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Pee Se wa ho d) recently purchased by Ape Minimization of Cost (Graphical Met te-of-the-art mach al Bethe machine sPecificatinn, me, each gallon of Fue) To operate the newly imported sta | Company, two types of fuels are needed, namely, Fact roduction ti and requirements show that for every one our of production uivalent to 8 horsepon, emits 6 units of chemical gas and generates 4 m B emits 10 units of chemical gas a, ‘This costs 320. In a similar manner, each gallon of Ful B mie ne maximum pre generates 8 horsepower of mechanical energy: This co! erat emitted by such ty aette of euch type of chemical gas allowed by the government 10 De ern rsepone ba : ties of the company require at leas! TSePOWer of machinery is 30 units. The operating activi mechanical energy per hour. determine the numbe! Required. Using the graphical method, ‘ale cost. that are needed to operate the machine at the lowest possible cost- - b ; ‘Answer. There are two constraints in this case namely, the max ee nits of chemical gas allowed to be emitted and the required horsepower ©! a ergy. The steps involved are as follows: Step 7 rn variables in the problem. Use letters to represent the unknow’ Let x = number of gallons of Fuel A y = number of gallons of Fuel B + of gallons of Fuel A and Fuel g Step 2 L_ If necessary, prepare a simple matrix to facilitate the formulation of the constraints. The matrix appears as follows: Units of Chemical Gas Emitted Mechanical Energy Cost 3 6 8 320.00 y 10, 8 300.00 30 32 Step 3 st s. The qualities. ™ uired units quite Formulate the objective function and the constraints in equalities and ine problen! used the words “maximum and “at least.” The former indicates that the req! quantities should not be more than the given number, and the latter means that the re’ Cherie 2 | LiveaR Proceaumna: Gearuca Metion 19 g units should not be less than the given number, Hence, S will be used Gallbed for the latter. ill be used for the former and 2 will Min cost: C= P320x + P300y Subject to: 6x + 10y $30 8x + 8y 232 xy20 ‘Step 4 L_ Graph the constraints. The inequality must first be converted to an equality, and the intercept should be determined before graphing the constraints. For the first constraint: 6x + 10y < 30, the equation will be: &x + Wy = 30 n The intercept of this equation is determined as follows: Ifx=0, then y is 3, which is computed Ify = 0, then x is 5, which is computed as follows: as follows: 0 + ty = 30 & + 0 = 30 5‘ ccc asaia: x = 5 For the second constraint: 8x + 8y 2 32, the equation will be: & “+ By = 32 ‘The intercept of this equation is determined as follows: If x = 0, then y is 4, which is computed If y = 0, then x is 4, which is computed (“gs follows: as follows: o + by = 2 & + 0 = 2 y 4 x = 4 Insummary, the equation and the intercepts are: For equation 6x + 10y = 30, the intercepts or vertices are (0, 3), (5, 0). For equation 8x + 8y = 32, the intercepts or vertices are (0, 4), (4 0). 20 Meco Sanat: AQuumane rors 2 DEHN NARS coordinates: Figure 2.3 presents the graph of the < Figure 2.3 i -mine the coordinates of the poiny The two lines intersect; hence, there is a need to deter! Seas Late intersection, By elimination process, the coordinates ®°° ldctermined as fo'ov 6 + iy 30 wx + by =. 32 ‘To eliminate x, multiply the first equation by 8 and the second equation by 6. Then, dc the second equation as follows: : 48x + 80y = 240 48x + 48y 192 32y 48 y = 15 | i | , Substitute the value of y to the first equation to determine the value of x as follows | - & + Wy 30 | ~6 + 1005) =. 30 = 25 The coordinates of the point of intersection, then, are (2.5 15) FA ‘Chuprer 2 | Leas Proceammnc: Grarica Menon 21 FR Step 5 Determine the feasible region. The coordinates of the vertices, including the intersection point, are (0, 4), (0,3), (2.5, 1.5), (4,0), and (5, 0). These coordinates will be tested to identify which of them will satisfy the two constraints. Coordinates (0, 4) First constraint 6x + ‘Wy < 30 60) + 104) < 30 40 < 30 The coordinates (0, 4) violate the first constraint; hence, they do not have to be tested against the second constraint anymore. These coordinates shall not form part of the feasible region. Coordinates (0, 3) First constraint 6x + «Wy «=< 30 60) + 108) < 30 30 < 30 The coordinates (0, 3) satisfy the first constraint. Hence, they shall be tested against the second constraint as follows: Second constraint & + 8y 2 32 80) + 8@) = 32 m4 > 32 This time, the coordinates (0, 3) violate the second constraint because 24 is not greater than 32. Hence, they will not form part of the feasible region. Coordinates (2.5, 1.5) S First constraint: &x + Wy < 30 625) + 100.5) < 30 6B + 16 s 30 30 < 30 22 Manacenent Scence: A Quavtirarive APPROACH TO DECISION-MAKING The coordinates (2.5, 1.5) do not violate the first constraint. Hence, they shalt 4, against the second constraint as follows: Second constraint: ex +: by = 32 (25) + 815) 2 32 2 + 2 2 32 g2 2 32 The coordinates (2.5, 1.5) satisfy the two constraints. Hence, they will form par; on feasible region. Coordinates (4, 0) Firstconstraint 6x. += Wy S30 64) + 100) < 30 24 < 30 The coordinates (4, 0) satisfy the first constraint. Hence, they shall be tested agains: ; second constraint as follows: Second constraint: & + 8y 2 32 win 8@) + 80) 2 32 32. 2 32 The second constraint is not violated by the coordinates (4, 0). Thus, they will form p: the feasible region. Coordinates (5, 0) First constraint: & + Wy < 30 66) + 100) < 30 30 < 30 The coordinates (6, 0) do not violate the first constraint bec ; a be tested against the second constraint as follows: pias Xba esyusil ta Tey Second constraint: 8 + gy > 39 86) + 80) 2 32 “0 = 2 The coordinates (5, 0) do not violate the second constraint as well because 40 is high than 30. These coordinates will also form Part of the feasible regi gion. At this time, the coordinates of the vertices comprising 1 and 6, 0). The shaded portion of Figure 2.4 g the feasible region are (2.5, 15) (+ . the feasible region, aA Churn 2 | Lear Proceamanc: GeanicaMenion 23 SBR asiy Figure 2.4 Step 6 Determine the optimum solution. By substituting in the objective function the coordinates of the vertices located at the feasible region, the computation will appear as follows: Vertices Mincost = P320x + == P300y (25, 1.5) “= 32025) + 3000.5) = = P1,250,00 40) = 320(4) + 300(0) = P1,280.00 60) = 3206) + = 3000) = ~—sP1,600.00 Step 7 Formulate the decision basedon the highest profit or lowest cost. Since the objective function is to minimize the cost, the decision, then, is to use 2.5 gallons of Fuel A and 15 gallons of Fuel B for the optimum cost of 1,250.00. SPECIAL CASES IN LINEAR PROGRAMMING There are four special cases that may arise when solving linear programming problems using the graphical-method, namely, infeasibility, unboundedness, redundancy, and alternate optimal solution.

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