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Three Basic Postulates for Applied Welfare Economics: An Interpretive Essay

Arnold C. Harberger

Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 9, No. 3. (Sep., 1971), pp. 785-797.

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Thu Feb 21 08:25:39 2008
Three Basic Postulates for

Applied Welfare Economics:

An Interpretive Essay

University of Chicago

I would like to extend my thanks to my colleague, Harry G. Johnson, for his

helpful comments, to Daniel Wisecarver, for help extending well beyond the
normal call of duty for a research assistant, and to Rudiger Dornbusch and
Robert Gordon for valuable suggestions given after the first draft of this paper
was completed. Needless to add, they do not bear any responsibility for such
jlaws or dejiciencies as may remain in this paper.

is intended not as a scientific construction standards that a team of high-

study, nor as a review of the literature,
but rather as a tract-an open letter to the
way engineers must meet can be checked by
other highway engineers, so the exercise in
profession, as it were-pleading that three applied welfare economics carried out by one
basic postulates be accepted as providing a team of economists should be subject to
conventional framework for applied welfare check by others. But while the highway en-
economics. The postulates are: gineers can apply professional standards to
a) the competitive demand price for a given characteristics such as thickness of base,
unit measures the value of that unit to the load-carrying capacity, drainage character-
demander ; istics, and the like, characteristics such as
b) the competitive supply price for a given scenic beauty are beyond their competence
unit measures the value of that unit to the as professional engineers. In the same way,
supplier; any program or project that is subjected to
c) when evaluating the net benefits or costs applied-welfare-economic analysis is likely to
of a given action (project, program, or pol- have characteristics upon which the econo-
icy), the costs and benefits accruing to each mist as such is not professionally qualified to
member of the relevant group (e.g., a nation) pronounce, and about which one economist is
should normally be added without regard to not professionally qualified to check the opin-
the individual(s) to whom they accrue. ion of another. These elements-which surely
In an era when literally thousands of include the income-distributional and na-
studies involving cost-benefit analysis or tional-defense aspects of any project or pro-
other types of applied welfare economics are gram, and probably its natural-beauty aspects
underway a t any given moment, the need as well-may be exceedingly important, per-
for an accepted set of professional standards haps even the dominant factors governing
for this type of study should be obvious. In any policy decision, but they are not a part
proffering postulates a-c as the basis for of that package of expertise that dis-
such a set of standards, I do not want to tinguishes the professional economist from
overstate their benefits. Just as the road- the rest of humanity. And that is why we
786 Journal of Economic Literature
cannot expect to reach a professional con- achieved a high degree of professional con-
sensus concerning them. If we are to take a sensus on the subject. Yet I feel, precisely
(hopefully justified) professional pride in our because of the power and wide applicability
work, we also must have the modesty and of the consumer-surplus concept, that a
honesty not to claim for our profession recognizable degree of consensus concerning
more than we are particularly qualified to it would increase, to society's general benefit,
deliver. But this does not mean that we need the influence on public policy of good eco-
be silent on matters that lie outside the nomic analysis. Moreover, I think that there
range of our professional expertise; econo- is a fair chance of convincing a goodly share
mists should probably participate more of the skeptics that postulates a to c constitute
rather than less in the public discussion of the most reasonable basis on which to seek
such matters, but hopefully in a context that professional consensus in the area of applied
recognizes the extra-professional nature of welfare economics. The merit of attaining
their intervention. something like a consensus, and the pos-
Some readers will undoubtedly recognize sibility of helping to induce some movement
that postulates a-c underlie most analyses toward that end, provide the motivation for
that use the concepts of consumer and pro- this tract.
ducer surplus. That being the case, one might I1
ask, what is the need for a tract on the sub- Ordinarily, I would consider it quixotic to
ject? My answer stems from the fact that, expect much to result from any such effort.
as an inveterate practitioner of applied But in this case my hopes are buoyed by the
welfare economics along many different lines, fact that it is easily possible for many
I encounter with considerable regularity col- skeptics to join the consensus without really
leagues who are skeptical of consumer surplus changing their minds on any fundamental
on one or more of several alleged grounds: issues. How can this happen? Because i) we
(i) Consumer-surplus analysis is valid only already have a reasonably well-established
when the marginal utility of real income is consensus on the basic methodology of na-
constant. tional-income measurement, ii) it is easy to
(ii) Consumer-surplus analysis does not take show that postulates a-c incorporate a greater
account of changes in income distribution degree of subtlety of economic analysis than
caused by the action(s) being analyzed. does national-income methodology, and iii)
(iii) Consumer-surplus analysis is partial- most of the "objections" to consumer-surplus
equilibrium in nature, and does not take ac- analysis hold a fortiori with respect to the
count of the general-equilibrium conse- measurement of national income. If we are
quences of the actions whose effects are being prepared to more-or-less agree on national-
studied. income methodology (while being mindful of
(iv) Consumer-surplus analysis, though valid its defects), why should we resist approach-
for small changes, is not so for large changes. ing an agreement on a methodology for ap-
(v) The concept of consumer surplus has been plied welfare economics (also keeping its
