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ACTIVITY 1. Watch the video in the link below. Fix these incorrect
sentences to make them correct according to the reading.

a) Piñatas first appeared in Latin America.

Piñatas first appeared in China.

b) The Jewish faith was the first to use piñatas.

The Christian faith was the first to use piñatas.

c) Piñatas are often filled with money.

Piñatas are often full of sweets, toys, etc.

d) In the US. Piñatas are often shaped like donkeys.

In the UK. Piñatas are often shaped like donkeys.

e) Now piñatas are important part of parties in China.

Now piñatas are an important part of children's parties in Latin

ACTIVITY 2. Scan the text again about “The History of Piñatas”.

Answer the questions below.

A. What is a Piñata?
A piñata is a clay or cardboard pot, or a wire structure covered with
papier-mâché, adorned with colored paper and usually with 7 peaks,
which inside contains fruits, sweets or other prizes.

B. What origins does the piñata have?

Has Chinese origins.
C. What shape do piñatas often have?
Shape of donkeys or stars.

D. What are piñatas often filled with?

They are often filled with sweets, toys, etc.

E. Where did the piñatas first appear and become a symbol?

First appeared in China.

F. Who brought the Chinese tradition to Latin America?

It was brought by Diego Soria.

G.Why did Diego Soria bring the tradition to Latin America?

Diego Soria gave Christian masses during the eight days before
Christmas, with the intention of spreading the religion to the natives of

H. What religious faith was the first to use piñatas?

The Christian Faith.

I. How was the piñata used by the Natives of Mexico?

The intention of spreading the religion to the natives of Mexico.

J. Where piñatas were often filled with fruits?

The piñata was a part of this religious mass, often filled with fruits.
People would try to break it with a wooden stick, because they were
considered free of sin if they were able to break it open. The piñatas
were in the shape of a star back then.

K. How were people considered if they were able to break the piñata
open in the Christian faith?
They were considered free from sin.

L. Where were piñatas filled with sweets?

In Latin America and UK.

M.Where are piñatas often shaped like donkeys?

In UK.
ACTIVITY 3. Read the sentences below. Complete them with the
correct form of the Passive Voice. Use the verbs in the parenthesis.

1. Some piñatas has decorated with color papers.

2. Piñatas has filled with sweets, toys or fruit.
3. In the past, a religious mass have celebrated with piñatas.
4. Piñatas has broken with a wooden stick.
5. Piñatas has designed with animal forms in the past.

ACTIVITY 4: Imagine you could make your own piñata. What shape
and colors would you choose? Draw and design your own piñata.
Then, write the different steps on “How to make a piñata”

This would be my piñata if I did it.

Steps to make a piñata:

1) Cut the newspaper into strips and immerse them in a bowl of water, so
that it softens.
2) Prepare a solution of glue and water (say 1/5 of water, but the mixture
should not be liquid anyway) and with this coat a nice swollen balloon,
which will make us all sticky.
3) Cover the balloon with strips of newspaper, express them before
spreading them, and then cover them well with the glue compound.
4) It creates a good layer of paper and vinyl glue, having the foresight to
leave the end of the balloon free, leaving enough empty space to place
sweets and small gifts after drying.
5) When the paper is completely dry (it will take a couple of days,
depending on the size of the pot), prick the balloon with a pin that
breaks it. This way you will have a balloon made of paper with a
perforated end, which will be used to fill it.
6) Color the piñata with tempera or decorate with strips of tissue paper or
crepe paper, paper flowers, colored ribbons... and drill two side holes
to hang it with a sturdy rope at a suitable height (usually a couple of
7) When filling the piñata you not only fill it with candies or sweets, but
you can also place inside a little confetti, streamers and pieces of
colored silk paper.
8) In addition, you can also add small gifts, which will become children's
favorites when they fall and break the piñata.
9) Finally remember that a broomstick that is not too long will help you hit
the piñata, but make sure it is a stick that has spikes or is broken. The
kids are going to use it to hit the piñata and we don't want them to hurt

ACTIVITY 5. Write a family story about “Celebrating with piñatas”.

The piñatas remind us of the deadly sins that must be broken, and the
inns, the accompaniment to Joseph and Mary and the baby Jesus, said
the parish priest who had the opportunity to hit the piñata. The meaning
for the new generations is coexistence, he says. “It’s important to share
with families the food, the joy, the experiences, the faith," he said.
He sent a message: to preserve traditions is to live the gospel, a way to
preserve it, to keep God in mind in families, in traditions, in customs, in
temples, in homes. That is why the fact that it is adorned is one of the
ways in which we prepare to celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus.
The parish priest pointed out that for many families the return of migrants
means that it is very important because many are migrants, they wait for
their family with great eagerness, joy. It is a reason to rest for them, to be
with family, and to remember their traditions and their roots, he said.
And although in the Mission of Tilaco there will be no special celebration
for the returning migrants, they consider keeping them in the prayers of
the homilies of the month of December and in the Masses of Christmas
and New Year's Eve. This year, 5,800 people returned in the 14th Migrant
Caravan that departed from Laredo, Texas. The countrymen who
returned to Mexico did so after the border closure due to the pandemic
caused by Covid-19.

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