 30
0 22 17 22 30
1 22 17 22 30
0 22 17 22 30
0 22 17 22 30
0 22 17 22 30
1 22 17 22 30
1 22 17 22 30
1 22 17 22 30
0 22 17 22 30
1 22 17 21 30
0 22 17 20 30
0 22 17 19 30
0 22 17 18 30
1 22 17 17 30
1 22 17 16 30
0 22 17 15 30
0 22 17 14 30
0 22 17 13 30
1 22 17 12 30
0 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
1 17 11 17 31
1 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
1 17 11 17 31
1 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
1 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
1 17 11 17 31
1 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 17 31
0 17 11 16 31
1 17 11 15 31
0 17 11 14 31
1 17 11 13 31
0 17 11 12 31
0 17 11 11 31
1 17 11 10 31
1 17 11 9 31
1 17 11 8 31
1 17 11 7 31
0 17 11 6 31
0 11 6 11 31
1 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
1 11 6 11 31
1 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
1 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
1 11 6 11 31
1 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
1 11 6 11 31
1 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
0 11 6 11 31
1 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 6 30
1 6 0 6 30
1 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 6 30
1 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 6 30
1 6 0 6 30
1 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 6 30
1 6 0 6 30
1 6 0 6 30
1 6 0 6 30
0 6 0 5 30
0 6 0 4 30
0 6 0 3 30
0 6 0 2 30
1 6 0 1 30
1 6 0 0 30
0 6 0 -1 30
1 6 0 -2 30
1 6 0 -3 30
0 6 0 -4 30
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
1 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
1 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
1 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
1 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
1 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
1 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
1 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
1 0 4 0 31
1 0 4 0 31
1 0 4 0 31
0 0 4 0 31
0 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
1 4 -1 4 30
1 4 -1 4 30
1 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
1 4 -1 4 30
1 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
1 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
1 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 4 30
0 4 -1 3 30
0 4 -1 2 30
0 4 -1 1 30
0 4 -1 0 30
0 4 -1 -1 30
1 4 -1 -2 30
0 4 -1 -3 30
0 4 -1 -4 30
0 4 -1 -5 30
1 4 -1 -6 30
1 -1 -1 31
1 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
1 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
1 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
1 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
1 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
1 -1 -1 31
1 -1 -1 31
1 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
1 -1 -1 31
0 -1 -1 31
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
12 Desert Desert Desert Desert Desert Desert
d100 # Temp Cold Avg Hot Precip
4 1 January Cold winter: 61 56 63 69 0.05
2 2 February 55 63 58 71 83 0.05
52 3 March Cold summer: 81 61 76 91 0.05
11 4 April 65 87 64 82 99 0.05
38 5 May Hot winter: 91 65 86 107 0.05
19 6 June 70 93 65 88 110 0.05
31 7 July Hot summer: 93 65 88 110 0.05
78 8 August 110 88 63 83 103 0.05
27 9 September Cold intvl 84 61 79 96 0.05
55 10 October 2 79 59 74 89 0.05
39 11 November Hot intvl 75 57 70 82 0.05
30 12 December 7 70 55 65 75 0.05
79 0 Scale Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
51 0 1 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
94 0 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
92 0 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
9 0 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
87 0 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
76 0 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
53 0 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
3 0 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
62 0 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
76 0 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
84 0 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Tropical Savanna Tropical Sa Tropical Sa Tropical Sa Tropical Sa Tropical Sa Steppes Steppes
Temp Cold Avg Hot Precip Temp
Cold winter: 83 80 114 119 0.1 Cold winter: 48
75 75 72 93 115 0.1 35 51
Cold summer: 104 73 101 115 0.1 Cold summer: 72
75 93 74 90 115 0.35 70 82
Hot winter: 93 75 90 115 0.85 Hot winter: 91
115 85 75 82 115 0.85 50 101
Hot summer: 80 75 77 115 0.85 Hot summer: 103
115 79 75 76 115 0.85 115 94
Cold intvl 94 75 91 115 0.85 Cold intvl 86
0 97 75 94 115 0.35 6 77
Hot intvl 92 75 89 115 0.1 Hot intvl 69
0 92 75 89 115 0.1 11 60
Scale Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Scale Err:502
1 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 1 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Steppes Steppes Steppes Steppes Equatorial Equatorial Equatorial Equatorial
Cold Avg Hot Precip Temp Cold Avg
38 46 54 0.2 Cold winter: 67 65 66
41 53 64 0.2 60 62 60 85
48 62 76 0.2 Cold summer: 84 60 82
55 72 88 0.2 60 67 60 65
62 81 100 0.2 Hot winter: 66 60 64
69 91 112 0.2 100 62 60 60
70 93 115 0.05 Hot summer: 64 60 62
64 84 104 0.05 100 81 60 79
58 76 93 0.05 Cold intvl 86 60 84
52 67 82 0.2 0 89 60 87
46 59 71 0.2 Hot intvl 101 60 99
40 50 60 0.2 0 79 60 77
Err:502 Err:502 Scale Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 1 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Equatorial Equatorial Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon
Hot Precip Temp Cold Avg Hot Precip
102 0.3 Cold winter: 77 75 78 115 0.15
96 0.3 70 70 68 71 119 0.15
97 0.5 Cold summer: 114 69 112 120 0.15
98 0.5 70 83 70 81 120 0.15
99 0.5 Hot winter: 112 70 110 120 0.15
100 0.4 120 90 70 88 120 0.9
100 0.4 Hot summer: 100 70 98 120 0.9
100 0.4 120 116 70 114 120 0.9
100 0.4 Cold intvl 78 70 76 120 0.9
100 0.4 0 72 70 70 120 0.9
100 0.4 Hot intvl 94 70 92 120 0.15
100 0.4 0 85 70 83 120 0.15
Err:502 Scale Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 1 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Warm and Rainy Warm and RWarm and RWarm and RWarm and RWarm and RWarm with Dry Summer
Temp Cold Avg Hot Precip
Cold winter: 15 5 25 45 0.4 Cold winter:
10 29 19 38 56 0.4 10
Cold summer: 56 29 46 63 0.4 Cold summer:
60 65 39 55 70 0.4 60
Hot winter: 73 49 63 77 0.4 Hot winter:
50 82 59 72 84 0.4 60
Hot summer: 83 60 73 85 0.4 Hot summer:
85 75 51 65 79 0.4 95
Cold intvl 68 42 58 73 0.4 Cold intvl
9 60 33 50 67 0.4 9
Hot intvl 53 24 43 61 0.4 Hot intvl
6 45 15 35 55 0.4 6
Scale Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Scale
1 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 1
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Warm with Warm with Warm with Warm with Warm with Warm with Dry Winter Warm with DWarm with D
Temp Cold Avg Hot Precip Temp Cold
24 14 36 58 0.3 Cold winter: 40 32
35 25 47 69 0.3 32 46 38
66 35 56 76 0.3 Cold summer: 67 46
74 45 64 83 0.3 70 77 54
83 55 73 90 0.3 Hot winter: 86 62
88 60 78 95 0.1 50 96 70
88 60 78 95 0.1 Hot summer: 98 70
80 51 70 89 0.1 110 90 63
73 42 63 83 0.3 Cold intvl 81 56