rendered obsolete by revealed-preference defects in mind, but aware at the same time
analysis. that they are much less serious than those
applying to national income)?
While I do not have the impression that the Let us consider specifically objections (i),
skeptics dominate professional opinion in (ii) and (v) above, comparing in each case
this area, they are sufficiently numerous (and the force with which the objection applies to
a number of them sufficiently prestigious) consumer-surplus analysis on the one hand,
that we surely cannot be said to have and to the use of national income as an indi-
Harberger: Postulates for Applied Welfare Economics 787
cation of welfare on the other-objections true that in most of. the contexts in which
(iii) and (iv) are dealt with in section I11 changes in these magnitudes, or comparisons
below. of them across regions or countries are dealt
Objection (i). I will later show that the as- with, the discussion carries strong welfare
sumption of constancy of the marginal util- connotations, often to the point where it
ity of real income is not essential for the would be meaningless if those connotations
validity of consumer-surplus measures of were denied. National income and N N P are,
welfare. Here, however, I shall only note that in a very real sense, measures of welfare un-
the benefits and costs treated in most ap- der certain assumptions, but only to a first
plications of consumer-surplus analysis (e.g., order of approximation. No one would deny
measures of the efficiency costs of a tax or an that many other factors are important-the
agricultural program, cost-benefit analyses of strength of the social fabric, the quality of
highway or irrigation projects, etc.) involve life, and certainly the issue of to whom the
only a small fraction of a normal year's income accrues-but it is not feasible to
growth in GNP. Far more vulnerable to the build these into a national-income measure.
objection that the marginal utility of real Hypothetically, one might contemplate a na-
income might have changed are observations tional income measure incorporating "dis-
like "Real GNP doubled between 1950 and tributional weights," but two obstacles stand
1970," or even "National income will grow in its way: first, the impossibility of achiev-
by $60 billion next year." ing a consensus with regard to the weights,
Objection (ii). By the same token, the and second, the fact that most of the data
changes in income distribution resulting from from which the national accounts are built
a particular measure being subjected to cost- are aggregates in the first place, and do not
benefit or consumer-surplus analysis are distinguish the individuals or groups whose
likely to be minimal by comparison with dollars they represent. Giving equal weight
those that occur from decade to decade, or to all dollars of income is mathematically
even from year to year, as a consequence of the simplest rule, and our data come that
all causes. If, then, it is felt that "distribu- way in any event. In a sense, the second ob-
tional weights" should be applied in the stacle imposes, rather arbitrarily to be sure,
former case, before judgments can be made, a solution to the perplexing difficulties posed
it is even more important that they should by the first. This solution is obviously a far-
be incorporated in the latter case. from-perfect measure of national welfare-
Objection (v). Consider the case of the coal indeed it is surprising how little dissatisfac-
miner who, racked with silicosis, voluntarily tion has been expressed (until quite recently)
quits a $7-an-hour job in the mine to take a with its use as such. But even its firmest de-
newly-available $2-an-hour job clerking in a tractors would probably not deny the useful-
grocery store. National income goes down, ness of the national accounts and the neces-
but welfare in all likelihood goes up. In sity for them to be built on the basis of rules
this case consumer-surplus analysis accords or conventions reflecting some degree of
with revealed preference, while the move- professional consensus.
ment of national income is in the opposite An easy way to see the relationship be-
direction from the change in welfare. The tween national income and the consumer-
same is true for the textbook case of the surplus concept is to consider the first two
housekeeper who marries her employer. terms of the Taylor expansion of a utility
Of course, economists do not truly believe function
that real N N P or national income is a com-
plete measure of welfare. But it is equally (1) U = U(X1, Xz . . X,)
788 Journal of Economic Literature
that the consumer-surplus concept is as-
sociated with a higher-order term in the
Taylor expansion of the utility function is
simply the mathematical counterpart of the
statement made earlier that "postulates a-c
Since Ui is a function solely of (XI, X2 incorporate a greater degree of subtlety
. . X,), we can write XUij AXj= AUi; of economic analysis than does national in-
with this (2) simplifies to j come methodology."
Note, too, that (5) in effect converts the
change in utility into monetary terms by di-
viding it by the marginal utility of income.
Now, assuming utility maximization in the There is obviously no problem when the lat-
face of market prices (PI . . . P,) we have ter is not changing, but when it does change
Ui= XPi, where X represents the marginal as a consequence of the action(s) being an-
utility of income, and alyzed, the conversion of utility into money
is implicitly carried out at the midpoint of
the beginning and ending marginal utilities
Substituting from (4) into (3) we obtain of income. The criticism2 that consumer-sur-
The origin of this criticism is probably the thought
that changes in consumer surplus ought directly to
measure changes in utility. That this would be a fruit-
less pursuit should be obvious-among other things
consumer surplus would not be invariant to monotonic
transformations of the utility function. However, the
measure jZAXiAPi is invariant, with the change in
AU stemming from a monotonic transformation being
offset by the change in (k+$Ak) in the denominator of
the left-hand side of (5). The following way of stating
Neglecting third order terms, this yields the same argument avoids the approximation implicit in
a two-term Taylor expansion: the change in utility
stemming from the change in a policy variable from zo
to dC is

