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Module - 5

Indian Painting

I. Essay Questions (5 Marks)

1. Describe briefly the evolution of the Indian painting

A.1. Excavations at various places of Indusvally civilization and Madhy Pradesh showed the earliest
specimens of creative painting in India.

2. Both Brahoananical and Buddist literature refer the paintings of various types and techniques.
For example, lepyachitras, Lekhachitras and Dhulit chirtas.

3. The earliest and most important wall paintings (frescoes) are found in the Buddists rock-cuts
caves of Ajanta in the western Deccan.

Many other south Indian temple such Brihadeshwara temple at Tanjavur are decorated with
wall paintings on themes from epics and mythology.

4. The wall ceilings and columns of the cave walls of the halls depict scenes from Jataka tales
and Buddist themes other Themes include flora and fauna and animal figures.

2. What changes are taken place after 13th century A.D. in the Indian Art ?

A. 1. From 13th century onewards, the Turkish sultans of northern India brought with them important
features of Persian court culture.

2. In the 15th and 16th centuries illustrated manscripts of persian influence were produced.

3. The interaction of Indian painters with persian tradition resulted in the synthesis of two styles
in the works of 16th century.

4. During the early sultanate period, significant contribution to the art of painting was made by
the Jain community to the art of painting was made by the Jain community of western India.
5. The art of textual illustration got a new look under the Mughals Akbar and his successors
brought revolutionary changes to painting and sensual illustrations.
6. During Jahangir's period Artists began to use vibrant colours such as pecock blue and red
and were able to give three dimensional effect. However withdrawl of rayal patrorage to
painting under Auranzeb led to the dispersal of artists to different places in the country.
7. The rise of Bhakti movement in India in the 15th and 16th centuries also inspired illustrative
texts on the themes of vishnava devotional cult.

3. What changes are taken place in Art during Modern age ?

A.1. In the late eighteenth and earlly 19th centuries painting comprised semi westrenised local styles
which were patronised by British residents and visitors.
2. The theme were generally drawn from Indian social life, popular festivals, and Mughal monuments
3. In later 18th century art schools on the European model were established in major Indian cities
like calcutta, Bombay and Madras.
4. Oil painting of Raja Ravi Varma became highly popular at this time.
5. Gradully some deeper changes took place in the thinking of the English educated urban middle
class which began to be reflected in expressions of the artists.
6. During 1940 decade artistis formed a group who dipicted the condition of people of India through
new visual language, and novel techniques.
7. In the 1970s artists began to critically survey their environment. Two government institutions
have been set up to promote art, music etc in India.

4. Describe kalighat painting . What are the subjects in Kalighat paintings and why are
these paintings popular.
A. 1. Kalighat is a bazar near the Kalitemple in Kolkata.
2. Patva peinter's from rural Bengal came and settled in Klalighat to make images of Gods and
goddesses in the early 19th century.
3. These paintings on paper made with water colours comprise clear sweeping line drawing
using bright colours and clear background.
4. Subjects are images of Kali, Lakshmi, Krishna, Ganesha Siva and other gods and goddesses.

5. In this process artists developed new forms of expression and effectively portray a wide
range of subjects commenting on social life of Bengal.

Similar kind of Pata paintings may be found in Orrissa.

6. The genre derived much inspiration from the introduction of photography, western style
Theartical performances the rise of babu culture in Bengal as a result of inpact of British
colonial and administrative system.

7. Based on their preexisting models of Hindu deities, the artistist created a whole repertoire of
images, courtesans, actresses, heroins, Pompus babu and conceited dandies, resplendent in
their fancy attire and hairstyles smoking pipes and play sitar.

5. Explain about decorative painting and give an account of Madhubani Painting.

A.1. Adorning walls of houses and huts is old tradition.

2. Decorative designs on floor are made for auspicious occations. These designs are called
decorative paintings.

3. Mailhila painting, known as Madhubani folkart belogns to this tradition.

4. It in the traditional art of the Mithila region in Bihar.

5. They are produced by village women with earthen colours and finished in black lines.

6. Drawing in Mahubani pictures are very conceptual. No pretence is there to describe the
figures accurately, visually they are the images that speak in lines and colours.

7. One can identify the camunity to which the painting belogns from the colour that are used in

6. Describe the decorative art in rural areas ?

A.1. The artistic expression of Indian people is not limited to painting on eanvas or paperonly.
Decorative painting on walls of homes even in rural areas is a common sight.

