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Petrobowl geology

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1. Absolute The measurement of the permeability, or 13. Anisotropic Having directionally dependent
permeability ability to flow or transmit fluids through a properties. For a crystal of a
rock, conducted when a single fluid, or mineral, variation in physical
phase, is present in the rock. properties observed in different
2. Absolute The measurement of pressure relative to the
pressure pressure in a vacuum, equal to the sum of 14. Anisotropy/Aelotropy Predictable direction of a property
the pressure shown on a pressure gauge and of a material with the direction in
atmospheric pressure. which it is measured, which can
occur at all scales. This variation is
3. Abyss It is known as the deepest area of the ocean
common in shales.
basins. In this area the depositional energy is
low and fine-grained sediments are 15. Anticline An arch-shaped fold in rock in which
deposited slowly by waning turbidity rock layers are upwardly convex.
currents or from suspension in the water. The oldest rock layers form the core
of the fold, and outward from the
4. Abyssal Pertaining to the depositional environment
core progressively younger rocks
of the deepest area of the ocean basins, the
16. Antithetic fault A minor, secondary fault, usually
5. Accomodation Sequence stratigraphic term for the amount
one of a set, whose sense of
of space available for sediment
displacement is opposite to its
associated major and synthetic
6. Accomodation Place where personnel spend their off-duty faults.
time on a rig.
17. Apparent dip The maximum inclination of a
7. Accumulation The phase in the development of a bedding plane, fault plane or other
petroleum system during which geological surface measured from a
hydrocarbons migrate into and remain vertical cross section that is not
trapped in a reservoir. perpendicular to the strike of the
8. Aggradation The accumulation of stratigraphic sequences feature.
by deposition that stacks beds atop each 18. Aquifer A water-bearing portion of a
other, building upwards during periods of petroleum reservoir with a water
balance between sediment supply and drive.
19. Asthenosphere The relatively plastic layer of the
9. Alidade A telescopic device used to construct upper mantle of the Earth on which
surface topographic and geologic maps in the tectonic plates of the litosphere
the field. It is mounted in a plane table, move.
which has a sheet of paper on which to draw
20. Attitude The orientation of a planar or linear
the map, and an object or location is sighted
feature in three-dimensional space.
through it.
21. Autochthon Materials, especially rock masses,
10. Alloctthon A rock mass formed somewhere other than
that formed in their present location
its present location, which was transported
and have not been transported.
by fault movements, large-scale gravity
sliding, or similar processes. 22. Azimuth The angle between the vertical
projection of a line of interest onto a
11. Alluvial Pertaining to the subaerial environment,
horizontal surface and true north or
action and products of a stream or river on
magnetic north measured in
its floodplain usually consisting of detrital
horizontal plane, typically measured
clastic sediments.
clockwise from north.
12. Anhydrite A member of the evaporate group of
23. Basin A depression in the crust of the
minerals formed by precipitation of calcium
Earth, caused by plate tectonic
sulfate [CaSO4] from evaporation of
activity and subsidence, in which
sediments accumulate.
24. Bathyal Pertaining to the environment of 35. Cataclastic Pertaining to a type of metamorphic
deposition and the organisms of the rock with shearing and granulation of
ocean between depths of 200 m [656 minerals caused by high mechanical
ft], the edge of the continental shelf, and stress during faulting or dynamic
2000 m [6560 ft]. metamorphism, typically during
episodes of plate tectonic activity.