This, being expressed in utils, is not invariant t o a

monotonic transformation. However, transforming
utility into money continuously through the integration
The first term on the right-hand side of (6') process, always at the marginal utility of money pre-
vailing a t that point, we have
measures the first-order change in utility,
and can be identified with the change in na-
tional income (or, more properly, net na-
tional product) expressed in constant prices.
The second term measures the second-order
change in utility, and can be identified with This obviously is invariant under any transformation of
the change in consumer surplus.' The fact the original utility function which leaves unchanged the
relevant behavioral reactions to changes in 1;.
This is strictly true only when the point of departure An issue arises in connection with the comparability
is one of full, undisturbed equilibrium. When the start- of measures of welfare loss, when one is comparing
ing point is one where distortions are already present, moves on two different paths (say TIand Tz)away from
some of the change in consumer surplus is incorporated the undistorted equilibrium. If the marginal utility of
in the first term. This point will be treated in more detail the numeraire (here real income) is constant, there is no
below. issue in this regard. However, comparability does not
Harberger: Postulates for Applied Welfare Economics 789

plus concepts have validity only when the pi

marginal utility of income is constant must
therefore be rejected.
The conversion of utility into money also
greatly eases the aggregation problem.
Clearly both the first-order and the second-
order terms on the right-hand side of (5) can
be aggregated over individuals without dif-
In this section I shall discuss objections xi
(iii) and (iv), which were left aside in the Figure 1.
comparison between consumer surplus and
national income methodologies in the pre-
Here Di represents the excess of marginal
ceding section. Objection (iii), that consumer-
social benefit over marginal social cost per
surplus analysis is partial-equilibrium in na-
unit level of activity i, Xi represents the
ture, and fails to take account of general-
number of units of activity i, and z is the
equilibrium considerations, is totally invalid
policy variable, the effects of a change in
on a theoretical level, but can fairly be levied
which we are interested in measuring. The
against some practical applications.
Taking the theoretical issue first, one need
D i(distortions) can take many forms-about
which more will be said below-but here, for
only note that rigorous general-equilibrium
simplicity of exposition, I shall assume that
formulations of consumer-surplus measure-
all the Di take the form of taxes. A tax quite
ment have long since been a part of the cor-
obviously drives a wedge between demand
pus of economic theory. Hotelling [lo, 19381,
price (which under postulate a measures the
Hicks [7,1941; 8,1946; 9,19561, and Meade
value of the marginal unit to the demander)
[18, 1955, esp. Vol. 111 all have derived, in a
and supply price (which under postulate b
general-equilibrium framework, measures of
measures the value of the marginal unit to
welfare change that are consistent with
the supplier), and this fits most naturally
postulates a-c, and many others have fol-
into the framework of this paper.
lowed in their train.3
If a tax is placed on a single good j in the
The key to understanding the general-
absence of any other distortions, (6) becomes
equilibrium nature of the consumer-surplus
concept is the following simple measure of Ti* ax,
welfare change: (7) AW =S T,=O
T j -dTj,

which is equal to the familiar welfare-cost

triangle (ABC in Figure 1). Though the
require constancy of the marginal utility of real income, demand and supply functions of other goods
but only "well-behavedness." By this I mean that when may shift as a consequence of placing a tax
real income falls by A Y as a consequence of the imposi- on good j, the measureof welfarechange is un-
tion of T2, it,s marginal utility should change by the
same amount as occurs when real income falls by AY as affected by such shifts since the distortions
a consequence of a tax TI. D iin all other markets are, by assumption in
a See Corlett and Hague [ l , 19531; Harberger [S, 1964;
this case, zero. However, if taxes on other
4, 19641; Johnson [ l l , 1960; 12, 19621; Lange [14,
19421; Lipsey and Lancaster [15, 1956-571; Lipsey goods already exist when Tj* is imposed, the
[16, 19701; and McKenzie [17, 19511. effects of its imposition are given by:
790 Journal of Economic Literature
Ti* axj set (and possibly actually outweighing) the

(8) A W = S Tj--dTj

T~-o aTj
triangle ABC in Figure 1.