2. Rangoli or decorative designs on floor are made for auspicious occations and pujas is common
sight. It is passed from one generation to the other.

3. These designs are called rangoli in the North, alpana in Bengal, aipan in Ultaranchal, Ragavalli
in Karnataka, Kollam in TamilNadu and mendana in Madhy Pradesh.

4. It is called 'Muggu' in Adhra Pradesh.

5. Adorning walls of houses and huts is also an old tradition.

6. Modubani belongs to this folk art of the Bihar Region.

7. Explain Kalamkari art.

A.1. Kalam means pen-brush, kari means technique

2. These painting are made in Andhra Pradesh.

3. Vegetable dyes are used.

4. Srikalahasti is the best known centre of Kalamkari art.

5. This art is mainly related to decorating temple interior with painted cloth panels.

6. This art is patronaged by vijayanagar rulers.

7. This art form is a continuous legacy from father to son.

8. These painting are made on cloth.

II. Short Questions (3 Marks)

1. What are the various types of paintings refer in Brahminical and Buddist literature ?

(A) 1. Brahninical and Buddist literature refers three types of Painlings.

2. a) Lepyachitras : This was the representation of folk lore.

b) Lekha chitras : It was line drawing and painting on textiles.

c) Dhulit Chitras : This was the painting on the floor.

Silpasastra also have been made in literary sources.

2. Describe the important featurs of Ajanta (caves) paintings.

A.1. The earliest and most important wall paintings (frescoes).

2. They are the rock cut eaves.

3. They are the Buddist caves.

4. The wall ceilings and columns of the cavewalls of the hall depict scenes from Jataka stories.

5. Other themes include flora and fauna and animal figures.

3. Explain the art of painting was made by the Jain community of western India.
1. During the early sultanate period significant contribution to the art of painting was made by the
Jainscriptures were presented to temple libraries.
3. These manuscripts depected the lives and deeds of of Jain Tirthankaras.
4. The art of Textual illustration got a new look under the Mughals.

4. What changes are brought by Akbar and his successors ?

1. Akbar and his successors brought revolutionary changes to painting and sensual illustrations.
2. From this period book illumination or individual miniatures replaced wall painting as the most
vital form of art.
3. Emperor Akbar partronised artists from Kashmir and Gujarath.
4. For the first time painters' names were recorded in inscriptions.
5. Beautiful illustration are found on the pages of Babur nama and Akbar nama.
6. With in a few years a integrated and dynamic style resulted from the synthesis of Persian and
Indian styles and the independent style of Mughal painting.

5. Explain the development of painting during Jahangir's period ?

1. The art of painting reached its climax during the period of Jahangir.
2. He was a grate painter and connoisseur of art.
3. Artist began to use vibrant colour such as peacock blu and red and were able to give three
dimensional effects to paintings.
4. Mansur had made an outstanding portrait of the most shifted artist Abul Hassan.

6. What is the meaning of meniature Painting ?

A.1. However with drawal of royal patronage to painting under Auranga zeb led to the dispersal of
artists to different places in the country.
2. This helped in the development of the art of painting in Rajastan and the Punjab hills giving rise
to distict schools of painting.
3. Pahari schools were started.
4. These works were painted on a small surface and were called mimature painting.
5. They painted themes drawn from epics, myths and legends.

7. Write about Bengal school of Arts ?

A.1. Rabindranath Tagore, Abanindranath Tagore, E.B. Havell and Ananda Kumtish. Ki,ara swamy
played an important role in the emergence of the Bengal school of Art.

2. The Bengal school of art had a great flowering at Santinikethan.

3. Rabindra nath Tagore setup the KalaVhavan here.

8. Write about warti painting.

A.1. Warli painting are tribal paintings

2. These are decorative paintings on floors and walls of 'gond' and 'kol' Tribes homas and places
of worship.

3. These painting made by the women.

4. Subjects are predominently religious.

5. Generally they are in the form of geometric patterns like squares, triangles and circles.

9. Explain briefly about Kalighat painting ?

A.1. Kalighat is a bazar near the kali temple in Kalkota.

2. These paintings are on paper made with water colours.

3. They are more beautiful than any other.

4. Similar kind of paintings may be found in orissa.

5. The rise of babu culture in Bengal as a result of the impact of British colonial they are diversed.

10. What do you mean by Handicrafts ? Give some examples.

A.1. Simple subjects of daily life have been crafted with delicate design which gives expression to
the creativity of the Indian artisans.