25. Bed A layer of sediment or sedimentary
rock, or stratum. 36. Catagenesis The physical and chemical alteration of
sediments and pore fluids at
26. Bed rock The first solid rock under loose
temperatures (50° to 150° C or 122° to
302° F) and pressures higher than those
27. Benioff Zone A zone of the upper mantle in which of diagenesis.
earthquakes occur when a lithospheric
37. Channel A linear, commonly concave-based
plate is subducted, named in honor of
depression through which water and
seismologists Kiyoo Wadati and Hugo
sediment flow and into which sediment
can be deposited in distinctive, often
28. Benthic/Benthonic Pertaining to the environment and elongated bodies.
conditions of organisms living at the
38. Chert A sedimentary rock and a variety of
water bottom, or benthos.
quartz made of extremely fine-grained,
29. Bentonite A material composed of clay minerals, or cryptocrystalline, silica, also called
predominantly montmorillonite with chalcedony.
minor amounts of other smectite group
39. Chronostratigraphy The study of the ages of strata. The
minerals, commonly used in drilling
comparison, or correlation, of
separated strata can include study of
30. Bitumen Naturally ocurring, inflammable organic their relative or absolute ages.
matter formed from kerogen in the
40. Clay Fine-grained sediments less than
process of petroleum generation that is
0.0039mm in size.
soluble in carbon bisulfide. It includes
hydrocarbons such as asphalt and 41. Closure The vertical distance from the apex of a
mineral wax. structure to the lowest structural
contour that contains the structure.
31. Buoma sequence A characteristic sequence of
sedimentary structures occurring in 42. Coal A carbon-rich sedimentary rock that
sedimentary rocks deposited in areas of form the remains of plants deposited
deep-water sedimentation by turbidity as peat in swampy environments
currents, which forms deposits called
43. Coal Sedimentary rock, often highly naturally
fractured, composed of thermally
32. Calcite The crystalline form of calcium modified plant remains.
carbonate and chief constituent of
44. Collision An interaction of lithospheric plates
limestone and chalk.
that can result in the formation of
33. Caliche A crust of coarse sediments or mountain belts and subduction zones.
weathered soil rich in calcium
45. Compaction The physical process by which
sediments are consolidated, resulting in
34. Cap rock A relatively impermeable rock, the reduction of pore space as grains
commonly shale, anhydrite or salt, that are packed closer together. A crushing
forms a barrier or seal above and of the matrix structure as overburden
around reservoir rock, so that fluids loads press down on the rock, reducing
cannot migrate beyond the reservoir. the pore space.
46. Condensate A low-density, high-API gravity liquid 58. Cubic packing The arrangement in space of uniform
hydrocarbon phase that generally occurs in spheres (atoms and molecules in mineral
association with natural gas. The part of the crystals, or grains in clastic sedimentary
hydrocarbon stream that is a vapor in the rock) that results in a cubic material
formation and condenses to a liquid after structure.
being cooled.
59. Dead oil Oil at sufficiently low pressure that it
47. Condensate A relative permeability effect where contains no dissolved gas or a relatively
Banking condensate, usually hydrocarbon, drops out thick oil or residue that has lost its volatile
of the vapor phase around the wellbore components
when the pressure drops below the dew
60. Diagenesis The physical, chemical or biological
point in response to drawdown or depletion.
alteration of sediments into a sedimentary
48. Conformity A bedding surface separating younger from rock at relatively low temperatures and
older strata, along which there is no pressures that can result in changes to the
evidence of subaerial or submarine erosion rock's original mineralogy and texture.
or of nondeposition, and along which there is
61. Diapir A relatively mobile mass that intrudes
no evidence of a significant hiatus.
vertically through more dense rocks
49. Connate The water trapped in the pores of a rock because of buoyancy forces associated with
water during formation of the rock. relatively low-density rock types such as
salt, shale and hot magma
50. Consolidation Compaction and cementation of sediments
to the degree that they become coherent, 62. Dip It is the magnitude of the inclination of a
relatively solid rock. plane from horizontal. True, or maximum, it
is measured perpendicular to strike.
51. Convection The density- and heat-driven cycling, transfer
or circulation of energy through which 63. Dolomitization The geochemical process in supratidal
material initially warms up and becomes Sabkha areas where magnesium [Mg] ions
relatively less dense, then rises, cools and from the evaporation of seawater replace
becomes relatively more dense, and finally calcium [Ca] ions in calcite, forming the
sinks. mineral dolomite.