65 33 55 77 0.3 7 73 49
58 24 48 71 0.3 Hot intvl 64 42
50 15 40 65 0.3 10 56 35
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Scale Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 1 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Warm with D
Warm with DWarm with D
Cool and Rainy Cool and RaCool and RaCool and RaCool and Ra
Avg Hot Precip Temp Cold Avg Hot
42 51 0.15 Cold winter: 26 9 27 44
50 61 0.15 5 29 12 29 46
59 72 0.15 Cold summer: 56 23 39 55
69 83 0.15 60 66 34 49 64
78 94 0.15 Hot winter: 76 45 59 73
88 105 0.15 40 86 56 69 82
90 110 0.45 Hot summer: 90 60 73 85
82 100 0.45 85 81 50 64 77
73 90 0.15 Cold intvl 72 40 55 69
65 80 0.15 10 63 30 46 61
56 70 0.15 Hot intvl 54 20 37 53
48 60 0.15 8 45 10 28 45
Err:502 Err:502 Scale Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 1 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Cool and RaCool with Dry Winter Cool with DCool with DCool with DCool with DCool with D
Precip Temp Cold Avg Hot Precip
0.35 Cold winter: 25 7 21 35 0.1
0.35 5 30 12 33 54 0.1
0.35 Cold summer: 61 23 43 63 0.1
0.35 60 71 34 53 72 0.1
0.35 Hot winter: 81 45 63 81 0.2
0.35 40 89 56 71 85 0.2
0.35 Hot summer: 91 60 73 85 0.35
0.35 85 82 50 64 77 0.35
0.35 Cold intvl 73 40 55 69 0.35
0.35 10 64 30 46 61 0.2
0.35 Hot intvl 55 20 37 53 0.1
0.35 8 46 10 28 45 0.1
Err:502 Scale Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 1 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Tundra Tundra Tundra Tundra Tundra Tundra Polar Polar
Temp Cold Avg Hot Precip Temp
Cold winter: 9 -13 13 39 0.1 Cold winter: -16
-15 17 -5 19 43 0.1 -35 5
Cold summer: 49 4 27 49 0.1 Cold summer: 41
32 56 13 34 55 0.1 32 51
Hot winter: 64 22 42 61 0.1 Hot winter: 61
35 70 31 48 65 0.1 32 69
Hot summer: 71 32 49 65 0.1 Hot summer: 71
65 64 24 42 60 0.1 65 62
Cold intvl 58 16 36 55 0.1 Cold intvl 53
8 51 8 29 50 0.1 12 44
Hot intvl 45 0 23 45 0.1 Hot intvl 35
5 38 -8 16 40 0.1 6 26
Scale Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Scale Err:502
1 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 1 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502 Err:502 Err:502
Polar Polar Polar Polar
Cold Avg Hot Precip
-38 -6 27 0.1
-17 9 34 0.1
-4 19 41 0.1
9 29 48 0.1
22 39 55 0.1
32 47 62 0.1
32 49 65 0.1
20 40 59 0.1
8 31 53 0.1
-4 22 47 0.1
-16 13 41 0.1
-28 4 35 0.1
Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502
Err:502 Err:502
Rain Snow Clouds Feature Wind
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Fresh gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Strong gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Violent storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Calm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Calm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Violent storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Strong gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Violent storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Violent storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Calm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Strong gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Fresh gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Fresh gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Fresh gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Light breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Violent storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Light breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Fresh gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Calm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Fresh gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Violent storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Strong breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light air
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Fresh gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Hail Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Gentle breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Calm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Calm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Hail Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Fresh breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Moderate breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Violent storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Hail Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate gale
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning, hail Storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Moderate gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Gentle breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Violent storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Strong breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Violent storm
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Fog Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light air
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Fresh gale
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Calm
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light breeze
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Moderate breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Gentle breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light breeze
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light air
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Fog Light air
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Gentle breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Light breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Light air
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Light air
Light mist A few flakes A few clouds Light breeze
Drizzle Dusting of snow Mostly cloudy Calm
Steady rainfall Flurries Gray, slightly overcast Light breeze
Strong rainfall Moderate snowfall Gray, highly overcast Hail Fresh breeze
Pounding rain Heavy snowfall Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate breeze
Downpour Blizzard Dark storm clouds Lightning Moderate breeze
MPH Direction Description Wind index
<1 S Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
32–38 W Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 144
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
25–31 NE Large branches move 120
25–31 S Large branches move 120
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 38
<1 NW Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
25–31 NE Large branches move 120
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
55–63 NW Trees are uprooted and considerable structural damage occurs 188
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 NE Smoke rises vertically 10
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
25–31 NE Large branches move 120
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 74
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
<1 N Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 102
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 56