2. Every state of India can boast of same unique creation which is special to the region.

3. Eg. Kashmir is famous for embroidered shawls.

4. Srinagar is famous for carpets, namdar, silk and walnut wood furniture.

5. Andhra Pradesh is famous for Bidri work and Pocham palli saries. Tamil nadu is well known
for bronz selpture and kanjeevaram silk saries. Mysore in famous for silk, sandal wood items
and kerala for ivory carvings.

10. What are the differences between warlipaintings and kalighat painting.
Wasli Painitng Kalighat Painting
1. Wasli paintings belong to Maharastra 1. Kalghat Painting belongs to kali temple in Kolkata.
2. They are made on floor. 2. They made on paper.
3. Write colour and rice paste 3. Water colours are used.

11. What are the differences between Handicrafts, Painting

Handi crafts Paintings
1. Simple objectives of dialy life have 1. These paintings are drawn on eighter wall or
been crafted with delicate design cloth.
2. They are useful. 2. They are decorative.

III. Very short Question 1Mark.

1. What do Lepya chitras indecate ?
2. What do Lekha chirtras indicate ?
3. What do dhulit chitras indecate ?
4. Where do we find earliest wall painting?
5. What is the meaning of frescoes ?
6. Which culture was brought up by Turky sultans?
7. What are the changes occured during Mughal period in painting.
8. What did the artist use to give three dimensional effect during Mughals ?
9. What were the Rajastani Pahari painting called ?
10. To which paintings stytem Raja Raviverma oil paintings were good examples?
11. Where did the Bengali school of flourish ?
12. What is the name of the school that emerged by the efforts of Rabindra nath Tagore and E.B.Havell?
13. Under whom the Progressive Artist group was developed?
14. What is the name of decorative designs in Bengal?
15. What is the other name for Madhubani Paintings ?
16. Name the region of origin of Madhubani Paintings ?

17. How many types of earthen colours are used in Madubani paitings ?

18. What is the meaning of the word Kalam Kari ?

19. Where is the centre of Kalam Kari art situated ?

20. Which is the state of warli Painting belongs ?

21. Warli paintings are related to which canmunity in India ?

22. By whom the worli paintings are made ?

23. What are the materials used in worli paintings.

24. What are patterns of worli paintings ?

25. What in the name of the Bazaar near Kali temple in Kolkata ?

26. What colours are used in Kalighat paintings ?

27. What do you mean by Handicrafts ?

28. For what Kashmir is famous ?

29. For what type of Handicrafts srinagar is famous.

30. Which state is famous for Bidri ware ?

31. Which state is famous for cane furniture ?

32. What type of decorative arts are available in Bengal ?

IV. Fill in the blanks

1. The earliest .............. are found in Ajanta caves.

2. Ajanta caves are .............. caves.

3. During sultanate period the contributions of ..............are significant.

4. The art of .............. got a new look under the Mughals.

5. Under Mughal rulers .............. replaced wall paintings.

6. .............. are found in Akbar nama and Babar nama.

7. By using Peacock blue artists were able to give .............. effects to paintings.

8. Rajastani pahari school's paintings are called ..............

9. .............. of Raja Ravivarma became highly popular.
10. .............. was developed under Fracis Newton Souza in Bombay.
11. .............. emerged under Debi prasad, Roy chowdary and K.C.S. Paniker.

V. Multiple Choise

1. He himself was a great painter under Mughals ( )

a) Akbar b) Jahangir c) Babar d) Shahjahan
2. They introduced persian influence in Indian painting ( )
a) Turkish sultans b) Mughals c) Delhi Sultans
3. Mithili paintings belong to this region. ( )
a) Bengal b) Tamilnadu c) Bihar d) Andhra Pradesh
4. The Kalam kari centre is located at ( )
a) Adilabad b) Sri Kalahasti c) Pochampalli d) Vijayawada
5. Pocham palli is famous for ( )
a) Bronze ware b) sandal wood item c) sarees d) shows
Answers :
1. Lepyachitras represent folk lore
2. Lekha chitras represent line drawing and paintings on textile
3. Dhulit chitras represent Painting on floor.
4. Ajanta in the western Deccan
5. Wall paintings.
6. Features of Persian court culture
7. Book illumination or indivdual miniatures replaced wall paintings.
8. Peacock blue
9. Miniature Paintings
10. Oil Paintings
11. Bengal school of Art