This is a convenient place to point out the

relationship between the general expression

(8) for welfare change and the approxima-

This is equal to the triangle ABC in Figure 1 tion (5'). Define Ci+Ti= Pi, and assume
(which generates a negative contribution to constant costs of production Ci, with the re-
welfare) plus, with constant Tis, the expres- source constraint 2CiXi= Y , a ~ o n s t a n t . ~
sion ZizjTiAi, where AXi measures the When a tax is imposed on X j in the presence
change in the equilibrium quantity of Xi of pre-existing taxes on other goods i#j,
occasioned by the imposition of Tj*. Any of we have, substituting Ci+ Ti=PiOfor i#j,
the terms in this summation, which is what Cj= PjO and Ti* = A P j into (5'),
makes the difference between partial- and
general-equilibrium approaches when other
distortions are present, can be either positive
or negative-when the distortion itself is
positive (e.g., a tax), a positive contribution
is made to the change in welfare if, as a con-
sequence of a new disturbance (in this case
the imposition of Ti*), Xi increases, and a Since ZCiAXi= ZACiAXi= 0 under our as-

negative contribution if X i decreases. When sumptions, we have

the distortion itself is negative (e.g., a sub-

sidy), the contribution to welfare associated
with activity i as a consequence of Ti* is
negative if aXi/aTj>O and positive if
aXJaTj<O. This case is illustrated in Fig-
ure %, where it is assumed that both the de-
mand and supply curves of XI, shift as a as a measure of the change in welfare stem-
consequence of the imposition of Ti*. If the ming from the imposition of Tj*.S This is
shift is from the solid demand and supply 4 These assumptions are consistent with a situation in

curves (when Tj=O) to the broken ones which the tax revenues received by the government are
redistributed to the private sector via neutral transfers.
(when Ti= Ti*), the area EFGH (= TkAXk) For a more detailed treatment see Harberger [3, 19641.
is an added loss; if the shift is in the other di- 6 Where no pre-existing distortions are present, and a

rection it is an added benefit helping to off- vector of distortions T* = (TI*, Tz* .T,*) is intro-
duced, (6) becomes, for linear demand and supply
curves, AW = fZTiAXi, where

That is to say, if the final set of taxes is (.5, .a, .I), one
can imagine the process of integration taking place
through steps like (.05, .0%,.01), (.lo, .04, .02), (.15,
.06, .03), etc. The locus of points traced out by this
exercise will define the set of triangles f Ti AX<.As this
exercise can in principle be performed for any set of
distortions (not just taxes), it is quite general. One must
note, however, that the triangles traced out here are not
triangles between stable demand and supply curves but
rather triangles defined by the loci of marginal social
Figure 8. benefit (demand price) and marginal social cost (supply
Harberger: Postulates for Applied Welfare Economics 791