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
25–31 W Large branches move 120
55–63 NE Trees are uprooted and considerable structural damage occurs 180
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 53
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
25–31 SE Large branches move 120
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 99
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
39–46 SW Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 160
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 75
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 105
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 101
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
13–18 SW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
25–31 NW Large branches move 131
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 76
<1 W Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
25–31 NE Large branches move 136
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
13–18 SW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 79
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
32–38 W Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
25–31 NW Large branches move 138
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 109
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 113
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
39–46 SE Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 160
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 SW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
47–54 E Slight structural damage occurs 178
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
39–46 S Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 168
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
25–31 NW Large branches move 130
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 44
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
25–31 NW Large branches move 120
25–31 SE Large branches move 130
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 98
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
25–31 E Large branches move 120
13–18 SW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
32–38 SE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 152
<1 S Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
13–18 SW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
64–72 S Widespread damage occurs 197
<1 N Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
25–31 SW Large branches move 135
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
25–31 W Large branches move 130
19–24 W Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 113
<1 NW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
19–24 W Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 94
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
25–31 SE Large branches move 130
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 54
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
32–38 SE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 145
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
25–31 SW Large branches move 120
13–18 SW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
<1 E Smoke rises vertically 16
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
<1 E Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
25–31 S Large branches move 120
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 69
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
39–46 N Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 163
<1 NW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
25–31 E Large branches move 129
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
<1 S Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
25–31 N Large branches move 120
19–24 SW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 109
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
19–24 W Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 95
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 34
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
<1 W Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
25–31 SE Large branches move 135
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 E Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
25–31 W Large branches move 120
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 74
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
32–38 NW Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 140
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 16
<1 E Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
25–31 W Large branches move 131
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
32–38 N Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 117
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
32–38 N Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 144
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
19–24 SW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
32–38 E Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 145
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 NW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
32–38 W Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 146
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
32–38 N Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
39–46 E Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 166
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
25–31 NW Large branches move 134
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 118
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
55–63 E Trees are uprooted and considerable structural damage occurs 185
<1 N Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
19–24 W Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
32–38 NW Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 148
<1 NE Smoke rises vertically 10
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 68
<1 S Smoke rises vertically 10
<1 S Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
19–24 SW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 116
<1 NW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
25–31 SE Large branches move 120
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 23
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
25–31 E Large branches move 120
25–31 W Large branches move 130
64–72 SW Widespread damage occurs 194
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 10
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
32–38 SE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 151
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
25–31 SW Large branches move 120
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 44
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 S Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
25–31 SW Large branches move 120
13–18 SW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 26
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
25–31 E Large branches move 120
25–31 NW Large branches move 120
19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 114