52. Conventional A reservoir in which buoyant forces keep 64. Effective The interconnected pore volume or void
reservoir hydrocarbons in place below a sealing porosity space in a rock that contributes to fluid flow
caprock. or permeability in a reservoir.
53. Convergent Pertaining to the movement of tectonic 65. Erosion The process of denudation of rocks
plates toward each other, generating including physical, chemical and biological
compressional forces and ultimately resulting breakdown and transportation.
in collision, and in some cases subduction, of
66. Eustasy Changes in the sea level can result from
tectonic plates.
movement of tectonic plates altering the
54. Craton A stable area of continental crust that has volume of ocean basins, or when changes in
not undergone much plate tectonic or climate affect the volume of water stored in
orogenic activity for a long period. glaciers and in polar icecaps. What is the
name of these global sea variations?
55. Crop out In the case of a body of rock, to be exposed
at the surface of the Earth. 67. Facies The overall characteristics of a rock unit that
reflect its origin and differentiate the unit
56. Cross section A diagram of a vertical section through a
from others around it. They are distinguished
volume, as opposed to the surface, "bird's
form another by the mineralogy,
eye," or plan view of a map.
sedimentary source, fossil content,
57. Crust The thin, outermost shell of the Earth that is sedimentary structures and texture.
typically 5 km to 75 km thick [3 to 46 miles].
68. Fault A break or planar surface in brittle rocks
A thin, brittle layer of hard soil that forms on
across which there is observable a
the surface of many soils when they are dry.
69. Fold A wave-like geological structure that forms 83. Metamorphism The process by which the characteristics of
when rocks deform by bending instead of rocks are altered or the rock is
breaking under compressional stress. recrystallized.
70. Geologic A map showing the type and spatial 84. Midoceanic The mountainous, linear axis of ocean
map distribution of rocks at the surface to the ridges basins along which rifting occurs and new
Earth. Rock formations are color-coded and oceanic crust forms as magma wells up
symbols for geological structures are and solidifies. The most prominent are
annotated, so age relationships are evident. those of the Atlantic and Indian oceans.
71. Geophone Name the device used both onshore and on 85. Mohorovicic The boundary, recognized in 1909 by
the seabed to detect the ground velocity of discontinuity Andrija Mohorovicic between the crust and
seismic waves. the mantle of the Earth, which varies from
approximately 5 km (3 miles) under de
72. Horst A block of the formation that has been raised
midoceanic ridges to 75 km (46 miles) deep
between two faults.
under the continents.
73. Horst A relatively high-standing area formed by the
86. Plate tectonics The unifying geologic theory developed to
movement of normal faults that dip away from
explain observations that interactions of the
each other. They occur between low-standing
brittle plates of the lithosphere with each
fault blocks called graben.
other and with the softer underlying
74. Igneous This type of rocks crystallize from molten asthenosphere result in large-scale changes
rocks rock, or magma with interlocking mineral in the Earth.
87. Progradation The accumulation of sequences by
75. Isopach map A contour that connects points of equal deposition in which beds are deposited
thickness. It displays the stratigraphic successively basinward because sediment
thickness of a rock unit as opposed to the true supply exceeds accommodation.
vertical thickness.
88. Pyrolysis A type of geochemical analysis in which a
76. Isostasy The state of gravitational equilibrium between rock sample is subject to controlled heating
the lithosphere and the asthenosphere of the in an inert gas to or past the point of
Earth such that lithospheric plates "float" at a generating hydrocarbons in order to assess
given elevation depending on their thickness. its quality as a source rock.
77. Lag The delay or difference in the arrival time of 89. Quartz An abundant rock-forming mineral
seismic events that can result from weathering composed of silicon and oxygen, also
of the rocks or variations in geologic called silica. It is one of the major
structures in the subsurface. constituents of sandstone and other clastic
78. Limestone It consists about the 10% of the sedimentary sedimentary rocks.
rocks and being an essential component of 90. Reef A mount, ridge, or buildup of sediment or
concrete. A carbonate [CaCO3] sedimentary sedimentary rock, most commonly
rock predominantly composed by calcite of produced by organisms that secrete shells
organic, chemical or detrital origin. such as corals.