precisely what emerges from (8) in the case

where the demand and supply curves for X j
are linear. I t also shows how, when there are
pre-existing distortions, elements of con-
sumer surplus are present in the expression
ZPioAXi,representing the first-order approx-
imation to welfare change.
Let us return to the discussion of objection
(iii), that consumer-surplus analysis neglects
general-equilibrium considerations. While it
is clear that no theoretical obstacle stands in SET OF ALL ACTIVITIES
the way of taking such considerations into
account, it is in fact rarely done in studies in- Subset with significant Di
volving applied welfare economics. I do not
Subset with significant AX!
want to appear to defend this neglect-in-
deed, the sooner it is rectified, the better- Intersection of the two subsets
but a t the same time I want to try to dispel Figure 3.
any thoughts that the job of incorporating
general-equilibrium aspects is so big as to be of the exactness of (5); when the basic utility
effectively hopeless. All that job entails is functions are quadratic, the first two terms
adding to the standard partial-equilibrium of the Taylor expansion are all that are need-
welfare analysis (of the tax Tj* in our ex- ed to describe the function fully; but when the
ample), an expression Zw DiAX,. That may basic utility functions are not linear or qua-
look like a formidable task but it need not dratic, (5) will be an approximation. And (5')
be. The set of activities with significant dis- is vulnerable even when the utility function
tortions is a subset of the set of all activities; is quadratic, because of its neglect of the
the set of activities whose levels are signifi- third term of (5). But while (5) and (5') thus
cantly affected by the action under study may contain errors of approximation which
(e.g., Ti*) is another subset of the set of all will be smaller, the smaller are the changes
activities. Only their intersection (see Figure being studied, (6) is not subject to the same
3) is important for the analysis of the effects charge. The integrals set out there can be
of the specific policy action in question, and taken for curved as well as linear demand
it is to be hoped that in most cases the num- and supply curves, or, more properly stated,
ber of elements in it will be of manageable for curved or linear loci of demand prices and
size.6 supply prices.
Objection (iv) can be dealt with on sev- At another level entirely, one might inter-
eral levels. In the first place, there is the issue pret the large-versus-small-changes issue as
raising up the old consumer-surplus co-
price) as p goes from zero to one. On this result see nundrums about the value attaching to the
Hotelling's equation 19 and the subsequent discussion
[lo, 19381. first units of liquid or the first units of food,
Certain distortions, such as the property tax or the etc. I prefer to sidestep this issue on the
corporation income tax, which apply to a large subset of ground that the problems arising in applied
activities, can be taken into account through the use of
shadow prices-e.g., in this case the social opportunity welfare economics typically do not involve
cost of capital. See Harberger [5,1968 and 6,19691. Once carrying people to or from the zero point in
the "general" distortions have been dealt, with in this their demand curves for food or for liquids,
way, the remaining ones, it is to be hoped, will be suf-
ficiently small in number so as to keep the problem man- and where they do (as, for example in famine
ageable. relief programs), it appears more appropriate
gmic Literature

There are a t least two ways in which an-

alyses based on postulates a to c can be justi-
fied in the face of this possible criticism. At
the strictly theoretical level, while some re-
sults of some exercises in applied welfare
economics may derive directly from the
Hicks-Slutsky properties, the validity of
equation (6) does not depend on the existence
of well-behavedness in this sense. Alterna-
tively one may simply take it as a matter of
convention that, just as measurements of real
Figure 4. national income in a sense are built on a
to approach the problem through assigning a linear approximation of the utility function,
monetary value to the human lives saved or so we shall base consumer-surplus and cost-
lost, a task which necessarily carries us be- benefit analyses upon a quadratic approxi-
yond the narrow confines of consumer-surplus mation of that function, incorporating the
analysis. Hicks-Slutsky properties. This more "prag-
At still anot,her level, when large changes matic" approach would presumably be based
are involved, the well-behavedness of func- on the unlikelihood of our encountering cases
tions is less easily guaranteed than when only in which empirical evidence can be mus-
small changes are present. For example, it is tered showing that such an approximation
easy to show that the Hicks-Slutsky sub- yields seriously biased numerical estimates of
stitution properties apply to demand func- welfare costs and/or benefits.
tions defined by movements constrained to A final variant of the large-versus-small-
a locus of the form ZCiXi= Y, a constant changes question concerns the normalization
(FG in Figure 4) so long as one is concerned of measures of welfare change to correct for
with small changes in the neighborhood of changes in the general price level. Consider
the undistorted equilibrium (e.g., in the the case of a two-good economy with XlCl
neighborhood of A ) . However, this cannot +X2C2= Y, a constant. In this context one
be shown to be generally true for large can analyze the effects of imposing, say, a
changes. For example, Figure 4 is so con- 100 percent tax on XI, with no distortion on
structed that a t both B and E the indiffer- Xz, or alternatively granting a 50 percent
ence curves intersecting FG have the same subsidy to X2 with no distortion in the mar-
slope. This means that a demand func- ket for XI. Assuming that the tax proceeds
tion constrained to the locus FG (with real are returned to the public via neutral trans-
income being held constant in this sense) fers and that the money for the subsidy is
will have two quantities associated with the raised by neutral taxes, we should expect
same relative price. Except in the case where the same real equilibrium to be achieved in
the income expansion path at that price co- both of the alternative situations being
incided with the segment EB between these compared. We should also, presumably, ar-
two quantities, there would have to be some rive a t the same measure for AW. If we set
range(s) in that quantity interval in which C1= C2= 1, which is simply a question
the own-price elasticity of each good was pos- of choice of units and entails no loss of gen-
itive, thus violating one of the Hicks-Slutsky erality, with t h ? 100 percent tax on XI, the
condition^.^ measure of welfare change is AW = frZAXlAP1
'For a further elaboration of this point see Foster and =$AXl. Alternatively, with a 50 percent
Sonnenschein [a, 19701. subsidy to X2, the welfare change measure is
Harberger: Postulates for Applied Welfare Economics