12. Santhi niketan
13. Francis newton souza
14. Alpana
15. Mithili Painting.
16. Bihar
17. 4 types of earthen colours
18. Kalam - brush or Pen; Kari - technique
19. Srikalahasti
20. Tribal painting from Maharstra
21. 'Gond' and 'kol' - techique
22. Tribal women
23. White colour and Rice Paste, Vegitable glve
24. Squares, triangles and circles
25. Kalighat
26. Water colours
27. Simple objects crafted with delicate design
28. Kashmiri showls.
29. Carpets, namdar, Silk, walnut wood furniture.
30. Andhra Pradesh
31. Assam
32. Bankura, Terrekota
IV 1. Wall paintings 2. Rocks
3. Jains 4. book illumination individual
5. Wall Paintings 6. Beautiful illustrations
7. Three dimentional 8. Miniature
9. Oil Painting 10. Progressive Artist
11. Madras school of fine arts.
V. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C

5.2 Performing Arts - Music, dance and Drama

I. Essay Questions (5 Marks)

1. Explain the greatness of perfoming arts in India culture.

A.1. Performing arts always have been integral aspects of Indian culture.
2. Initially, these art forms were used to patronage religious and social ideas.
3. The religious and other teachings of Indian preachers reached the masses through the enacting
of dreamas in which music and dance were incorporated.
4. They are the performing arts. They remained important sources of education for the masses.
5. Slowly and gradually, such art forms also became sources of entertainnment and recreation.
6. Over the centuries art forms have developed into multidimensional disciplines, incorporating
various spiritual, psychological, philosophical and aesthetic values.

2. Describe the development of Indian music during vedic era and the medival period.

A. 1. The earlist tradiction of Indian music may be traced to 'sama veda' which contained the slokes
that were put to music.
2. The earliest text dealing exclusively with performing arts is 'Bharata's' 'Natyasastra' (Complied
between 2nd century B.C. and second century A.d) which has six chapters on music.
3. Another major text is 'Matanga's' 'Brihaddesi' complied between 8th and 9th century A.D. In
this work ragas were first named and discussed at great length.
4. Sangeeth Ratnakara written by sarangadeva in the 13th century mentions 264 ragas.
5. In the 12th century only, Jayadeva produced the most brilliant Raga Kavya - Geeta Govindam.
6. Similarly in the medival period the sufi and Bhakti saints encouraged music. Qwwalis were
sung in khanquas and devotional music like Keerthanas and bhajans became popular with
Bhakti saints.
7. During the medival period Indianclassical music was broadly devided into two - Hindustani
and carnatic music.

3. Explain Hindustani music.

A.1. The origin of Hindustani classical music may be traced back to the period of the Delhi sultanate
and Amir khusrav (1253-1325 A.D.).

2. Amirkhusrav encouraged the practice of 'Tabala and sitar'.
3. He introduced many Ragas.
4. Differnt styles of Hindustani music are called gharanas. Gharanas refer to heraditary likages of
5. Gnaranas refer to heriditary linkages of musiciens which represent the core of the style and
distinguish them from one the other. The Gharanas works in guru - shishya parampara. Some
famous gharanas are Gwalior Gharana, Kirana Gharana and Jaipur Gharana.

4. Explain carnative music.

A. 1. The golden period of carnetic music was in between 1700 A.D. and 1850 A.D.
2. Carnatic music collectively attributed to three composer - They wre thyagaraja, Syamasastry
and Muttvswamy Dikshitar.
3. Purandaradasa was another great composer of carnatic music
4. Thyagaraja is revered both as a saint and an artist and espitomises the essences of carnatic
5. The composition of these sangeeth murthies are called kritis. They are devotional in nature.
6. Flute, veena, nadaswaram, mridangam, ghatam are some of the instruments to accompany
carnatic music.

5. What were the changes taken place in Indian music, during British rule ?

A.1. With the British rule came western music.

2. Indians adopted some of their instruments such as violin and clarinet.
3. Orchestration of music on stage is a new development.
4. Use of a cassettes replaced oral transmission of tuner and ragas.
5. Performance which were earlier limited to a privilaged few have now been thrown open to the
public and can be viewed by thousands of music lovers throughout the country.

6. Write about folk music.

A.1. Besides classical music India has a rich legacy of folk or popular music.
2. This music represents the emotions of the masses.
3. Folk songs have their meening or message.