<1 W Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 36
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
25–31 NW Large branches move 120
25–31 SW Large branches move 130
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 79
<1 NE Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 119
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
47–54 NW Slight structural damage occurs 179
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
<1 NE Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
47–54 NE Slight structural damage occurs 175
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
55–63 SW Trees are uprooted and considerable structural damage occurs 182
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
25–31 N Large branches move 120
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
25–31 NE Large branches move 138
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
47–54 NW Slight structural damage occurs 173
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
25–31 N Large branches move 126
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
32–38 NE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 141
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 69
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 N Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 111
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
25–31 SW Large branches move 120
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 68
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 33
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
64–72 N Widespread damage occurs 193
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 103
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
<1 NW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
25–31 S Large branches move 120
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 26
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
19–24 SW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
25–31 S Large branches move 132
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 86
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
25–31 W Large branches move 120
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
<1 N Smoke rises vertically 10
<1 NE Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 71
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
32–38 NW Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 140
25–31 S Large branches move 124
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
64–72 NE Widespread damage occurs 196
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 SW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
<1 S Smoke rises vertically 15
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
<1 S Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
25–31 E Large branches move 120
25–31 W Large branches move 120
47–54 W Slight structural damage occurs 170
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
<1 NW Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
25–31 NW Large branches move 120
32–38 SE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
25–31 N Large branches move 126
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 140
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 73
<1 W Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 95
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
25–31 SE Large branches move 120
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 43
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
32–38 N Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 96
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
<1 E Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
25–31 NW Large branches move 130
39–46 W Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 161
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
39–46 E Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 160
39–46 SW Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 163
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
39–46 SW Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 166
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
32–38 W Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 140
19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 112
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
32–38 SE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 119
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 NW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 62
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
25–31 N Large branches move 124
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
32–38 SW Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 33
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 115
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
25–31 S Large branches move 130
32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 149
<1 E Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 NW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
25–31 N Large branches move 126
<1 NW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 75
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
32–38 NW Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 151
<1 E Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 61
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
<1 S Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 63
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 24
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
19–24 SW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
47–54 S Slight structural damage occurs 179
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
32–38 SW Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 67
<1 NE Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 NW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
39–46 E Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 168
<1 W Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 93
<1 NW Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
32–38 NE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 146
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 58
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 97
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
25–31 S Large branches move 120
64–72 S Widespread damage occurs 190
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 49
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 39
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
19–24 E Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 85
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
39–46 E Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 160
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 83
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
19–24 W Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 106
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
13–18 S Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 96
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
25–31 W Large branches move 120