-$Us, which is equal t,o iAX1, since

under our assumptions AX2 = -AXI. This
ambiguity can readily be resolved through
the appropriate choice of a numeraire. When
XI is the numeraire, the 100 percent tax on it
is reflected in the price vector changing from
(1,l) to (1, $), which is exactly what happens
when a 50 percent subsidy to Xz is intro-
duced, so long as X1 is the numeraire. Like-
wise, when Xz is the numeraire, the 50
percent subsidy to it produces the same price
vector (2, 1) as is generated by the 100 Figure 6.
percent tax on XI. My own preference as to a
conventional way of correcting for changes economy in question, the technological
in the absolute price level is to normalize on possibilities under which it operates, or the
net national product = national income. This trading conditions that it faces in external
entails setting ZPiXi=ZC,X,= Y, a con- markets. So long as the exogenous change
stant, which in turn implies, since Ci+Ti does not alter any of these things, all that it
=Pi, that ZT,Xi=O. This normalization entails is the reshuffling of available resources
automatically calls attention to the fact that among activities. I t is in this sense that
most problems of applied welfare economics ccsubstitutioneffects only" are involved in
are ccsubstitution-effect-only"problems, a expression (6) in such cases.
point to which we shall turn in the next To see that (6) does not capture the "in-
section. come effects" of changes in resources, tech-
IV nology, or trading conditions, let us consider
In this section I shall discuss some of the them in turn. Suppose, for example, that the
complexities that may arise in applications of exogenous change is that emigrant remit-
the analytical approach represented by tances, which were previously outlawed
postulates a-c. Let us first consider in more under foreign countries' exchange controls,
detail the close relation of the postulates to are now permitted. The country receiving
revealed preference."Essentially, postulates the remittances clearly gains, even if no
a and b state that when demanders (sup- distortions whatsoever are present in its
pliers) pay (get) their demand (supply) economy. Hence (6) fails to capture the
price for each marginal unit, the balance direct benefit associated with the remit-
of their indifference as between demanding tances, even though in the presence of dis-
(supplying) that unit and undertaking the tortions it would capture the welfare
relevant available alternative activities has repercussions" that the receipt of the re-
just barely been tipped. In effect, demand mittances might engender.
and supply prices are measures of the al- When technological advance occurs, the
ternative benefits that demanders and sup- resources thus freed are enabled to increase
pliers forego when they do what they decide total welfare, again even if no distortions are
to do. present. In Figure 5, the benefit from a tech-
Equation (6) appears to capture all effects nological advance that reduced unit costs
of an exogenous policy change, z, that are from OA to OB would be given by the area
relevant to our three postulates-and indeed ABCD in the absence of other distortions,
it does except when the exogenous change z and by that area plus expression (6) in their
in itself alters the resources available to the presence. Expression (6) would of course
794 Journal of Economic Literature
include the area CDEF if a unit tax equal to The activities of producing and consuming a
ED were already in existence on XI. The given good should be kept analytically
exogenous force z in (6) would in this case be separate whenever the distortions affecting
the reduction in unit cost (price) of pro- them differ;8 likewise, a given type of ac-
ducing X I and the terms in dX,/dz would tivity which is affected by different distor-
include movements due to both the income tions in different regions should be broken
and the substitution effects of this price down into as many separate activities as
change. there are different distortions. Perhaps the
An exactly similar analysis applies in the best guide that can be given in this matter is
case of an improvement in trading conditions "identify the relevant distortions and let
in external markets. Here again a measure of them define the relevant set of activities."
the contribution to welfare that would be We now turn to a brief listing of the
entailed in the absence of distortions must be various types of distortion. (1) Taxes have
added to (6), and the dX,/dz in (6) reinter- probably been given sufficient attention al-
preted as above. ready; let me only add that all kinds of taxes
I believe that the three cases mentioned- (income, excise, property, sales, consump-
new resources (gifts from outside), new tion, production, value-added, etc.) fit easily
technology (gifts of science and nature), and into the framework presented here. (2)
improved trading terms-or their respective Monopoly profits, in the sense of any return
negatives, are the only ones for which esti- (above the normal earnings of capital) that is
mated first-order income effects must be obtained as a consequence of artificially re-
added to expression (6). I t is very important stricting sales to a point where price exceeds
to note that such effects are not generated by marginal cost should also clearly be included.
price changes taking place within the Note that for a great many analytical pur-
economy under study in the absence of tech- poses monopoly profits can be treated as a
nical change. In this case, unless there are privately-imposed and privately-collected
distortions, the benefits to demanders of a tax. (3) The excess of price over marginal
fall in price are cancelled by the costs to revenue in any external market in which the
suppliers, and vice versa in the case of a rise in society in question has monopoly power is
price. And when distortions are present, (6) another case. This is a negative distortion
captures their effect. Likewise it is important which can be offset by an optimal export tax
to recognize that no additional term should or by the implicit tax imposed by a private
be added to (6) in cases where production export monopoly. Categories (4) and (5) are
moves from a point on the true (outer) pro- simply the counterparts of (2) and (3) for the
duction frontier to some interior point as a case of monopsony, the distortion in (4)
consequence of the introduction of a new stemming from monopsony profits, and that
distortion (such as a tax on the employment in (5) from the excess of marginal cost over
of a factor in some lines of industry but not price in any external market in which the
in others). society in question has monopsony power.
This brings to mind a second subtlety in- (6) Externalities of all kinds represent dis-
volved in (6) : it is essential to recognize that tortions, positive or negative. Pollution of
the Xi refer to activities, not just products. air or water is a negative distortion, which
In the case just mentioned the tax would be could, under postulates a-c, be offset by a
on the activity of using, e.g., capital in a tax per unit of pollutant equal to what people
certain subset of industries-say the cor-
Except in the trivial case of a closed economy or of
porate sector. Di would here be the tax per non-traded goods, where production and consumption
unit of corporate capital, and X, its amount. are necessarily the same.
Harberger: Postulates for Applied Welfare Economics 795
would be willing to pay not to have it, or attribute of special importance. They can
what they require as compensation in order readily be used to define a set of policies
to put up with it. The congestion of highways that characterizes a full optimum. This
and streets represents another negative dis- entails no more than introducing taxes, sub-
tortion, which could in principle be offset by sidies, or other policies to neutralize distor-
an optimum congestion toll reflecting the tions (e.g., monopoly, pollution) that would
extra cost (in terms of time, fuel, wear and otherwise exist, so that the consolidated D,
tear, etc.) imposed upon others as a conse- affecting each activity are all zero, and
quence of the presence of the marginal driver raising government revenue by taxes that
on the road. are truly neutral (lump-sum or head t a x e ~ ) , ~
Some readers may be inclined to question or (cheating only slightly) by almost-neutral
my classifying all taxes (and all monopoly taxes such as Kaldor's progressive consump-
profits) as distortions, only to go on to point tion-expenditure tax [13, 19551. The
out cases where they can be used to offset postulates can also, in principle, be used to
other distortions. Why not make special solve second-best problems such as finding
categories for cases like the optimum tariff, the excise tax rates T , on a subset of com-
optimum export tax, optimum pollution modities XI, X2 eXk that entails the
e e

