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TUVERA  Respondents further contend that

G.R. No. L-63915 publication in the Official Gazette is not a
APRIL 24, 1985 sine qua non requirement for the effectivity
PETITIONER: of laws where the laws themselves provide
 Lorenzo M. TaNada for their own effectivity dates. It is thus
 Abraham F. Sarmiento submitted that since the presidential
 Movement of Attorneys for Brotherhood, issuances in question contain special
Integrity and Nationalism, Inc. (Mabini) provisions as to the date they are to take
effect, publication in the Official Gazette is
RESPONDENTS: not indispensable for their effectivity.
 Hon. Juan C. Tuvera  Art. 2. Laws shall take effect after fifteen
o Executive assistant to the days following the completion of their
President publication in the Official Gazette, unless it
 Hon. Joaquin Venus is otherwise provided.
o Deputy Executive Assistant to  In the long line of decisions, this Court has
the President rules that publication in the Official Gazette
 Melquiades P. de la Cruz is necessary in those cases where the
o Direcotr of Malacanang Records legislation itself does not provide for its
Office effectivity date- for then the date of
 Florendo S. Pablo publication is material for determining its
o Director of Bureau of Printing date of effectivity, which is the fifteenth day
following its publication- but not when the
PONENTE: law itself provides for the date when it goes
Justice Escolin into effect.
 The clear object of the above-quoted
FACTS: provision is to give the general public
 Petitioners seek a writ of mandamus to adequate notice of the various laws which
compel respondent public officials to are to regulate their actions and conduct as
publish, and/or cause the publication in the citizens. Without such notice and
Official Gazette of various presidential publication, there would be no basis for the
decrees, letters of instructions, general application of the maxim “ignorantia legis
orders, proclamations, executive orders, non excusat”. It would be the height of
letter of implementation and administrative injustice to punish or otherwise burden a
orders. citizen for the transgression of a law of
 133 Presidential Decrees, which he had no notice whatsoever, not
 Petitioners maintain that since the subject of even a constructive one.
the petition concerns a public right and its  The very first clause of Section I of the
object is to compel the performance of a Commonwealth Act 638 reads: “There shall
public duty, they need not show any specific be published in the Official Gazette…” The
interest for their petition to be given due word “shall” used therein imposes upon
course. respondent officials an imperative duty. That
 The right sought to be enforced by duty must be enforced if the Constitutional
petitioners herein is a public right right of the people to be informed on
recognized by no less than the fundamental matters of public concern is to be given
law of the land. If petitioners were not substance and reality. The law itself makes
allowed to institute this proceeding, it would a list of what should be published in the
indeed be difficult to conceive of any other Official Gazette. Such listing, to our mind,
person to initiate the same, considering that leaves respondents with no discretion
the Solicitor General, the government officer whatsoever as to what must be included or
generally empowered to represent the excluded from such publication.
people, has entered his appearance for  It is needless to add that the publication of
respondents in this case. presidential issuances “of a public nature” or
“of general applicability” is a requirement of
due process. It is a rule of law that before a partners who had passed away. In the Court’s
person may be bound by law, he must first Resolution of September 2, 1976, both petitions
be officially and specifically informed of its were ordered consolidated.
contents.  Petitioners’ arguments:
 Peralta vs. COMELEC 1. Under the law, a partnership is not
o In a time of proliferating decrees, prohibited from continuing its
orders and letters of instructions business under a firm name which
which all form part of the law of the includes the name of a deceased
land, the requirement of due partner
process and the Rule of Law 2. In regulating other professions, such
demand that the Official Gazette as as accountancy and engineering,
the official government repository there is no fundamental policy that
promulgate and publish the texts of is offended by the continued use by
all such decrees, orders and a firm of professionals of a firm
instructions so that the people may name which includes the name of a
know where to obtain their official deceased partner, at least where
ad specific contents. such firm name has acquired the
 The Court therefore declares that characteristics of a “trade name”
presidential issuances of general application, 3. The Canon 33 of the Canons of
which have not been published, shall have Professional Ethics are not
no force and effect. transgressed by the continued use
 Similarly, the implementation/enforcement of the name of the deceased partner
of presidential decrees prior to their in the firm name of a law
publication in the Official Gazette is “an partnership.
operative fact which may have 4. There is no possibility of imposition
consequences which cannot be justly or deception because the deaths of
ignored. The past cannot always be erased their respective deceased partners
by a new judicial declaration… that an all- were well-publicized in all
inclusive statement of a principle of absolute newspapers of general circulation
retroactive invalidity cannot be justified.” for several days
 WHEREFORE, the Court hereby orders 5. No local custom prohibits the
respondents to publish in the Official continued use of a deceased
Gazette all unpublished presidential partner’s name in a professional
issuances which are of general circulation, firm’s name; there is no custom or
and unless so published, they shall have no usage in the Philippines, or at least
binding force and effect. in the Greater Manila Area, which
recognizes that the name of law
In re: Authority to Continue Use of Firm firm necessarily identifies the
Name SyCip, Salazar, Feliciano, Hernandez individual members of the firm.