4. They often describe historical events and important rituals.

5. The different styles of folk music are :

Mand - Rajastani, Bhatiali - Bengali, Gulraj - Kashmiri; Pandyani- Madhya Pradesh.

7. What are the important Dance forms and explain them.

A.1. The important dance forms in India 1. Kathak 2. Manipuri 3. Bharatanatyam 4. Odissi
5. Mohini attam 6. Kathakali.

2. In southern India Bharatanatyam and Mohiniattam developed as an important aspects of the

rituals in temples.

3. Yakshagana, a form of Kathakali in Kerala, tells us stories of Ramayana and Maha bharata,
where as kathak and manipuri are mostly related to the stories of Krishna and his leela.

4. Performance of odissi is related to the worship of lord Jagannath.

5. Romantic gestures contain in Thumsi and Ghazals.

8. Explain the 'art of Drama' in Bharatha's Natyasastra?

A.1. Natya sastra is one of the greatest texts written in the field of drama and other performing arts.

2. For Bharatha, drama is a perfect means of communication.

3. According to him. Natya and Natakam are inseperable.

4. Bharatha created the plays known as 'Asura Parajaya' and Amrit 'Manthanam'.

5. He mentioned that the Nat (male artist), and Nati (female artist)

6. He refered music, dance, musical instruments, dialogues themes and stages.

7. He also started the concept of enclosed area drama.

8. Thus we find that the drama achieved a agreat level of perfection during the age of Bharatha.

9. What were the changes taken place in 'Drama' after Bharatha ?

A.1. In the ancient period till the 10th century, the language of the educated, was sanskrit. So
dramas were performed mostly in this language.

2. However characters belonging to lower classes and women were made to speak prakrit.

3. Kautilya's Artha sastra, vatsyan's kamasutra, Kalidas' Abhijnan sakuntalam were all written in

4. Prakrit plays became popular by the 10th century.

5. Vidyapati who lived some time during the 14th century was an important dramatist.
He introduced Hindi and other regional languages in the form of songs.
6. The drama later developed, two types- the classic for intellectuals and subtle nuances of
dramaic traits for common people.

10. What were the changes taken place in drama during British rule ?

A.1. In the 18th century a theatre was established in calculta by an English man.
2. English drama, especially by shakespeare, influenced. Indian drama.
3. The stages evolved by educated Indians were different from traditional open air theatres.
4. A Parsi company founded in Bombay showed that the theatre could be used for commercial
5. Dramas began to depict tragedies, comedies and complexities of urban life.
6. Another aspect which influenced performing arts was the adaptian of folk forms to classic

II. Short Questions (3 Marks)

1. What are the differences inbetween carnatic music and Hindustani music ?
(A) Karnatic music Hindustani music
1. It south Indian music 1. It is north Indian music
2. It was developed with Guru- 2. It was developed Gharanas with
Shishya Parampara Gurushishya parampara
3. Mirdangam, violin are some of 3. Tabala, and Harmonium are accomparied
instruments to accompany with
carnatic music.

2. What are the names of various forms of famous folk music ? What is theam in them ?
A.1. Mand - Rajastani folk music - Based on events in life.
2. Bhatiali - Bengali folk music - It in also based on life.
3. Gulraj - Kashmiri folk music - Usually a folk lore.
4. Pandyani - Madhya pradesh folk music is a narrative.

3. Name 5 famous dancers and their dance forms ?
A. 1. Pandit Briju Maharaj - Kathak form
2. Swapna Sundari - Kuchipudi dance form
3. Kilucharan Mehapatra - Odissi
4. Dr. Padmasubramanyam - Bharatha natyam
5. Madhavi Mugdal - Odissi
6. Pandit Gopikrishna - Kathak.

4. What changes are taken place in the past few decades in the status of performers ?
A. 1. In the past few decades the status of dance as well as its performers has changed.
2. Young people from respectable families have started learning dance to enrich their personal
3. In some schools, colleges and universities seperate departments have been established for
imparting training in dance.
4. Several renowned classical dancers have been awarded national awards.

5. What are the differences in between classical Dramas and folk dramas ?
A. Classic Dramas Folk Dramas
1. Intricacies of theme spon taneous and extemper in nature
2. Sanskrit is the language Local dialect was used.
3. These are for intellectual class These are for common people.

6. What are ten various types of dramas.

A.a. Stage theatre
b. Radio theatre
c. Nukkar or street play
d. Mono drama (one man show)
e. Musical theatre
f. short skits
g. one act plays.