charge, and optimum congestion toll? My minimum cost of distortions while still raising
answer is twofold. First, it is overwhelmingly a given amount of revenue. But these prob-
simpler to avoid the special categories, and lems, taken from the theoretical literature,
its cost-if any-is only the acceptance of are likely to remain textbook problems. The
the idea that distortions can offset each pactitioner of applied welfare economics
other. But this idea is needed in any event for knows full well that his clients do not come
activities where more than one distortion is to him in search of full optima or elegant
present; different distortions applying to a suboptima. He is more likely to be asked
given activity can either reinforce, or wholly which of two alternative agricultural pro-
or partially offset each other. Second, by grams is better, or what resource-allocation
avoiding special categories we highlight the costs a given tax increase involves, or
fact that we are very unlikely to find optimal whether a certain bridge is worth its cost.
taxes and tolls in any real-world context. And to be relevant, his answer must recog-
nize the existence of many distortions in the
economy, over whose presence neither he
This brings me back to my main theme: to nor his client have control. Most applied
plead for the "conventionalization" of welfare economics thus answers questions
postulates a-c. Arguing in favor of them are like "Does this action help or hurt, and by
the facts that they are both simple and approximately how much?" or "Which of
robust and that they underlie a long tradition two or three alternative actions helps most
in applied welfare economics. They are or hurts least, and by approximately how
simple both in the sense that their use entails much?"-all this in a context in which most
no more than the standard techniques of (if not all) existing distortions have to be
received economic theory, and in the sense taken as given. I t is the fact that the three
that the data that their use requires are more postulates are able to handle these kinds of
likely to be available than those required by questions, as well as more elegant optimi-
alternative sets of postulates (in particular zation problems, that gives them the ro-
any that involve the full-blown use of bustness to which I refer.
"distributional weights"). The best definition of a head tax is one which must