& Castillo, 92 SCRA 12 (1979) 6. The continued use of a deceased
July 30, 1979 partner’s name in the firm name of
law partnerships has been
Facts: consistently allowed by U.S. Courts
 Two separate petitions were filed before this and is an accepted practice in the
Court: legal profession of most countries in
1. By the surviving partners of Atty. the world.
Alexander Sycip, who died on May
5, 1975, and  The question involved in these petitions first
2. By the surviving partners of Atty. came under consideration by this Court in
Herminio Ozaeta, who died on 1953 when a law firm in Cebu (the Deen
February 14, 1976 Case) continued its practice of including in
Praying that they be allowed to continue using, its firm name that of a deceased partner,
in the names of their firms, the names of C.D. Johnston. The matter was resolved
with this Court advising the firm to desist connections will have to make a name
from including in their firm designation the for himself starting from scratch.
name of C.D. Johnston, who has long been Another able lawyer, who can join an
dead. old firm, can initially ride on that old
 Register of Deeds of Manila vs. China firm’s reputation established by
Banking Corporation (1958) deceased partners.
o After carefully considering the B. In regards to the last paragraph of
reasons given by Attorney Alfonso Article 1840 of the Civil Code cited by
Ponce Enrile and Associates for their petitioners, supra, the first factor to
continued use of the name of the consider is that it is within Chapter 3 of
deceased E.G. Perkins, the Court Title IX of the Code entitled “Dissolution
found no reason to depart from the and Winding Up”. What the law
policy it adopted in June 1953 when contemplates therein is a hold-over
it required Attorneys Alfred P. Deen situation preparatory to formal
and Eddy A. Deen of Cebu City to reorganization.
desist from including in their firm Secondly, Article 1840 treats more of a
designation, the name of C.D. commercial partnership with a good will
Johnston, deceased. The Court to protect rather than of a professional
believes that, in view of the partnership, with no saleable good will
personal and confidential nature of but whose reputation depends on the
the relations between attorney and personal qualifications of its individual
client, and the high standards members. Thus, it has been held that a
demanded in the canons of saleable goodwill can exist only in a
professional ethics, no practice commercial partnership and cannot arise
should be allowed which even in a in a professional partnership consisting
remote degree could give rise to the of lawyers.
possibility of deception. Said C. A partnership for the practice of law
attorneys are accordingly advised to cannot be likened to partnerships
drop the name “PERKINS” from their formed by other professionals or for
firm name. business. For one thing, the law on
 The Court finds no sufficient reason to accountancy specifically allows the use
depart from the rulings thus laid down. of a trade name in connection with the
A. The names in a firm name of a practice of accountancy.
partnership must either be those of “The right to practice law is not a
living partners and in the case of non- natural or constitutional right but it is in
partners, should be living persons who the nature of a privilege or franchise. It
can be subjected to liability. In fact, is limited to persons of good moral
Article 1825 of the Civil Code prohibits a character with special qualifications duly
third person from including his name in ascertained and certified. The right does
the firm name under pain of assuming not only presuppose in its possessor
the liability of a partner. The heirs of a integrity, legal standing and attainment,
deceased partner in a law firm cannot but also the exercise of a special
be held liable as the old members to the privilege, highly personal and partaking
creditors of a firm particularly where of the nature of a public trust.
they are non-lawyers. D. Canon 33 warns that care should be
Prescinding the law, there could be taken that no imposition or deception is
practical objections to allowing the use practiced through this use.
by law firms of the names of deceased It must be conceded that in the
partners. The public relations value of Philippines, no local customs permits or
the use of an old firm name can tend to allows the continued use of a deceased
create undue advantages and or former partner’s name in the firm
disadvantages in the practice of the names of law partnerships. Firm names,
profession. An able lawyer without under our custom, identify the more
active and/or more senior members or  Moreover, judicial decisions applying or
partners of the law firm. A glimpse at interpreting the laws form part of the legal
the history of the firms pf petitioners ad system. When the Supreme Court in the
of other law firms in this country would Deen and Perkins cases issued its
show how their firm names have Resolutions directing lawyers to desist from
evolved and changed from time to time including the names of deceased partners in
as the composition of the partnership their firm designation, it laid down a legal
changed. rule against which no custom or practice to
The possibility of deception upon the the contrary, even if proven, can prevail.
public, real or consequential, where the This is not to speak of our civil law which
name of a deceased partner continues clearly ordains that a partnership is
to be used cannot be ruled out. A dissolved by the death of any partner.
person in search of a legal counsel Custom which are contrary to law, public
might be guided by the familiar ring of a order or public policy shall not be
distinguished name appearing in a firm countenanced.
title.  The practice of law is intimately and
E. Petitioners argue that U.S. Courts have peculiarly related to the administration of
consistently allowed the continued use justice and should not be considered like an
of a deceased partner’s name in the firm ordinary “money-making trade”.
name of law partnerships. But that is so  In fine, petitioners’ desire to preserve the
because it is sanctioned by custom. identity of their firms in the eyes of the
Mendelsohn vs. Equitable Life Assurance public must bow to legal and ethical
Society: “Canon 33 of the Canons of impediment.
Professional Ethics of both American Bar  ACCORDINGLY, the petitioners filed herein
Association and the New York State Bar are DENIED and petitioners are advised to
Association provides in part as follows: drop the names “SYCIP” and “OZAETA” from
“The continued use of the name of a their respective firm names. Those names
deceased or former partner, when may, be included in the listing of individuals
permissible by local custom is not who have been partners in their firms
unethical, but care should be taken that indicating the years during which they
no imposition or deception is practiced served such.
through this use.” There is no question
as to local custom. Many firms in the
city use the names of deceased
members with the approval of other
attorneys, bar associations and the
Not so in this jurisdiction where there is
no local custom that sanctions the
practice. Custom has been defined as a
rule of conduct formed by repetition of
acts, uniformly observed (practiced) as
a social rule, legally binding and
Merely because something is done as a
matter of practice does not mean that
Courts can rely on the same for
purposes of adjudication as a juridical
custom. Juridical custom must be
differentiated from social custom. The
former can supplement statutory law or
be applied in the absence of such
statute. Not so with the latter.

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