Analysis of The Matrix Movie of 1999

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Analysis of the Matrix Movie of 1999

1. Describe two strategies used by the author of the movie the matrix of 1999 (the

director) to make the audience feel or think

The author uses the visual effect known as the bullet time to popularize the script. Adoption

of the bullet time effect creates a visual analogy for all crucial moments of the film. This effect

illustrates the characters exertion of their control over time and space. Bullet time effect allows

the movie to proceed in a slow motion whereas the virtual camera makes the script to flow at the

normal speed.

2. How do these strategies contribute to the clips overall message about anxiety? What

do you feel is the purpose of the text?

The director adopts a unique mise-en-scene to inform the audience on the essential segments

and initiates emotional responses, an aspect that maximizes concentration. The strategies used by

the director are meant to instill a herd perception and mentality within the movie’s subjects. The

purpose of this text is to educate the society that each individual should culminate their actions to

initiate real enlightenment about the real world. The text also suggests that people should

differentiate between freedom and control before making decisions concerning their position

about the real and artificial world.

3. Explain why this text is an important text for you and how it connects to Plato and

his cave or the scene from the 1999 movie the matrix

The text is important to me in that it teaches me on the importance of making individual

responsibility concerning the distinction between the real and artificial world. I have also learnt

that adopting free will in any activity has a concurrent fate that plays an essential role in the life
of an individual. The matrix is similar to the Plato's allegory of the cave in many instances. For

example, in the matrix, Neo, the main character is trapped and brainwashed by the false reality

created through the computer programs. In Plato's Allegory of the Cave, a prisoner can

understand the reality of the interior and exterior of the cave. Therefore, in both texts, the

distinction between the artificial and real world is outlined.

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