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 E Smoke rises vertically 17
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 NW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 101
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
39–46 NE Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 160
25–31 E Large branches move 122
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
19–24 SW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
64–72 NW Widespread damage occurs 192
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
13–18 NW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
32–38 E Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
19–24 NE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
32–38 N Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 144
<1 NE Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
25–31 S Large branches move 120
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 91
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 99
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 S Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
19–24 SW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
19–24 N Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
55–63 SE Trees are uprooted and considerable structural damage occurs 186
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
32–38 S Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 81
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
19–24 NW Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
25–31 NW Large branches move 137
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
<1 W Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
25–31 N Large branches move 132
<1 NE Smoke rises vertically 10
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 78
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
25–31 N Large branches move 130
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 74
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 S Smoke rises vertically 10
13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
32–38 SE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 142
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 N Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
32–38 SW Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
25–31 NW Large branches move 126
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
25–31 SE Large branches move 130
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 N Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 23
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
39–46 W Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 160
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 100
25–31 W Large branches move 120
25–31 N Large branches move 122
<1 NE Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
32–38 W Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
<1 W Smoke rises vertically 18
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
25–31 W Large branches move 130
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
32–38 SE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 140
19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 107
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 72
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 91
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 E Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
13–18 NW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 SE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
32–38 SE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 150
64–72 E Widespread damage occurs 191
<1 SW Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 S Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 E Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
32–38 E Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 140
55–63 W Trees are uprooted and considerable structural damage occurs 184
1–3 W Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 NE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
8–12 SW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
32–38 SE Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort 155
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
8–12 W Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
64–72 SW Widespread damage occurs 192
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
4–7 SW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
1–3 SW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
8–12 SE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
25–31 W Large branches move 130
25–31 N Large branches move 124
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
<1 NW Smoke rises vertically 10
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
19–24 SE Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
64–72 NW Widespread damage occurs 192
1–3 NE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 30
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
13–18 N Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
39–46 S Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded 162
<1 NW Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 W Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 50
13–18 NW Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 80
8–12 NW Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 60
13–18 E Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
4–7 NW Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 54
1–3 N Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 SE Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
8–12 NE Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap 70
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
1–3 NW Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 20
1–3 E Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes 28
4–7 S Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
<1 SE Smoke rises vertically 10
4–7 SE Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move 40
19–24 S Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters 110
13–18 W Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
13–18 NE Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised 90
Chance Wind MPH
10 Calm <1
20 Light air 1–3
40 Light breeze 4–7
60 Gentle breeze 8–12
80 Moderate breeze 13–18
100 Fresh breeze 19–24
120 Strong breeze 25–31
140 Moderate gale 32–38
160 Fresh gale 39–46
170 Strong gale 47–54
180 Storm 55–63
190 Violent storm 64–72
198 Hurricane 73–136
Smoke rises vertically
Wind direction shown by smoke but not wind vanes
Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes move
Leaves and small twigs sway and banners flap
Small branches move, and dust and small branches are raised
Small trees sway and small waves form on inland waters
Large branches move
Whole trees sway and walking against wind takes some effort
Twigs break off trees and general progress is impeded
Slight structural damage occurs
Trees are uprooted and considerable structural damage occurs
Widespread damage occurs
Widespread devastation occurs

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