7. What is the present scenario of performing Arts ?

A.1. Presently all the three forms are flourshing in the country.

2. Several inistitutions like various branches of Gandharve Maha vidyalaya and Prayag sangeeth
samiti have been imparting training in classical music and dance for more that 50 years.

3. Music conferences, baithaks, lectures, demonsitrations are being organised and musicians,
music scholars, music teachers and music critics are trying to popularise music and dance.

4. Various agencies like Indian council of cultural relations (ICCR) and the ministry of Human
resource development continuously propagate all these art forms by giving grants, scholarships
and fellowships to renowned artists as well as to young artists by arranging exchange programmes
in the field of Indian music and dance, drama.

8. How does the develooment of human personality take place by the Art forms? or

A.1. These art forms music, Danced and Drama create a pleasant atmosphere.

2. The people in volved in these art forms can attain balance and peace of mind, self-restraint
and love for all. Negative feelings vanish.

3. The knowledge and prectice of these art forms help in the development of one's personality.

III. Very short Question 1Mark.

1. Which is the earliest tradition of Indian music ? (or) What is the origine of Indian music.

2. What is the name of book written by Matanga ?

3. Who was the most notable musian in Akbar's court ?

4. Who was the first composer of carnatic music ?

5. What were the adoptions of Indian music with the influence of western music.

6. What are three categories of Dance ?

7. Name the dramas written by Bharatha.

8. Who is the writer of Meghdutam ?

9. To which style of dance Pandit Gopikrishna belonged ?

10. Who introduced Hindi and other languages in Dance ?

11. To which state kuchipudi belongs ?

12. What are the famous music inistitutian ?

IV. Fill in the blanks
1. is eartiest text dealing with performing arts.
2. Jayadeva produced .............. the Raga Kavya.
3. The most famous musician of Akbars court was ..............
4. Hindustani musicians belong to ..............
5. The writings of three composers in carnatic music are called ..............
6. Muslims sing .............. or mournful songs during Muharram.
7. In Assam people celebrate most of the harvesting season through ..............
8. .............. Dance came to be performed in royal court in medival tims.
9. .............. community meantioned in Bharat's book.

V. Match the following.

A. Geeta Govinda ( ) 1. String instrument
B. Mridangam ( ) 2. Sitar player
C. Veena ( ) 3. Bengali folk music
D. Pt. Ravi sankar ( ) 4. Skin Instrument
E. Bhatiali ( ) 5. Jayadeva

VI. Multiple Choise

1. ............. is the first musician in Hindustani ( )

a) Gopal Nayak b) Swamy Haridas
c) Amirkhushrav d) Tansen
2. The writer of sangeeth ratnakar ( )
a) Bharatha b) Saranga deva c) Brihaddesi d) Jayadeva
3. Dhrupad and Dhamar are ........ ( )
a) Carnatic music b) Hindustani music c) Folk music d) Western music
4. The western instruments used in music ( )
a) Drums b) Saxophone c) violin d) Flute

5. Harsha charitra was written by ....... ( )
a) Kalidasa b) Bhana Bhatt c) Jayasankar Prasad d) Madhusudhan
Answers :
1. Samaveda 2. Bhrihaddesi
3. Tansen 4. Tyagaraj
5. Violin or clarinet 6. Nritta, nritya, natya
7. Asura parajaya, Amritmadhnam.
8. Kalidasa 9. Khathak
10. Andhra Pradesh 11. Vidya pati
12. Gandharva Maha vidyalaya, Prayag samiti.
1. Natya sastra 2. Geeta govindam
3. Baiju bavara 4. Gharana
5. Kritis 6. Sojkhawani
7. Bihu dance 8. Kathak
9. Sai loosh
V. A, B, C, D, C
VI. 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B

5.3 Indian Achitecture
I. Essay Questions (5 Marks)

1. What are the roots of evolution of Indian Archietecture ?

A.1. Indian architecture was born as soon as the early cave man began to build his own shelter to
live in.
2. Man first began to create and fix his own shelter to protect himself from wild animals and
3. With the artistic faculties of man awakened in the search for larger and better sheltered space,
he began to build, with inherent aesthetic sense, shetters that seemed pleasing eye.
4. Thus emerged architecture, a confulence needs imagination, materials, skills, tools, space,
capacities of the buliders and capabilities of workers.

