Achieving Clarity - 1

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To: Nancy Myers

From: Max Rozvodovskiy

Date: January 18, 2022
Re: Achieving Clarity and limiting paragraph length

Achieving Clarity – Pg. 80

1. We need this information as soon as possible.

- John M. Davidson, and his son, need the tire for their tree house, before the first fall of snow
that’s within three days.

2. The machinery will replace a flawed piece of equipment in our department.

- The Auto Detection Robotic Services will scan, repair or replace any damaged sensors within the
grounds of Josh’s Laboratory.

3. Failure to purchase this will have a negative impact.

- Failure to invest into the DJI crypto currency will leave you and your family with a massive
amount of debt.

4. Whether problems in the area resulted in damage to the computer systems.

- Because of the abrupt snowstorm that has hit our city, all online communications have been
shut down.

5. The most recent occurrences were caused by insufficient personnel.

- The sheep were eaten by wolves because there were not enough guard dogs on duty.

Limit Paragraph Length to Achieve Conciseness – Pg. 65

As you know, we use electronics to process freight and documentation. We are in the process of
having terminals placed in the export departments of some of our major customers around the
country so they may keep track of all their shipments within our system. I would like to propose a
similar tracking system for your company. We could handle all your export traffic from your
locations around the country and monitor these exports with a terminal located in your home office.
This could have many advantages for you. You could generate an export invoice in your export
department, which could be transmitted via the computer to our office. You could trace your
shipments more readily. This would allow you to determine rating fees more accurately. Finally, your
accounting department would benefit. All in all your export operations would achieve greater

Have you ever heard of achieving greater efficiency? This is achievable simply by the tacking of freight
shipments electronically. Terminals will be placed for our major costumers in the export departments.
This will allow the ease of shipment tracking if our costumers ever decide to do so. Many benefits would
come arise from the installation of this newly developed tracking system.
 Monitoring of the export traffic would come at ease all from the comfort of your home
 The home office at that which you are at would transmit the export invoices
 The tracing of the shipments would come in a quick timely manner
 A great accuracy of the rating fees would be generated in the utmost of care and speed
 The information received by the accounting departments would arrive in the utmost of
accuracy and timely manner

We would really hope you took the consideration of installing these terminals within your company. Let
us know what you think on the matter, thank you.

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