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1. Fill in the gaps with the past simple or 2. Fill in the gaps with the past simple or past perfect.
1. Paul __________________ (not- believe) the
1. Carl ________________ (wait) for the bus explanation about the incident that David
when we _______________ (see) him. He ___________________ (give) to them the week
___________ (say) he _________________ (go) before.
to the library because he ______________ (have) 2. __________ you __________ (visit) the Modern
to finish a geography project. Art Museum before we _______________ (go) there
2. Our car _______________ (skid) since the road on the school trip last week?
______________ (be) icy. 3. The guests __________________ (not-like) the
3. While the shop assistant __________________ food mum ____________________ (prepare) for
(help) a customer a man ___________________ dinner.
(steal) a jacket and ________________ (run) 4. As soon as we _______________ (notice) the fire
away. A security guard ____________________ we ______________ (call) the fire brigade. The fire
(catch) him when he _______________________ ________________ (start) on the 2nd floor a few
(leave) the shopping centre. minutes before.
4. The children ____________________ (make) 5. We ______________ (tidy) the house once the
such a noise that their teacher ____________ (get) guests __________________ (leave).
angry, so they ___________________ (can- not- 6. Unfortunately I ______________ (find) out that the
play) in the yard. dictionary I _______________(forget) in class
5. The burglar _________________ (break) into ____________________ (disappear).
the house while the family __________________ 7. Mary never ________________ (tell) us why she
(sleep). _________________ (disobey) her parents coming to
6. Dad _____________ (fall) off the ladder while the party without their permission.
he _________________ (hang) a painting in the

3. Fill in the gaps with the past simple or the 4. Fill in the gaps with the past simple or continuous,
present perfect. the present perfect or past perfect.

1. __________ you ____________ (bring) the 1. Dave ____________ (take) a lot of photos when
book that I ____________ (forget) in class he _____________ (fly) to Brazil last July.
yesterday? 2. While I _______________ (have) a bath last night,
2. It _____________ (be) the most exciting Mary _________________ (read) a comic.
experience I _________________ (ever/have). I 3. ____________________________ (you- ever/ eat)
_____________ (try) hang gliding last summer! sushi?
3. I’m so sorry, dear Sue, but I ______________ 4. Where _____________ Anne_____________
(not-remember) to phone you for your birthday! I (live) before moving to this neighbourhood?
_______________ (be) so busy lately! 5. ___________ they ____________ (eat) the sweets
4. Paul always ________________ (visit) us they ____________ (buy) yesterday yet?
whenever he ______________ (come) to London 6. We __________________ (jog) in the park when a
on a business trip. dog _______________ (bite) Jane.
5. Paula ____________________ (work) in the 7. David ________________ (fall) off his bike and
same company for 10 years. She’s really happy _____________ (break) his arm yesterday.
there. 8. Pam ___________________ (drive) home when
6. Henry _____________ (hate) his job, so he she _________________ (crash) into a bus.
_______________ (give) it up. 9. Carol ____________________ (promise) to be at
He______________ (start) studying at university the party last week, but she finally ____________
this year. (not-come). I ________________ (be) so sad and
7. How long ________________________ (Sally/ disappointed!
drive) this yellow sports car? 10. “___________________________ (the
8. We _________________ (not/meet) John since candidate/ make) speeches during the campaign?”
he _____________ (move) to London. “No, he
9. I _________________ (see) Superman four ____________; in fact he hates speaking in public.
times! 11. John ________________ (can-not-swim) well
1. 2.
1. Paul DIDN’T BELIEVE (not- believe) the
1. Carl WAS WAITING (wait) for the bus when explanation about the incident that David HAD
we SAW (see) him. He SAID (say) he WAS GIVEN (give) to them the week before.
GOING (go) to the library because he HAD (have) 2. HAD you VISITED (visit) the Modern Art
to finish a geography project. Museum before we WENT (go) there on the school
2. Our car SKIDDED (skid) since the road WAS trip last week?
(be) icy. 3. The guests DIDN’T LIKE (not-like) the food mum
3. While the shop assistant WAS HELPING (help) HAD PREPARED (prepare) for dinner.
a customer a man STOLE (steal) a jacket and 4. As soon as we NOTICED (notice) the fire we
RAN (run) away. A security guard CAUGHT CALLED (call) the fire brigade. The fire HAD
(catch) him when he WAS LEAVING (leave) the STARTED (start) on the 2nd floor a few minutes
shopping centre. before.
4. The children WERE MAKING (make) such a 5. We TIDIED (tidy) the house once the guests HAD
noise that their teacher GOT (get) angry, so they LEFT (leave).
COULDN’T PLAY (can- not-play) in the yard. 6. Unfortunately I FOUND (find) out that the
5. The burglar BROKE (break) into the house dictionary I FORGOT/HAD FORGOTTEN (forget)
while the family WAS SLEEPING (sleep). in class HAD DISAPPEARED (disappear).
6. Dad FELL (fall) off the ladder while he WAS 7. Mary never TOLD (tell) us why she
HANGING (hang) a painting in the hall. HAD DISOBEYED (disobey) her parents coming to
the party without their permission.

3. 4.

1. HAVE you BROUGHT (bring) the book that I 1. Dave TOOK (take) a lot of photos when he FLEW
FORGOT (forget) in class yesterday? (fly) to Brazil last July.
2. It WAS (be) the most exciting experience I 2. While I WAS HAVING (have) a bath last night,
HAVE EVER HAD (ever/have). I TRIED (try) Mary WAS READING (read) a comic.
hang gliding last summer! 3. HAVE YOU EVER EATEN (you- ever/ eat)
3. I’m so sorry, dear Sue, but I DIDIN’T sushi?
REMEMBER (not-remember) to phone you for 4. Where WAS/DID Anne LIVING/ LIVE (live)
your birthday! I HAVE BEEN (be) so busy lately! before moving to this neighbourhood?
4. Paul always VISITED (visit) us whenever he 5. HAVE they EATEN (eat) the sweets they
CAME (come) to London on a business trip. BOUGHT (buy) yesterday yet?
5. Paula HAS WORKED (work) in the same 6. We WERE JOGGING (jog) in the park when a
company for 10 years. She’s really happy there. dog BIT (bite) Jane.
6. Henry HATED (hate) his job, so he GAVE UP 7. David FELL (fall) off his bike and BROKE
(give) it up. He HAS STARTED (start) studying at (break) his arm yesterday.
university this year. 8. Pam WAS DRIVING (drive) home when she
7. How long HAS SALLY DRIVEN/ BEEN CRASHED (crash) into a bus.
DRIVING (Sally/ drive) this yellow sports car? 9. Carol HAD PROMISED (promise) to be at the
8. We HAVEN’T MET (not/meet) John since he party last week, but she finally DIDN’T COME
MOVED (move) to London. (not-come). I WAS (be) so sad and disappointed!
9. I HAVE SEEN (see) Superman four times! 10. “HAS THE CANDIDATE MADE (the
candidate/ make) speeches during the campaign?”
“No, he HASN’T; in fact he hates speaking in public.
11. John COULDN’T SWIM (can-not-swim) well
when he WAS (be) nine.

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