2. What are the main features of Harappan remains ?

A. 1. The settlements could be traced as for back as 3rd millennium B.C.

2. Some important settlements were excaveted on the banks of the river Indus, particularly at
the bends that provided the plentiful supply of water, easy means of transportation of produce
and other goods, and also some protection by way of natural barriers of the river on at least
oneside, if not two.
3. All the sites consited of walled cities, that provided security on the sides where the river did
not flow.
4. The cities have a rectangular grid pattern of layout that in oriented to the cardinal points.
5. The Indus valley people used standardised burnt mud bricks as building material.
6. There is evidence of building of big dimension which perhaps were public buildings,
administrative or business centre public buildings include granaries.
7. They constructed working peoples quaters.
8. The Harappan people were great engineers as is evident from then public both that was
discoverd at Mohenjodaro.
9. There is also evidence of fortification with gate ways enclosing the walled cities.
10. They constructed dock yards.

3. Write about the construction of Buddist stupas ?

A.1. Buddistic stupas were built at places where Budda's remains were preserred.

2. At the major sites where important events in Budda's life took place.

3. The first stupa was built at Lumbini.

4. The second at Gaya where he attained enlightenment under Bodhi Tree.

5. The third was built at saranath where he gave his first sermon.

6. The fourth stupa was built at kushinagar where he passed away

7. Stupas were built of huge mounds of mud, enclosed in carefully burnt small standard bricks.

4. What are the remarkable achievements in Mughal architecture ?

A. 1. The advent of Mughals brought a new era in architecture.

2. The first building of this rule was Humayun's Tomb at Delhi.

3. Akbar built forts at Agra and Fathepur sikri these buildings reflect the grandeur of the mighty
Mughal empire.

4. The Tajmahal, the tomb of shajahan's wife, is built in marble and relfects all the architectural
features that were developed during Mughal period.

5. The red fort and Jama Masjid also important constructions under Mughals.

5. List various types of buildings, that are constructed after Independence.

A.1. In Delhi the Austrian architect, stein, designed the India International centre.

2. Raj Rawal designed the SCOPE complex and Jawahar vyapar Bhavan in Delhi.

3. By using indigenous building material like sand stone for construction and also combises steps
and open spaces from the plazas of Rome. An Example of this in the CIET building in Delhi.

4. Chandigarh has buildings designed by the French architect, corbusier.

5. Charles correa from Mumbai is resposible for the L.I.C. Building in connaught place, Delhi.

6. What are the differences in between Harappan archtecture and modern architectuse ?

A. Harappan civilization Moderncivilization

1. The settlements were on the banks Settlement of houses even though water is
of river. not available.
2. All the sites consisted walled cities No high walled cities
3. The cities have a rectangle grid No rectangular grid patterns
pattern of layouts
4. Centralised public buildings. seperate public buildings.
5. Only construction of water ways Construction of waterways and also
and dock yards. road and airways.

II. Short Questions (3 Marks)

1. What are the roots of evolution of Indian Architecture ?
(A) 1. Indian architecture was born as soon as the early cave man began to build his own shelter to
live in.
2. Man first began to create and fix his own shelter to protect himself from wild animals and
3. With the artistic faculties of man awakened in the search for larger and better sheltered space,
he began to build, with inherient aesthetic sense, shelters that seemed pleasing to the eye.

2. Indian Listout the various forms of architecture and construction ?

A.1. Architecture accommodated the local and regional cultural Traditions.
2. The study of architecture, and artistic details, statuetts and figurines and relief works and
motifs or engravings in various buildings reveal to us the cultural diversities and help us
understand the rich tradition of India.
3. Evolution of Indian architecture was generally affected by many great important historic

3. Write about cave architecture ?

A. 1. More than 1000 caves have been excavated between 2nd century B.C. and 10th century
2. Famous among these were Ajanta and Ellora caves of Maharastra and udayagiri cave of

3. These caves hold Buddist viharas, chaityas as well as mandapas and pillered temples of
Hindu gods and goddess.

4. Write about Nagara style ?

A. 1. In north and eastern India magnificient temples were also constructed and the style followed
by them is reffered Nagara style.

