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MONITORING AND SUPERVISION TOOL FOR TEACHERS (Blended Leaning Delivery) Name of Teacher Monitored: PatiA_ Yen YO. Hepntos Date:_Qe-v2 , 202 School/Station: _ GALLEGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Distric TARANGNAN Name of School Head: AMALIA E. BENDO ‘This checklist wil be utlized by the echoo! hea in the conduct of monitoring and supervision of teachers. This is based on the KRAs ofthe teachers vis-dvis thelr actual conduct of instructional actvilies duting this heath ess. Using the rubrics below, please rata the teacher's performance by ticking the appropriate box that corresponds tothe indicated levels of behavior. ‘Outstanding (0) - Teachers performance consistenly exceeds expectations, consistetly displayed a high evel of performance related stil, attudes, atibutes, ntiatves, and productivty, at all times. Sef-drecton of the teacher s evident Very Satisfactory (VS) ~Teacher’s performance often exceeds expectations. Displays a high level of competency related to sls, attitudes, intatives, and productivity, exceeding requirements in many of the indicators. ‘Satisfactory (S) - Teacher's perfomance meet basic expectations based on slandarés. Display basic level of work and performance ‘culputs as required outcomes or expectations ofthe job. oor (P) - Teacher's performance on the job and performance outputs frequently fall below standards. Work outputs consistently fais to meet required outcomes which needed repetition, Not Observed (NO) ~ Teacher's performance on the required job and performance output isnot evident. Work output is not evident at al. REMARKS | “Applied Knowledge of content within cross curriculum leaching a7eas. ‘+ Tho teacher demonstrated mastery of content as shown in hisMher crated MELC-based Budget of Lesson and the comesponding| 2 worksheets /aetivty sheets, 2 Ensured the postive use of IGT To facifate Te Teaching and leaming process ‘+The teacher demonstrated knowledge and skin the use of ICT | (computer skils, use software application, Internet, etc) in 7 making digitized materials or offine leaming ‘3 Displayed profcient use of Mother Tongue, Flpino, Englgh o Tacitale teaching and learning. ‘+ The teacher demonstrated language proficient in crafting the a instructional materials ulize in modular leaming delivery ee Soe Nomer ‘and secure fe ae Te enhance. ar — SS through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures. ‘+ The teacher conducted orientation and observed constant giving of reminders to students on the observance of health & safely protocols againet COVID 19 (washing of hands, wearing of facemask, andor face shield, use of alcohol or sanitizer, etc.) Wards a tearing area that: student's learning, Nourage Parents ‘5. Maintained supportive leamers to participate, earning, Tearing oom aaa Cooperate and clabora fee the parents and barangay officials, i timely and constructive feedback fo improve leamer performance, + The teacher provided time! ‘conduct of individualized Underachieving learners. ly mechanism to students through the home-based feedback to a The teacher encouraged the use of (Le, portfolio assessment, Tontradiiional assessments virtual performance assessment, etc.) 7 5. Uillized assessment data fo inform the modMation of aching and eaming practices and programs. + The teacher conducted analysis of leamers’ anewers to activities 4 and assessments for proper intervention + The teacher made a list of least leamed competendles based on the result of students’ summative tests. (quarterly assessment), / ‘+The teacher ensured the validity and reliability of assesement results through different strategies / mechanism. 2 9. Set achievable and appropriate leaming outcomes thal are aligned with learning competencies. a + The teacher achieved 75% leamers' proficiency level ofthe MELcs, PES eter EnaogonenTe Peon Conan POTENT ORRORRATT| ‘Built relationship with the parents/quardians and the wider school ‘community o facilitate involvement in the educative process. L + The feacher organized the HRPTA. ‘> The teacher conducted a period mecling wih parenis/guardians > {0 inform them oftheir learners’ performance. ‘The teacher made an effor to on MARIA ZENNIN M REBALLOS Teacher Rbnds AMALIA E. BENDO. ‘School Head ange ie Department of Education Region VIEL Division of Samar District of Tarangnan 123845-GALLEGO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Tarangnan, Samar ad Republic of the Philippines iB MONITORING TOOL FOR LEARNERS Name: Demonte, SusTN _@ _Grade/ Section: OPC _LRN: Subject: _fval__fAV_C pate: 1]%#]202) Time Started: WomTime Finished: 140m I. Please Check if you have observed/ check the following: — Portfolio of Modules __ Research Conducted Portfolio of Activity Sheets __ Supplies and Materials Books Distribution __ Project Prepare Print Out Materials __ Study Table/Area — Others (Please Specify) A. Activities Undertaken: - To montor pupils —_Kearnitg progres - B. Difficulty Encountered: Pips i toh Orgwer _pther _queshong OF Ate. thodice - C. Technical Assistance Provided: eplan_—_4o_tie pupil thorough\y nt te —_Cotent Oe flcchier. 2 D. Recommendations: “Tre ohld_dhould rod orc urderdanch —_groperly te, ayestoe rien w]e qudance oe He FOReat = E. Agreement: - Gretlysollod fe gohredike Quen Loy Fhe halen W adictig Oral =the_Mochulee = Conformed: Prepared by: Justin 8 Demonte Learner MARIA ZENNIN MM. REBALLOS Teacher I NOTED: AMALIA E. BENDO TIC SRP Oe Oe ee ef pees Sowa See LoEe

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