The robustness of the postulates is another be paid either with money or with the taxpayer's head!
796 Journal of Economic Literatwe

While it is true that there is no complete development, and by the World Bank to
correspondence between what is traditional project financing. The OECD [19, 1968,
and what is right, some weight must be 19691 has also shown increasing concern in
given to the fact that no alternative set of this area.
basic assumptions comes nearly as close as The developments described above simply
postulates a-c to distilling the fundamental highlight the need for a set of standards, of
assumptions of applied welfare economics "rules of the game" by which our profes-
as we know it. These postulates are reflected sional work in applied welfare economics can
not only in the general-equilibrium literature be guided and judged. The three basic postu-
referred to in footnotes 5 and 6, but also in lates that have been the subject of this essay
the standard practice of down-to-earth cost- provide a de minimis answer to this need:
benefit analyses [see, for example: 20, U. S. their simplicity, their robustness, and the
Inter-Agency Committee on Water Re- long tradition that they represent all argue
sources, 19581. And it is here, really, that for them as the most probable common de-
the need for a consensus is greatest. In the nominator on which a professional con-
United States, cost-benefit (and its counter- sensus on procedures for applied welfare
part, <<cost-effectiveness") analysis received economics can be based.
a major boost when the PPB (Planning- And so, having made my plea, let me
Programming-Budgeting) concept was en- salute the profession with what might well
dorsed by President Lyndon Johnson and have been the title of this paper, with what
decreed as official policy by the Bureau of is certainly the key that points to the solu-
the Budget. And a t the state and local level, tion of most problems in applied welfare
investment projects and programs are also economics, with what surely should be the
being scrutinized with an unprecedented de- motto of any society that we applied welfare
gree of care, largely owing to the increasing economists might form, and what probably,
concern that people have for environmental if only we could learn to pronounce it, should
issues. Moreover, not just the United States be our password:
is involved in this movement; the concerns
about the environment, the worries about
N a*
axi "
/ Di(z) -dz.
"what we are doing to ourselves," the recog- z i dz
nition that our resources are too scarce to
be wasted on bad programs, have no na-
tional limits. There is, indeed, a worldwide REFERENCES
trend in which, country by country, an in- 1. CORLETT,W. J. and HAGUE, D. C.
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vide a sound economic justification for the 2. FOSTER, E. and SONNENSCHEIN, H.
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nally, we have seen in the last decade a fare," Econometrics, March 1970, 38 (2),
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Three Basic Postulates for Applied Welfare Economics: An Interpretive Essay
Arnold C. Harberger
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 9, No. 3. (Sep., 1971), pp. 785-797.
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The Cost of Protection and the Scientific Tariff
Harry G. Johnson
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 68, No. 4. (Aug., 1960), pp. 327-345.
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The Foundations of Welfare Economics
Oscar Lange
Econometrica, Vol. 10, No. 3/4. (Jul. - Oct., 1942), pp. 215-228.
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Ideal Output and the Interdependence of Firms
Lionel W. McKenzie
The Economic Journal, Vol. 61, No. 244. (Dec., 1951), pp. 785-803.
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The General Welfare in Relation to Problems of Taxation and of Railway and Utility Rates
Harold Hotelling
Econometrica, Vol. 6, No. 3. (Jul., 1938), pp. 242-269.
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Price Distortion and Economic Welfare
Edward Foster; Hugo Sonnenschein
Econometrica, Vol. 38, No. 2. (Mar., 1970), pp. 281-297.
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Price Distortion and Economic Welfare
Edward Foster; Hugo Sonnenschein
Econometrica, Vol. 38, No. 2. (Mar., 1970), pp. 281-297.
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The General Welfare in Relation to Problems of Taxation and of Railway and Utility Rates
Harold Hotelling
Econometrica, Vol. 6, No. 3. (Jul., 1938), pp. 242-269.
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The Cost of Protection and the Scientific Tariff
Harry G. Johnson
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 68, No. 4. (Aug., 1960), pp. 327-345.
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The Foundations of Welfare Economics
Oscar Lange
Econometrica, Vol. 10, No. 3/4. (Jul. - Oct., 1942), pp. 215-228.
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Ideal Output and the Interdependence of Firms
Lionel W. McKenzie
The Economic Journal, Vol. 61, No. 244. (Dec., 1951), pp. 785-803.
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