2. Most of them consisted of the Sikhara (spiralroofs), The garbhagariha (Sanctum) and the
mandap (Pillered hall).

3. This type of constructions are called Nagare style.

5. Write about Qutubminar ?

A. 1. Qutubminar's hight is 70 mts.

2. It is a tapering tower that has five stories.

3. There are beautiful engravings of calligraphy both in Mosque and on the tower.

6. Where the famous temple of are located in Orissa ?

A.1. Orissa has some of the most beautiful temples such as Lingaraja temple built by the Ganga

2. Mukteswara temple at Bhubaneswar and the Jagannath temple at puri are also famous.

3. The sun temple in Kanark was built in 13th century by the eastern Ganga ruler Narasimha
Deva I.

7. Write about wheeled - chariot temples.

A.1. Pallava kings built wheeled - chariot temple at Mahabalipuram.

2. The sun temple at Konark was built by eastern Ganga ruler Narasimha Deva I.

3. These temples have been designed as wheeled - chariot.

III. Very short Question 1Mark.

1. What was the reasons for the construction of walled cities ?

2. One of the remarkable feature was existence of a well planned drainage system. What does it
indicate ?

3. What is remarkable feature in the construction of Harappan civilization.

4. Where was the world's first broze sculpture found.

5. Where was Budda attained enlightenment ?

6. What were built for teaching and iteractian between the common people and monks ?
7. Whose art was considered as the blending of Persians and Greeks.
8. What material was used for chandregupta Maurya's palace ?
9. Which style of art was developed under the patronage of satavahans in Andhra pradesh.
10. Give an example for cave architecture in orissa ?
11. Who built shore temples ?
12. What is the name of famous temple in Banaras ?
13. Where is Jagannath Temple in Orissa located ?

IV. Fill in the blanks

1. During the regin of Ashoka many monolithic stone pillars were erected on which techings of
.............. were inscribed.
2. The gate ways of the sanchistupa with the beautiful sculpture depicting scenes from ..............
3. Ajanta and Ellora caves are examples for .............. architecture.
4. Ratha temples of Mahabalipuram are examples of ..............
5. Kaileshanath temple and vaikuntha perumal temples are examples of .............. temples.
6. Chandella rulers of Madhya pradesh built .............. Temples.
7. Mount Abu in Rajastan were built under the patronage of .............. kings.
8. The famous temple in kolkata is .............. Temple.
9. The buildings during Delhi sultanate were strong against invasions from ..............
10. In the magnificient building Red fort .............. stone was used.
11. One of the seven wonders in the world, Tajmahal built by ..............
12. The name of Traing school of architecture is Delhi.

13. The design used for the LIC Bhavan is ..............

14. With the arrival of .............. during 13th century came a new technique of architecture.

V. Multiple Choise

1. On the basis of religion how can be building architecture devided ( )

a) 10 b) 3 c) 7 d) 2

2. This Art was stated by the early cave man. ( )

a) Painting b) Dance c) architecture d) Music

3. This civilization is revelated by the excavations in Harppa and Mohanjedaro ( )

a) Bengal b) Tamilnadu c) Bihar d) Andhra Pradesh

4. The drainage system in residential parts of city was existed during this century ( )
a) 1st century b) 10 B.C c) 5th century d) 3rd century B.C.

5. The fourth stypa of Budda was built at ............ ( )

a) Thotla konda b) Gaya c) Saranath d) Kusinagar

6. Temple building activities began during these rulers. ( )

a) Guptas b) Satavahanas c) Pallavas d) Cholas

7. ............ was Greek ambassedor who visited Chandra Gupta Maurya's court ( )
a) Vascodagama b) Meghstanese c) Alexander d) Khushru

8. The blending of Greek and Indian arts is ............ ( )

a) Rockcut b) Nagara c) Gandhara Art d) Dravidian style

VI. Match the following.


A. Andhra Pradesh ( ) 1. Ajanta, Ellora Caves

B. Gujarath ( ) 2. Khujaraha Temple

C. Madhy Pradesh ( ) 3. Udayagiri caves

D. Orissa ( ) 4. Somnath temple

E. Maharastra ( )

Answers :


1. To provid security from enemies 2. Civilization

3. Town planning skills 4. Harappa

5. Gaya 6. Chaityas

7. Mauryan Art 8. Wood

9. Amaravathi style of Art 10. Udayagiri caves

11. Pallavas 12. Viswanatha Temple

13. Puri


1. Dhamma 2. Jataka

3. Cave architecture 4. Rock-cut

5. Structural Temples 6. Khujaraho

7. Solanki Rulers 8. Kali Temple

9. Mangoles 10. Tomb of Humayun (Delhi)

11. Shajahan 12. School of planning and Architecture

13. Charles correa 14. Turkish

V. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. A 7.B 8. C

VI . E, C, D, B


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