79. Lithology Collection of rock composition and type. 91. Regression The migration of shoreline into a basin
80. Lithology It is known as the macroscopic nature of the during progradation due to fall in a relative
mineral content, texture and color of rocks. sea level.

81. Magma The molten rock in the Earth that can either 92. Reservoir A subsurface body of rock having sufficient
rise to the surface as lava and form extrusive porosity and permeability to store and
igneous rocks or cool within the Earth to form transmit fluids
plutonic igneous rock. 93. Retrogradation The accumulation of sequences by
82. Metagenesis The last stage of maturation and conservation deposition in which beds are deposited
of organic matter to hydrocarbons. It occurs successively landward because sediment
at temperatures of 150° to 200°C (302° to supply is limited and cannot fill the
392°F). available accommodation.
94. Rheology Generally the study of how matter deforms 107. Superposition The stratigraphic principle that states that, in
and flows, including its elasticity, plasticity the case of undeformed, flat-lying strata,
and viscosity. younger layers are deposited atop older
ones, such that the top layer is youngest and
95. Sabkha Name the environment of coastal
underlying layers increase in age with depth.
sedimentation characterized by arid or
semiarid conditions above the level of high 108. Syncline Basin- or trough-shaped fold in rock in
tide and by the absence of vegetation. which rock layers are downwardly convex.
The youngest rock layers form the core of
96. Salt dome An usually large movement or intrusion of salt
the fold and outward from the core
that gradually flows through the rock.
progressively older rocks occur.
97. Salt dome They are formed as a consequence of the
109. Synthetic A type of minor fault whose sense of
relative buoyancy of salt when buried beneath
fault displacement is similar to its associated
other types of sediment. Mushroom-shaped or
major fault.
plug-shaped diapir made of salt, commonly
having an overlying cap rock. 110. Tectonic map A geologic map showing the structure of the
Earth's crust.
98. Sand A detrital grain between 0.0625 mm and 2 mm
in diameter. It is larger than silt but smaller 111. Topographic A contour map that displays the elevation of
than a granule. map the Earth's surface. It is commonly used as
the base map for surface geological
99. Sandstone A clastic sedimentary rock whose grains are
predominantly sand-sized. The term is
commonly used to imply consolidated sand 112. Transgression The migration of a shoreline out of a basin
or a rock made of predominantly quartz sand. and onto land during retrogradation.
100. Secondary The further movement of the hydrocarbons, 113. Trap The configuration of rocks suitable for
migration after their expulsion, into reservoir rock in a containing hydrocarbons and sealed by a
hydrocarbon trap or other area of relatively impermeable formation through
accumulation. which hydrocarbons will not migrate.
101. Sequence A field of study in which basin-filling 114. Vitrinite A type of woody kerogen that is relatively
stratigraphy sedimentary deposits, called sequences, are uniform in composition. Its refelctance is a
interpreted in a framework of eustasy, useful measurement of source rock maturity.
sedimentation and subsidence through time in
115. Weathering The physical, chemical and biological
order to correlate strata and predict the
processes that decompose rock at and
stratigraphy or relatively unknown areas.
below the surface of the Earth through low
102. Shale A fine-grained, fissile, detrital sedimentary pressures and temperatures and the
rock formed by consolidation of clay and silt- presence of air and water.
sized particles into thin, relatively
impermeable layers. It is the most abundant
sedimentary rock.
103. Source rock A rock rich in organic matter which, if heated
sufficiently, will generate oir or gas.
104. Strain The permanent deformation evident in rocks
and other solid bodies that have experienced
a sufficiently high applied stress.
105. Stress The force applied to a body that can result in
deformation, or strain, usually described in
terms of magnitude per unit of area, or
106. Subsidence Compaction of a zone (vertical height
shrinkage) created by compaction of the
matrix after some load supporting fluids have
been produced.

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