My Visit To Paris, France: Are The Sentences True or False?

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Are the sentences true or false?

1. This is in England. T/F

2. It is in town. T/F
3. It is raining. T/F
4. In the foreground, we can see
the Metro. T/F
5. There is a cat on the zebra
crossing. T/F
6. In the background, we can see a
river. T/F
7. A lady in an orange dress is
reading a newspaper. T/F
8. Outside the Metro, a lady is
looking at a map. T/F
9. Above the café, a lady is
watering her plants. T/F
10. A car is waiting at the zebra
crossing. T/F
11. A lady in blue is pushing a
pram. T/F
12. In front of the Metro, a man
is taking photos. T/F
13. Through a top window, you can
see a black cat. T/F

I am in Paris. Paris is the capital city of France. You Answer the questions in full sentences:
can see me, I am the guy in a green cap. I am in 1. Where is he?
front of the entrance to the Metro. I am taking -------------------------------
photos. I am standing opposite the Grand Café, near 2. What is the capital city of France?
the river Seine. I am staying in a B&B near the -------------------------------
cathedral of Notre Dame. I love Paris! I love the 3. What is he doing?
food and all the cathedrals and monuments. My -------------------------------
favourite is Sacre Coeur, a big white cathedral with 4. What is his favourite cathedral?
a dome. In there, people light candles and say a
5. What is the Louvre?
prayer. My favourite art gallery is here – it is the
Louvre. The most famous painting in the world – the
6. Which famous painting is in there?
Mona Lisa – is there. I don’t like to spend too much -------------------------------
money on food. I eat in small cafes. I am here for 7. Where does he eat?
three days. After that, I am going to see my French -------------------------------
friend Jean-Pierre who lives in Montpellier in the 8. How long is he staying in Paris?
south of France. I speak a little French, but many -------------------------------
French people speak English. I am having a good 9. Where is he going next and why?
time. Vive la France! ----------------------------------------------

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